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Sakura 01-20-2008 12:04 PM

PIRATEplayhouse -- Beki-chwaaan's Menewshaversary thread!

I know it's a little late ;~;
But better late than never~!

I've had difficulty participating in the forums of previous events, because school seemed to be on or I had a ton of homework.

But I do love to chat on mene, everyone here is super friendly! And I hate mssing the oppurtunities to do so! Also I'm normally a bit shy of creating my own threads like this XD; I have no idea why but ohwells.

So I made a hangout thread of my own! I might think of an event or freebie of some sort to hand out to people -- if anyone has any ideas please let me know!

So, please post, chat and enjoy yourselves and another of Mene's awesome events!

Sakura 01-20-2008 12:04 PM

Reserved for any possible events I may hold~~

If anyone has any good ideas for an event I'm open to considering them~!

Thank you and feel free to post!

Markyeo 01-20-2008 12:11 PM

Seems really nice! ^^
Happy Menewshaversary! XD

Sakura 01-20-2008 12:12 PM

Happy menewshaversary to you too~!
How are you? :3

Pearl 01-20-2008 12:21 PM

Oh-em-gee I saw your entry for teh art contest, your shop keeper was simply stunning! As well as dazzling, gob-smacking and generally sensational and spectacular!

ToriKat 01-20-2008 12:22 PM

*invades, gets shot*

Hello! x3

Sakura 01-20-2008 12:23 PM

@ Pearl; D: I want to see it~
Ooh you're British? Me too~! What country of teh Britland are you from? Crumpetland, Bagpipeland, Irelandland or Wales 8D?

@ToriKat; OMG I love you *refrains from shooting and glomps on* 8D

Pearl 01-20-2008 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by ToriKat
*invades, gets shot*

Hello! x3

; - ;

-crouches in the mud, cradling Tori's weak body-
-cries onto the wound-
Don't you die on me, soldier! You'll live, dammit, you'll live!

@ Sakura- Crumpets all the way, baby.

I would have done the English flag, but that symbolises thugs, brutality, riots, chavs, etc etc.

Sakura 01-20-2008 12:28 PM

@Pearl; Mmm I'm a Bagpiper myself. But my boyfriend's all Crumpety. And he's made of win which leads me to assume all Crumpters are XD;

Ahyes, the CHAV phenomenon. It's even more worring than aliens and the like. Th British flag seems to symbolise much more refined things, like afternoon tea. <33

ToriKat 01-20-2008 12:30 PM

@Sakura: xD I got glomped! Squee!

@Pearl: I'm a fighter! :< *will make it, determined!*

How is everyone? ^^

Pearl 01-20-2008 12:31 PM

Indeed... not that I've ever tasted tea. xDD

Lol, I love how you gave the countries cute little nicknames, then were like:

"... and Wales."

xDDD Wales gets picked on all the time, especially in British comedy. Not US comedy, they haven't heard of Wales.

Red Dwarf:
"Transmit in all known frequencies and in all known languages. Including Welsh."

"Sir, there's something wrong with your fiance."
"Dear God, she's not Welsh is she?!"

Sakura 01-20-2008 12:32 PM

I'm fine. Had a nice long lie in this morning *squee!* I love staying at my grandmother's~~

Everyone else is fine because they get to post in my thread. *shakes fist* D<

How are you Tori-swaaaaan? ♥♥

@Pearl; You are a sin to your own nation. Tea is delightful and mst be enjoyed thrice daily whilt wearing a monocle.

XD No one likes Wales. It's sad but it's always the last country to get picked for football teams.

Ofcourse America hasn't heard of Wales! Theyonly realised Britain was more than one country last week! D<

Mmm red dwarf and blackadder. I love those shows. Damn British comedy is srsly the best.

ToriKat 01-20-2008 12:35 PM

@Sakura: I'm doing well. ^^ I have, an hour and a half left at work before I get to go to bed.

@Pearl: *blinkblink* People make fun of the Welsh? D: *is terrible, laughed at the jokes* ^^; I'm an ignorant I'm quite unfamiliar with that.

Sakura 01-20-2008 12:40 PM

@ToriKat; mm, bed is good. Work however, is less good. i think I get to spend my day food shopping for someone else .___. joy.

See, the Welsh are the small country who don't stand up for themselves. The English are all OMG WE HAZ UR CRUMPETS IN OWR EMPYRE, the Scots are all YE WILNAE TAK OOR FREEDOMZ and Britain only has the top bit of Ireland. Wales just sits there, doing nothing.

