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Kilia 05-07-2014 09:52 PM

How Can I Be Saved Now? (Warning: Can be Sensitive Material)
If you need help with anything that this roleplay may bring up that is rather sensitive to you please go here:

How Can I Be Saved Now?

You never really loved me to begin with.

How can you break something so fragile?

I gave you my all and it was for nothing.

You broke me to the point i can't be fixed.

How can I be saved now?

Your life was going great, until the one you gave your heart to betrayed you. He/She left you broken heart-ted, deep into depression, you feel as if your life just took a dive down hill. Can you find someone else that can mend your broken heart or will you just commit suicide from the depression? Will you be saved? Can you be saved? Or are you to far gone to be saved? What will be the rest of your life story? So there are going to be four couples male and female later on in the story you want to change that you can.


Kilia 05-07-2014 09:54 PM


Appearance: (a super good description or picture i like anime but rl pics are just as good)
Abilities or Skills:
Fears or Weaknesses:

Kilia 05-07-2014 09:55 PM

Accepted Profiles

Username: Kilia
Name: Christopher
Age: 25
Height: 6 foot 1 inch
Weight: 176 pounds
Personality: can be a flirt, a bit grim, just all around has a random personality
History: does not like to talk about it
Abilities or Skills: considered a jack of all trades
Fears or Weaknesses: allergic to mint
Likes: music
Dislikes: a lot of things

Username: Kilia
Name: Miyuki Edogawa
Age: 24
Height: Five feet Five Inches
Weight: 180 pounds
Personality: She can be very shy around other people, mainly because she doesn't know them. She has so many thoughts stirring around in her head that she feels like she are trapped in some dark maze that she can't get out of. She also tends to take things to seriously. She is very ambitious; is a very bright person.
History: Like some people, Miyuki had a troubled past growing up. Sure her childhood was nice, from the day she was born up until she turned eight years old. That was when everything went down hill for her, that was the age that she learned about the adult world. She soon started out with running away from home a year later. Being on the run, she learned to fend for her self. She started out by simply stealing things that she needed. Then she ended up being taken into foster care, where she went back to school. She studied long and hard to make straight As while in school, though that didn't mean she was a good kid. Yea she skipped classes, stole things, jacked cars, she did drugs, even dealt drugs, she was even suicidal and tried to kill her self multiply times. She was lucky enough that none of it went on her record though. She did end up falling in love with someone when she a teenager. He helped her to get clean, took her in so she didn't have to travel from foster home to foster home. They became lovers, only to have it end tragically with her finding him with another person. This made her spin into depression and back into suicide once more, she gave the man multiply tries after that before she got to old and he went for a much younger girl. That was when she graduated high school and then went into the police academy so she could become a cop or detective. Wanting to protect others from what she had to go through.
Abilities or Skills: Gymnast, quick on her feet, stronger then she looks, photographic memory, sharp shooter, and tends to take her exercising to a different level then most, can tell when someone is lying to her, can pick locks, knows how to steal a car, has a few other skills and abilities that she has picked up during her life
Fears or Weaknesses: She fears getting close to someone again like she was before, has a weakness for animals
Likes: animals, children, reading, writing, singing, keeping to her self, nature, drawing, traveling, doing her job
Dislikes: tomatoes, onions, peppers, animal cruelty, liars, and many other types of people who do things against her morals


Originally Posted by happydeath

Shiro Daishi
168 lb
Although Shiro is a very quiet person, he is still very kind hearted towards everyone he meets. The only real time he is seen speaking more often than usual is when he is working at the cafe and he has to take orders for customers and such. The only other time he speaks a bit more is when someone actually talks to him, however when this happens his voice is usually a bit lower than usual as people have tend to tell him to actually speak up louder. There are also many times when his depression tends to sink back in as he feels as though the world around him hates him and that he wouldn't ever be able to feel happy again.
Unlike many kids who were born into a family of a mother and father who cared for them dearly. Shiro was one of the very few exceptions that was born into an orphanage. The reason behind why no one at the orphanage had told him of the reason why his parents had given up their only child to an orphanage was due to the fact that no one even knew themselves. All that was known was that one day, a man and a woman had stepped into the orphanage and decided to give away their newborn child. They hadn't even stuck around to do the paperwork as to why; rather they had dropped Shiro off like he was some sort of delivery for the place.

Growing up within the orphanage wasn't exactly the greatest thing in his life as he had a 9:45pm curfew or else he would be locked outside; if not in dire trouble. Although, Shiro was never really late to return to the building since the only place he had ever really gone to was either the library if not he had ran off to the forest and went in search of new things in his life for adventure. It wasn't till around the age of 8 or 9 that one day he was rushing through the forest as usual that he had found a large clearing that had the grass cut quite short and a large tree in center of it all. Ever since then, whenever he decided not to go to the library; he would tend to go to the forest and just climb the tree to sit at the very top branch to stare up at the sky. He would even end up missing his curfew just to stay and watch the stars at night and sleep there as well.

As he grew older though, Shiro was soon expected to leave the orphanage a bit more often as his curfew was extended to 10:30pm due to him having to start public schooling. Going through schooling each weekday was really different for him and considering the fact that all the kids there had actual families that bought them brand new clothes while Shiro was stuck with the clothes that he was given by the orphanage from those who donated it. He didn't really mind his clothing, but the fact that alot of the kids in the school tended to make fun of him for being in an orphanage was another issue. Doing his best though; shockingly, Shiro was able to pass through school with Bs and As.

It wasn't till he had reached his junior year of high school that he ended up meeting a girl around his age that he had asked out on a date to the junior prom that his heart had soared. It had seemed as though this girl really understood him, almost as though she were him in a female body. After that date, the two of them had actually began to go out together much more often as though they were boyfriend and girlfriend. Shiro had thought as though his new life with this girl was complete until he had found out one day from overhearing her friends talking that she was using him the entire time. When he had decided to ask her up front about it, it seemed as though she was heartless enough to tell him the truth that she never loved him and only liked him because he had an allowance from the orphanage.

After that day, Shiro's happiness had dropped down to nearly complete nothingness. He felt dead inside, all of his grades dropped dramatically to Ds and Cs as he began to stop caring for everything that used to matter to him. His depression consuming his entire body had been to the point that he had almost even ended up dropping out of school if it weren't for the owners of the orphanage and a few of the other orphans that he considered friends did their best to push him forward. Luckily enough, he was able to get through the next full year of his senior year in high school and finally graduate.

