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Captain Howdy 07-08-2011 08:32 AM

The Junk in Howdy's Trunk - A Mess of Broken Images D:

In a dark, dark town there was a dark, dark street. And at the end of that dark, dark street there was a dark, dark forest. Through the dark, dark forest sat a dark, dark house. In the dark, dark house there were some dark, dark stairs. Atop the dark, dark stairs there was a dark, dark attic. In the dark, dark attic was a dark, dark trunk. And in the dark, dark trunk is a dark, dark mouse. And if you give a dark, dark mouse a cookie, he'll burrow through your backside while you sleep and gnaw on your intestines.

So um... yeah.


Captain Howdy 07-08-2011 08:33 AM

Q. Howdy, how would you describe your style?
A. With sock puppets. But i'm not sure that I have an actual style. All my avis are made to simply please me. And all my avis, indeed, are pretty simple. I'm not very good at layering or coordinating or geometry. But I have a nice set of gams. ;D

Q. Howdy, what's your favorite item?
A. I'm not sure. Previously, my answer was the male vampire teeth. But I seem to be using them less and less.

Q. Howdy, what are your favorite colors to use with avis?
A. When I first joined up, I gravitated to the red items. I have since then broadened my palette. I do love black, though. ... And don't gimme none of that 'black ain't a color' crap.

