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ShatteredAngel 02-01-2016 02:57 AM

Do Electronics Dream of Electric Sheep? (AngelXElectric)
This is a rp between myself and Electric Dreams so please don't post unless you are one of us.

We are going to be using this to help evolve our OCs which Electric has been doing character designs for which we are hoping to make comics for!!
We will put a link up here in future for anyone interested.


The building was rather quiet for a change. It was unusual for it to be as such. There was no one about, nothing was stirring. The usual hustle and bustle from the mischivious child who ran around in her short dungerees and wellies with her over grown hoodie was absence. The lesser heard from Fallen was no where in sight. It was as though everyone had just disappeared leaving the building in darkness.

The sound of a single click echoed down the empty corridors. Something had been unlocked deep within the vast building. A part of is which had been sealed off many years ago. It was now no longer hidden from the inhabitants of the building.

Electric Dreams 02-01-2016 03:27 AM

Booting up with a start Miles slowly awakened, not sure were he was or what he was doing here, this place seemed different than where he was normally, again like normal finding it hard to get himself going, he was just waking up after all this time but he wanted to look around at his new surronding.

He closed his eyes just to rest but found it hard not to want to get up, he finally sat upright from the bedroom he seemed to have been placed in, he gave a confused look to the room before slowly getting himself to his feet wobbling as he did.
What time was it?What year was it?.
Walking towards the door to exit the cold room, he never was go with being too cold or too hot, placeing his hand over the the door it slid open to a corridor with veins of colour on the walls, he walked down the corridor to see if there was anybody there at all?

Coming across a door with a name on the door, the name looked like it could illuminate but wasn't for some reason, the Blond quietly spoke the name "Ed-gar..?" He was still booting up propaly so he was finding it hard to speak propaly right now, this had gotten worse over the years.
He wondered if he could get into the room, he pressed his hand on the door like he did with the other room but the door didn't slide open it pushed.

It was slightly darker in the room than on the lit up corridor and it was cold, Miles shivered, dark wasn't his favorite thing in the world but he persivered stepping into the room "H-Hell0o" He spoke hoping for an answer, stuggleing with his speach pattern.
As he walked more into the room he saw another person in the room, miles had been use to being alone not really meeting another like this, the figure seemed to be standby or somthing very similar to that.
Was he okay?
He moved closer to get a better look finally besides him so see if he was alright.

ShatteredAngel 02-01-2016 03:35 AM

The room was dark though a dim light flickered on over head at the motion of someone entering the room. The light didn't case anything more then a low glow to the room fainly detailing the dark details of scarce furnishings. The more noticable piece being the solid double framed bed where the figure lay above the sheets motionless. Upon closer inspection the figure turned out to be a male, appearing to be in his early to mid twenties. He was barefoot, clad in dark, loose denim jeans, a grey shirt which covered his hands slightly and a green headset upon a mess of brown hair which his the pale features of the male. The headphones appeared as though they, like the name on the door, should light up but they however didn't, niether did the strip which ran along the edge of the bed, as though it was a charging station which was completely in active.

Electric Dreams 02-01-2016 03:59 AM

"A- chAr-Ging stat-i0n..?" Miles spoke to himself looking at the bed the male was lay on, he would have to get power to it he thought before looking around to see why there was no power going into this room the light on his chest keeping some light on him as he got up.
While looking around he saw a little panel with a handle on the wall next to the bed he opened it with much pulling he fell back as he did but went straight back to looking inside the panel, looking inside could see wires that looked to be conected onto somthing.
That could be why theres no power, the wires needed untangling but he would persevere with this.
A while later after untangling them and putting them back into the right place there still was no power maybe it need a bit of help.
Miles the grabbed a wire from himself looking to connect it to the port inside of the wall plugging it into it and then into the port in his headphones to help give a boost of power, he hoped this wouldn't drain him though.
After while the room lit up with greens and slight blues the bed had lit up as soon as he had put himself into the port but the room had taken longer.

He rested his head on the wall feeling really out of it as he power was being used for somthing like this hopefully he was helping as he drifted off.

