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Nephilem 07-04-2016 10:44 PM

Arkham Massachusetts
Hello everyone! Welcome welcome to my roleplay thread. :)

I wanted to introduce an idea for a roleplay I've had for a little while now and though it's still in progress as far as planning i thought maybe we could play with the base design and sort of Beta test things a little. So, first I will introduce the setting and world in which you will be involved. It is loosely based off of Lovecrafts Arkham Massachusetts.

The city of Arkham Mass. Is one of tall, proud looking structures of a Victorian Gothic style architecture. Groomed to perfection in its style by an ancient vampire whom dwells beneath the city itself in the various catacombs originating from the center of the city where the Grand psychiatric hospital stands. The vampire, known by those who know of him simply as The Doctor, is a German surgeon whom came to the states many many centuries ago with his son to save his family line. Though a vampire, he made sure his son remained human to continue the family line and ensure that by having something to watch over and cultivate he may be able to continue to hold onto his humanity. The Doctor stays hidden away under ground from most save for those who are close to him as he is a Nosferatu vampire, and thus was not graced with glorious looks. He favors wearing surgical gloves, a gas mask and a long white lab coat. His body in life was badly burnt and did not heal even after he was turned so it is now held together by hundreds of leather belts and straps which his ghouls help to clean as often as they can. The Doctors family did continue on through time to current days where they reside in the old Arkham Hospital that was shut down and refurbished to be the manor house they now call home sitting just outside the city limits. Arkham is rumored to hide more then just vampires.

Just a bit of background for anyone interested in joining.

I do have a few rules I would like followed and those are as follows:

1. Do not be rude or disrespectful to one another and be mindful of how things are playing out. If two people are already interacting in a scene don't jump into it unless asked.

2. Read everything in this first post before typing anything, don't be lazy. Roleplay is about reading and writing. You want to play, you have to know what's going on.

3. Characters must have Bios if you want to play. That must be the first thing you post when you make your entrance into this roleplay.

4. I have pre-made characters should anyone like to play them, I will list them shortly. If you do want to play one, message me privately and I will mark them as yours for the purposes of this roleplay.

5. If things between two players get beyond a rating of PG please take it to a private message. You can come back when your characters finish whatever it is they are doing together.

6. If you choose to play a pre-made character you must use the face claims chosen for them. If you post anything with a picture related to them it must be of the person chosen for their character model.

7. I may not always be available in the forum, in the case that I am not please be patient and know that I will get back to you as soon as I can. I will be checking every day to see if new things have been posted and I read everything so don't fret if I don't respond right away.

Pre-made Characters:

1. Erik/Erica Vause

Character Face Claims: Kenneth Nixon and Laura Prepon

Age: Appears to be 18
Species: Vampire
Occupation: Co-owner of a big deal law firm in Arkham, and also the Alpha of a werewolf tribe known as the Lords of Light.

Shape Shifting-forms include: Wolf, Bat, Woman (Yes a woman. At will whenever he likes, Erik can become a chick. Thus the reasoning for both character pictures to be included.)

Sunlight does not effect Erik, and silver will not work on him either.
He has the ability to use shadow to enact his will whatever it may be at the time, he can choose that the shadow be a weapon or make it hide him as he sees fit.

Mate: Wolves mate for life, so when a werewolf chooses a mate he needs to make damn sure she has what it takes to survive it. Though not a wolf completely, Erik still decided he wanted to be with only one person for the eternity that is his life and he chose The Doctors Great times infinity granddaughter, Beatrix Elizabeth Arnum whom he calls Bea for short just to cutely get on her nerves.

History/Bio: Erik arrived at Arkham many years after The Doctor did, he made peace with the old earth dwelling vampire and started assisting him in co-protecting the city against larger threats from other species of monster in the world. It was a late night when Erik was flying through the city in Bat form running patrols and keeping his wolves on their toes for danger when his wing was struck by lightening and he was badly injured. He crash landed in the Arnums back yard where Beatrix found him unconscious and nursed him back to health and since then the two have been nearly impossible to separate except for when her father is around as he does not know of Erik or any of the other supernaturals in the world let alone the city. Though he is not her only mate he knows that he came first and that his soul is bound to hers forever as their souls were forged in the same fire of creation.

2. Otto Bairde

Character Face Claim: Zacky Vengeance (Avenged sevenfold)

Age: Appears to be 17
Species: Obremos Mage (Still human but better than because magic)
Occupation: College Major in law and works for the psychiatric hospital as a night shift orderly.