Q. Howdy, can I call you Howdy?
A. Haven't you been doing that already? :|

Q. Howdy, didn't you steal this Q and A idea from Belly?
A. ... ... ... No. [ninja]

Captain Howdy 07-08-2011 08:34 AM
~Howdy, the Phoenix King~
Hair Color: #380000 - #B80F00 ~ Font Color: #FF3300
Phoenixes rise from the ashes. Every time I rise up out of the ashes, I just end up dirty.
~Howdy, the Christmas Vampire~
Hair Color: Black ~ Font Color: Red
Cause really, nothing says Christmas like a bloodsucker fiddling under your tree.
~Howdy, the Jack of Hearts~
Hair Color: #700000 - #FF0505 ~ Font Color: Red
The Jack of Hearts, he stole a tart. And I don't mean yo mama! BAM! ... *crickets*
~Howdy, the Bumblebee~
Hair Color: Black ~ Font Color: Dim Grey
Buzz Buzz Buzzzz Buzz Buzz Buzzzzzzzzzz. [Translation: Hi.]
~In the Night Garden~
Hair Color: Black ~ Font Color: Red & Green
Vampires have to do their gardening at night. Otherwise, y'know... they explode.
~Howdy, the Thunder God~
Hair Color: #A2B3B3 ~ Font Color: Sienna
Thor? No, just a little stiff. ... :XD
~Howdy, the Leprechaun~
Hair Color: Black ~ Font Color: Green
Stay away from me lucky charms... or i'll bite you.
~Howdy, the Fire Manipulator~
Hair Color: #F56B00 - #F7EF88 ~ Font Color: #FF3300
What does a fire manipulator do all day? Relight pilot lights. Cook marshmallows. Arson. Y'know.
~Howdy, the Lion Tamer~
Hair Color: #B16510 - #FFF7EB ~ Font Color: Sienna
How do you soothe lions? Soft music and bubble baths. But no easy listening. That sends them into murderous rages.
~Howdy, the Easter Knight~
Hair Color: #E93578 - #FFFFFF ~ Font Color: #FF3399
Keeping colored eggs and chocolate bunnies safe, everywhere.
~Howdy, the Nature Guardian~
Hair Color: #4E3218 - #C38850 ~ Font Color: Green
Someone's gotta make sure no one steals those trees.
~Howdy, the Peach King~
Hair Color: #AD4E00 ~ Font Color: Royal Blue
Sure, i'm king and all. But it's not that great when your subjects don't move or talk and eventually attract fruit flies.
~Howdy, the Star Catcher~
Hair Color: #E4931B - #FFFFFF ~ Font Color: Dark Orchd
You may think that I catch stars for their dust. It's actually for their extensive knowledge in forensics.
~Howdy, the Peacock Prince~
Hair Color: #DA7B07 - #FFFFFF ~ Font Color: Sea Green
I live in a golden palace. With golden chairs and golden sinks and golden showers and... ... Strike that last one.
~Howdy, the Blue Knight~
Hair Color: Black - Font Color: Royal Blue
Knights usually wear armor, true. But c'mon, where's the fashion in that? :roll:
~Howdy, the Wanderer~
Hair Color: #DB851A - #FFFFFF ~ Font Color: Sea Green
Wandering the moonlit landscape, Howdy seeks out injustice wherever it may lie. Injustice and cake.
~Howdy, the Dragon King~
Hair Color: #D09B58 - #FFFFFF ~ Font Color: Red
Every morning I wake up and exclaim, "Oh shit, a dragon!" And then I remember, "Oh yeah, i'm the Dragon King."
~Howdy, the Avatar~
Hair Color: Black ~ Font Color: #0099CC
I may be blue, but I don't mean that kinda Avatar.
~Howdy, the Rock Star~
Hair Color: #074200 - #8EFF70 ~ Font Color: Green
Howdy plays lead guitar for a rock outfit. But he hopes to get a standup base and badass quiff and join a psychobilly band.
~Demon Hunter H~
Hair Color: #000000 - #940000 ~ Font Color: Dark Red
Half demon, half human, H seeks out the dark forces where ever they may lie. Preferably somewhere moderately temperate.
~Howdy, the Keeper of Balance~
Hair Color: #B6B5BF ~ Font Color: Dim Grey
Um... Yeah, 'Keeper of Balance' pretty much says it. He also enjoys a good roast beef sandwich and church hall bingo.
~Howdy Human Torch~
Hair Color: #FE9B0B - #FFFFFF ~ Font Color: #FF6600
Comes complete with oil soaked costume and real-working oversized lighter.
~Howdy, the Jack of Hearts (v. 2)~
Hair Color: Red ~ Font Color: Red
The Jack of Hearts, he was a tart. But that's how the King and Queen liked it. :mrgreen:
~Air Captain, Captain Howdy~
Hair Color: #134549 - #12EDD9 ~ Font Color: #996633
Air Captain, Captain Howdy is captain of the Royal Menewshan Air Fleet. But he stays on deck cause he's afraid of heights.
~Howdy, the Winter King~
Hair Color: #9CA1AB - n/a ~ Font Color: Dim Grey
As the ethereal, personification of a season, you can get away with wearing saucy, little, off-the-shoulder numbers like this.
~Howdy, the Elf Knight~
Hair Color: #D99E54 - #FFF5C7 ~ Font Color: Dim Grey
Howdy, the Elf Knight protects all of elfdom from trolls, ogres and smurfs. Smurfs are mean bastards.
~Howdy, the Time Wizard~
Hair Color: #520003 - #FF291F ~ Font Color: Red
Howdy the Time Wizard says, "Time for cake! Chop! Chop!"
~Howdy, Private Eye~
Hair Color: #000000 - #ADADAD ~ Font Color: Dim Grey
Mene's mean steets are the perfect backdrop for a two-bit gumshoe like Howdy. If only he could shake the pervasive jazz solos.
~Howdy, the Mer Prince~
Hair Color: #005755 - #D1FFF0 ~ Font Color: #006666
I know you're curious, but never ask a mer-person how they poop. ... It's rude.
~Howdy, the Phoenix Priest~
Hair Color: #DA7B07 - #FFFFFF ~ Font Color: #ff3300
The garb may seem scanty, but the Priests of Phoenix are like the bird they worship. Free and unfettered, baby!
~Howdy, the Forest Guard~
Hair Color: #133A49 - #12ED6B ~ Font Color: #009966
Don't let the pretty, sparkly wings fool you. I'll spear your ass. Y'know, for the forest.
~Space Howdy~
Hair Color: n/a ~ Font Color: Indigo
To boldly go where ever the hell I feel like goin'. You can't stop me.
~Howdy, the Elf King~
Hair Color: #330000 - #c20000 ~ Font Color: #CC0000
Howdy the Elf King fights for his land and his people. But mostly for his cookies.
~Santa, Demon Hunter~
Hair Color: #9CA1AB ~ Font Color: #cc0000
This Christmas, Santa's delivering a sack full of whoop ass!
~Birthday Howdy~
Hair Color: Red ~ Font Color: #CC0000
On Howdy's birthday, modesty goes out the window. He wants presents and cake, and lots of 'em!
~The Ocean~
Hair Color: #176CAB - #FFFFFF ~ Font Color: #0099CC
I am the ocean. Careful, you might drown in me. [insane]

