Menewsha Avatar Community

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Razor 10-30-2018 03:32 AM

VERY Controversial Idea
I suggest we make all items free. ALL items - yes, including CIs and other rares. Give us all an equal potential to build our dream avatars. I'm wondering how many creative potential avatars are out there that still haven't been made in these ~11 years!!!

I know we all worked hard for these items... and I don't want this suggestion to be viewed as some how devaluing our accomplishments in the past. I personally felt amazing sense of joy when I gave away the majority of my extensive inventory to people who could much better use the items. Help spread joy amongst the community was my greatest achievement on this site versus any personal accumulation of any item.

Basically I am suggesting we abandon the premise of currency and item transactions of this game... as I think to a large part many of us have already. A reboot where we can just focus on expression and community instead. :) <3

With love,


Antagonist 10-30-2018 08:35 AM

As lovely as the thought of all free is, who would donate to the site to keep it running anymore if everything's free?

Razor 10-30-2018 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Antagonist (Post 1774088535)
As lovely as the thought of all free is, who would donate to the site to keep it running anymore if everything's free?

My idea was actually inspired because of there being no CIs for awhile! Perhaps the site could think of alternative incentives that would motivate people to donate?

Or perhaps we don't actually get rid of ALL transactions... we could make all current items free and then all future ones can be paid for by either money or gold depending on the item category. It may actually help attract new members by leveling the playing field significantly! Everyone having thousands of items to create and express themselves from a unique avatar from the start.

At this point I really feel like there's not much to lose by trying something radical. And although maybe other members haven't pictured this exact move as the solution, judging by the high amount of threads along the lines of "Mene Dead?" it does seems like a lot of others are also feeling like there's not much to lose, too.

I'm just wanting Mene to take some type of risk or reboot attempt to revive and survive. I'm really trying to focus on where Mene can go next! I have high hopes for this place. It has such a unique, warm, welcoming and dedicated community inside it. <3

hummy 11-02-2018 07:06 AM

I love the thought of doing something different but I think it would infuriate people that had been donating since 2007 and had collected all of the rares as they came out. For example the 2007 Valentine's Day items are extremely rare.
But I do like the thought of tossing out new ideas =3

Anglie 01-06-2019 05:42 PM

As a 2007 member, I love that idea. It's different, and it would be great for the newer players. Many who have the rare items (ie Vday07) don't come on anymore, so those are just sitting on their accounts.
There aren't enough of the old items to go around to the newer users that are questing for them. And it's kinda a bummer when you're questing an "impossible" item if no one is around to take up your offer on it.
Plus most of Mene is about the community and interactions, not about item value. If users could dress their avis up how they want - and be more creative since the item pool will be larger - the site would probably do great.

Plus gold is used on other things to the site - like Art

ghostPastry 01-12-2019 07:33 AM

Agreed! As someone who donated for I think the entirety of 2009-2010, I would love it if all those items were made free to the community and new users! And I do agree, I think it would draw new people in. What other avatar site can boast thousands of free items? Although, I do think Mene could do this sort of thing even by just making all of the commons free. And I'm really not being greedy here, I have plenty of gold to spare, I just think it might draw new people in. And I do agree future CIs should still cost money, of course. Maybe with it switched so there are like 5 CIs and 2 EIs, so Mene can get more money.

Mikio 01-12-2019 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by Anglie (Post 1774105924)
As a 2007 member, I love that idea. It's different, and it would be great for the newer players. Many who have the rare items (ie Vday07) don't come on anymore, so those are just sitting on their accounts.
There aren't enough of the old items to go around to the newer users that are questing for them. And it's kinda a bummer when you're questing an "impossible" item if no one is around to take up your offer on it.
Plus most of Mene is about the community and interactions, not about item value. If users could dress their avis up how they want - and be more creative since the item pool will be larger - the site would probably do great.

Plus gold is used on other things to the site - like Art

I agree! The old CI's were amazing in design and they're all going to waste because barely anyone who's active owns them and uses them anymore and for anyone, like me, who want those items, it's impossible to get them. Make them available again and you will get loads of new members and more member interaction. Could do recolors too. Something needs to be done otherwise, all the hard work and design that went into those older items would have been for nothing if no one can enjoy them anymore.

Risque 01-12-2019 11:35 PM

I have a decent amount of older items and I wouldn't mind if any of them were re-released. I think those Giving Back Auctions worked particularly well for getting some rares off of banned accounts and back into circulation without upsetting or undermining anybody who worked hard to get those items initially.

Velvet 01-14-2019 04:11 PM

Free does sound lovely in it's way, BUT I feel that it would eventually have a negative impact on the community. As an older member that has worked hard throughout the years to collect everything possible (except those incredibly rare V-day items), I feel that if everything was free activity would eventually cease. Why? Because if users have a goal, they are more active. Back when monthly CIs were released, users would be posting more and exchanging more so they could earn enough gold for the new item. That made the site much more active than it is now. If everything was free and easy to get there would be no goals. No posting to earn gold and no feel of accomplishing anything.Not trying to sound greedy or anything, but when I was able to save up enough to get the Pudao(for example), it felt amazing! I was so excited. Everything being free would kind of demolish those feelings. Ya know?

ghostPastry 01-14-2019 08:52 PM

i see where you're coming from, Velvet. which is why i think maybe just commons should be free. or even just a couple shops? and there's hardly anyone selling anything right now so it's literally impossible to get anything with all our hard earned money. so there's really no point for me to post right now since i have plenty to buy whatever commons i want.

but i do think if old CIs and EIs were re-released so that people actually have something to save up for... that'd be pretty cool. then maybe you could finally get your vday items haha.

