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For-Chan Cookie 08-04-2018 04:48 AM

❀ The Wallflower Greenhouse ❀ A Place for Shy Butterflies ❀
*Butterflies flutter gently through the balmy air of the greenhouse. A tea party is set up in the middle of the lush gardens with trays of sugar water attracting quite the colorful crowd of butterflies. Jeweled wings all colors of the rainbow spread lazily as butterflies feast upon the sticky sweet water. The trickle of a nearby fountain plays nicely with the gentle sound of harp music floating in the air like the butterflies in the room.*

Just envisioning something pretty and soothing. A nice hothouse full of lush tropical plants with wildly colored flowers and the gentle fluttering of so many different butterflies. Plus a tea party. People like tea parties right? What's your favorite flavor of tea? Right now I'm on a Thai Tea kick myself. Om nom nom!

Nephila 08-04-2018 04:52 AM

What a peaceful setting.

I like Chai, Rose, lemon ginger, jasmine

What's thai tea?

hummy 08-04-2018 04:55 AM

Cookie love

For-Chan Cookie 08-04-2018 05:01 AM

It's a reddish orange tea that gets served with a heap of sweetened condensed milk. It can range from cotton candy sweetness to a good smoky tea with a nice creamy sweetness. It really depends on if it's being made with actual tea or from a powdered mix, though I pretty much like it however I can get it. But it's better with real tea.

I like a good chai too. They opened a new Chinese market here and I got some peach jasmine tea. It was nice, but it was like drinking a pretty soap. In a good way. But yeah, jasmine isn't my favorite tea.

*snuggles hummy*

hummy 08-04-2018 05:48 AM

I really like flowery flavored teas. I don't like milk and lots of sugar and junk like that in my tea

Shion Uzuki 08-04-2018 07:52 AM

I like green teas, chamomile is great for helping me sleep. I love fruity teas too.

hummy 08-04-2018 07:58 AM

I like sleepy time tea too, I think that's peppermint tea

For-Chan Cookie 08-04-2018 02:34 PM

I need to drink more tea. I don't drink coffee. I was really into tea when I was younger. Now I'm just lazy when it comes to brewing it. [sweat]

hummy 08-04-2018 03:01 PM

makes cookie some tea

For-Chan Cookie 08-04-2018 03:05 PM

I made delicious blueberry muffins the other day. Those would be good with tea.

hummy 08-04-2018 03:21 PM

Jose Sherwood.
This is what my audio text posted.
And I said oh, they sure would

For-Chan Cookie 08-04-2018 03:34 PM

I use a Swype keyboard, so it sort of sits between getting the word right and shitty predictive text/autocorrect based on where your fingers swiped across. It never understands when I type 'your'. It always thinks I type 'Thor.' And I like Thor, but I use your more than Thor! Also, it will not type 'delicious!' It always types out Felicia. Always, always. Like, please learn what I type and adjust accordingly. You should not be typing Felicia after all these years of using you! I'm just too lazy to switch. I like the Swype keyboard better than the regular google keyboard.

hummy 08-04-2018 03:38 PM

My phone used to know me but it updated and now it acts like I'm an alien

For-Chan Cookie 08-04-2018 03:48 PM

I need a new phone. the GPS is going on mine. I'll be in one place and it will think I'm dozens of miles away. I was at work one day, in Providence, Rhode Island and my phone thought I was at the home of the Patriots, Patriot Place, which is up in Foxborough, Massachusetts, aka not really that close to me. It's a good 40-minute drive away, at least! Usually, it thinks I'm somewhere else in Rhode Island, but it's super annoying. Trying to navigate while the GPS is working is impossible. And playing Pokemon Go is nearly impossible x_x

hummy 08-04-2018 04:02 PM

Oh man that would be horrible for me I am directionally challenged!

For-Chan Cookie 08-04-2018 04:29 PM

Yeah. Might have gotten lost one day. My phone wasn't coughing up directions and my mom is useless at using google maps. Even with a map in her hand, she didn't know what she was doing. I don't know how she used to navigate in the old days of paper maps! And she could have asked her phone for directions but "How do I do that?" -_-;;;

Nephila 08-04-2018 04:41 PM

Oh that sounds interesting and yummy.

I've tried Vietnamese coffee with is made with condensed milk. When served chilled it's like a really nice treat.

For-Chan Cookie 08-04-2018 04:46 PM

Yeah, they make it hot and iced, but I prefer it iced. You can probably find some at a Thai restaurant near you or an Asian restaurant that also serves Thai food. I get a powdered mix from my local Asian grocery stores. We recently got a big Chinese chain from New York that opened up a big store. All sorts of neat things there, but I still like my smaller Asian markets in the area.

hummy 08-04-2018 04:48 PM

I smell like garlic

For-Chan Cookie 08-04-2018 04:58 PM

Then hummy smells delicious...except to vampires.

hummy 08-04-2018 05:03 PM

I totally do. And I do think that's why I started eating a lot of garlic when I was younger. Now I would put Garlic on anything

For-Chan Cookie 08-04-2018 05:15 PM

My mom's the same way. She'll eat minced garlic out of a tube. Though she was telling us that she went to a garlic restaurant in California called the Stinking Rose and she hated the garlic ice cream.

hummy 08-04-2018 05:22 PM

I might give roasted garlic ice cream a try but regular garlic might be a little bitter or you know Bernie on the tongue

For-Chan Cookie 08-04-2018 05:43 PM

Yeah, my uncle was saying it was weird because he heard a lot of people do like garlic ice cream. I think my mom just got a bad one. It would probably be better roasted to bring out the sweetness. Although, that said I still don't think I'd eat it. x_x

hummy 08-04-2018 05:45 PM

I would it could be really good

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