With his diploma, Shiro had soon been expected to leave the orphanage for what seemed like for good as the owners had given him whatever money they could to have him try to live his life within the real world. It was only a matter of time that Shiro had ended up getting a job at a decent sized cafe that paid rather well; his depression tended to come back from time to time to haunt him and cause him to nearly drop everything he would ever be doing and sink down into pain and sorrow. However, he does his best not to let it get to him as much as it used to. During the time while he worked at the cafe, Shiro had also done his best to attend college for culinary school but as well as taking martial arts classes on the side to help him learn to mediate and calm down much more often.

After about a year or two of attending the martial arts class; Shiro was able to pass through nearly every belt and end up as one of the best within his group of students. He had even ended up beating his own master as his final challenge for passing through the belts within such a short period of time. To this day, Shiro simply tries to live his life as a cafe worker and a part time student within a decent sized home that wasn't too far from his school; but much closer towards the old forest he once visited when he was a child.
Abilities or Skills:
Master martial artist, great cook/baker, perfect swordsmanship, knows how to communicate well with children, skilled in the arts of stealth, knows first aid using both actual first aid kits or just using natural remedies around him. Knows how to block others loud voices to mediate in any kind of area. Along with many other skills that he has learned with his life from either his schooling, if not from experience.
Fears or Weaknesses:
He doesn't want to trust in those that say that they love him more than just a friend and such in case he gets broken hearted once more. He's not a big fan of the darkness, at least not too much of it. He does like bugs but only to certain limit. Cocky people tend to make him quite upset even though he doesn't say anything to them. Seeing someone else hurt and knowing he can't do anything about it tends to bring him a bit down as well.
  • Sweets.
  • Children.
  • Cooking.
  • Mediating.
  • Training with his martial arts.
  • The night sky.
  • Meeting new people.
  • Children.
  • Drawing.
  • Playing music.
  • Listening to music.
  • Reading.
  • Cheaters.
  • Cocky people.
  • Those who make fun of others for who they are.
  • Disrespectful people.
  • Fighting.
  • Too Blood.
  • Death.
  • Seeing people hurt.


Originally Posted by PrincessKasumi
Username: PrincessKasumi
Name: Renmarie "RJ" Jones
Age: 22
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 124 lbs
Personality: Renmarie "RJ" Jones, girl extrodinaire! That's what she thinks anyway. She's carefree and could careless about much of anything. She's your typical kind-hearted sweet girl with an volcanic temper. RJ does suffer from bipolor disorder, so she can be all hyped up then all depressed or even angry the next. Despite that, she is able to hold onto to relationships with her silly personality.

History: Renmarie pretty much had a normal life, average grades. She graduated high school with a 4.0 GPA and honors. She was born into a family that was in-between middle class and upper class. Though doesn't mean she got what she always wanted. Especially since she had four other siblings. She was born and raised Australia before her mother moved them to the states when she was just wee little girl at the age of 9. Despite being in the states Renmarie has never lost her accent nor has it waned. Renmarie has a fraternal twin who is a few minutes older than her, and they do look identical, but upon closer inspection you'd see they aren't.
Abilities or Skills: Exquisite Baker, amazing drawer, great with animals
Fears or Weaknesses: Afraid of lightning and thunder, also of the dark. She is too trusting of those she does not know.

-Video Games
-Making life long friends

-Rude people
-Any kind of abuse
-Annoying people
-Sour things


Originally Posted by Andraus

Username: Andraus
Name: Joseph Vazquez
Age: 26
Height: 6'4
Weight: 212 lb
Appearance: =
Personality: aggressive, and slightly temperamental.
History: Joseph is a Former Soldier, and Divorced. His Highest Rank was Lance Corporal in the U.S. military. However, he was given a honorable discharge after a bad op. What happened was, him and his men were on a scouting run, looking into reports of armed men in a Canyon pass, and his men were ambushed. His men were killed, and he was hit in the back with a Molotov, permanently scaring his back, and upper arms.

He has to constantly wear bandages, as exposing them to open air causes searing pain, as if he was living through it again. He was Discharged, and allowed to return home, with a medium-sized Pension. When he returned home, he found there was a distance between him and his wife he couldn't breach. If he didn't know the reason for it then, he sure would find out.

Coming home after work, having landed a job at a Local Gun-Store, he found his wife with another man. Disgusted, he got a divorce with her, though he still get's constantly bothered by her, asking for forgiveness. Now, he spends his free time drinking, and gambling, hoping one day either or will kill him. While having no debt, he's hoping someone will get pissed at him for getting lucky.
Abilities or Skills: Military trained, and having kept that regime, still in perfect shape. He also took up Weapon-smithing, experimenting with Non-lethal weapons.
Fears or Weaknesses: He has a profound fear of fire, having to wear oven-mitts whenever he turns the Stove on. Also, whenever he takes off his bandages, his scars start burning, as exposure to open air causes his sensitive nerves to act up.
Likes: Strong Liquor, and Animals
Dislikes: Anything that has anything to do with fire.


