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Chickie Nuggs 03-18-2013 03:22 AM

I'll try this challenge!!!
Although I've never hosted very good event threads...

Hope you guys enjoy the fabulous things that Maria and I cooked up for ya! :D


Nephila 03-18-2013 03:23 AM

You look super cute hon! I love the new items. Did you do any of them this time?

Chickie Nuggs 03-18-2013 03:28 AM

Yes...but I only did the Green beer with stache, the gold mountain, and the shamrock tattoo. I probably would have come up with some fashions, but Maria already came up with awesome clothing items that I decided to just do those few things.

Also thanks! Your avatar is very mysterious and beautiful yet dangerous. :O

Nephila 03-18-2013 03:33 AM

I love the gold mountian btw. I've been hoping for an item like that for a long time now.

She's inspired by the Kitsune from the Movie "Painted skin" It's such a beautiful film I practically drooled watching it.

Chickie Nuggs 03-18-2013 03:35 AM

I'm glad you like it. I figured it could be used for more than just St Patrick's Day so I went for it.

That movie title, itself, sounds eerie. Is it live action or animated?

Arriana 03-18-2013 03:35 AM

Thank you and Maria for creating the items!! So prettttty ^____^

*covers thread in cupcakes!*

Nephila 03-18-2013 03:36 AM

It's like action and very well done. I found it on netflicks so if you have that you can look it up. :)

Chickie Nuggs 03-18-2013 03:39 AM


Originally Posted by Arriana (Post 1771720558)
Thank you and Maria for creating the items!! So prettttty ^____^

*covers thread in cupcakes!*

You're welcome! I'm so happy you like~
*stares at your pretty hairpin and pot of gold* [drool]

*Dives at the cupcakes*


Originally Posted by Nephila (Post 1771720565)
It's like action and very well done. I found it on netflicks so if you have that you can look it up. :)

I don't have netflicks, but my boyfriend does! I'll see about watching it the next chance I get. ^^

Arriana 03-18-2013 03:43 AM

I swear, I'm just really old.
I don't have much of an inventory at all besides the old items.

And I totally pictured you literally diving into a pile of cupcakes XD

Chickie Nuggs 03-18-2013 03:45 AM

I loves me some cupcakes. :3
I wish I could have been around from day 1. I really like all those old items, but they're butts expensive. xD

Arriana 03-18-2013 03:54 AM

xD there's still items that are super expensive that I can't get!
I want that carnival hairpin and the meinarch wings sooo bad.
But I'll probably never get them ):

Chickie Nuggs 03-18-2013 03:57 AM

Ahh yes the carnival pin is definitely a want. I also want the bleeding hearts boa. Maybe if I save up my pixelist earnings... one day... xD

So what's happening? Do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day?


D.J. Dead 03-18-2013 03:58 AM

I agree even though my laptop won't let me see the EI's I know they will be just as amazing as the commons are [heart]

Nephila 03-18-2013 03:58 AM

Yeah me too, I'd never have to quest for them like I did for the first 4 years I was on here. XD I'd probably have all the commons by now. XD

Liztress 03-18-2013 03:58 AM

*noms on Demo's hat* Looking sharp!

Arriana 03-18-2013 04:00 AM

I don't really... Back home a lot of my city was Irish but out here in California, not so much.
So I just made sure to wear my green.
I didn't even have green food or go out.

D.J. Dead 03-18-2013 04:21 AM

The first year and a half I wasn't really on Mene I regret it now because I love this site and would have loved to get all the EI's and commons from event times that I could have back then

Chickie Nuggs 03-18-2013 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by D.J. Dead (Post 1771720741)
I agree even though my laptop won't let me see the EI's I know they will be just as amazing as the commons are [heart]

Does that happen for all events? D:


Originally Posted by Liztress (Post 1771720749)
*noms on Demo's hat* Looking sharp!

Noms on all your pink. *w*


Originally Posted by Arriana (Post 1771720757)
I don't really... Back home a lot of my city was Irish but out here in California, not so much.
So I just made sure to wear my green.
I didn't even have green food or go out.

Where do you hail from originally? Also where in California do you live? All I did for today was wear a green shirt with a shamrock on it. :P

Arriana 03-18-2013 05:06 AM

I'm from St Louis Missouri!
I moved out here to San Diego about seven months... I'm super homesick still.
I didn't get to a shamrock! I just wore a solid green tank with a bunch of pink haha

....are you in Cali too?!

Chickie Nuggs 03-18-2013 05:10 AM

Ahh cool cool. For some reason I thought you meant you came from abroad. Like Europe or something. xDD
Yes I live in Fresno, California. Clovis to be more exact.

Arriana 03-18-2013 05:12 AM

To a lot of people Ive met, St. Louis practically is a foreign country.
It's mind blowing.

Where is Fresno?
I haven't learned much about this state.. I really only drive from where I stay to work or my internship. I haven't made any friends so I haven't had any reasons to go exploring. ):

Chickie Nuggs 03-18-2013 05:16 AM

I think California is basically foreign to many states in the US. Every state has its history, but California has a noticeable one and Hollywood is part of it. Also Katy Perry's "California Girls" is a perfect example of how California women tend to be idealized as. I'm sure that if I ever moved to a different state it would take a lot of adjusting for me as well so I don't blame you.

D.J. Dead 03-18-2013 05:16 AM

Demoscout this is my first event ever with my laptop. I just got it a few days ago

Chickie Nuggs 03-18-2013 05:18 AM

Oooh...well all there is in the shop at the moment is commons your laptop isn't broken. [lol]

Arriana 03-18-2013 05:19 AM

omg you're not kidding about the idealizing part.

Back home, I'm thin. Slender. Whatever.
Out here, like, I -know- I'm thin but I don't -feel- it at all. Everyone is so fit and small and everything! It makes me feel out of shape and fat alllll the time. It's awful. I feel like an elephant in a state full of Idk. Deer. haha

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