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-   -   Howdy's Alternate Vacation Universe - GAME OVER - Results will be posted in the CD at a later date. - Thanks for playing! Enjoy the rest of the event! (

Captain Howdy 06-21-2013 10:28 PM

Howdy's Alternate Vacation Universe - GAME OVER - Results will be posted in the CD at a later date. - Thanks for playing! Enjoy the rest of the event!
Picture it. You're lounging on the beach of a five star tropical resort, listening to the gentle and soothing roar of the ocean. Sipping a papaya daiquiri, you are blissfully at ease as a cute hotel attendant masterfully applies sunscreen to your back in all the right ways. Not a bad picture, eh? --- Well snap out of it, Robinson Crusoe! Cause in truth you're shipwrecked on an uncharted island. The waves violently beat against the shore, it's hot, there aren't any papayas, and I don't see one cute hotel attendant in sight. Sucks to be you.

But put aside a moment your plans to steal that coconut from a nearby monkey, and let us slip beyond this realm of existence. Follow me, if you will, as we travel through time, space and all that other science-y type stuff, to an alternate reality where you, yes you, are not stranded on a deserted rock in the middle of the ocean, but have won an all expenses paid trip to an island paradise! But will it be heaven... or hell on earth? Prepare yourself, my friends, as we enter...

(Banner by neller. [:)])

Captain Howdy 06-21-2013 10:31 PM

Don't worry, it's easy. So easy a baby could do it. A baby with internet access and the ability to read. Actually though, you must be at least 13 years of age to join Menewsha. So uh, so easy a 13 year old baby could do it. But I digress. Often.

Each round you will be presented with a certain aspect of your vacation. You will be given ten lettered options to choose from. These options range from best to worst, and carry a point value. +10 the best, down to +1 the worst. You will not know which option you've chosen until the round is over.

The points will accumulate throughout the rounds and those at the end with the most win.

  1. Choose a letter from A to J.
  2. Copy and paste the provided form, fill it out and post in this thread.
  3. Wait until the next round to see how you've scored. Each round will end and a new one will begin at 9PM Pacific. [Click For Current Pacific Time.]
  4. Rinse. Repeat.

Only one account per person may play. Don't make me bite you. [:B]

Q. I've already chosen a letter, but i'd like to change my pick. What do I do?
A. Just ping me, stating your new letter choice and i'll make sure it's noted.

Q. I'd like to see the current score tally, but there isn't a post for it.
A. I've decided to squirrel that away in the mod forum, so that I may work on it at my leisure. If you'd like to know your current score, you're free to keep track of it yourself.

Q. So what exactly do we win?
A. That's a secret. [mrgreen]

Q. Where do babies come from?
A. Babies 'R' Us.

Captain Howdy 06-21-2013 10:33 PM

Game is now over.
Keep a lookout in the Community Discussion forum where I will be posting the results at a later date. [;)]

Captain Howdy 06-21-2013 10:34 PM

As all things have a beginning, so must they end. Your vacation is over. It's time to go home.

But will it be a happy return?

Captain Howdy 06-21-2013 10:35 PM

They say a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Luckily for you, ya don't have to walk to your vacation destination. But you do need to get to the island somehow.

Let's see how happy a traveler you're going to be.

G +10 Points
Quicker than a flash, you are whisked away to your tropical destination on the back of a magical winged horse named Excelsior. He feeds on starshine, dreams, and, with each beat, candy and happiness fall from his wings.
I +9 Points
First class all the way, baby. Just lean back and relax, as you smoothly glide through the sky without a care in the world.
A +8 Points
Sail in style on a luxury cruise ship. True the trip takes a day or so. But when each day’s a party, the time just flies by.
B +7 Points
It’s noisy, it’s crowded, and you think the attendant may be ignoring you. But it’s a quick flight with no layovers, so that’s a blessing.
E +6 Points
Unlike the multiple layovers you’re experiencing on this plane trip. With stops in Houston, Denver, Milwaukee, Richmond, Orlando and Outer Mongolia.
C +5 Points
The plane is a lot smaller than you imagined. You ask the pilot if it’s safe. He replies, “Sure, when the weather holds.” As he looks up at the grey sky.
J +4 Points
Looking over the junky little tug, you ask the captain what the estimated time of arrival is. He doesn’t even know where you’re going, or who you are. But adds that he hopes you have a bailing bucket.
D +3 Points
Hop aboard. It’s gonna take you a while. But look on the bright side, you get to work on your upper arm strength.
F +2 Points
Ever hear the saying, ‘On a wing and a prayer’? Well you’re gonna need twice of the latter to make up for the former.
H +1 Points
No no, don’t ask how a bus is going to get you to an island. Vacations are overrated, anyway.

Captain Howdy 06-21-2013 10:38 PM

So you've arrived at the island in one piece. Good job. But before you head to the beach, you need to get settled. Time to find your hotel.

