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-   A Small Spring Celebration for 2014 (
-   -   The Looonggg post thread! Want to earn gold? Lets chat and get to know each other!<3 (

Eastriel 04-18-2014 10:19 PM

The Looonggg post thread! Want to earn gold? Lets chat and get to know each other!<3
Yes, this is my thread for deep chatter.
Ask questions get to know people and chat long.
Text walls are so okay here. :)
And soon, your gold will grow, as will new friendships!

Lets get this party started shall we?

@my friends;

SuperZombiePotatoe 04-18-2014 10:22 PM

Hi Eastyy!
One post, but I must go. 'Tis late [cry]

Mythos 04-18-2014 10:23 PM

Aw yeeah! Easty is kicking off a springtime party of her own~

What is your favorite part of this time of year?

Nephila 04-18-2014 10:27 PM

Ahh here is a nice little thready. :D

I'm awaiting my bf so we can go out for supper.

Eastriel 04-18-2014 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by Mythos (Post 1772638767)
Aw yeeah! Easty is kicking off a springtime party of her own~

What is your favorite part of this time of year?

Hello mythos.
I loveee that it will soon be summer, I love the light so it is nice to have so much of it, I just feel so much happier and calmer when there is light and I love the sun upon my back, it just feels fantabulous. Also I'm afraid of the dark so that probably has some baring upon my bias of summer. Summer just seems such a care free time, and it is exciting that it is nearly here.

What about you.

Also I have seen some of your art floating about the place. It is stunning my dear! How much does it cost to commision you? I bet it is a bomb! >.< And rightly so its gorgeous....
That is if you are taking commissions currently.

And my second question back to you.
What do you do for a living? :)

---------- Post added 04-18-2014 at 11:29 PM ----------


Originally Posted by Nephila (Post 1772638777)
Ahh here is a nice little thready. :D

I'm awaiting my bf so we can go out for supper.

Where are you going out for dinner, anywhere exciting or swanky? Or any special occaision? Have you been together long?

Also I'm kinda watching all those people like you, cara, amane and poet who have lots of gold. As I am watching the gold slowly decrease for raffle entries and all the new yummy recolours in the shops!

I am in love with this event! Like we don't need all the currency and special items, just different interesting things to do and exciting prizes is more than enough for me. I don't know, I just feel pressured when there is too much to do you know?

---------- Post added 04-18-2014 at 11:43 PM ----------


---------- Post added 04-18-2014 at 11:46 PM ----------


llonka 04-18-2014 10:49 PM

Hi Eastey Boo! *blows kisses*

Eastriel 04-18-2014 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by llonka (Post 1772638819)
Hi Eastey Boo! *blows kisses*

llonka: Hey llonk plonk, this is a place for earning gold by chatting massive posts.
Would you like to join in in the madness?
How is life going for you? I know you were having issues with the hubby.
What do you get up to these days?
It's been ages since we've properly caught up!

Mythos 04-18-2014 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by Eastriel (Post 1772638778)
Hello mythos.
I loveee that it will soon be summer, I love the light so it is nice to have so much of it, I just feel so much happier and calmer when there is light and I love the sun upon my back, it just feels fantabulous. Also I'm afraid of the dark so that probably has some baring upon my bias of summer. Summer just seems such a care free time, and it is exciting that it is nearly here.

What about you.

Also I have seen some of your art floating about the place. It is stunning my dear! How much does it cost to commision you? I bet it is a bomb! >.< And rightly so its gorgeous....
That is if you are taking commissions currently.

And my second question back to you.
What do you do for a living? :)

:3 It is lovely having the sun and the warmth back again! So energizing!
I like seeing all of the plants waking up and the fresh scents they have depending on the weather instead of just being dead looking/smelling sticks xD

Aww, thank you!
I was considering doing an art raffle during this even like I did for St. Patrick's Day where people make posts instead of paying into some raffle pot. I'll leave a link for you if I do end up making one.

I currently don't have a job- I'm looking for one, but alas... no job. In the mean time I look after my grandmother and help out where I'm needed with getting an orchard functional. How about you?

llonka 04-18-2014 11:03 PM

Well if we are going to talk about my life and hubby... we will have huge posts. haha.

Umm i've just been tied up with my classes and being lazy. I'm trying to be more active and exercise more and eat better but I keep falling back into my old habits.

