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Captain Howdy 10-26-2018 05:37 AM

[Contest] Bump in the Night

Salutations, Pumpkin Heads!
Howdy here with a little creepy contest for you.

Have you ever been home alone, late at night? Perhaps you're getting ready for bed and all the lights are out. You've just slipped beneath the covers when... what was that?! A noise, somewhere in the house! But... but that can't be, you're all by yourself.

You try to reassure your racing mind it was nothing, but your imagination goes wild, crafting unspeakable beasties who bait their time in the shadows. Heh heh heh...

Well, we're about to tap into that imagination.

Captain Howdy 10-26-2018 05:54 AM

How to Play

It's simple. You will be presented with a bit of text. Read the scenario and then download the accompanying picture and color it in. Submit a form containing the colored pic and then tell me what happens next.

1. Read the opening scenario.
2. Download the blank pic.
3. Color the pic. This can be done with digital or traditional media. Make sure your username is somewhere on the picture.
4. Submit your finished pic, along some text describing what's happening in the picture and what happens next. This can be as short or long as you like.
5. Entries will be open until the end of the event.
One entry per person. One account per person. The only exception being staff approved charity mules.

After the event, entries will be judged and prizes awarded.

Captain Howdy 10-26-2018 06:18 AM

Bump in the Night

The days grow colder, the nights grow longer, and the leaves begin to turn. It's October, the time for tricks and treats. But your treats, unfortunately, are very limited. Being an adult is tough, and funds are low. But soon an opportunity to make some extra cash arises.

Your good friend Deborah gives you a call. Debbie is a little shallow, a little spoiled, but ultimately has a good heart. She's recently heard from her Uncle Bartholomew, an eccentric millionaire who lives alone in a big mansion in the country. Unkie Bart is going to be traveling for a time at the end of the month and needs someone to watch his property. Now Debbie would totally play housesitter, if she herself wasn't flying out to Cancun. So naturally she thought of you.

"Uh, I might have plans." You say sarcastically. "Ah that's sweet, I wish you did." She replies. Spending the week alone in a strange place does not sound appealing, until you hear the ridiculous amount Uncle Bartholomew is offering as compensation.

So weeks later you find yourself at the sprawling mansion, way out in the middle of nowhere. You ring the doorbell. A tall, gaunt man answers, dark circles painted under his eyes. It's Uncle Bartholomew. You introduce yourself as Debbie's friend, and he invites you inside.

It's straight to business with Uncle Bart. He normally doesn't like to leave the house, but very important matters have come up in Prague. You will be in charge of making sure nothing happens to the mansion or property. The servants have been given the week off, so it will only be you, alone in the gigantic three story home.

Being by your lonesome does sound a bit boring, but it's actually an easy gig, and easier money. So really no problem. But as he leaves, Uncle Bartholomew gives you a strange, final piece of instruction. ... On the third floor, at the very end of the eastern hall is a door. Under no circumstance is this door to be opened.

That's very ominous. You ask what's behind the door, but Bartholomew only repeats, very sternly, "Under no circumstance is this door to be opened." And he's gone.

His reply gives you a weird feeling in your stomach, but soon it's brushed aside. The house is certainly very beautiful, although a bit dusty and dated. The kitchen is appropriately stocked and fortunately Unkie Bart's got Netflix. The first day passes without event, and by the next morning all your fears have been assuaged, but not for long...

You've just gotten out the shower. You've dried your hair, slipped into your pjs and are making your way back to the second floor guest room. But then you come to dead stop. Did... did you hear something? You pause, straining your ear. Thirty second passes, then a minute, and you begin to think it was all your imagination. But there it is again... A soft bump, sounding from somewhere above you. What was that? You stand stone still, listening further. But soon there's nothing. Maybe it was your imagination. Maybe it's the house. These old places certainly creak and groan. Whatever the explanation, you try to forget the disturbance and head to bed.

By the next day the incident has left your brain, but is made fresh again once night falls. You're down in the den, watching Uncle Bart's ridiculously, oversized television. But switching the set off, you yawn and make your way upstairs. Planning to drift off as soon you hit the mattress, your eyes suddenly fly open. Another BUMP breaks the silence, louder this time. You yelp! What the hell! And soon, there it is again... BUMP It's... that sound again, only more intense! What is it?! You slowly and cautiously ascend the stairs, coming to a stop after each continued thud. Four... Five... They keep going, until you reach the bottom of the steps leading to the third floor. Your heart pounds. Was it coming from upstairs? It had to be, right? Or is it really just the house settling? Part of you doesn't want to find out. But as the noise has stopped, you decide to retreat to your bedroom.