And American ignorance is okay. We're all used to it 8D
I'm kidding. I don't think many Americans are ignorant, I just think the publicised ones are.

ToriKat 01-20-2008 12:49 PM

@Sakura: ...W-will you get this food? D:

The more I work, the more I'm tempted to just quit. >_>; *sighs* I'm only doing it because I tend to be up late on weekends anyways. *shrugs* Might as well get the opportunity to pick which days I work, for how long, and get paid studying, drawing, or online. xD

xD Perhaps the Welsh are satisfied with their situation?

*laughs* As for that...yes, yes, I do think they slap the bottom of the barrel in the media, making the world think we're all like that. ^^; The education system doesn't help much either. :<

Sakura 01-20-2008 12:55 PM

I don't think so ;~;

XD What do you do that you get the chance to be paid for doing that? Becuase I want it ;~;

Maybe. Maybe they know more than anyone else and are just sitting there chuckling quietly XD;

Mm, I'm not too familiar with the american education system. I do know that no matter how many times people explain grades to me I can't understand what year they correlate to >w< So I'm pretty stupid too <3

Pearl 01-20-2008 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by Sakura
I'm fine. Had a nice long lie in this morning *squee!* I love staying at my grandmother's~~

Everyone else is fine because they get to post in my thread. *shakes fist* D<

How are you Tori-swaaaaan? ♥♥

@Pearl; You are a sin to your own nation. Tea is delightful and mst be enjoyed thrice daily whilt wearing a monocle.

XD No one likes Wales. It's sad but it's always the last country to get picked for football teams.

Ofcourse America hasn't heard of Wales! Theyonly realised Britain was more than one country last week! D<

Mmm red dwarf and blackadder. I love those shows. Damn British comedy is srsly the best.

omg You've heard of Red Dwarf? They're the smeg. <3
British comedy is the best. Quiz me on any sitcom of your choice ;D

Lol, one of the best things I've ever heard on gaia was:
"What's Wales?" XDD


Oh, and I'm afraid I broke my monocle when I gasped in horror at uncovered piano legs, and it fell to the floor. D:

Sakura 01-20-2008 01:04 PM

LMFAO You shall have to get a new handcrafted ivory monocle form Wattington-Smythe & Sons.

Red Dwarf = Pure unadulterated WIN. No doubt about it.
Also blackadder is always good, I love Stephen Fry to bits also.

What's Wales?

eeeks I have to go for a bit, shall be back later mmkay? <3

Pearl 01-20-2008 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Sakura
LMFAO You shall have to get a new handcrafted ivory monocle form Wattington-Smythe & Sons.

Red Dwarf = Pure unadulterated WIN. No doubt about it.
Also blackadder is always good, I love Stephen Fry to bits also.

What's Wales?

eeeks I have to go for a bit, shall be back later mmkay? <3

Yes indubitubly! I hear they have some rather topping ones for two ha'penny.


Aww, come back soon, my love! ; - ;

(I cling to anyone who knows of true comedy xD)

ToriKat 01-20-2008 01:11 PM

@Sakura: D: That's so sad! *would want to eat food* ... *would want to eat period*

xD I work Night Staff in a residence hall. I just monitor people coming in to make sure they live here follow the rules. If there's any trouble, I call up the police or medical staff, stuff like that. ^^; Most of the time for desk duties, I'm checking out movies or handing out mail.

99% of the time I do whatever I want. 8D

Ohoho, I bet! Pretend you're no threat and when the time is right, strike! xD

*pats* I'm the same way when others try to explain theirs when I know next to nothing about them. 8D I'm willing to learn though!

Pearl 01-20-2008 01:19 PM

I understand the basics of the US education system, but when people go into detail about their high school courses and credits and stuff I'm lost. x_x

ToriKat 01-20-2008 01:22 PM

@Pearl: xD Well, some school districts do things differently from each other, so that's quite understandable!

I know my high school had Advanced Placement credits...while the city right next to us had the International Baccalaureate. *was so jealous* Some schools grade on a 4.0 scale, while I heard others do it on a 6.0 one. O_o; *thinks things need to be more standardized* xD

Pearl 01-20-2008 01:25 PM


... what are you studying? : D

ToriKat 01-20-2008 01:33 PM

@Pearl: xD!! I'm studying psychology. :3 A little biology too.

Pearl 01-20-2008 01:34 PM

  • Awesome, I'm studying psychology too. : D

    What are you looking at?

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