ShatteredAngel 02-01-2016 04:31 AM

A soft hum began to start up around the room as things began to kick into life. A screen attached to a wall lit up casing the desk and work area in light revealing scattered papers and half finished projects as well as a very comfortable looking computer chair infront of the messy strewn desk.
The light strip around the edge of the bed light up almost instantly instantly revealing the suspicion of there being no power to the room to be correct. After a delayed responce, the headphones resting gently on the brunette's head gained a hint of life, also emitting a soft glow to show they were recieving power and were no active. It was after a good ten minutes of the room fully having had it's power restored before any movement came from the bed. There was a slight stirring sound from the bed along with movement.
Pushing himself slowly so he was sat upright, the male who had been slumbering placed his hand over his face, covering his eyes groggily. Something seemed off but he wasn't sure. After what he last recalled, he hadn't expected to be ever waking up again. A small shudder ran through him before a small sigh escaped his lips. Maybe that pest, Hybrid, had something to do with this.
"Jess you had--"
His words trailed off at the memory of his old friend who had been like a younger sister until she had become hybridized and then it shifted to the memory of what had happened to Hybrid. Another sigh escaped him before he shifted on the bed, slipping his feet over the side of the bed, placing barefeet onto the cold slabs, not that it bothered him. Rising to his feet, he stretched and surveyed his surroundings. That was when he noticed the blonde boy on the other side of the room. With a frown he spoke once more.
"Who are you?"

Electric Dreams 02-01-2016 04:44 AM

The blond haired teen didn't respond to the male that had awoken from his sleep as he himself had use his power to getting him up and running once again had use to much power and was frying a bit as he slept unaware that the other was awake at this moment.
He looked almost peaceful the way he was lay but had a bad case over overheating, he always had done.
The light that was on his chest that was a strong blue was now fading out more as he was still plugged into the wall via a wire from his headphones, seemed to be eating his power still, he had just wanted to help the other out and now he was looking worse for wear.

ShatteredAngel 02-01-2016 04:56 AM

Gaining but silence in responce the male's expression turned alittle stoney, closing in on him however he quickly understood why he had gained no responce. swiftly, he pulled on the cable so that the younger boy was no longer plugged into the mains before scooping him up into his arms and placing him onto the bed knowing it would begin to charge the run down looking teen.
He sat on the edge of the bed, at the end of it, watching and waiting for the younger male to regain consiousness, placing the covers over him gently.

Electric Dreams 02-01-2016 05:09 AM

After being on charge for a little bit, the blond began to stir awake his blue light was glowing much better now she slowly sat up noticing he was not in the spot he fell asleep in but on the bed the other male was sleeping on before he fell asleep, he looked to the end of the bed seeing the same man that was sleeping, he face blushed blue out of embarrassment as he looked at the much older male.

ShatteredAngel 02-01-2016 05:25 AM

Sharp honey brown eyes were focused on the younger male as he waited patiently for him to wake up. His sleeves were now rolled up to just above his elbows, arms folded across his chest as he stared with a stoic expression. He continued to watch and survey him alittle longer before finally deciding he was going to have to be the one to break the silence.
"Who are you and what are you doing in here?"
His eyes were piercing, boring thier way into the blond infront of him who was still lay in his bed, under the soft sheets that covered it, both of them being charged just by being sat on it.

Electric Dreams 02-01-2016 05:44 AM

Miles looked at the male who was stairing intentsly at him making him feel very unconftable as he did moving slight away, but he had to answer his question he felt he needed to, it would only be far and he didn't want to know the consiqences of not answering the intimadating man at the end of the bed.
His voice pattern wasn't the best, infact it was quiet embarassing for him to speak at this moment but he had to, he looked away from the man to get away from the look.

He would answer honestly he open his mouth to speak "I- aM MIl3s, I'm A uNiT.." He struggled along "BUt I-aM n0t surE wHy I aM HeRe.." He messed with his hands in his lap as he spoke.
"I jUSt fOund You InActIv3.., I DOn't EvEn kNow wHEre heRe Is..?" He explained to the other, he must have sounded awful to the other.