Originally Posted by SUPERKICKS
Name: Alison Creon
Age: 26
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 135 lbs
I'm an independent woman and that's the way I like it. I don't like depending on others and I don't like help. I grew up with the idea that women were the lesser of the two genders and that I had to depend solely on men and their money. Screw men. Screw their money. I can handle myself. I don't need anyone coming to my rescue and I don't need anyone to pay for my food. It's my life, it's my responsibility to care for it. Alright, so I've got a bit of an anger issue. And I can be a bit snappy and sarcastic. Can't say people don't love it, though. Ya' just have to get used to it is all. I'm sure you'll come to love me. I'm smart, clever, and I can handle myself. What more could you ask for in a Police officer? I don't take shit from anyone. If you're sassy to me, my fist is sassy back. And I'm sure you don't want that. Really, though, I'm not all bad. I have a sweet side. You just have to not annoy me enough to find it. (That can be a bit difficult, though.) However, once you get me to care for you, I'll be at your side until the end of time. Anything you need, I'll be there to help.
Alison was the product of an unhappy relationship. Her parents, although their younger years were full of wonder and excitement, quickly diminished during her mother's pregnancy. Before her birth, they divorced. Her mother raised her alone, and in a state of mental instability. For a while, her grandmother tried to help out around the small apartment her mother had them living in, but that was only for a few years. When Alison was old enough, around 8 or 9, her grandmother gave up on her mother and Alison was left to take care of the overly emotional and abusive woman.
Constantly, Alison would be ignored or screamed at by her mother simply for looking like her attacker. No matter what Alison did, her mother always blamed her for the decline in her marriage. There was no getting through to her. At school, Alison started to go down the wrong path. She was 13 when she started to drink and smoke. It was almost an escape to just get stupid with her friends at school. However, after an incident with the police and the school, Alison forced herself to step away from that life.
And so, at the age of 15, Alison started to try her best. When she could, she started to work under the table to get money. She went to school every day and most of the time after school, she would go to her job. It wasn't until later at night would she get home to have to do her homework and go to bed.
It was during her last years of highschool she really took a good hard look at what happened to her mother and decided to become a cop. During her time at the academy, she was often partnered with a boy who was a year older than her, Jackson Tamur. They got along swimmingly and did everything together. It was no surprise to anyone that they joined the same police force, the special victim's unit, and started dating.
As she worked, Alison was able to get her mother some counseling. Supported by Jackson, they were happy. They even had plans to get married.
However, Jackson wasn't perfect, and he was dealing in drugs. A cop, dealing in drugs, it was the perfect cover. And when Alison found out, all hell broke loose in their relationship. She didn't know what to do. She loved him, but things were changing.
However, everything ended when he got in trouble with some dealers... and was shot down. Heart broken, and alone, Alison forced herself to continue onward and get over her broken relationship. There were perps to be caught.
She's been living alone in a small apartment for 2 years now, and feels it's time to start looking again.

Abilities or Skills:
  • Black belt in two forms of Martial arts
  • An excellent shot
  • Excellent cook
  • Surprisingly a good singer
  • Fairly strong for her size
  • Hacking Specialist
  • Great "actress" - For special cases

Fears or Weaknesses:
  • Horrible fear of being taken advantage of, despite her skills in self defense
  • Asthma
  • Terrible anger management skills
  • Not exactly a people person
  • Border-line alcoholic

-Guns, -Fighting, -Alcohol, -Kids Cartoons, -Earings, -Professional Boxing, -Gummies of any kind, -Building things, -Computers, -Food

-Snakes, -Chocolate, -Sexism, -Tea, -Losing, -Her mom, -pistachios


Originally Posted by Codette

Username: Codette
Name: Cody Mason
Age: 24
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 100lbs
Personality: Out going and excited. Cody is always up for a good time and a new adventure. She loves new friends all though she doesn't give out much about herself...
History: Cody grew up in a happy, normal suburban home. Her dad worked at an office 9-5, Monday through Friday, and was always there for her. Her mom was a photographer.
In 11th grade she fell in love with Michael, a senior on the football team. Both being athletic, they had fun together. At first Michael complemented Cody on everything she did, but eventually she noticed his gaze traveling. He would mention off-handed comments about her appearance and weight. What started with an increase to her workout schedule, ended up including eating less and popping pills in order to loose weight. Constantly checking her weight, Cody was never satisfied with herself. After about 5 months, Michael dumped her for a girl that was an amateur model. Cody stopped eating entirely, ingesting water, vitamins and diet pills.
Eventually her parents noticed that she wasn't eating, and when she did, she would lock herself in the bathroom afterward. They sent her to a therapist and to various doctors to try to help her, and it did for a while. Unfortunately Cody never looked at her body as something beautiful. Oh she hid her true feelings behind a smile and her athleticism, a joke and an adventure, but in the back of her mind, she would never be as pretty, as perfect, and as skinny as other women.
She moved out of her parents house at 19, on the promise that if she ever felt unhappy in any way, she had to speak with her therapist. She hates her therapist, but still calls him once a week just so her parents don't worry. She still struggles with her image but is taking it one day at a time.
Abilities or Skills: physically fit to an Olympian level, gymnast, skilled in various types of dance as well as track and field and swimming. Cody is also talented as a photographer.
Fears or Weaknesses: Mirrors, seeing her reflection terrifies her, and sends her spiraling back into old habits.
~Hiking through forests
~Healthy foods
~Being lazy
~Junk Food

Kilia 05-10-2014 04:37 AM


1. Follow Mene's TOS of course

2. This is a PG13, so anything that goes above, there has to be a "time skip"

3. There will be fighting of course

4. Romance is allowed, but again, stick to pg13

5. Send profiles to me titled Broken

6. PLEASE and i mean PLEASE try and be at least semi-literate and use grammar and punctuation in here

7. Stick a Feesh in the pm so that i know you read the rules

Above all, this is a place to have fun and rp

Kilia 05-10-2014 04:39 AM


Andraus 05-12-2014 08:44 PM

Joseph pulled up a stool at the bar, and ordered himself the usual: Death Watch Whiskey. As he drank, his scare started to tingle, signaling that he'd need to change them, causing him to grimace. The constant pain was unbearable, and though it'd be much easier to just not change them, Joseph would rather be clean, then comfortable. The scars also reminded him that he was still alive, which was what he needed, more than anything.

happydeath 05-13-2014 09:21 PM

'Left. Right. Left. Right. Left. Right.' A low whisper came from a single male throughout the entire large gym room as he swung his arms towards the large punching bag multiple times in the same exact motion with each strike. Every strike had continued to get stronger and stronger as he slammed the side of his hand against it, thoughts of his past surging through his head rapidly as he was practicing his martial arts on the punching bag, he was unable to keep his center at the sametime. The thoughts of his past surging through his head and the many questions that he still had no answers still made him even more curious. What was his purpose in this world if even his parents didn't want him; the one who he had thought loved him had betrayed him all because she wanted the money out of his pocket that he made from his orphanage. Where was he supposed to go now that he had his job at the cafe and a place of his own. Was he supposed to just live his life like this until the day he died.
So many questions, yet to be answered as the purple haired male finally ended up slamming both his palms against the sides of the bag and held it in place. Panting heavily as he pressed his forehead against the large punching bag, his ponytail strands hanging over his face as sweat dripped onto the rugged flooring underneath his feet. Luckily enough, the gym was empty at the moment; people were either sleeping, working, or just didn't want to go to the gym at this time probably. At least, this gave him some time alone to practice without having to worry about anyone approaching him before it was time for him to head to the cafe and open it up for the beginning of his shift.