Will it be five star or sub par?

E +10 Points
This hotel has everything. Restaurants and swimming pools, beachside sea views in all directions. This is the life. You could stay here forever.
A +9 Points
Now this place is a little slice of paradise. It’s not as close to the beach and doesn’t have all the amenities of the larger hotel, but it’s still more than you could have dreamed of.
H +8 Points
Is there such a thing as too much luxury? The grand hotel promises posh accommodations, but it might be too posh for common folk like you. Rich old ladies stare at you from their seats in the lobby. Even the bellhop slightly rolls his eyes when told to carry your imitation leather luggage.
D +7 Points
By all standards, your hotel is a very nice one. With only a single drawback: It’s smack dab up against the airport, so the sound of planes landing and taking off permeate the area. The front desk says it isn’t so bad, if you keep all the windows closed.
C +6 Points
Vacations are great. Too bad everyone wants to take them at the same time. Your hotel is filled to overflowing with families and rowdy college kids. Let’s hope you like meeting new people.
F +5 Points
Your hotel has certainly seen better days. The dilapidated facade and overgrown foliage certainly give you pause. And oddly, the staff only seems to speak Russian.
I +4 Points
You check into your hotel and quickly discover it’s really just some lady’s house. You insist on finding an actual hotel, but she’s already taken your luggage. She’s nice enough, and a good cook. Curfew’s at nine, though, and then she bolts all the doors.
B +3 Points
Your hotel is in-fact a motel. A very seedy one, at that. It’s seediness compounded by the manager asking if you want a room by the hour. An older couple size you up and ask if you’d like to meet them in the jacuzzi later. You decline and make a bee-line to your room.
J +2 Points
An ominous aura surrounds your hotel. Outside an old woman grabs you by the sleeve and warns, “Beware! Beware!” But in fairness, that happens everywhere you go. Stepping inside you hear your name called in the distance and it’s probably not a good sign that blood’s dripping down the walls. Pleasant dreams.
G +1 Point
Arriving at your hotel, you double check to see if you got the right address. This place looks abandoned. The lobby is bare and in near ruin. The hotel manager assures you they’re only remodeling. The fact that he’s not wearing pants doesn’t put you at ease.

Captain Howdy 06-21-2013 10:39 PM

You've made your way to the hotel, checked in, signed the resister and are eager to see where you'll be sleeping. It's off to your room.

Will it be lush or lame?

J +10 Points
Your suite is breathtaking. The bed is grand and the view spectacular. You instantly feel at peace. It’s like you’re truly coming home for the first time.
E +9 Points
This is living. Your room has all the comforts of home and so much more.
A +8 Points
There’s opulence, and then there’s this. Your room spares no detail when it comes to luxury. It all looks rather expensive, so much so that you’re almost afraid to touch anything.
G +7 Points
From the mirrored ceilings to the heart shaped tub to the nearby cabinet filled with questionable accessories, you feel a might uneasy in your room. Though the vibrating bed is kinda fun. Hope they’ve washed the sheets.
I +6 Points
Yours is a lovely room, when you can see it. Due to current electrical problems, you’re forced to go without power. The hotel was nice enough to supply you with candles, though. For a small fee.
H +5 Points
Your accommodations are quite nice. Too bad you can’t enjoy it more. The people in the next room are pretty noisy. It's the middle of the night, but there's music and loud talking and you may be wrong, but you swear you also heard a goat.
D +4 Points
It’s been a long trip and you’re eager to settle into your room. Inside you find a woman eating breakfast. You apologize for your mistake, but she assures you’re in the right room. The place is double booked, so you’ll be sharing. This is an awkward situation, made even more so when the woman’s husband returns from his shower, without a towel.
B +3 Points
“This can’t be right,” you say. This room is completely bare. The owner explains that theirs is a minimalist establishment. Material goods distract one from examining the inner self. You say your inner self really wants a bed, but no dice.
F +2 Points
An empty room is definitely a step up from this one. It’s filthy. Dirt and debris coat every surface. You’re hesitant to sit on the bed, but it’s the only way to get away from the bugs and rodents running underfoot.
C +1 Point
Heading down into the basement, you feel something is amiss. The room is hot, humid and windowless. Plus there's a slight, chocking chemical smell. You’re led to an old cot set up next to a pair of large metal tanks. This is the boiler room! And you’re expected to sleep down here? -- Well, have fun.

Captain Howdy 06-21-2013 10:39 PM

On vacation there are many aspects which we can control. Where we stay. What we eat. The types of activities we take part in. -- One thing that is beyond our control is the weather.

Take a look out the window and see what hand Mother Nature has dealt you.