Captain Howdy 07-08-2011 08:34 AM
~Howdy, the Dark Mayor~
Hair Color: Black ~ Font Color: Red
Ever wonder what the mayor would be like if he wasn't so good-hearted and kind? He'd be me, baby! ;D
~Howdy, the Yuurei~
Hair Color: Black ~ Font Color: Dim Grey
I'm like the Grudge, except without the popcorn noises in my throat or the meowing kids.
~Howdy, the Vampire Lord~
Hair Color: #3D0000 - #DB0000 ~ Font Color: Red
After a long night of leading the armies of Satan, a snifter of blood by the fire hits the spot.
~Howdy, the Assassin~
Hair Color: #292929 - #D4D4D4 ~ Font Color: Dim Grey
Howdy, the assassin, is a silent killer. Like a jungle cat stalking its prey or a deranged mime with a pillow.
~Howdy, the Bloodthirsty Pirate~
Hair Color: Black ~ Font Color: Red
Well, not so much bloodthirsty as... I dunno, lemonade-thirsty. I like lemonade. =3
Hair Color: n/a ~ Font Color: Red
There's no escaping Death. I'm everywhere you want to be! :D
~Howdy, the Serial Killer~
Hair Color: #000000 - #AB6C3B ~ Font Color: Sienna
Howdy, the serial killer is a chipper fellow. He's happy in his work. It's not just a job, it's an adventure.
~Howdy, the Demon~
Hair Color: Black ~ Font Color: Red
Being a demon comes with some pretty good benefits. Full dental and health and all the damned souls you can eat.
~Howdy, the Saboteur~
Hair Color: #3E2A19 - #BF7E5F ~ Font Color: Dark Red
Say hello to my friend, Anne. Anne Archy! Oh yeah!
~Howdy, the Storm Elemental~
Hair Color: n/a ~ Font Color: Dim Grey
Howdy, the Storm Elemental, issues forth lightning from his hands. I won't say where the thunder comes from.
~Howdy, the Kitsune Ninja~
Hair Color: n/a ~ Font Color: #CC0000
Howdy relentlessly stalks his prey. Nothing can stop him. Though he occasionally pauses to snack on mice.
~Hobo Howdy~
Hair Color: #291600 - #DE956E - Font Color: Sienna
Hobo Howdy's not a singin' hobo. He's a stabbin' hobo.
~Zombie Howdy~
Hair Color: #746363 - #D8CFCF - Font Color: Dim Grey
With so many brains to snack on, everyday is like Christmas.
~Howdy, the Mysterious~
Hair Color: #501E76 - #F6D0FB - Font Color: Dark Orchid
Do not try to unravel the secrets of Howdy the Mysterious. For a dark fate awaits those who do. I like, kick 'em and stuff.
~Howdy, the Lord Of Shadow Manor~
Hair Color: #002E47 - #0F97FF - Font Color: #0066CC
Once you come to Shadow Manor... you may never leave. ... Bring a toothbrush.
Hair Color: #E8A84F - #FFFFFF ~ Font Color: #FF6699
Tiffany is a princess and the most beautiful girl ever. SHE IS CLEARLY NOT AN INSANE AND DERANGED GROWN MAN! [:-x]
~Pineapple Howdy~
Hair Color: n/a ~ Font Color: #FF4F00
There are fewer creatures in this world filled with more rage than Pineapple Howdy. He knows he's an abomination.
~Howdy, the Disgruntled Cat~
Hair Color: #99A3A3 ~ Font Color: #FF3333
Howdy refuses to be part of your yaoi, neko fantasies.
~Howdy, the Scourge~
Hair Color: #000000 - #DB42EB ~ Font Color: Purple
Howdy the Scourge shall smite all those who made him miss his Rugrats marathon!
~Howdy, the Jilted Lover~
Hair Color - Black ~ Font Color: Dim Grey
If I can't have you, chocolate-frosted yellow cake, than no one can!
~Howdy, the Dark Jester~
Hair Color: #969C9C ~ Font Color: #CC0000
Here's a joke. A man walks into a bar... and then I blow it up! ... Like it?
~Howdy, the Evil Mer Prince~
Hair Color: Black ~ Font Color: Dim Grey
You want thingamabobs?! I got your thingamabob right here!
~Howdy, the Cleaner~
Hair Color: #AD000B - #EA9743 ~ Font Color: #996633
Woe to anyone who makes Howdy clean. They usually don't last too long.
~Howdy, the Red Mage~
Hair Color: Red ~ Font Color: #E41B17
Always remember to channel the dark forces of hell with a smile on your face.
~The Dark Wizard Howdymort~
Hair Color: #001933 - #29A6FF ~ Font Color: Indigo & Royal Blue
Mortals tremble at the name Howdymort, otherwise known as He-Who-You-Probably-Shouldn't-Be-Talking-About.