This male's name was Shiro Daishi; 25, and still growing yet he was still quite young. Shiro had been told by other employees of that he worked with that he had thought too much of his life and just let himself go with the flow to let life take him where it does. That thinking too hard on it would only end up getting him even more hurt than he already was. Shaking his head as he slicked the strands of purple hair out of his face, Shiro had began to make his way out of the room he was training within and made his way to the rooftop of the building. This gym had allowed any public person to step onto their roof just in case the person wanted to take a nice long breather of fresh air blowing in their face rather than walk on the sidewalk. Shiro on the other hand, had made his way up to the rooftop not only to get some fresh air but to calm his nerves down a bit by mediating and centering himself back to normal.
Making his way over towards one of the corners of the rooftop, he had crossed his legs and sat down onto the floor before letting his arms fall upon his knees. His breathing had still been slightly a bit heavy from him walking up the staircase rather than taking the elevator up to the roof but as well as his body still being slightly exhausted from the intense training. Taking in several deep breathes as his breathing had finally began to steady down.

Kilia 05-14-2014 01:14 AM

(I am so loving the characters guys!!! gah makes me jealous lol)

The air was crispy with the sea breeze coming into the city from the shore, it was nice and gentle enough to help take the bite from the sun shining down onto the now hot asphalt. For six o'clock in the morning it is rather bright and nice out. The morning traffic moved about slowly as the morning rush hour came, stores started to open as did the bars. People milled about as they went through their everyday routine.

though what a lot of people did not see was the dark brown haired woman that was dressed in a tank top, shorts and some tennis shoes as her feet beat the pavement. It was her day off from work and she had plans to use it to run through the city much like she used to when she was younger. She dodge down an alley way, placing a hand on the hood of a car as she hurled her body over it to the other side. She was running at full speed to the so called dead end, once she reached it, she kicked off the wall as she grabbed the top of the fence as she kicked off the chain link to propel her self over it. She slid across the hood of a car before dodging into a nearby bar. She almost ran into Joesph as she jumped over the bar to head to the back door into another alleyway.

Though when you look at the pale skinned female, you would not think that she weighed as much as she really did but that was only because she had curves in the right places. If one watched the female further you could see her climb up a fire escape almost as if it was nothing, all the way to the roof. She ran, jumping over hurdles, ducking and weaving over objects, soon the other side of the roof came before her but that did not cause her to stop her flight. It was not long before she threw her self over the edge of the building, soon tucking as she rolled onto the opposite roof. She came into a sitting position as she breathed heavily. She wiped the sweat from her brow as she pushed her glasses up her nose, taking a break for a moment though she was unaware that she landed on the roof of the gym and that someone, Shiro, was on it with her.

PrincessKasumi 05-14-2014 03:03 AM

RJ was devastated, she had been in this relationship for quite a long time and pretty much right out of the blue she comes "home" only to find her stuff out on the street/sidewalk. RJ banged on the door tirelessly, but there was no answer, no reason as to why. Why had this happened? Was it her, or was it them? Nobody can break your heart like someone you loved and once trusted. Renmarie sighed as she gathered her what she could of her things and just stood there. Where was she to go? She could crash at her sisters' place...yeah that's what she'll do. RJ pulled out her phone and dialed her sister Kelly's phone.

Ring. . . ring. . . ring. . . "Hello?...Hey sis!...I'm calling because I need a place to stay, I...I'll tell you about it later can you come pick me up?"

RJ gathered her things close to curb, so when her sister finally showed up she could just toss it into the back of her truck, which she did. On the way to her sisters place, she told her everything from a few days ago up to now. It was like a sudden change, they just stopped paying attention to her and being intimate with her. Then all of a sudden she was kicked out on her ass. RJ knew there was more to it than what she was thinking about currently but she was just so distraught and upset that she couldn't even think right.

Kelly had told RJ that she could borrow the scooter that was in the garage if she needed to go somewhere to free her mind and relax, which she knew her sister needed to do. Once they arrived at Kelly's place, RJ hopped out immediately started pulling her stuff from the truck's trunk. Once everything was settled in the extra bedroom RJ took the keys from the scooter and drive down to the local cafe. She knew what she needed, which was a delicious strawberry shortcake. Oh my god, the choices she could have, creamy deliciously soft ice-cream or creamy thick frozen custard. But of which are really good.

happydeath 05-14-2014 04:18 AM

With the cool air blowing against his face and body while his eyes had remained shut. Shiro had kept his breathing to a slow pace so that he would be able to center himself much easier within the next few moments, it was only a matter of time that all of his surroundings had become nothing more than a side nuisance to him that he had blocked out. The sounds of birds chirping from nearby and the voices of the citizens wandering around the city at this time had become nothing more than mumbles to him. All that went through his mind at this point was for him to find a better place within his mind that he could stay in and relax alone before it was time for him to head back to work at the cafe for the day.

Without so much as a warning however, while Shiro had sat there on the edge of the roof the sounds of a thud hitting the rooftop from behind him had interrupted his mediation. Quickly both of his eyes had flung open but he kept his back turned towards whoever landed upon the roof with him. Whoever this was that had landed onto the roof, if they were here to try and kill him and steal whatever they could from the gym downstairs or if they had already stolen something and wanted to make sure there were no witnesses; they would end up finding out that it was going to be a big mistake to do so.

Rather than standing up to turn around and face whoever it was on the roof, all Shiro had done was turn his head slightly over his shoulder to take a glimpse at who was on the roof. It was a female with dark brown hair as it looked to be, from what she wore and how she was breathing heavily she couldn't have been someone who had just stolen something. Not to mention, she didn't look as though she held anything of high value that would make her a criminal. Realizing that the person who had landed on the roof wasn't out to kill him when they had the chance, he had stood back up to his feet and made his way over towards the woman. "Are you okay, miss?" He questioned her curiously, making sure to keep a small distance between himself and her in case she had a concealed weapon on her.

Shiro had known all too well that the cafe around this time was probably already open and they were beginning to make a bunch of pastries and such at this time. He had known well enough that he was going to be a bit late as usual for the beginning of his shift but thanks to knowing his manager like a close friend, but as well as the fact that Shiro being probably the kindest employee to all the customers there; he was always allowed to be as late as he needed to be. Just as long as made up the hours when he came in and began to actually work. Although, whenever his phone would decide to go off; he already knew that he was being a bit more late than he should've been if not he was really needed due to the amount of customers that must've been there.