ShatteredAngel 02-01-2016 05:52 AM

"I see....Where we are, Miles, seems to be a question for my user..when they come online that is"
His words seemed as stoic as his expression. The weight shifted on the bed as he lifted himself from it and once more to his feet, making his way over to the computer screen on the wall, beginning to search for something on it.
"So you activated me? That would make sense. Plugging yourself in like that was risky. You chould have short circuited something. Do you require some assistance with your processing?"
Once more honey coloured eyes turned to the younger male still located on his comfy double bed like charging station. they were studying, watching the others movements. So this was another unit. His users really liked thier computers that was for sure after all there those belong to those of his family and then the ones of that infernal man. His expression darkened at the thought of this male user, his fist balling up briefly before he relaxed, pushing the thought away.
"Who is your user?"

Electric Dreams 02-01-2016 06:29 AM

Miles watched as the brown haired male stood he seemed alot taller when he was standing, he looked up at him "YoUr UsEr?" Miles thought on that for a moment he has a user, that means.. no it couldn't. "No-I'lL be Fin3" he didn't want to bug him with that "ThAnK yOu thOugH.." He knew that plugging himself in could have been risky but hewasn't sure to what degree but still risky, he didn't know the in's and out's of things like that he never did he wasn't profesonal or anything.

He wonder if that man was alright he seemed angery at somthing but didn't say anything he didn't want to interfer with anything, he seemed to as quick as he did this it was going, he wasn't going to push it he had only just met the guy.

He would focus on the question at hand "My UsEr- wAs A w0ndErfUl LitTlE GiRl CaLlEd ShA-nNoN" He looked off as if remebering, then it struck him what happened that she was the last one to really use him.. and then it happened "AnD ThEn JaE CaMe-" Miles looked so sad he missed her "The LapT0p- I NeVEr SaW heR MuCh aFt3R ThaT"

ShatteredAngel 02-01-2016 06:45 AM

"Usually what happens these days. They get something portable and we seems to become obscelete unless we are in an office or school and even then, last I knew, they were all going portable with these laptops and tablets and smart phones."
He finally slipped into the computer chair, relaxing into it before, flicking through some things on the screen, it was keeping most of the room illuminated with it's light , even with the solid for of the chair blocking it out. Once he was finished doing what he was doing, the chair squng around to face the other unit once more.
"Seems none of my previous users have encountered this Shannon you speak of. Has your Shannon had any contact with any users by the name of Sarah, Dusk or Kris?"
There was a pad resting in his lap. reaching round onto the desk, he slipped his hand beneath some of the papers scattered there and pulled out a pen ready to take a few notes.

Electric Dreams 02-01-2016 07:02 AM

It saddened him the think that way with what Edgar was saying but it was true, portable sounded so much better but to the question at hand once again, he looked to him seeing that he had got a pen and a pad of paper ready to take some notes when he started speaking "NoT thAt I Kn0w of, I HavE NevEr heArD oF aNyb0Dy CaLled SaRa-H, DUsK or KriS.." he told him.

"I KnEw A KiM, KylE AnD an YVonNe" He told him.
The then thought on the 'we become obselete' for a second more, 'we' he thought that means he's a unit too, Miles had never met another unit before, a blush of embarassment made it's way across his face once again he had to confirm it so he asked him "ArE YoU A UnIt To0?"

ShatteredAngel 02-01-2016 07:23 AM

The elder male quickly jotted down the names given to him and linked them together with the name Shannon before placing a line beneath them all to break it all up. pinching the bridge of his nose for a moment in thought before lifting his dark forest green gaze once more onto the smaller boy at his question. It hadn't occured to him that being another unit might be unusual to someone else.
"Of course. Why wouldn't I be? Are you sure you don't need some assistance with your processing. Granted your speech patterns are evening out but you still seem to be struggling along. I can take a look at it for you if you like."
He shifted in the chair a moment, turning it and once he returned to facing the blond, the pad and pen were gone, most likely returned to the desk as the brunette got to his feet, beginning to make his way towards the blue eyed boy.