Hmm I can get along with hubby but we aren't really intimate right now. I don't know what's wrong, but i'm sure it's all me and not him. I mean he just rubs me the wrong way sometimes, you know what I mean? Like lately most of everything he says I don't agree with and it really turns me off.

Elmira Swift 04-18-2014 11:04 PM

I hear you about the ease of this event! While I love new event items, I'm just happy to see familiar faces posting!

Last year, we were hoping to spend time with some of our friends for an Ostara event (we're pagan-ish), but the person hosting it had some health problems. Nothing planned for this year other than a birthday party for a friend's son. Problem is I've been having some funky old lady health problems and we aren't going. The good news is my kids are being very creative about what we should do this weekend. My son came home with a huge amount of candy, so I'm pretty sure he will be on a sugar high until the supply is depleted - keeping an eye on him because he's being sneaky about it!!

Kids plan on building a blanket fort for the weekend and I'm going to hide a few treats for them inside the house because it's been raining - too soggy for a proper egg hunt outside this weekend.

We've also been watching more of the wildlife living on our property and suspect we have a warren of rabbits either on our property or nearby! We saw a trio of them today, all about the same size, when we pulled into our driveway. Then we watched them playing and chasing each other around through our windows! We have a few deer hanging out here regularly as well, so it's been nice for the kids to see them and birds all over our property! Love springtime even with the bugs.

Eastriel 04-18-2014 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by llonka (Post 1772638837)
Well if we are going to talk about my life and hubby... we will have huge posts. haha.

Umm i've just been tied up with my classes and being lazy. I'm trying to be more active and exercise more and eat better but I keep falling back into my old habits.

Hmm I can get along with hubby but we aren't really intimate right now. I don't know what's wrong, but i'm sure it's all me and not him. I mean he just rubs me the wrong way sometimes, you know what I mean? Like lately most of everything he says I don't agree with and it really turns me off.

llonka: feel free I am always happy to listen and offer what advice I can.

What classes? What are you studying for and at what level?
You just have to be consistent but also keep your aims at managable levels, even if you just walk more often than driving it will make a difference.

It is horrid when a relationship gets like that, maybe you just need to sit down and properly talk about this.
Or and I know it sounds weird, but try forcing yourself to be intimate. Sometimes it can be that we become lax or lazy in love even with out realising, but once it happens again the spark is reignited you see?

llonka 04-18-2014 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by Eastriel (Post 1772638858)
llonka: feel free I am always happy to listen and offer what advice I can.

What classes? What are you studying for and at what level?
You just have to be consistent but also keep your aims at managable levels, even if you just walk more often than driving it will make a difference.

It is horrid when a relationship gets like that, maybe you just need to sit down and properly talk about this.
Or and I know it sounds weird, but try forcing yourself to be intimate. Sometimes it can be that we become lax or lazy in love even with out realising, but once it happens again the spark is reignited you see?

You don't have to ping me Easty, I've plopped my fat booty in your thread. [hug]

Right now I'm taking a New Testament class (bible class) and Public Speaking. I'm trying to get my associate's in English and I've one more year to go.

I don't know what is a manageable level right now. Maybe I'm depressed or something I don't know, but I just wish I could lay in my bed all day or sit on the couch and eat junk food. Which I think is going along with the intimacy troubles, I just don't really feel like doing anything and I really have to push myself to get anything done.

hummy 04-18-2014 11:28 PM

hiya, eastie!

Eastriel 04-18-2014 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by Mythos (Post 1772638836)
:3 It is lovely having the sun and the warmth back again! So energizing!
I like seeing all of the plants waking up and the fresh scents they have depending on the weather instead of just being dead looking/smelling sticks xD

Aww, thank you!
I was considering doing an art raffle during this even like I did for St. Patrick's Day where people make posts instead of paying into some raffle pot. I'll leave a link for you if I do end up making one.

I currently don't have a job- I'm looking for one, but alas... no job. In the mean time I look after my grandmother and help out where I'm needed with getting an orchard functional. How about you?

Yes there is nothing like that feeling of true warmth seeping into your bones is there? I just love the life of the time, everyone seems much happier with more energy, and I find much more inspiration comes to me also.

Oh my gosh, I would be so active, I want that art xDDD Please let me know if you do so, I wanna be first on your ping list!!!

I am a full time fine art student, though I make and sell crafts in my spare time also, and last summer I had a job in a gallery.
Do you have qualifications? or are you just searching for a general job?