Kilia 05-15-2014 02:55 AM

Miyuki let her blue eyes slowly move over towards the male as he spoke up to her. Her eyes slowly narrowed, looking him over and quickly profiling him. She quickly stood up, wiping the sweat from her brow before she began to stretch once more. Careful not to let him see her badge. She knew that he could not see the gun that she carried on her as she had a special holster that connected to her bra. It kept the small pistol hidden very well.

"Why wouldn't i be?" she said to the male in a voice that was experience with interrogating people. She steeped away from the male, putting more distance then need to be but she didn't care how it would seem to the long haired male. "It is very suspicious that your on a roof during this time of day." she said to him in a slightly accusing voice as her hand twitched in anticipation.

She then made her way to the edge of the roof, finally turning her back towards him as she looked over the edge, checking out the distance to the opposite roof, gauging the distance before she moved back towards the ledge that she had landed on. "You should be careful.....never know what someone may think you are up too. Like you could be waiting for a drug dealer." she said in a matter of fact one of voice before scratching at the harsh pink scars that littered her expose skin. She ran to the opposite edge before stopping, making her way back to her starting point as she kept running from one side to the other, trying to build up the courage to take the leap of faith that she seemed in need of.

Andraus 05-20-2014 06:53 PM

When Miyuki almost ran into him, Joseph saw this, and began to follow her, wondering who the heck was that. After chasing for alittle while, he climbed up atop a building, and sighed. "Jesus, you are one fast little fly....."He said, then stood up, seeing another. "Oh....hello there......"he said, then looked at the women. "mind telling me why you almost ran into me? "he asked.

happydeath 05-20-2014 08:55 PM

Keeping the same expression the entire time he stood there staring at the female as she had stood up as though she were just fine. Even after hearing her question on why she wouldn't be okay, all he had done was take his attention over towards the opposite rooftop that she had come rushing over from before finally returning his gaze back at her. He hadn't bothered to explain the reason as to why he would ask something like that but rather kept his exact same expression as he listened to her speak about how it was suspicious of him to be standing on top of a roof at this time of day. Raising a brow in silence to what she was trying to refer to, he simply watched as to how the woman made her way from one direction of the roof to the next as though she were either preparing to hop off to the next roof if not planning to defend herself against some sort of attack. "I am simply up here for the peace and quiet..My apologies if I had offended you in asking such a question." Were his only words as he bowed his head to her in respects.

As the woman spoke up yet again to confirm what she was stating on how it was suspicious on having him on the roof at this time. Shiro couldn't help himself but to let a light chuckle escape his lips. A drug dealer; yup, he was on the roof to meet up with a drug dealer in a pair of sweatpants and a short sleeved red t-shirt. Shaking his head lightly to stop himself from continuing his laughter, he steadied his breathing back to normal as he watched her build up her speed to jump. "I..I'm sorry for laughing..I couldn't honestly just tell you myself that I wasn't waiting for someone to come up here and sell me something. However, I guess I could always try...No miss, I am not waiting for someone to come here..and I'm not up to anything horrible. I just needed some peace and quiet up here to relax, I was just within the gym downstairs; practicing. My bag is still down there if you do not believe me." Shiro had shrugged his shoulders as he spoke his next sentence to her about how his bag was downstairs.

Watching as how the woman had began to scratch at some sort of pink flesh on her slightly exposed skin areas. It was natural for anyone to end up taking a glimpse at the areas she was scratching at; as she had moved her hands away and continued to build up speed, Shiro had simply returned to watching her in general. "Would you like to join me?...the breeze is gather calming if you just relax and breathe. Take a break, don't exhaust yourself too far or you will end up missing one of your jumps and end up breaking something." He stated, this was much more than usual that he was speaking out loud to anyone but the thought of the woman getting hurt just like anyone getting hurt was one reason he actually did speak.

Right after he had spoken up, hearing the sounds of metal clanging from the side of the building. Shiro quickly turned his gaze over towards the side to see what was making that much noise, he hadn't bothered to make his way over towards it but rather just stood there and waited to see what was going to come over the edge. When it came out to be a male who spoke up about the female being a fast fly, only to end up saying hi to Shiro; Shiro had only stared at the male in confusion of how he randomly just popped up out of nowhere. Raising a single hand up to the other male, he returned his gaze back over towards the female as though questioning if the two knew each other.

Kilia 05-22-2014 04:21 AM

The female cop stopped in her tracks when she was spoken to once more, cocking her dark brown head to the side as her blue eyes looked the long haired male over. It seemed a bit strange to her that someone would show her this much concern over something so small. No one had cared for her so much, well not as much as one particular person. The thought of him made her frown and slip even more into depression though soon a smile was on her face and all signs of the sadness were gone as if it never happened. "Mmmm if you say so. It takes a lot to offend me more so then a question." she said to him before her eyes trailed off towards the roof she had jumped off of as a male she had almost barreled down stood there. Great just what she needed, two people to interrupt her time off.

"Peace and quiet is always good." she said to him, as her eyes watched the other male, her hand twitching as she got ready to pull her gun. She may have been off duty but she always carried and she was always on call in case they needed her. She was clearly not amused as Shiro laughed at her, she had been dead serious about the suggestion of him meeting up with a drug dealer. "I never said i didn't believe you and i never said that you were just that you could be." she said to him as she let her voice trail off before she looked over towards the guy as he came over onto the roof they were on.

"A fly is a nasty disgusting germ ridden pest. So are you calling me a nasty germ ridden pest?" she said to him as he spoke up, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly as she did not bother answering his question and why should she when he had offended her more so then Shiro had done. "I will be fine....this is nothing compared to what i normally do." she said to Shiro as her attention was drawn back towards him as he spoke once more.

happydeath 05-22-2014 04:28 PM

For the moment after giving an apology for what he may had asked the woman might've offended her. Noticing the frown that came across her lips looked as though she was hurt, the immediate thought went through Shiro's head that he had indeed offended the woman to what he had just asked. Way to go, just met a person and already offending them right off the bat. Giving himself a mental sigh on what he had done wrong, Shiro did his best to try to get eye contact away from the woman only to find that as he was about to look away; she had given a smile right off the bat. Rather than really thinking that the smile was sincere after looking at her frown, Shiro had just given the idea that she was trying to hide some pain that she held deep down inside her that she didn't want to show others in case it made her feel weak in anyway. Something like that was understandable since Shiro did that as well, the only person that was able to look past that part of him and realize that he was actually really hurt inside was his ex. She knew him as though she were reading his mind but yet it was almost as though she knew him too well to the point that she couldn't stand it any longer.

