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TKC 11-24-2008 01:57 AM

TKC:On the roof with a toothpick flag
Yea. Uh, TKC is not sure what's occurring, but she figures putting up a thread is a good idea. Edit: TKC is now fully educated.

She guesses that right now is where she promises spiked punch and maybe a few page prizes. But that's only if people pay attention to her this time.

Probably still no art freebies, though TKC is tempted.

By the way, TKC is The Kitchen Charity and they have been open since Dec. 2007, and their puppeteer has been on Mene since April 2007. They pride themselves on giving things away during events. But it always seems to be the same people. We Are Here.

We were too late to get a profile in that sticky, so here we are, being awesome.

First to page 5 wins something.
Just keep posting. ;D

Rainbows 11-24-2008 02:01 AM

-tackles first post-


MacSen191 11-24-2008 02:01 AM

Hi TKC...

Well, this is the first time I am hearing about this charity. Sounds neat!

TKC 11-24-2008 02:02 AM

-is tackled-

Well, welcome to our event offshoot, MacSen. ^^ Be sure to visit the charity forum in general.

Hadsvich 11-24-2008 02:04 AM

Hellos! =3

Did I hear the possibility of free artz?? :O

Rainbows 11-24-2008 02:04 AM

yay, yay ~
-cuddles with tkc-

n 3n

I would offer to help with free art here-
But I'm all clogged up in the art exchange. D:

TKC 11-24-2008 02:10 AM

Most likely I will try to make one freebie during the event since it is Thanksgiving break.

Poor Rainbows got in over her head?

Rainbows 11-24-2008 02:12 AM


Last night I drew six people, I think- that or five or seven..

And today I have my to-draw list up to five more with a project to do and two new scales to learn on my instrument by tuesday~

It kinda sucks.. haha~
But I'm busy, and happy, and it's my boyfriend's birthday.. So.. happyhappy!

TKC 11-24-2008 02:14 AM

Wow. o.o

I never have to draw nearly as much.

Which instrument do you play?

Rainbows 11-24-2008 02:18 AM

Bass clarinet!
I didn't learn everything on the clarinet, so I'm learning how to play clarinet in general on a bass clarinet... The extra keys are confusing.. XD

I have another chair assessment on tuesday or monday-
It's the third this year.
Although; I'm the only bass clarinet.
So, I'm first chair...
Yet, I'm last.
It sucks.
I'm going to ask the director what chair he would put me in IF I were to be in a group of bass clarinets- based on students in the past who have played B/C in frosh year.
:drool: ;;

`Kitami 11-24-2008 02:19 AM

Ahaha... your title made me laugh. x'D

Paprika 11-24-2008 02:22 AM

/hugs TKC <33

Rainbows 11-24-2008 02:24 AM

Yeah, it made me do a little heheh, too..

I gave up on making event threads.
They died, save the one case where I put the title as: "NAKED PEOPLE + A WET T-SHIRT CONTEST!"
I got about 11 pages with that. XD'

TKC 11-24-2008 02:25 AM

Papriiii <3

Glad to amuse you, Kitami. ^^

Rainbows~ I see. I've never seen a Bass Clarinet. Nor does my school have any sort of 'band'.
Good luck with your assessment. ^^
Lol wet T-shirt.

Paprika 11-24-2008 02:26 AM

Nyarr ;o

I am g oing to bed soon XD

I just wanted to come in and visit a little bit first <33

TKC 11-24-2008 02:31 AM

I'm supposed to be getting off soon too. Must work hard tomorrow packing for the food delivery!

Rainbows 11-24-2008 02:32 AM

Ohhh ~
I need to add a picture to my project... XD

-takes one with cell in about ten minutes..-
I have to finish this mini booklet (I should stop posting and do that.).. And then I'll go upstairs and assemble the damn thing. @o@

Oh~ Good luck, Ithir!
I'll just take a pic right now. o.o

There's my dad, holding le bassclarinet!

TKC 11-24-2008 02:40 AM

Sounds like a lot of fun. xP


And poo, I forgot to check TKC PMs and now it's too late to be in the charity recognition thing.

Better whore myself out through the thread.

Edit~ Wow, large instrument.

tentenpuff 11-24-2008 02:44 AM

-rolls in-

The title made me giggle.
I hope we get some new regulars, though~

I mean, the event is about charities, so hopefully that'll shine some light on that forum. xD;

Paprika 11-24-2008 02:44 AM

/hugs TKC

Goodnight! Off to bed :D

Rainbows 11-24-2008 02:44 AM

Aww.. D:
I should have told you about it.

Nightnighty paprikaaa~

TKC 11-24-2008 02:50 AM

Mm, it's fine Rainbows.
I don't look at stickies anyway. xD

Tenten~ Yea, hopefully now people will remember that there is such a forum.

Rainbows 11-24-2008 02:53 AM

o 3o
I can still find the best places to be in the charities forum!
I grew up there, after all~
In lili's thread.
And then, shortly after, TKC >w<

TKC 11-24-2008 03:01 AM

I loved Lilim's thread. n.n

And my friend just got 'sort of' asked to midwinter and is surprised that I saw it coming.

Rainbows 11-24-2008 03:07 AM

Hmm, Why surprised?

I'm betting money that I'll never be asked to any sort of school function by someone other than a friend. :3

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