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Uzekins 02-15-2011 02:06 PM

Uze's V-day Event Freebz-come in
ways to get a crappy headshot since im not home with my tools >D:

** <--school ones won't be as good

no hit and runs
art trades? *see lower for info
be nice,patient,all that stuff >D
no nagging me or i will smack you.

How was/is your v-day?
Happy Single's Awareness Day*belated on here llol*

* Art Trade info:
I want
drawn ^^. 1st is Uke. 2nd is a Seke. *like mehself*

**I will be using better tools later on, cause I will be home and with tablet and sai then lol.


Dottie Mae Evans 02-15-2011 02:08 PM

Hello. :) How was your Valentine's Day? My Valentine's Day was average. ^_^;

Uzekins 02-15-2011 02:09 PM

My v-day was almost average. our class had DQ ice cream cake, i got a box of chocolates from my grandparents.
thats pretty much all
it was single's awareness day for me

Dottie Mae Evans 02-15-2011 02:21 PM

Same here, it was single's awareness day for me to. That is what I meant by average. :S My average Valentine's Day that is. :-/

I enjoyed my Sunday though, I had a Valentine's day dinner with my grandparents and my great aunt. :)

Uzekins 02-15-2011 02:26 PM

>D my grandparents only got me the chocolates yesterday and started eating them =___=
my nan said she;d give me a turtle's for the one they took lol

Dottie Mae Evans 02-15-2011 02:30 PM

That's grandparents for ya'.

Hm... there is discounted chocolate today at random stores. I think I should go buy some. :D!

Uzekins 02-15-2011 02:37 PM

meh. I'm gunna curl up and die >D
after I get work done of course.

star2000shadow 02-15-2011 02:41 PM

I had an okay V Day had to go to a doctor appointment, found out i might be anemic 'shrugs' found the My Little Pony's the Movie so im listening to that while i post haha.

Uzekins 02-15-2011 02:44 PM

...>D that sounds oh so childish lol
I got my ipod close by. Anime on my usb as well.

star2000shadow 02-15-2011 02:48 PM

Well it's fun really, not to childish i mean it is a kids movie but i happen to like it. that and Rainbowbrite. their old favorites.

Uzekins 02-15-2011 02:53 PM

I watch thundercats every night and stuff >D
I has teletoon retro <3

BlackEggIceBird 02-15-2011 02:55 PM

Hello everyone! Beautiful avi @ star.......... bravo

Uzekins 02-15-2011 03:01 PM

hi hi
just finished a report assignment >D

star2000shadow 02-15-2011 03:02 PM

'blinks' aww thanks.. 'does little spin'

BlackEggIceBird 02-15-2011 03:06 PM

I love the new EI stuff I got them all! Yaye hello uze! :) :boogie:

momochan 02-15-2011 03:08 PM

Heeelloooo! xD

Uzekins 02-15-2011 03:08 PM

hi hi >D
im out of homework i wanna do til...12 30 >D
it;s only 11 10 lol

star2000shadow 02-15-2011 03:08 PM

I'm working on making hte gold to get the new EI's haha.

momochan 02-15-2011 03:09 PM

Uze: ewww homeworks. D:

Uzekins 02-15-2011 03:10 PM

well we were going to present a little thing first thing but prof is a no show so she said to do a report

momochan 02-15-2011 03:11 PM

Uze: Well, a report is better then sitting in a class and learning. xD

Uzekins 02-15-2011 03:12 PM

lol yeah but it;s already done. only had to be 1 page. lol

momochan 02-15-2011 03:13 PM

your very lucky~ she could have made you do a 10 page report. xd

Uzekins 02-15-2011 03:15 PM

nah. this is graphic design. Not an english class =p.

momochan 02-15-2011 03:23 PM

My mom used to do graphic design.

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