Quickly shaking his head to try to rid himself of the horrid memories, Shiro listened as to how the woman spoke of the fact that it took much more than the simple question to offend her. Was she just trying to put up another facade that she was actually hurt or was it true. Whatever the case, the violet haired male had only nodded on understanding to keep things peaceful between the two of them. "Indeed it is...sometimes the sound of city noises can be truly too much." He stated with a warm smile coming across his own lips to show that he truly meant what he said.

Noticing the serious expression across her face after he had ended up laughing at what she spoke about the meeting someone such as a drug dealer. Shiro's expression quickly went from his slightly kind joking look from his laughter to a serious and calm expression just as when he was mediating. " apologies yet again. It was just kind of funny to think..I'd be waiting for these clothing; but I guess his sudden appearance doesn't help either huh?" He spoke up as he indicated the fact that there was yet another male now on the roof as well. Hearing as the woman would be fine compared to what she was normally used to, Shiro simply shook his head yet again while he listened to how the other male considered the woman a female and that she was fast and she had considered what a real fly was rather than taking the metaphor of what the male tried to put out.

"Oh...I did not mean to say that you are not used to worse ma'am. I only mean that it is never really a bad thing to take a break from your work to relax and enjoy your life as it is already--" Right after speaking his words, the sound of his phone going off in his back pocket had nearly caused Shiro to jump lightly. Quickly reaching into his back pocket and pulling out his phone, the purple haired male had stared at the number on the phone that said 'Work'. Well, his boss was calling; it must've been busy at the cafe as usual. Giving a long sigh, he slid his index finger across the screen before placing the phone to his ear. "H-hello?" Were the only words that escaped his lips as he listened to his boss yap his mouth off towards him. "Yeah, I get it..okay..okay. I know what time it is; yeah, I'll be there in a few minutes..give me for some more time. You know how I work..and by the time I get there--" Shiro had tried to calm his manager down by trying to relax the man on the phone; he was always overworking himself too far and never realizing that by the time Shiro got there and began to work, things would calm down to the point that work would start to even become slow. Once hanging up the phone and slipping it into his back pocket, he returned his gaze back to the male and female standing on the roof with him. "Sorry about that.."

Andraus 05-23-2014 05:00 PM

The man raised his bandaged hands. "Calm down, jesus. I only meant that you were really fast, and it was hard to catch you, like a fly. I meant no offense in what I said. "He said. "Now, would you mind please answering my question?"he asked.

SUPERKICKS 05-26-2014 02:10 AM

"Keep her out of my bar, Jack."

The over-sized guard outside of the bar grunted a yes and gave Alison a dirty stare. She was pushed out of the bar and sitting on the pavement of the back ally, Alison sighed and stood up, brushing herself off. She grumbled to herself as she shoved her hands in her jean pockets and started back to her apartment. That was the fifth bar she had been kicked out of in two weeks. There was always some jackass who had to push her buttons far enough to start a fight. Men think they can just take advantage of her, but she's a lot more feisty than they can handle.

It was early morning, she had been out all night and was planning on going back to her apartment to get some sort of sleep. However, she some how knew she wasn't going to be sleeping today. Her mind was simply too awake and it would stay that way until she physically shut down.

Recently, the director of her team had forced her to take a few weeks of vacation. According to her mandatory psych test, she needed to find something that would help her get back on track. It was paid leave, due to medical reasons, but still a leave. Alison had taken to going to the gym at night or writing in the journal that the psychiatrist at work had given her. She had to get herself back on her feet or else she wouldn't be fit to work in her job anymore. And she loved it there... despite the absence and betrayal of her last partner.

Alison made sure no cars were coming before running over to the cafe and stepping inside. It was fairly empty aside from a young, dark skinned girl and the tired looking college kid at the cash register. She stepped over to him and placed a hand on the counter.

"You look pretty beat," She spoke as she looked up at the menu.
"Yeah, well, our manager thought keeping this place open 24/7 would be good for business. I've been here all night. Just waiting on my co-worker to relieve me," He responded, obviously unhappy about his shift.
"Well, make sure that what I'm paying you goes directly to your pocket. You deserve it being up this late. I'll take a black coff- eh.... Make it a black tea, kay?"
"You got it, ma-am."

As she waited for her tea, she turned and leaned on the counter. And watched the city come alive as the sun rose in the east. People started to leave their apartments ready for a day of work, as well as join her in the cafe for a little morning meal.

Kilia 05-29-2014 12:41 PM

Miyuki pushed her glasses up the bridge of her slender nose as she smiled at both the males. She cocked her head slightly towards the side as she watched one shake his head as if he was trying to prevent himself from remembering something or trying to rid his mind of the thoughts that had wandered in. She then looked the other male that joined them on the roof over. Taking a long hard look at Joseph from head to toe.

She could tell by the fact he was not slouching as he stood as most people during this time period did that he was a man from the military. It was a distinct trait that those few had. To hold your head up high, have you feet evenly spaced with the width of your shoulders as if in parade rest at all times and the pose suggested that he was ready to snap into action at any given moment. The only reason that she knew this was the fact that her real father had been in the military and that is how he had always been.

Even though she had been at a very young age the last time that she had seen him, she was still proud of the man and carried her last name with pride, as she also prided her self with the fact that she carried her self as well as any military personal did. "No it doesn't. I also know that druggies and drug dealers wear any type of clothes to blend in so as not to get caught." she said to him, giving Shiro a warm smile, well as warm as she could muster though her eyes gave a cold steely look to the males. She watched as the violet haired male answered a phone call before she could speak in reply to his statement of needing a rest. She judge by how he was reacting and the words that he spoke and the tone of his voice that he was speaking to his job which put her slightly at easy. It only made her warm up a bit more towards him though.

