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Steffox 08-04-2008 07:46 PM

Paradi Art Sale (OPEN, first come first serve)
Reiteration of PG4 announcement:

Heyo, update for every lovely person hanging out here waiting for art... I've decided not to put a cap on how many people I'll do for this event, although let's say max 3 per person, kay? ^_^''''' You just have to order BEFORE the end of the event and set aside some kinda item for me. ^_^

Problem is, I don't have internet or my computer/tablet at the new apartment yet, so stuff is going to be a while in coming. I'm doing some on paper but of course those need to be scanned ^_^'

Anyyywho, yeah. Kinda sad, the timing was exciting but not really helpful. I LIKE events AND moving, but they don't work well together and obviously IRL trumps internet.

Anyway, today is Wednesday and that means lots of meetings all morning, so I'll see you a bit later. Feel free to hang out and post order forms even if I don't update the List for a while.

-your friendly neighborhood Steffox

It's that time again! XD yay for events!
So since the last event, I have gotten a real job and am now there on my lunch break. So I thought I would set up all my plans for tonight by opening my art shoppe now!
Same as last time, I will be giving quick drawings in exchange for 1 event common each. The quality of the drawing shouldn't vary too much... Here's the previous event's art thread if you want to see the kind of thing you are to expect:
Jubilee Art Sale!

And here is one of my albums with examples in it:

Since the work computer blocks images, I can't really see if the images are still up or not... But yeah, stuff kindof like my sig, sometimes more detailed. :)

So, down to brass tacks!

Fill this out:
-------------------------->8-----cut along line----->8--------------------------------------
Name: (your name)
Reference pic: (a ref pic, or say that you want your current avvie)
Request: (do you want something specific depicted? Anything not specified is artist's choice)
Offered item: (trick or treat!)
Comment: (whatever you wanna say)
__________________________________________________ ___________

Follow Menewsha ToS!
Be nice!
Do not post if the store title says "CLOSED" (that's just... annoying)
I do not accept payment until the art is done. Please wait until then, I hate feeling guilty!

I'm opening it up to 10 people right off the bat. I will do the art tonight when I get home. Don't worry: you WILL get your art. And soon. ^_^

1. Lilith W
2. PlatinumChild
3. Roseblood
4. ReiyukaE

I now declare this Event Sale... BEGUN!

ReiyukaE 08-04-2008 09:00 PM

Oooh, nice tactic! <3

Steffox 08-04-2008 09:54 PM

It works. Plus since I work I can't get enough tokens to get all the things I'd love to get. It's like free art, really!

MurasakiCrown 08-04-2008 10:10 PM

Oh my goodness.I"m having so much trouble deciding what I want! XD

As soon as I get another EI and make up my mind I'll let you know *_*

If we can give you more than one item can we order more than once?

Steffox 08-04-2008 10:36 PM

Hahahah! My dear Platty, of course you can have more than one. Am I going to get to draw Shan and Yuki? XD I was going to anyway...

Lilith W 08-04-2008 10:41 PM

ok is the price EIs or the event commons
and if commons which ones do you want?

Steffox 08-04-2008 10:44 PM

Event commons, I guess. Those are the ones in the Event store, yes? And I don't want any specifics, but I already have all the eyes I want/need. ^_^

MurasakiCrown 08-04-2008 10:49 PM

Were you! All the more reason for me to give you something!

I wants Phinney too ;_;

I grew attached to Phinney and his nack for nearly giving Shan some good heart attacks 8D oh! There's another character I could ask you to draw OwO

She won't be a big part of the RP but I she'll be the in the end >w<

I can't decide D8;

Lilith W 08-04-2008 10:55 PM

Name: Lilith W
Reference pic: current
Offered item: starlit roman sandels
Comment: look a star

Name: Lilith W
Reference pic: someone here
Offered item: sunlight roman sandels
Comment: no the moon

I will send the trade now and I plan on getting more later.

Steffox 08-05-2008 08:23 AM

Yay! I'll try to do one drawing tonight as I have to go to sleep like... two hours ago, but jsut got home. >_< bugger it all.

Rosebleed 08-05-2008 08:32 AM

Name: Rosebleed
Reference pic: Current ava please!
Offered item: Moonlit laurels
Comment: I dont have a comment. O_o;; Thanks in advance? If I get a spot that is...

Steffox 08-05-2008 08:44 AM

Welcome Rosebleed! What a clever name! XD Of course you may have a spot.
I am currently in the process of moving to an apartment so I dunno when all will get done.
Here is the first of Lilith W's requests!
Lilith haz come to suck yer blud!

Rosebleed 08-05-2008 08:49 AM

Your style is fab, I envy you for being able to draw so well. ^_^ lol THanks, i'll pop in again sometime soon. Did you want the trade completed now or later? :-3

ReiyukaE 08-05-2008 08:50 AM

Name: ReiyukaE
Reference pic:
Request: Nope, you do you thing. ^-^ She's my Harry Potter OC, if that helps?
Offered item: Rock Star necklace
Comment: Squee, art? ^-^"

Steffox 08-05-2008 08:54 AM

Rosebleed: I only accept payment once I am done with the art. Because, as they say, "Paid music does not play."
Which actually might make more sense in spanish than translated to english, but perhaps you get the idea?

Jali 08-05-2008 08:57 AM

Name: Jali
Reference pic: Current avie!
Request: Please leave out the microphone headset and ankh! And other than that, perhaps a sad/pouty/puppydog eye expression? :3
Offered item: Moon Belly Tattoo
Comment: Lovely art!

Rosebleed 08-05-2008 08:58 AM

Yes that completely makes sense :-3 Thanks.

ReiyukaE 08-05-2008 09:00 AM

Hehe, it's a nice saying, I think. ^-^

Jennifer 08-05-2008 09:15 AM

Name: Jennifer
Reference pic: Current avatar please. Just finished putting it together. :3
Request: Nope, just do your own thing. :3
FYI though -- take notice to the necklace. It's the the Sunlight Pendant. Just thought I'd let you know so you don't think it's part of the top or something. :3
Offered item: ANY item you would like, just let me know and I'll get it. ^____^
Comment: I adore your art of course!

ReiyukaE 08-05-2008 09:22 AM

Wee - a Megara in you sig! <3

Shadowfflur 08-05-2008 12:58 PM

Name: ShadowFflur
Reference pic: Current avie please
Request: Artist's choice!
Offered item: Whatever event common you wish, just let me know
Comment: If for some reason I change my avie I will post a pic, but I don't think I will be changing too soon. ;) Thank you!

Lilith W 08-05-2008 01:29 PM

I love it Steffox.
I look so cute and evil.
Thanks so much.

TelstelNSG1 08-05-2008 01:35 PM

oh i so want one but
i don't know what to get for you

MurasakiCrown 08-05-2008 02:15 PM

Steffie, I have no clue what to get you ._.; Do you like Hairpins? XD
Or Laurels? >w>

Shadowfflur 08-05-2008 06:05 PM

*pushes thread back up* Cute artsies, but no one can see from page 3!

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