B +10 Points
Bright, sunny and perfect. Not too hot and not too cold. It'll be a joy to be outdoors today.
G +9 Points
It’s a bit cooler today than normal, but still a great day to be outside. People bundle up a little tighter and go about their business.
J +8 Points
The sun is sure shining down on the island. It’s downright hot. Perfect weather to sit in the shade with a nice cool drink, or frolic in the ocean, but not much else.
C +7 Points
Grey clouds abound on this overcast day. The sky threatens rain, but never actually gets there. Still amiable enough weather to explore the island.
A +6 Points
Today is not only hot but also swelteringly humid. Anyone venturing outside is at risk of being reduced to a puddle.
F +5 Points
It’s a rainy day in paradise. You can still get around, only if you’re willing to take an umbrella.
H +4 Points
The fog is so thick today you can barely see your hand in front of your face. You wonder if you didn’t actually take a vacation to Silent Hill.
I +3 Points
Rain falls! Lightning splinters the sky! Each thunder peal is like nature saying, “Maybe you should have gone to the Grand Canyon.”
D +2 Points
You should feel special. It’s snowing on your little tropical paradise. In fact it’s the first snow the island has ever seen. Snowbound in your room, you don’t feel quite that lucky to have witnessed it.
E +1 Points
Hurricanes happen. You know hurricanes happen. But you never thought a hurricane would happen… until you wake up one day and see the roof missing.

Captain Howdy 06-21-2013 10:39 PM

You're not just gonna stay holed up in a hotel room, are you? It's time to get out and enjoy the island. But be mindful where you go.

A tourist's dream can easily become a nightmare.

H +10 Points
Now this is what a tropical vacation should be all about. Relaxing on a warm sandy beach, staring out at the clear blue sea, without a care in your head. There’s nowhere else in the world you would rather be right now.
B +9 Points
Some might think it a shame to spend your vacation time inside a museum, when there’s so much to do outdoors. But you’re the type who equally values a culture’s artistic contributions. And honestly you’re having a great time.
D +8 Points
A day at the amusement park means a day of fun. It also means long lines, screaming kids and price gouging. But you don’t mind. Your inner child is having a ball.
F + 7 Points
A boat tour is just the thing when one wants to experience the wonders of the sea. Unfortunately you also experience a bit of sea sickness.
J +6 Points
What is it about shopping in other countries that makes you go a little crazy? Exotic locations filled with strange and interesting trinkets. It’s only at the end of the day do you realize that you’ve spent half your vacation budget on carved coconut faces.
G +5 Points
A bus tour seems like a perfect vacation-type activity. This one promises curb-side views of celebrity homes. Sounds fun. Until you realize this is a five hour tour, and these are celebrities no one outside the island has heard of. Like the multi talented Bandook Montrose and the beautiful Xulana. You ask to get off, but are told to sit down, otherwise you’ll miss the hut of Kollog, the Wonder Boar.
I +4 Points
You traipse on down to the beach to soak in some rays, and are stopped by the sight of various naughty bits just flappin’ in the breeze. Good lord, this is a nude beach! You turn to leave, but stop and think, “Well… when in Rome.” Though you’re not so nonchalant when you find a picture of your ass on the internet two months later.
C +3 Points
You decided to go see a traditional native dance held for the tourists. You, along with a few other spectators, are called forward to participate. You mimic the steps perfectly, and decide to throw in a little of your own fancy footwork for flourish. There’s an audible gasp. An islander explains that you have somehow, through dance, not only blasphemed against their god, but also accused their fathers of fornicating with gorillas. Completely embarrassed, you’re promptly asked to leave.
A +2 Points
There’s a part of you, as a tourist, that doesn’t want to be just a tourist. You want to experience the real people and locales of the island. You wander down a few back streets and find yourself before a club. Donkey Show? You love animal acts! … An hour later you totter out of the club, dazed, wide-eyed and pale. You never want to see an animal act again.
E +1 Point
Your vacation just won’t be complete without going scuba diving, your friends said. You’ll have a blast, they assured. Your friends obviously didn’t know about the annual shark migration round these parts. Nor could they have foreseen a shark chomping down on your tank, puncturing it, propelling you up and out of the water, and forcibly landing on an old man who just had hip surgery. -- You need different friends.

Captain Howdy 06-21-2013 10:39 PM

We see vacations as a small respite from the everyday world. We go off for a week, have fun, come back and that's the end of it. But sometimes they can change our lives in unexpected ways.

Either for the better... or the worst.