"It is fine. You should go and head to work." she said to Shiro in a slightly softer voice before her eyes landed on the military man once more, her blue eyes looking Joseph's face over, though she did note the bandages that he had one, thinking over his words carefully. "Then would it not have been better to compare me to a feline instead? Like a cheetah for example." she said to him before crossing her arms beneath her chest as she recalled his question. " were in the way of my route." she said to him as she nodded her head with satisfaction with her answer, it was the only logical one that she could think of for the moment though.

happydeath 05-29-2014 05:10 PM

Watching as how the female had given her warm smile but still kept her cold piercing glare towards the two males that stood on the roof with her. He had expected as much of answer towards what he had just spoken about when Shiro stated it didn't help his case about denying of being a drug dealer when the other male decided to make a guest appearance. Well, now how was he supposed to get out of this one properly without being misjudged for something he wasn't doing. Jeez, all Shiro had wanted to do today was just get some gym practice in before heading to work and then heading to his favorite spot in the woods. Looks like things weren't really going his way until after he had gotten the phone call from his boss about needing to get to work due to how busy things were getting around the cafe at this time. Turning his gaze towards the east side of the city from the rooftop, he watched as how the sun began to rise from the horizon; first changing the dark sky's color from black to a darker blue, to it's lighter blue and finally watching as how the entire sky lit up with a golden orange color. Squinting his eyes with a light smile, he moved a strand or two of his hair away from his face to take a look at the rising sun before turning to look away from it.

Even the sun slowly rising from it's horizon was bringing back memories of his past relationship. However, doing his best to squeeze his fists tightly to rid his memories of such painful times; he listened to how the female spoke about him going to go to work. Shiro had only nodded his head lightly to her. "Yeah, I should probably get going..Well, it was nice meeting up with you two. Hey, if anything; come on by the cafe down the street..if you want to that is. If you two like coffee or anything sweet or just want something to eat or drink and even just want to hang out; the place is pretty much always open." Shiro stated to the male and female before darting off back through the doorway to get back into the gym and grab a hold of his gym bag. Luckily enough his cafe uniform was already within the bag so he didn't need to worry too much about needing to rush home and change before coming to work. Everything needed was already within his bag, so all he had to do was rush his way to the cafe and get changed in the back room.

Rushing his way out the front door of the gym, Shiro had made sure to look both ways before going straight across the street. Even though he was in a slight hurry, he was smart enough to watch for his own safety before getting himself run over by any cars. It was only a matter of minutes that he had made it to the cafe as he watched how car after car was beginning to park into the lot as customer after customer was beginning to make their way into the cafe to order whatever they wanted for their morning. Hissing to himself lightly at the fact that the morning rush was already here, he made his way straight through the front door before waving to his co-worker that worked behind the counter. "Yeah yeah! I know I'm late! Don't say a word! I already talked to the boss about it!" He called out to his co-worker before he could get a word out and complain about how he was getting overwhelmed with orders while the other co-workers were also working as quickly as they could.

Making his way to the back room; Shiro had quickly slicked his messy violet hair back and made sure his entire pony-tail and hair was straight and proper before slipping himself into his uniform. His uniform differed from all the other workers since his job at the entire cafe was more than simply doing one thing; he took care of nearly every single job within the cafe as though he were a shift manager at the time but it was moreover like a promotional uniform that was made directly for him. After slipping into his uniform, and putting on a tap of cologne to get rid of any slight scent of sweat on his body; he made his way out of the back room and approached the work station to see what the orders were. Staring at how the first order was for some black tea; he nodded to himself, unaware that the order was for the woman that his co-worker behind the counter was leaning against. This didn't stop Shiro from doing his job to the best of his ability as he always did it. He made sure to make his food and drinks properly correct just to have it so the customer got the flavor of what they were looking for but not to make sure it was way too strong but not to the point that it tasted like plain hot water.

After a matter of minutes, he held the cup of black tea within his grasp with the bottom of the cup underneath his right palm. Turning his head left to right to see who had the tea, he simply made his way over towards his co-worker that stood behind the counter. "Here's the black tea for who it belongs to." He stated to his co-worker before taking a single glimpse of the brown haired female that leaned against the counter with a warm smile as he greeted every customer before returning straight back to work. Making sure to keep his hair behind his ear and not letting any of it drop into any food whatsoever; he continued to make his way left to right, handing orders out to customers and greeting them with "good mornings" and so on. Obviously enough, there were those certain types of customers who seemed to had been in the worse of moods but he didn't mind it too much. In a matter of minutes, the entire cafe was back to a steady if not slow pace as Shiro took a deep breath in and exhaled it out with a long sigh of relief.

SUPERKICKS 06-01-2014 08:55 PM

The boy at the counter called out Alison's order. Her day dreaming was over. She stepped over to the counter, took her cup of tea, and paid the man. She turned slow enough to catch the other co-worker smile at her and then continue with his job. She pursed her lips and looked down at her tea before returning to the counter. "Hey, can I get a bacon, egg, and cheese on a toasted bagel, as well?" She said, "Sorry, Suddenly got hungry, too." The boy nodded lightly and called the order to his co-worker. Alison watched the purple haired man move about the cafe, tending to any and all customer. She moved up to the counter and look at him, and get his attention.

"Hey! You... the one with the purple hair," She called, "Do I know you?" She couldn't place it but he looked very familiar to her. She didn't think that they ever talked before, but she was sure that she had seen his face before. She stared at him for a while longer, taking a long sip of her tea (Which was delicious, by the way.) "OH! Do you go to the gym around here?" She said, "The one right over that way?" She reached her arm out toward the window and pointed in the gym's general direction. "Yeah, yeah... That has to be where I've seen you before!"

Andraus 06-01-2014 09:23 PM

Joseph clapped his hands together, and flinched slightly (it hurt like a bitch), trying to smooth things over with the rather Smart-mouthed women. "Look Lady, Sorry I don't know your name, but can you not give me a hard-ass time, Please?" he asked, trying to be as pleasant as he possibly could. "I just wanted to know why you nearly ran into me, wasn't trying to cause an issue. "he said. " I walk to that bar every day, almost clock-work, and leave at the exact same time. How is it I've never run into you before? "he asked. "Think I'd remember Your face. Yours is not one I'd easily forget. "he said, though not intentionally trying to flatter.

happydeath 06-01-2014 10:16 PM

While going left to right with orders being given to him along with handing out orders to customers. Around the middle if not the end of the orders, Shiro had ended up recieving and order from his co-worker behind the counter yet again about getting a toasted bagel with bacon, egg and cheese on it. Nodding as an only response to his co-worker; he had immediately placed all the ingredients straight into the oven and let it cook for a few minutes while he went off to start the rest of the orders if not handing them out as usual. It wasn't too long after placing the ingredients into the oven that he had heard someone call out to him by considering his hair color. Turning his head over his shoulders to see the female standing there on the opposite side of the counter, he had stepped over towards her and continued to give his warm smile that he gave to every customer if they needed help with anything at all. "Yes?--" Right as he had answered her call, hearing her question on whether or not she knew him; Shiro had only given a raise of a brow on how he might've known the woman in anyway. Being asked such a question within the cafe from a complete stranger was a bit hard to answer since he had met many different people during his time when working at the cafe; so maybe he had met her before and he had taken her order before, just he didn't remember.

