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WTFranki 02-23-2009 12:33 AM

What's Your Favorite Disney Movie?
I don't know if any one has posted this yet. ^^; I hope not and I apologize if they have.

So, what's your favorite Disney movie? This can include animated or actual people movies[Sorry for the lack of the real term xox]

Mine are:
Treasure Planet
The Great Mouse Detective
and The Lion King. :]
What are yours?

KelemiNightingale 02-23-2009 04:57 AM

Mine are Alice in Wonderland, Aristocats, 101 Dalmations, and Fox and the Hound.

WTFranki 02-23-2009 08:03 PM

Ah. Fox and The Hound is great. :D

thoughtlessamaya 02-23-2009 11:39 PM

And Alladin (:

juniper_silver 02-24-2009 06:12 PM

Aladdin, Jungle Book, Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Atlantis, Mulan, Sword in the Stone...lots more, too many to remember them all. I love Disney movies, but I haven't seen any of them in forever. I miss them ;_;

fancy heavenly-angel 02-25-2009 04:59 AM

My favorite disney movie is mulan, the lion king, 101 dalmations, and hercules.

sushi_in_a_can 02-28-2009 11:04 PM

My favorites would have to be Atlantis, The Lion King II, and Beauty and the Beast.
Hunchback of Notre Damme is a pretty close second.

Pa-pancake 03-01-2009 08:48 AM

I don't think I have ever hated a Disney movie before. I got to say that one of my favourites is Beauty and the Beast because I loved how the could get such character and personality into the everyday objects! They were brilliant and at that era, it was a beautifully done movie. And Belle really is one of the prettier Disney princesses in my opinion.

I also liked Hercules because it was quirky and the drawing style was pretty unique and abstract compared to all the movies before that. I also loved their play on the Greek Gods even if most of it is rubbish XD and the soundtrack is honestly one of the best for Disney. But then again Disney has so many great songs but Hercules has the best compilation because of the strength of the singers...

Mnemosyne 03-01-2009 06:55 PM

Gosh. I love Bambi. Its just a very sad tale considering its meant for people so young. I also loved Mulan and The Lion King; not as much, but the love is still there.

taytaylalala 03-01-2009 11:47 PM

Mulan, Hercules, Pocahontas, and Anastasia is a Disney movie too right?

I'm sure there are probably more.

Sforzando 03-02-2009 02:41 AM

tay, I don't think Anastasia is a Disney movie. (But I really liked that one. Ansd Swan Princess [which is Warner Brothers].)

My favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast.

adorably_evil 03-02-2009 04:46 AM

The Little Mermaid for me. It has been my favorite since I was little.I do also like Alice in Wonderland, Mulan, and The Lion King 1 1/2.

Saisei 03-03-2009 01:44 PM

I thought that Lion King 1 1/2 was unabashedly cute, but not even in my top 10. :)

Due to childhood and post-childhood memories, Mary Poppins is still at the tippy top of my disney movie list, though the Pirates movies worked really hard to usurp it.

As for animated, I always loved the first Aladdin movie, the first Lion King movie and the first Little Mermaid movie. :)

Guivre 03-03-2009 07:26 PM

The Rescuers and 101 Dalmatians. Also the Three Caballeros -- had so much fun watching that as a kid.

As an adult 101 Dalmatians is the one that still interests me visually, heavily based on the illustrating style of Ronald Searle. As much as you can't help but love Margery Sharp channeled through Bob Newhart.

Dumbo is the one that really made me cry. I think its like 100x more moving than Bambi. But then, I've been afraid to watch Dumbo again. -- Okay, I just looked up the clip on youtube. Dumbo's mom doesn't die! Lol, it just must have been so sad I thought she did die. That's better, but it's still very sad, and it looks like the entire movie has this theme of motherhood.

RA1NBOWxSK1TTLES 03-07-2009 09:28 AM

The only types of movies i watch have to be Disney.. I fricking love Disney movies so much. I like the older style Disney movies better though i don't like this new 3d stuff there using to make movies now. my all time favorite Disney movies would have to be..defiantly the lion king that is beyond the most greatest movie ever made... i also really love beautify and the beast and Pocahontas.. and the newer Disney movies my favorite kind in that version are finding nemo and monsters inc.

Lela Rose 03-07-2009 08:22 PM

There's so many amazing Disney movies I couldn't even pick a favorite D:
But the ones I really love the most are Mulan, Aladdin, Atlantis(for the music really), Beauty and the Beast, and the Rescuers. I grew up on those movies <3

~Midnight Dreams~ 03-07-2009 10:53 PM

Mulan, and Color of Friendship, oh and Lion King ^^

ellaangelus 03-07-2009 11:11 PM

lion king i think is the best one

purple_artemis00 03-08-2009 02:57 AM

Oh my goodness, I love Disney flicks. My roommates and I have a Disney night once a month. we rent three Disney movies and eat an ungodly amount of popcorn. We watched "The Sword and the Stone," "The Incredibles" and "Bedknobs and Broomsticks" (we weren't sure if it was Disney, but it was great) last time.

My absolute favorite is "Robin Hood." I must have watched that one eighty million times when I was little. I love the music.

My number two pick is "The Little Mermaid." How sweet is that movie? I love it because it is nothing like the Hans Christian Andersen version, which is horrible, depressing and bleak.

My third favorite Disney movie has to be "Lilo and Stitch." I love that little girl. She's so messed up. When she has the voodoo doll spoons in the pickle jar, I almost peed I laughed so hard.

kurobizzle 03-08-2009 04:36 AM

My most favorite movie is tied between Mulan and Tarzan. Tarzan was hilarious and almost made me cry but Mulan was the kind of girl that I wanted to be when I grew up.

My second fave. however is Aladdin. I don't know how many times I've watched that movie and I love Genie.

My third favorite is Little Mermaid. I loved Ariel and was such a huge fan of mermaids when I was a kid.

NessaRose 03-08-2009 02:21 PM

I like Mulan, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast...

Byaggha 03-08-2009 04:36 PM

Mine's probably Alice in Wonderland, or maybe the cartoon Robin Hood that they did. I always liked them both. The highlight of my childhood was 'meeting' Robin Hood at Disney World - I still have a picture of me as a four year old (give or take a year) hugging the costumed fox-man tightly.

I have a thing for swashbucklers, what can I say?

Actually, that reminds me - I'm also a huge fan of their not really accurate to the novel but fun anyway live action adaptation of Three Musketeers. That movie is a riot. :D

Psychic_Freak 03-08-2009 11:51 PM

Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, Alice in Wonderland, The Sword and the Stone, Mulan, Lion King 2, Hercules.

I think Hercules, Alice in Wonderland and Sleeping Beauty would be my favorites. I love the storyline in Hercules, the art in AIW and the Fairys in Sleeping Beauty. :3

dark_tenshi17 03-09-2009 05:00 PM

My all time favourite would have to be the Little Mermaid

craze 03-16-2009 03:28 AM

I hate to go against the grain and not mention the classics, but I have to be honest.

My favourite Disney movies by far have to be The Pirates of the Caribbean series - especially Curse of the Black Pearl.

It has action, drama AND cute boys. Who can contest? "Pirates" is the best! ;)

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