Captain Howdy 07-08-2011 08:34 AM
~Kid Goyim [1], Trusty Sidekick of Super Jew (AKA DariaMorgendorfer) [2]~

Hair Color: #B35A00 - #FFDC99 ~ Font Color: Royal Blue
Lookout all you gonifs and fershtinkiners. Don't get in our way or you're going to get such a punch in the punim! Feh!
~Robbie the Rabbit~
Hair Color: #BA1742 - #FFDFDB ~ Font Color: #FF0066
Robbie lives at the Lakeside Amusement Park in Silent Hill. He'd like you to come for a visit.
~Howdy, the Yumeh~
Hair Color: Black ~ Font Color: Royal Blue
Yumeh and I have many similar traits. Except I don't poop in a box.
~St. Paphnutius of Alexandria~
Hair Color: Black ~ Font Color: Red
St. Paphnutius believed that priests should be able to get it on. This is a historically accurate representation of him. No, really. [ninja]
~Carl Fredricksen~
Hair Color: #999999 ~ Font Color: #663300
I've lived so long, I don't need to obey the laws of physics.
~Tuxedo Kamen-sama~
Hair Color: Black ~ Font Color: Red
I'm really quite usefull, when i'm not being kidnapped.
~Michael Myers~
Hair Color: #24120A - #804C2D ~ Font Color: #cc0000
You don't believe in the Boogeyman, do you?
~Nathan Drake~
Hair Color: Black ~ Font Color: Green
I went looking for El Dorado... and came back with Montezuma's Revenge.
~Velma Dinkley~
Hair Color: #290A00 - #BA3D1C ~ Font Color: Dark Red
It's actually Hanna-Barbera who made Velma say 'jinkies'. They didn't like how she was always shouting, "Motherfucker!"
~Ororo Munroe, A.K.A. Storm~
Hair Color: #9C9C9C ~ Font Color: Dim Grey
Some people went through the 80's looking like pastel messes. Storm was a black leather badass, babeh. ;D

Inc'est la Vie 07-15-2011 10:09 PM
I am Inc'est la Vie, Howdy's mule. I don't keep my clothes in a trunk, where they can get wrinkled. That's low class. I keep my attire in a wardrobe, like a civilized person.
Hair Color Code: #ADB3B3 - n/a
Hair Color Code: #DB9136 - #FFFFFF

Captain Howdy 07-15-2011 10:16 PM

HAIR COLORS Blonde (Butter) ~ #E6A600 - #FFF7E0 Blonde (Light) ~ #D7A12D - #FFFFFF

Gold ~ #B27B34

Captain Howdy 07-16-2011 09:05 PM

Captain Howdy 07-17-2011 06:34 AM

Oh yeah... This baby's open. ;D

I'll upload more avis when i'm not so lazy.



fireprincess 07-18-2011 12:15 AM

Your Avis are soo awesome!! And I love all the comments you put for the pictures. :D

Ace Strife 07-18-2011 12:38 AM

Mr.Howdy =3 loving the aviis and is it me or Did you miss out one of my fav avii, I cant seem to find it or I think I forgot which on it was lol

Captain Howdy 07-18-2011 02:22 AM

@fireprincess ~ Thank you. :3

@Ace Strife ~ And thank you as well. ;D

I'm still in the process of adding my avis, so I still have more than two dozen to upload.

Ace Strife 07-18-2011 02:42 AM

Hehe is you guys always prepared for those things >.< I hardly ever save my avi's hehe

Captain Howdy 07-18-2011 07:30 AM

I reuse my avis over and over, so that's why I save them. ;)

Ace Strife 07-18-2011 10:53 AM

ooh fair enough =) I was lucky as I remade some of my avi's and saved them HIME's dresser thread otherwise I would had hardly any avis lol

DariaMorgendorfer 07-18-2011 07:16 PM

I love that I make an appearance in your trunkshow! *feels special...Like the short bus kids, only better*

BellyButton 07-18-2011 09:06 PM

Sweet thread, Howdy! I like how organized you are with your hair codes and your little stories and whatnot. :boogie:

Captain Howdy 07-20-2011 07:00 AM

@Daria ~ How could I not? I'm your ward and trusty old man boy companion. ;D

@Belleh ~ It's nice to have all that information gathered in one thread. Saves me the trouble of bringing up the word document. The little stories are just cause i'm a weirdo.

BellyButton 07-21-2011 04:20 AM

Weirdo hm? That's my favorite part of you. Aside from your sweet sweet buns. ;D

Captain Howdy 07-21-2011 04:59 AM

Don't forget my scones, crumpets and baguettes. :)

BellyButton 07-21-2011 05:12 AM

And that week old everything bagel you keep under the stairs.. :o

Captain Howdy 07-23-2011 07:20 AM

:o I told you never to speak of my bagel in public!


Nephila 08-07-2011 10:51 AM

I like how you always have a darker twist on things. Nice collection.

Captain Howdy 08-08-2011 12:51 AM

Thank you. :D

BellyButton 08-08-2011 03:59 AM

Where's Cletus? Just cuz he ain't got all his teef don't mean he ain't good enuff fer yer trunk! *hic*

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