The next morning there is no forgetting what happened. All day you walk around, on edge. And as the hours grow darker, your anxiety grows too. This isn't helped by the storm brewing outside. You try to go on as if nothing has happened, and by nightfall you begin to relax. Perhaps a good sleep will calm you, and you head to bed early. The mansion is calm, peaceful, until... You awake with a scream as a deafening BUMP sounds overhead! Scurrying out of bed, you quickly turn on the lights. The BUMP is followed by a BANG, and then what seems to be a series of CRASHES!

This is not the house settling! Something is upstairs! Your first instinct is to call the police, but damnit, you're not getting any reception! The cacophony continues above you, as the wind and rain pounds against the windows. What do you do? Your better judgement says to barricade yourself in the room, but a louder part of your mind wants to know what's up there. Bump and bang, you tentatively head to the third floor. Once you reach the landing, it becomes very clear that the din is coming from the eastern side of the house. In fact it's coming from the end of the eastern hall, from behind the very door Uncle Bartholomew warned you against opening.

"Maybe I should do as he said," you say out loud. And as these words are spoken, the bumps and bangs cease. And once again the house is still, with only the storm being heard. Curiosity moves you forward, as you creep down the hall, and all too soon you're standing before the door. But now there's nothing, not even a faint thud.

Reason screams for you to turn back, but the mystery before you takes control. With shaky hand, you reach for the doorknob and turn...

What happens next?


[COLOR="Red"][FONT="Georgia"][B][SIZE="5"]What's behind the door?[/SIZE][/B]
[B]Art Entry[/B]:
[B]What happens next?[/B]:

Captain Howdy 10-26-2018 05:30 PM


hummy 10-26-2018 07:04 PM

Sneaks in shaken her money maker

Antagonist 10-27-2018 01:50 AM

Aw man, I wish I still have my tablet so I can draw this digitally. Don't have a printer so I can't print it out either...can I do a rough sketch of the doorway on a separate piece of paper and then draw on that?

hummy 10-27-2018 02:00 AM

aw Man I have no talent to do any of it

Antagonist 10-27-2018 02:03 AM

I know what I want to draw and the story, though I have no idea if I have to skills to be able to draw it out properly. [lol]

hummy 10-27-2018 02:07 AM

I have faith in you antagonist

Antagonist 10-27-2018 02:09 AM

Thanks. It's just troublesome because I don't have my tablet anymore and can't just draw everything digitally...[headdesk]

hummy 10-27-2018 02:13 AM

Is it Find a bowl or fixable

Antagonist 10-27-2018 02:15 AM

I think it's somewhere in my room, I just have no idea where I placed it or if it's even usable wouldn't install correctly on my last computer.

hummy 10-27-2018 02:18 AM

O you should I can find the charger cable and of course the batteries always almost gone when I find things

Antagonist 10-27-2018 04:53 AM

It's a USB pluggable thing so there wouldn't be a need for batteries...though I'm not sure where the cable went either. [sweat]

hummy 10-27-2018 05:23 AM

lol ebil cables

Antagonist 10-27-2018 05:27 AM

My room is a mess so it takes a lot of effort to find anything at all. [lol]

marnie 10-27-2018 05:41 AM

Preaching to the choir

Antagonist 10-27-2018 05:42 AM

Good to know I'm the only one who has a messy room! I always envy those people's rooms in movies where everything has their own place and it doesn't appear too cluttered. I need two or three bookshelves (or more) just for my books! [headdesk]

hummy 10-27-2018 05:46 AM

And they find everything with such ease

Antagonist 10-27-2018 06:00 AM

lol Yes, and they all those little nooks and crannies where everything is just so...I want to move into their homes where everything is clean and tidy lol [lol]

Captain Howdy 10-27-2018 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by Antagonist (Post 1774086599)
Aw man, I wish I still have my tablet so I can draw this digitally. Don't have a printer so I can't print it out either...can I do a rough sketch of the doorway on a separate piece of paper and then draw on that?

Sure thing. Go to town! ;D

Antagonist 10-27-2018 06:02 AM

Woo! I'll see if I can get anything done. Might be able to doodle something while in class next Monday...provided the event is still going by then due to time differences. [sweat]

hummy 10-27-2018 06:03 AM

Good luck!

Antagonist 10-27-2018 06:07 AM

Thanks! ;D

hummy 10-27-2018 06:15 AM

I'll even be your muse =3

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