Menewsha Avatar Community

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Kiyoto 04-06-2015 10:06 PM

~ Virtual ~ (Just Jump In)
~ Virtual ~

Life can be mundane and boring at times, so in order to pass it, many spend their time within the world of virtual reality. This is not to say that their only past time is gaming, oh no, the real world can be quite the adventure as well. For current 2015, the game of choice for most is one called Rune. Here, people are able to customize their avatar character. From appearance, to race, class and more. Their able to chat with people from all over the world, as well as go on missions, train, join guilds even virtually get married and begin a family if they desire. Of course, one could also find love and a family in the real world if they desired to. It is up to the player, the path they choose and how to spend their time. Nothing is set in stone, things are always evolving.


The roleplay takes place within two worlds. The normal human world, and the virtual world of Rune. This roleplay will be a just jump in one with a twist. The twist, being that you get to help create the world that you're playing in. Whether it be a location or such in the real world or in the virtual world, it is up to you. You also influence the plot, start a mini tournament or a quest if you like. If you wish to do so, you can always ask me for help as the GM. It is up to you.

1. Follow all mene rules
2. Respect all members of the rp.
3. No god modding
4. No mary/gary sues
5. Warn us if you are going to be gone for a longer period of time.
6. Keep ooc talk in the ooc.
7. To join, simply fill out a character sheet and post it at the top of your first post.
8. To make a location, simply fill out a location sheet and post it at the top of the post you introduce that location into the roleplay.
9. To start a special quest or impacting event into the roleplay, feel free to message and ask for assistance from me as the GM.




Kiyoto 04-06-2015 10:06 PM


Special information for the roleplay will be posted here.

Kiyoto 04-06-2015 10:37 PM


-Real world-
*Note: All people in the real world have the race of HUMAN. It is in the VR world, that you can get creative with race.

[img]picture of your character in the real world NOT virtual reality[/img]

-Virtual world-

[img]Picture of Avatar[/img]
Name: (Your avatar/screen name)
Level: (1-50 to begin with)
Class: (Mage, knight, cleric, hunter, ninja, etc.)
Extra: (anything else you want us to know about their virtual self.)


[img] an actual picture of the place, or something to represent it. Such as a logo, banner, etc.[/img]
Location: (Real or Virtual World)
Information on location: (what can be found there, what you can do, any rules etc.)

Kiyoto 04-06-2015 10:39 PM


Kiyoto 04-06-2015 11:47 PM
Jesse "Rhyder, Rhy" Heideko
A typical college student, not much is known about him since he moved during his senior year and keeps more to himself. He is a hard working student, as well as a strong gamer on the side. He is good with computers and his hands, enjoying tinkering with things, as well as playing guitar. Some see him as a punk, arrogant and standoffish, but he merely has problems expressing himself. He is actually kind and thinks more of others than himself most of the time. He is loyal to those he cares for, and would lay down his life for them. At the same time, he oddly enough does enjoy soccer and basketball as well.

Jesse sighed, tapping his pen on his notebook. Homework, something he wished he could ignore. So far, he was doing a bad job of getting any of it done. What was capturing his attention, was the virtual reality gear that sat next to his laptop across the room. Rune, a game that had come out not long ago, but was already great in popularity. A game he had already made a name for himself in, even if many did not know it was him. He smiled, closing his bag. He stood, tossing it to the bed, as he moved to the computer.

Picking up the sleek glasses, he slipped them over his eyes. They looked similar to sun glasses, which made them more popular with those who did not want clunky virtual wear. He moved over to the bed, before he sat down upon it. He smiled, reclining back upon the pillows that were there. Taking a breath, he closed his eyes for a moment. He reached up, pressing a button on the side of the glasses, turning the gear on. For a moment, he hesitated, before opening his eyes.
Centurian (Living Data)
- Teleporting: He is able to break his physical body down into smaller data pieces, reassembling himself in another location.
- Flash step: A quicker form of teleporting, it is limited to the immediate area around him, boosting his speed, making his attacks faster and him a harder target to hit.
-Cyber constructs: the virtual variation of psychic constructs. Basically, if he can think it, he can create it out of virtual bits of data.
-Technology Manipulation: Within the game itself, he can manipulate the technology of the game. Some people believe this ability has come from his hacker nature, which gives him a few advantages within the game.
Many believe that Cyber is a result of hacking and such. He is a bit of a rebel within the game, at times gaining the attention of police and such within the game. No one knows who he is within the real world, and he constantly manages to outwit and slip through the fingers of bounty hunters and the system.

The scene around him was so real, like it was reality itself. One could practically feel the wind on their face. The graphics were certainly a sight to behold. The tall, slender and lean form of his avatar's body felt so familiar. He stretched his arms above his head, a smile teasing on his lips. His avatar wore a form fitting leather like outfit, with a light coat that went halfway down his back. He wore a pair of knee high boots, as well as finger-less gloves. A pair of headphones over his avatar's ears, and a gas mask like object over his mouth. His hair still black like in the real world, now had a blue tint to it, his eyes an electric blue. The detailing in his outfit was blue as well like circuitry running through his clothing, his avatar was quite handsome indeed.

He was seen as handsome within the real world as well, popular within school and out of it. Here however, he was something and someone else. He smiled, looking up at the sky. He reached a hand up, pressing a fingertip to the mask that hid the lower half of his face. It glowed for a moment, before shattering like glass into small pixel like pieces. He thought about what to do, where to go. There was various things to do within this world, one of the reasons he enjoyed being here within this world more than the normal one most of the time. Deciding on a bit of training, he turned away from the spot he stood in. A large field, green grass and trees stretching out before him. There would be beasts, monsters and more not far away, which would allow him to level up.

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