Anglie 01-16-2019 01:01 AM

Ooh yeah that is a good point too, the feeling of achieving a goal is awesome, and we wouldn't want to lose that.
But I think they should definitely re-release some of the old items, even if they degrade in value from it.

From a new person's perspective, they want 'impossible' items. If there's no one around to sell any of the old items, they're on an impossible quest, which can cause them to give up and quit the site - which we don't want.

So there has to be some in-between way of not making things free for everyone/so people can still quest/ but make the quests plausible.

Though if all the commons go free, that could cause another issue - the shops and commons are a way to get gold out of the system (if that makes sense). If those go free, that could cause crazy inflation, or other issues.

Ooh or maybe what if the commons do go free, and then the shops sell/for limited time/or even rotate Old CIs/EIs, that are priced based on the year they were originally released. Ie 2007 could range from 65k-75k, 2008 from 55k-65k, 2009 from 45-55 etc.

Velvet 01-16-2019 02:14 PM

Yes! A few years ago I made a thread suggesting re-releasing those extremely rare items. EVEN if it's just recolors. It wouldn't upset me at all. I would love to see recolors of the Oriental Fan, which is one of my favorites. I think recolors would make a great fill-in for monthly CIs until wishie comes back (if she does..).

Risque 01-17-2019 04:59 AM

Having monthly rotations/recolors of the older collectibles would go a long way in providing accessibility while maintaining exclusivity; personally, that's what I always liked most about Menewsha- the balance between the two.

Mikio 01-18-2019 10:33 AM

I hope they fix the avatar issue/multi-equip issue first though because I can't use any of my items, most of which are CI's and thus multi-equip... and until that's fixed, there is no reason for me to come here as I can't see the point in buying items to customise my avatar, when it won't let me unless it's single pose.

ghostPastry 01-18-2019 06:34 PM

they've been releasing the latest EIs as single-equip items, i'm sure they'd do the same with CIs if they haven't fixed the problem by the time they release more. but that's not really what this thread is about, Mikio.

Velvet 01-18-2019 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by Mikio (Post 1774109354)
I hope they fix the avatar issue/multi-equip issue first though because I can't use any of my items, most of which are CI's and thus multi-equip... and until that's fixed, there is no reason for me to come here as I can't see the point in buying items to customise my avatar, when it won't let me unless it's single pose.

If you can use google chrome there is a little shield icon at the very end of the address bar. If you click on it and then select "Load Unsafe Scripts" you can equip multi-equip items.

Mikio 01-23-2019 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by ghostPastry (Post 1774109374)
they've been releasing the latest EIs as single-equip items, i'm sure they'd do the same with CIs if they haven't fixed the problem by the time they release more. but that's not really what this thread is about, Mikio.

I already know that, I already responded to this thread before if you would scroll up. I was simply replying to the post above me regarding recolors [:)] I just didn't quote them.

The Wandering Poet 04-09-2019 08:05 PM

The giving back auction mentioned before in no way hurt those of us with extremely rare items. Honestly it was at times the only way to know what your item was valued at which hasn't sold for 8 months.

I don't like the idea of free but definitely more use of older items as prizes would be a fun way to drum up activity. However as mikio states there's no point in making 90% of my inventory free when I can't equip them without putting my computer at risk.

Cinderella 04-22-2019 06:33 PM

I haven't been a particularly active user on here, but I do like the idea of at least some commons being free. I hate my avi on here because I barely have any items, and now that I'm trying to get back into the community, it's frustrating to know that I'll probably look like this for a while because no one seems to be around to interact with.

hummy 04-23-2019 12:10 AM

I'm sorry it's so slow lately. Never know maybe it'll pick backup because it is such a lovely little community. I hope you get to talk with a few of us and stick around for a bit, yeah?

Cinderella 04-23-2019 01:09 AM

I definitely plan to stick around! I've missed being part of a little community so much. And I've been trying to start some new topics to keep things going as well.

(This wasn't really on-topic, oops.)

The Wandering Poet 04-23-2019 01:56 PM

Menewsha is a lot more lax on topics these days, especially as any post is a potential post to be replied to to maintain some activity.

I sent you some items to hopefully give you some more options. Some "free items" if you will.

Cinderella 04-23-2019 06:05 PM

Ah, okay, that's good to know, Poet. 😊 I felt bad, but now I feel better.

I saw, thank you very much! One of these days I'll hop on the computer (I'm on mobile) and change my avi into something a little more interesting.

The Wandering Poet 04-23-2019 08:01 PM

I look forward to seeing it :)

Regardless of what path we take we definitely have to try to do our best as a community to keep everyone around.
After all, with the staff being unpaid and the owner MIA we've few options but our own.

Antagonist 04-24-2019 01:09 AM

I like the dress you're currently wearing though Cinderella! :) It's one of those commons I wish male avatars have the option of wearing too. xD

Free commons sound like a good idea :) It'll give people more options to play around with while still keeping more exclusive items like CIs and EIs circulating the marketplace.

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