As the word 'gym' was brought up into the conversation, Shiro had quickly looked up towards the direction the woman was stating towards. "Oh, yeah. I do tend to that gym every once in a while. If you went there, it is most likely that is where we've met..I apologize, I don't really tend to make too much contact with people." He had informed her before returning back to finishing up the orders as the sound of the oven going off with multiple beeping-like noises had caught his attention from behind. Quickly turning right around, he had opened up the oven and slipped out the ingredients before placing it all together and slipping it into a small box. Returning his gaze back to the woman, he had handed her the order of the bagel. "There you are, have a good day. Hey, maybe I will meet you at the gym again one day." He had given a light joke before shrugging his shoulders to her. "Then, we can see which one of us is actually better when it comes to working out."

Kilia 06-02-2014 04:47 PM

Miyuki waved to the male and nodded her head to him, to let him know that she had heard him when he mentioned that they should go to the cafe across the way when ever they got the chance. She then looked at the military man, looking him over even more as she noted every tiny detail that she spotted on him that could even tell her just a little bit about him. She did not let his flinch go unnoticed, though she did not mention it. "My name is Miyuki Edogawa. I work for the police department so I get paid to be a hard ass." she said to him as a serious look crossed her face as she crossed her arms also, a hand brushing against the hidden hand gun, giving her comfort. "You probably have run into me before but just don't remember. Today i happen to be off and exercising like i normally do. Besides my job keeps me busy." she said to him before she eyed the opposite roof, a sly smile flitting across her face before she looked back at him. ""You were in the military." it was a statement not a question. "If you want to continue talking i suggest you keep up, unless you gone soft in retirement." she said to him, her expression, her tone of voice, even her eyes said that she was challenging him, though she didn't know how well he would be able to keep up wearing jeans but hey a challenge is a challenge and you have to work with what you got. With that said she took a flying leap towards the opposite building, not the one she came from, though she had dropped down the gap between them instead of landing on the roof. No, you could hear a loud clanging noise, of something heavy landing on metal. She had jumped on to the fire escape and was promptly making her way to the ground, you could hear how fast she was moving as her footsteps rang of metal as the fire escape shook and clang beneath her.

SUPERKICKS 06-02-2014 07:35 PM

Alison smiled lightly at the man. She must have looked so very strange. Some random woman asking if she knew this man. Sure, Alison was a little straight forward, but she always got what she needed done because of it. She didn't waist time beating around the bush or being shy. If she wanted to do something. She'd do it. Alison took the box from him and smiled. "Thanks, I appreciate it," She said, nodding, "I'm Alison, by the way. Alison Creon."

She looked down at her box for a moment before reaching into her wallet and pulling out her receipt. She pulled a pen from her pocket and quickly jotted down her phone number. She folded it up, putting her name on it, and then reached over the counter and slipped it into the male's pocket. Yep, she was definitely way too straight forward for the public world. She didn't care, though. Alison smiled at him and winked. "Call me, yeah?" She asked, "Perhaps we can make a date out of a good sparring match, hm?" She chuckled before taking another sip of her tea. "Good tea, by the way."

With that, Alison turned from the man and started out the door. She did have to report to the police department for her psych evaluation. If it seemed like she was getting better, they would allow her to come back to work. But until then, she had to do a psych evaluation every single week. And she had to grab her notebook from her apartment before heading to the department. So, leaving now would be favorable. As she headed up the street, she opened her box and took a large bite into her bagel.

happydeath 06-02-2014 10:35 PM

After handing Alison the small box that held the bagel inside of it and hearing her introduce herself to him. Shiro had only given a light nod to indicate that he heard her before pulling off the plastic gloves that he wore when making orders for customers. The amount of orders that had remained was more than enough for one person to handle without the help of his own coming into need. "My name's Shiro Daishi." He had returned his own introduction to be politeful towards her, right as he was about to turn away and go to work on other things that needed to be done around the cafe before his shift would be over or even for a break or anything along that line; the sound of paper being pulled out had gotten his attention back onto her. Raising a brow as Alison had pulled her receipt out from her wallet, only to begin writing something down on the opposite side of the paper and reaching over the counter to stick it into his uniform pocket. Did he just get her number at random, he didn't even do anything and she had given him her number and told him to call her for a date by sparring with one another. "Uhh...y-yeah." That was pretty much all he could really muster out to say as she left the cafe.

Right after she had left, he had pulled out the small piece of paper and taken a glimpse down at her number she had given him along with her name on it. Right as he stared at it for a moment or two, the co-worker behind the register counter had made his way over and decide to nudge Shiro on his shoulder with a smirk on his lips. " got the girl's number?...nice work!! Pulling the old charm moves on her, did you?" He joked around only to have no answer in return from Shiro as he folded the paper back up and slipped it back into his pocket. Without so much as a word, he returned back to his usual work as he progressed his way left to right around the rest of the cafe to get things done for the next shift that was suppose to come in a little later.

The whole time he had been working around the cafe, Shiro had continued to wonder to himself on whether or not he should actually call Alison after work. He had already planned from the beginning that he was going to head to his usual spot in the forest at the large tree. He hadn't been there in a year or so now, so he wanted to return there and see if everything was still the same and not to mention to see if the sunset from the top of the tree still gave off that same warm feeling he got whenever he stared at it when he was a kid. Normally, when he was up there at a young age; all his problems that went through his head had always disappeared as the cool breeze of the night started to blow against the tree; making the whole area just right for sleeping at. However, now with Alison's number, what should he do. Should he just invite her to come to that spot with him, can he even trust her with a secret hiding spot of that that belonged to him. Shaking off the thoughts, he focused onto his work and decided that he'd figure everything out when his shift or whatever would allow him to get out of work for the day.

All times are GMT. The time now is 11:42 PM.