Orchard? That sounds interesting do you live in a rural area?

Shadami 04-18-2014 11:28 PM

Hello everyone. Good to see you all. I'm not looking forward to Easter. But tomorrow should be fun. :] Mom in law is coming out and we're all going to a lacrosse game.

Maxipuff 04-18-2014 11:33 PM

I'm not doing anything for easter and I won't be able to experience real spring (It's forever summer here)
but I miss it soooo much! At least I wasn't on the mainland for the winter. Lots of my friends had
a terribly long, cold, harsh winter with tons of snow.

Is everyone here feeling warmer weather yet?
Spring and Autumn are my faaaavorite. I can't wait to feel that perfect in-between temperature again. [heart]

Eastriel 04-18-2014 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by llonka (Post 1772638881)
You don't have to ping me Easty, I've plopped my fat booty in your thread. [hug]

Right now I'm taking a New Testament class (bible class) and Public Speaking. I'm trying to get my associate's in English and I've one more year to go.

I don't know what is a manageable level right now. Maybe I'm depressed or something I don't know, but I just wish I could lay in my bed all day or sit on the couch and eat junk food. Which I think is going along with the intimacy troubles, I just don't really feel like doing anything and I really have to push myself to get anything done.

Okay, sorry, I dunno, I just assume people become as distracted as I do. xD

Bible study? Are you religious llonka, it is not something you have ever talked about. What do you hope to do with your degree? I am assuming it is a degree?

You are under a lot of stress and trying times, feeling down and apathetic is completely understandable hunni, but you have to value yourself, don;t let others and their BS bring you down, let them be miserable old gits, and focus on being happy and healthy yourself!

How are the kiddy winks by the way?

---------- Post added 04-19-2014 at 12:39 AM ----------


Originally Posted by Elmira Swift (Post 1772638839)
I hear you about the ease of this event! While I love new event items, I'm just happy to see familiar faces posting!

Last year, we were hoping to spend time with some of our friends for an Ostara event (we're pagan-ish), but the person hosting it had some health problems. Nothing planned for this year other than a birthday party for a friend's son. Problem is I've been having some funky old lady health problems and we aren't going. The good news is my kids are being very creative about what we should do this weekend. My son came home with a huge amount of candy, so I'm pretty sure he will be on a sugar high until the supply is depleted - keeping an eye on him because he's being sneaky about it!!

Kids plan on building a blanket fort for the weekend and I'm going to hide a few treats for them inside the house because it's been raining - too soggy for a proper egg hunt outside this weekend.

We've also been watching more of the wildlife living on our property and suspect we have a warren of rabbits either on our property or nearby! We saw a trio of them today, all about the same size, when we pulled into our driveway. Then we watched them playing and chasing each other around through our windows! We have a few deer hanging out here regularly as well, so it's been nice for the kids to see them and birds all over our property! Love springtime even with the bugs.

Yeah i just like the buzz and the increase in pace. I just hate the pressure of having to get all the event items like with a special event store, yeah its great to get the items cheaply, but it is not the end of the world if you miss them as you can just buy them a little more expensively later down the line.

Old lady problems? XD How old are you sweetie???
Awww kiddies :P How many do you have and how old are they.
I never really have plans for easter, easter isn't really a big thing in my family, but I'm up with a friend now, and we've recently been to glastonbury together, so I guess we have indirectly made it special this year!

Aww! I love rabbits, we see them a lot here, running about being all bouncy. :) I live by the sea near the country side so we get a good mix of all sorts of different things wildlife and otherwise.

Maxipuff 04-18-2014 11:40 PM

Why aren't you looking forward to easter?

This one will be uneventful, but hopefully next year when I live with my friends,
we can hide eggs and candy for each other. Oh, and I've never dyed an
egg before!! @w@ Maybe I should arrange that.

Eastriel 04-18-2014 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by hummy (Post 1772638886)

hiya, eastie!

Hola hunni, feel free to get your best typing fingers out and get chatting away, we are on a gold earning frenzy here!

llonka 04-18-2014 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by Eastriel (Post 1772638895)
Okay, sorry, I dunno, I just assume people become as distracted as I do. xD

Bible study? Are you religious llonka, it is not something you have ever talked about. What do you hope to do with your degree? I am assuming it is a degree?