Smite: Otto is an Obremos which means he holds divine power With Smite he can force someone to see all the bad they've ever done and feel guilt for it. If the guilt is bad enough it will destroy the person from the inside out, otherwise it causes them to go into shock and reevaluate their lives.

Invisibility: Otto can become invisible to sneak around. This does not function like normal invisibility would, instead he is simply invisible to those he wants to not see him and visible to those he wants to be seen by.

History/Bio: Otto is Beatrixs childhood best friend/lover. They grew up together and his family co-owns the hospital with her family. His parents made sure he had the best schooling possible through boarding schools and private tutors. He was adopted at a very young age after his house caught fire mysteriously. His biological parents burnt to death and he was badly burnt as well before he was rescued. Both he and Beatrix were saved by The Doctor. The Doctor performed multiple surgeries on both of them to make them the people they are today.

3. Jack Callaghan Aka Screwtape

Character Face Claim: Joseph Gordon Levitt

Age: Ancient though appears to be 19
Species: Demon
Occupation: Lawyer, youngest in the firm.

Soul steal: Jack has kept himself alive all these years by soul stealing. With this ability he can take a small bit of a persons soul and with it he can possess them and eventually over time that person will turn into him so he can continue his existence. It functions like body jumping.

Swift tongue: Jack is a lawyer for a reason and he deals in souls. As a lawyer he makes deals for the payment of souls though most people who hire him don't know that until it's to late and nothing can be done for it.

History/Bio: Jack, or Screwtape as is his demon name was summoned to Arkham by Beatrix when she was fifteen years old. He was a cross roads demon at the time and through her he gained enough souls to become a pit lord in hell and now challenges Lucifer for his thrown. He was summoned because Beatrix needed him to save her friend whome had his soul wrongfully stolen from him. Originally Screwtape was going to trick her into giving her soul and not helping her but she did something for him he will never forget when he took her to hell to make her deal. She tricked another demon out of his souls and gave them to Screwtape. He couldn't believe it but after that he vowed to protect her with every power he had and eventually she took him as a lover as well. He has been her demon ever since.

That's all the pre-made characters for now, though there will be more added later.
If anyone has questions please message me and let me know. I would love to answer any and all questions.


My Character:

Beatrix Arnum (Kato- Steamgirl)

Character Face Claim:

Age: 17
Species: Mastigos Mage (Human but better)
Occupation: Senior in High school/ Trainee at her fathers hospital for Psychology.

Charm: Beatrix may only be 17 but she's got all the social graces and charm of a mid twenties properly trained lady. Her looks are deceiving and have led to a number of men getting into trouble. She tends to prey on bad men, luring crooks and criminals into trying to make moves on her so she can help her Grandfather clean the streets of Arkham. She can make anyone her friend at the drop of a hat and she utilizes the ability often.

Teleport: With her magic she can open portals to anywhere she pleases and travel there instantly.

Sync: She keeps this ability on at all times and it allows her to keep track of her loves and know where they are at all times in case any of them are in danger. She transfers this ability to the others so they can all feel one another at all times to keep each other safe.

History/Bio: Beatrix was born to James and Elizabeth Arnum shortly after the family moved to Arkham and was born with a caved chest and a club foot, she was not pretty as a small girl and often had to be kept inside and out of sight from most. It was not until Otto that she truly had a friend. He did not run from her or shove her away, instead he took her hand and they grew together over the years as the doctor performed surgery after surgery on the two of them often at the same time to make them into what they are today. She knows of her grandfather and knows of his own beneath the city. Being a supernatural herself she is in tune with all the magic in the city which she and Otto both use to their advantage.


That's that :3 Let's have fun people!

---------- Post added 07-04-2016 at 05:34 PM ----------

-Beatrix sat in the middle of her bedroom floor at 3am and with coffee in hand she looked over her books while she waited for the morning kitchen staff to finish breakfast so she could eat. Erik laid on the foot of her bed eyes closed but not sleeping, and Otto occupied the left side of her bed reading a book. The fire burned brightly in the hearth in her room which she was grateful for because the temp. outside was less then comfortable. She kept her ears open listening for her father to stir in case she would have to hide the boys though she was almost certain her father had left several hours ago or just never came home.

Nephilem 08-04-2016 03:58 AM

The Old Arkham Hospital-Aka, Home

With portions crumbling and only a few wings renovated, Beatrix calls this huge place a home, She's learned the ins and outs of the place over the years, always playing in the walls or the old wings still full of old ancient hospital tools and equipment. She was constantly warned as a child not to mess in the run down parts of the old place but like most children she never listened. It was her play ground.

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