Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   Staff Appreciation Week ~ A User-run event! (
-   -   Staff Trivia - Round 15!! - Starts promptly at 5:45 - LAST ROUND FOR THE EVENT! (

Elmira Swift 03-29-2009 09:35 PM

If we can get 2 more people right now, then we can have a round - but the event forum will shut down in 25 minutes.

Kent 03-29-2009 09:39 PM

I'm ready right now! :D

Hadsvich 03-29-2009 09:40 PM

I'm ready too, if necessary~ :3

Elmira Swift 03-29-2009 09:41 PM

Ok! Let me get the questions together, and I'll have them posted by 5:45. End time 5:51



1. Name the four staff members who loved the Valentine’s Day events from any year.
2. Who was born on the shortest day of the year?
3. Which three staff members love to study psychology, including one who has a degree in the subject?
4. Which staff member lives in California?
5. Who dislikes yoga?
Edit: 1 more minute!!

Hadsvich 03-29-2009 09:51 PM

1. Chi, ChibiTotoro222, Kale, & Snowflower
2. Bisque
3. Spring`Tyme Fresh, ToriKat, & Chi
4. PlatinumChild
5. Kinmotsu

Kent 03-29-2009 09:51 PM

1. Chi, ChibiTotoro222, Kale, & Snowflower
2. Bisque
3. Spring`Tyme Fresh, ToriKat, & Chi
4. PlatinumChild
5. Kinmotsu

Elmira Swift 03-29-2009 09:52 PM

Time is up!

Edit: I thought that Hime was still here :sweat: If she posts, I'll add her score to the list - just needs to be finished very soon - like in 2 minutes.

I know this will shock you both, but...

Hadsvich - 5 right = 4 points
Kent - 5 right = 4 points

Kent 03-29-2009 09:58 PM

Aww, poor Hime, where'd she go?

lol That is a shocker! :O

Elmira Swift 03-29-2009 09:59 PM

I don't know... but the thread is almost about to lock - allegedly.

Hadsvich 03-29-2009 09:59 PM

lol We just can't seem to get anything wrong~ x'D

Elmira Swift 03-29-2009 10:01 PM

Well, it's not hard if you use the search functions. I felt like with the time we had in each round, it would be mean to have people search through the whole site - decided to just stick with things based off of the bios.

*Hime* 03-29-2009 10:03 PM

Ugh Dx

Congrats to everyone!
I always seem to miss out c:

Elmira Swift 03-29-2009 10:05 PM

You're back! I'd say to go ahead and post because I thought you were going to play, but it would break the rules. I'm not sure when Jelly is going to close the thread, but I wouldn't count on us having more time today for another round.

*Hime* 03-29-2009 10:07 PM

That's okay, I can't believe how many rounds I missed while actually being online though x)
Not like I stood a chance against these hardcore trivia players :)

Elmira Swift 03-29-2009 10:11 PM

I thought I was letting people know that they were going on - kept changing the title of the thread, hassled people... I didn't always find everyone who was on though. Yesterday, I think we waited 2-3 hours to start a round because we didn't have enough people for that long.

edit: I think that if we do this sort of thing again, we'll have a sign up sheet for people who are interested in playing so we can send out PMs to alert people.

Dystopia 03-29-2009 10:33 PM

I'll join in. ^^;;

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