G +10 Points
You’ve never been the type to believe in summer romances, but that was before you met what you believe to be the person of your dreams. They’re funny and sweet. Smart and reliable. The kind of mate you had hoped to someday find. And in the most fortuitous turn of events, they’re from your same town. Returning home, your relationship only grows stronger and soon it's clear that they are the one.
D +9 Points
They say the best vacations are composed of the memories you take and the friends you make. Well, you’re taking home a lot of memories and you've made a very good friend. It started as casual chitchat, but pretty soon the two of you were spending more and more time together. It was sad having to say goodbye, but each continued to keep in contact with the other. Within the year, she jumped at the chance to move closer to you and from then on you were both the best of friends.
E +8 Points
Love comes in many forms, as proven by this little guy. At first he was another stray, but quickly he won your heart and you decide to take him home. He’ll have to spend a month in quarantine, but you’ll be together soon enough.
A +7 Points
We all like to have souvenirs of our trips. Little trinkets and baubles, to help recapture that special feeling vacations bring. Well, your souvenir is a house. You became so enamored with the island, you wanted a permanent summer home. It was a hasty decision, but one you feel good about. And you’re pretty sure you can afford it.
H +6 Points
Vacations are a time to throw your cares away. We drink a little more, party a little more, and eat a lot more. And when it came to eating, you were unstoppable. It was all so savory and delicious, how could you say no? But as a result you put on some extra weight. You carry the weight for some months, saying, “I’ll go to the gym tomorrow.” Only when even your sweatpants start to feel snug do you decide to get your rear in gear.
F +5 Points
Tourists are always a target for robbers, and regrettably you were hit. They took your wallet, passport and plane tickets. You’re told to visit your country’s embassy, but find out it’s on a neighboring island. Here’s the catch 22, you can’t leave the island without your passport. Here’s hoping this gets cleared up soon.
I +4 Points
The thing most hope goes wrong on vacation is a little bad weather. Unfortunately for you, what went wrong was a full out revolution. Right when you should be enjoying some fun in the sun, those pesky proletariat decided they’ve had enough. You spend the next couple of weeks pretending to fight for the Great Cause before you mange to steal a boat and head for the mainland.
B +3 Points
The island is dotted with some beautiful, old, historic houses. Seeing a small group of people enter one of these stately mansions, you wander inside on the assumption it’s a tour. Only when the police show up do you realize it’s actually a robbery and you’ve made yourself an accessory. You try to convince the cops of your innocence, but they’re not buying it. Better call your lawyer.
J +2 Points
Before your trip, you were sure to get all the necessary shots. Typhoid, hepatitis and the like. Too bad they didn’t have a vaccine for what you caught. In fact, this particular illness hasn’t been seen on the island in over a hundred years. It begins with fever and fatigue, moves quickly to hallucinations and, if not properly treated, can eventually lead to spontaneous combustion. Luckily you were able to receive the care you needed on time, but you’re going to be in a hospital bed for a while.
C +1 Point
Well this is a fine pickle you’ve gotten into. One minute you’re casually strolling along a moonlit beach and the next thing you know, you’re tied up and blindfolded in someone’s basement. You’ve been kidnapped, my friend. They intend to contact your family, but aren’t sure how international communications work. So they eventually sell you to a black market sweat shop. You plan to make a break for it one of these days, but not before you get that shipment of Louis Vuitton knockoffs out.

Captain Howdy 06-21-2013 10:40 PM
As all things have a beginning, so must they end. Your vacation is over. It's time to go home.

But will it be a happy return?

Captain Howdy 06-21-2013 10:40 PM

Captain Howdy 06-21-2013 10:41 PM

Anglie 07-06-2013 08:24 PM

Today is Day One. My vacation begins. How will I get there?
I Choose Letter: G

dragoness129 07-06-2013 08:24 PM

Quote: Today is Day One. My vacation begins. How will I get there?
I Choose Letter: E

Maria-Minamino 07-06-2013 08:25 PM

Today is Day One. My vacation begins. How will I get there?
I Choose Letter: F

Shadami 07-06-2013 08:27 PM

Today is Day One. My vacation begins. How will I get there?
I Choose Letter: F is for family.

Darth Mudkip 07-06-2013 08:29 PM

Today is Day One. My vacation begins. How will I get there?
I Choose Letter: C

Seridano 07-06-2013 08:30 PM

Today is Day One. My vacation begins. How will I get there?
I Choose Letter: C

Ascadellia 07-06-2013 08:38 PM

Here we gooo!
Today is Day One. My vacation begins. How will I get there?
I Choose Letter: F!

Usako 07-06-2013 08:42 PM

Today is Day One. My vacation begins. How will I get there?
I Choose Letter: A

Kent 07-06-2013 08:43 PM

Today is Day One. My vacation begins. How will I get there?
I Choose Letter: H

Popcorn Gun 07-06-2013 08:54 PM

Today is Day One. My vacation begins. How will I get there?
I Choose Letter: G

star2000shadow 07-06-2013 09:29 PM

Today is Day One. My vacation begins. How will I get there?
I Choose Letter: I

Hadsvich 07-06-2013 09:35 PM

Today is Day One. My vacation begins. How will I get there?
I Choose Letter: I

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