Electric Dreams 02-01-2016 07:37 AM

He was another unit wow, it was quiet intimadating if he really thought about it "I'HaVen'T MeT aNotHer UniT beFoRe ThAt'S WhY.." He told the taller male.
"HeLp..? IT WoUlD HelP If You DoN't MiNd.." He looked up at him as he made his way over to where he was "I'Ve hAd ThiS ProBleM FoR YeaRs"
He blushed blue as Edgar walked over to walked over to where he was, his blue eyes shifting as he did.

ShatteredAngel 02-01-2016 07:48 AM

He could continue to make his way to him before sitting besides him on the bed. Opening a port on his headset, he pulled a wire from it and plugged it into the other's headset, instantly connecting up to him and aiding in the others ability to process and finish booting up properly. It would only take about 20 minutes before he was able to disconnect once more the other unit.
"So what did your users name you?"
He queried as he pushed his sleeves up once more, her eyes ones more boring into the other as he studied him. He atleast still had some answers to help but he knew eventually he would have to see what had become of the grid in his abscence.

Electric Dreams 02-01-2016 08:19 AM

The feeling was very unusual of another unit conecting into him what Edgar was doing exactly was beyond him but he let him do it even if he was a little dubious about the other being connected into him.
As he finished doing what he was doing he felt less slowed down he was happy about that so he then answer Edgar "Miles" He smiled to the unit timidly.

Suddenly there was a loud noise that seemed to be coming from outside on the corridor "I AM THE GREATETST I PLAY MUCH BETTER GAMES THAN YOU!!"
Miles looked around to the door startled by the noise and subconsiously clinging to Edgar in the process.

ShatteredAngel 02-01-2016 08:47 AM

Edgar would give a slight nod in responce to him, "it is nice to meet you, I am Edgar"
His sharp gaze instantly shot to the door at the loud outburst that came from beyond it. It didn't come form a voice he recognized. 'Great,' he though to himself, 'more that he didn't know about, just how many other devices were part of the grid now' he wondered to himself.
"We should see what it going on"
He looked to Miles who was no clung to him and gently pried him off enough to be able to get tohis feet though didn't remove him competely, not sure if it was bringing him some form of comfort or anything. He waited for the other to get up before making his way to the only door in the room, opening it and looking out and down the cool corridor.

Electric Dreams 02-01-2016 09:02 AM

Miles still held onto him as he stood up, he was bringing the blond haired teen comfort he moved to his arm as Edgar pried him off.
As they where both standing they made there was to the doorway, he waited for Edgar to open the door and he looked out with Edgar to see people he never though he would see again, Jae and Sam.
"Oh no.." Was all he could get out upon seeing the two.

Jae was the laptop and Sam of course was an Apple product, an Ipad so he though he was the best.
Jae stood on the corridor listening to Sam rant and rave about how he was the best.
"I am the best and you know it" he smirked looking full of himself "I'm used way more than you know you outdated"
Jae just stood taking it as Sam coninued with the nastiness coming out of his mouth "I play Apps, Can you I'm way more faster and advanced than you, what can you do?"
Jae spoke "I can do things too..." He was looking very down now about it that he was now outdated
"Ha just look at you, you've been for more repairs than everybody in The Grid" Sam laughed but was right he had been for countless repairs.

Miles watched what was happening feeling bad for Jae slightly he was still upset over the Laptop replacing him, he stayed next to Edgar.

ShatteredAngel 02-01-2016 09:34 AM

Edgar watched the exchange in silence from the doorway, looking down at Miles eventually, studying his expression before turning his focus once more to the two at the end of the hall, "Friends of yours?" he questioned.
Without waitng for a responce he moved away from the doorway and began to make his way towards the two electronics.
"You make alot of noise for someone so small and fragile. Quieten down, there is no need to be so loud and obnoxious."
Sharp honey brown eyes once more studied those before him taking in their appearances. Judging from the mentions of apps the loud one was a tablet of some form, clearly from Apple. His gaze settled on teenager who was looking very down.
"Don't worry about being repaired plenty. One day, when you can still be repaired and upgraded, he will be completely unusable. Units are more resiliant then tablets. They are thin, flimsy and fragile."
He slipped his hands into his pockets now as he watched them both, falling silent as he waited to see if they had anythng to say, he was sure the loud one would atleast.

