Menewsha Avatar Community

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Mikio 12-23-2016 09:37 PM

🎄✨Mikio's freebie art thread and hangout - FREE ART FOR LAST POSTER ✨🎄

Welcome, welcome.

I hope you've all been enjoying the event thus far, I know I have! I wanted to set up this thread to meet some new people and to also have some fun during the event. So, come along, say hello and stay around and chat with me and you may score yourself some free sketches [;)]

So, how do you get free art?

- Be active in my thread, I like making new friends [heart]
- I will grant free art every couple of pages to the first person who posts on that particular page. Easy, right?

Free art for the first person to post on pg 6, 12, 20 + free art for the last poster!
No random posts, please. You must remain active in the thread to qualify.

Art granted:

1. star2000shadow - done
2. Kat Dakuu - done
3. Ivvy -

So, come in, grab a warm cup of tea and join the conversation!

star2000shadow 12-23-2016 09:39 PM

is you open and oh pretty sketch 'waves at'

Mikio 12-23-2016 09:42 PM

Welcome, star! Thank you~

Yes, we're open :3

*Hime* 12-23-2016 09:43 PM

Happy holidays Mikio!
Love your art

Mikio 12-23-2016 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by *Hime* (Post 1773796129)
Happy holidays Mikio!
Love your art

Happy holidays to you, too, Hime!
Thank you very much [blush] how are you doing today?

Kat Dakuu 12-23-2016 10:24 PM

Your art is adorable! Hey mikio. I don't think I've seen you around before. How are you?

Mikio 12-23-2016 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by Kat Dakuu (Post 1773796180)
Your art is adorable! Hey mikio. I don't think I've seen you around before. How are you?

Thank you! I don't post a lot and I sometimes go away on long hiatuses but I've been a member since '09. I've seen you around though, especially in the roleplay forums. I've been good, thanks. It's getting late here so I'm going to head to bed soon. How are you? [:)]

star2000shadow 12-23-2016 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Mikio (Post 1773796126)
Welcome, star! Thank you~

Yes, we're open :3

awesome sorry got caught up doing an event entry and my internet keeps telling me its not connected hwen i know its connected and 'screams' it seems every post i ahve to repost and i've become a walking talking homicidel wan tto bash the computer to bits this point.

Kat Dakuu 12-23-2016 10:37 PM

Oh I see. That's when I joined here as well. At least you're still popping in some. :)
I'm alright. Have a good sleep when you do leave.

star2000shadow 12-23-2016 10:52 PM

sweet dreams mikio

Mikio 12-23-2016 10:53 PM


Oh dear! D: I know how it feels to have a slow, unreliable internet connection. Mine is sometimes like that, it gets unbelievably slow so I definitely know your pain. Do you know what the problem is? When did this start and have you called your internet service provider for a solution? Thankfully, mine is fine the majority of the time, it is just the odd times when it goes crazy.


Yes. I've always loved mene and the friendly people here :3 I guess I'm just too shy but I'm hoping this thread will help me communicate with you all better o3o oh and thank you <3

star2000shadow 12-23-2016 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by Mikio (Post 1773796228)

Oh dear! D: I know how it feels to have a slow, unreliable internet connection. Mine is sometimes like that, it gets unbelievably slow so I definitely know your pain. Do you know what the problem is? When did this start and have you called your internet service provider for a solution? Thankfully, mine is fine the majority of the time, it is just the odd times when it goes crazy.


Yes. I've always loved mene and the friendly people here :3 I guess I'm just too shy but I'm hoping this thread will help me communicate with you all better o3o oh and thank you <3

we think its the fact the internet keeps tryign to connect to a soemthign box of some type XBOX th ere we go but we dont' ahve one. he keeps forgetting to 'fix it' and if he doesn't soon i might toss the whole thing otu the window in a fit of pique.. cause cosntantly having to repost, back page in hopes it DIDN'T eat the post and so forth is jsut.. annoying ESPECIALLY WHEN IM DRESSING MY AVI because then i have to get intot he drawer iw as in, wait for it to lode, find the item im after so forth so on....

Kat Dakuu 12-23-2016 11:10 PM

Mikio: Well, this site has grown smaller in time so I bet it's a little easier to join in conversations too. Less big and daunting.

Mikio 12-23-2016 11:10 PM


That's really annoying :( I really hope it gets fixed soon. Your avatar looks great!


It has indeed. I've noticed and it made me kind of sad. Where'd all the people go? D: Ah, I guess real life can be a bum sometimes.

Kat Dakuu 12-23-2016 11:14 PM

Popularity of these kinds of sites is not as high just across the board. But in some ways I don't mind. It's less crazy all the time.

Mikio 12-23-2016 11:16 PM


I've always been a big fan of avatar sites, but yes, I agree that it's a lot less daunting now. It's kind of like a small family now haha.

star2000shadow 12-23-2016 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by Mikio (Post 1773796260)

That's really annoying :( I really hope it gets fixed soon. Your avatar looks great!


It has indeed. I've noticed and it made me kind of sad. Where'd all the people go? D: Ah, I guess real life can be a bum sometimes.

Thanks I'm glad you do she doesnt' feel done but they haven't inveted head bands in the way i wants them 'shakes head' wish i could draw i'd so do sketches and show them and go 'this this pretty please this' haha.

Kat Dakuu 12-23-2016 11:25 PM

Mikio: Yep. I feel like I know most of the site even though this is one of the bigger communities still. Though I do miss some friends that I had.

star2000shadow 12-23-2016 11:49 PM

star's been on 'checks her profile' 'blinks' huh Since 2009 so seven or eight years 'blinks' that's a long time to be on a site.. and im still very active on here any other day of the week then on events of coruse on events every other site ceases to exist to me haha.

Mikio 12-23-2016 11:53 PM


I understand. I too miss my old friends on avatar sites, I used to be active on Gaia and then I left in 2010 and when I got back, all my friends had left or stopped coming on. It really sucks. Now I don't bother with Gaia, it's changed too much and the community is horrible. All the more reason to love mene<3


Me too! I love events, I love that it brings the community together and of course, all those shiny new commons and EI's :DD

EDIT: heading to bed now, it's 01:10 x n x night, all!

star2000shadow 12-24-2016 12:39 AM

night night 'steels your christmas tree'

hummy 12-24-2016 01:09 AM

Merry Christmas Eve-Eve!

Kat Dakuu 12-24-2016 01:14 AM

Oh? I didn't know star had been on this site as long as me. That's cool though.

I'm on basically every day and love this site the most!

star2000shadow 12-24-2016 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by Kat Dakuu (Post 1773796572)
Oh? I didn't know star had been on this site as long as me. That's cool though.

I'm on basically every day and love this site the most!

its the best out there. it hasn't gotten money hungery, if anythign the qualitie of items has gone UP which is why i donate every month rain or shine. and we actually get to interact with the staff..

hummy 12-24-2016 01:33 AM

I agree, star

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