You are under a lot of stress and trying times, feeling down and apathetic is completely understandable hunni, but you have to value yourself, don;t let others and their BS bring you down, let them be miserable old gits, and focus on being happy and healthy yourself!

How are the kiddy winks by the way?

It's alright don't worry about it!

Hmm I'd say I'm not that religious, though my mother and aunt are. I needed an elective and it sounded very interesting. I'd say it is too, I'm learning a lot. I'm not one to go to church though. I don't like how nosey people can get and around here you always have to help out with something. I'm not into that, I'd rather attend church and be on merry way without anyone stopping to talk to me. I'm just a huge grouch right now. Yeah it's a degree, I will just be a teacher's aide for now, but I eventually want to teach English.

I'm trying but sometimes I wonder if I'm just meant to be the ugly fat mom who sits on her butt all the time. It just doesn't help that I don't have any support at home. Nobody believes that I can do it, so rather than prove them wrong I'd rather just not even try.

Boys are okay. Jacob's pet turtle recently passed away and it was really hard on him. We might get him another one that is older. Kaleb is having ear troubles again, we had to go out of town to his doctor today. It wasn't very fun trip for him, the doctor put hydrogen peroxide in his ear to soften up the wax, which just hurt him. He had fun shopping though, but I gave him some motion sickness meds so he wouldn't puke all over the van. He slept the whole way home. He gets car sick really bad. Both boys are playing soccer right now and have games tomorrow. I will probably stay home and be a hermit. I haven't been going to their games.

Shadami 04-18-2014 11:43 PM

it was predicted that my grandmother will pass away this Easter, i'm going to try to go see her though.

Eastriel 04-18-2014 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Maxipuff (Post 1772638894)
I'm not doing anything for easter and I won't be able to experience real spring (It's forever summer here)
but I miss it soooo much! At least I wasn't on the mainland for the winter. Lots of my friends had
a terribly long, cold, harsh winter with tons of snow.

Is everyone here feeling warmer weather yet?
Spring and Autumn are my faaaavorite. I can't wait to feel that perfect in-between temperature again. [heart]

Ooohh where do you live that it is forever summer hunni? I could do with some extra summer right now, sadly when ever it is sunny here we seem to be cursed with double it in rain.
Again we don;t get much snow, it would be exciting to see proper now, it is one of the downsides of living so close to the sea, the salt kills it all and even prevents it falling. I know all about cold though, I have to catch busses at like 7am and in the harsh middle of winter you so feel it.

I love summer, spring makes me excited for summer coming and autumn makes me sad cause summer is over xD

---------- Post added 04-19-2014 at 12:47 AM ----------


Originally Posted by Shadami (Post 1772638916)
it was predicted that my grandmother will pass away this Easter, i'm going to try to go see her though.

It was predicted? You mean by doctors?
I am so sorry to hear that. I hope all becomes well. Or that it is a peaceful happening.
We;re all here for you on mene if ever you need us, and even though we dont know each other too well yet, you can PM me at any time.
After all you are a fellow leo <3

Maxipuff 04-18-2014 11:49 PM

Shadami: Oh no! I hope that doesn't happen! [:(]
Predicted though? That's an odd way to put it.
Is she in poor health?

Eastriel: I live in Hawaii right now. Where do you live
that it's always rainy?
I don't handle summer very well. [lol] I guess
I handle it by staying inside. I used to go to the beach
all the time as a kid, but now not so much. I don't know
which one I dislike more, the ocean or the sun. [lol]

Y'know, I wish I loved summer though! It's incredibly hard for me
to get a sunburn, it's like a superpower! A superpower I never use. [XP]

---------- Post added 04-18-2014 at 03:50 PM ----------

P.S. I'm a Leo too! Leo Party!

Shadami 04-18-2014 11:53 PM

more like predicted by a... i guess you can call them a medium. Doctors say she should have died 5 years ago. She's not doing well, so we've seen it coming. It'll just be crazy hard to lose the only grandparent I've known. The rest died before I was born/ have memory of.

yay for leos :3

steelmagghia 04-18-2014 11:54 PM

Well hello friend faces? This is quite the fun thread. How is everyone today?
I just took a nap. I was sick yesterday and the school nurse sent me home from work, which was pretty weird. Apparently I'm still feeling a bit like poo. And then I have to go grocery shopping in a bit. We're celebrating Easter a day early because my brother in law doesn't get today or Monday off so they have to leave Sunday.

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