Electric Dreams 02-01-2016 10:04 AM

Jae looked up at Edgar as he spoke he gasped with what he said about Sam knowing how hot headed the tablet could get, it made him feel better but still.
Miles covered his mouth at what Edgar had just said "Oh no.." came from his mouth again as Sam started to shout at the much taller unit.
Sam looked up at Edgar trying to intimade him not working for him though, his face looked like it had gone red from angery or somthing " HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT DON'T YOU KNOW WHAT I AM?!" He shouted up at the older unit "I AM BETTER THAN ALL OF YOU I WILL OUT LIVE YOU ALL!"

Sam then turned around to see Miles "Oh look what the cat dragged in" He laughed at him "Still having that slow problem?" He mocked "No no don't save you breath talking don't want others to hear you speak pattern, I'm surpirsed your still around with how old you are"
Miles looked down and away from Sam he would alway insult him and Jae like this.

"You and Jae are scrap metal nothing more that parts" He laughed

The laptop and the unit were now looking more down than ever "why doing you just shut down forever do Shannon a favour she doesn't need you two messing up things making her upset and fustrated"

ShatteredAngel 02-01-2016 10:16 AM

Edgar was calm as the small stoppy child set off on his tantrum, clearly not liking to hear the truth. The look in his eyes darkened at he heard the words exchanged and gripped both the younger boys by thier ears tightly.
"Seems you all share a common user. However that does not mean you should talk to each other like that. I've seen his dates. I am older then all of you and I assure you, I am far from scrap metal. You, thing," He sharp gaze was focused on the apple tablet now, "You do better to learn when to hold your tongue and to respect your elders. I could roll over and squash you if I really wanted, but I won't. And you," His gaze turned onto the other unit now "You wouldn't be around and portable if it wasn't for the older units. Niether of you would be here if it wasn't for the older generations. We will out live you, can be upgraded far past your own capablities so learn to behave or I will make you"
His voice was firm, clearly making him the wrong person to get on the wrong side of Edgar knew if Jessica had been around she would have just said he was always sucha grump when he woke up in the morning, though he didn't agree obviously.

Electric Dreams 02-01-2016 10:07 PM

Sam then jut pulled a sulky face at Edgar before starting again "OW OW OW STOP IT YOUR HURTING ME!" The tablet complained, Jae tried to pull away but it hurt to much to do it, tears welled in his eye from the pain.
Miles hid in the door way to Edgar's room timidly watching, he had never seen somebody stand up to Sam like this before, a slight blue blush spaned across his face.
Down the corridor came Glen he had light grey hair, a thin white T-shirt for summer and knee lenth brown shorts the man seemed to jut fall asleep anywhere, due to his narcalepsy, he had found himself on the stairs when he woke up,what had happened was that he was making his way up the stairs when his narcalepsy hit him and he must have hit the floor there and then.
Glen over heated really badly so he would wear summer clothes all year round.
Seeing what was going on he made he way over to the new comers and the two he knew, rubbing his eye with his hand "What's going on?" He asked in a groggy but vaspy voice.

ShatteredAngel 02-01-2016 10:33 PM

"Don't make such a fuss. I've not even got hold of you that hard"
Edgar said coldy as he looked down at him in a very unfeeling manner. He did however ease his grip on Jae but not enough to completely let go. He lifted his gaze from the smaller two to the new arrival, seems there were plenty of new people that he would have to get to know, he wondered just how many more of them there were.
Looking over the very sleepy looking male he gave him a very short, quick overview on the events that had happened, another sharp gaze going back to the two boys he still had hold of before he looked back, spying him in the doorway, giving a slight motion with his head for him to come on over.
"It seems you call have things in common and know each other. You should not hide from those with a common user, you should collaborate."
He was tryng to encourage the other to come closer but he wasn't too sure if it was working since he couldn't see him all that well from this distance.

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