Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   -   Design an Angel + Caption Contest [Locked for Judging] (

Tre Le Coco 12-07-2007 09:11 AM

Design an Angel + Caption Contest [Locked for Judging]
Hello and welcome to Aries and Tre Le Coco's part of the event ^^

We are hosting to contests here:

- Design an Angel
- Caption Contest

Continue reading below to find out more!

Aries 12-07-2007 09:15 AM


Rules - Please Read! These can change at any time ^^;

General Rules

- Follow Menewsha's Rules and ToS
- Treat everyone and the work they enter fairly, this means no bashing/flaming/whining/drama in here. Anyone who does will have their posts deleted
- Don't complain if you don't place please ^^; we don't have enough to give out to everyone
- Try not to put yourself or your work/phrase down in any way ^^;;

Design An Angel Rules
- This contest will start on the 21st of December 2007 and end 26th of December 2007
- Art Theft is a punishable offense: Do not do it! You will be disqualified and have a mark against your name (those who catch art thieves will be rewarded)
- Referencing from other images is OK, but you must link us to anything you referenced. You cannot trace poses or exact outfits, they must be more than 50% different: Not linking a reference image will disqualify you
- All media is acceptable so long as its your own work (with the exception of using a reference)
- Tasteful nudity is acceptable, just warn us first ^^;
- You cannot win more than one prize, but you are more than welcome to submit more than one entry =3
- Collaborations are fine, so long as you are able to split the prizes up yourself without arguing: we don't take responsibility for people fighting over prizes/gold >.<;

Caption Contest Rules
- This contest will start on the 21th of December 2007 and end 26th of December 2007
- Copy/Pasting phrases off google without any ideas of your own in them is a punishable offense: Do not do it! You will be disqualified and have a mark against your name (those who catch cheaters will be rewarded)
- All captions must be relevant to the image shown, no off-topic captions
- Try to be creative and make your own phrases up rather than using movie/cartoon/show etc. quotes. Staff members do have the right to not accept your entry if we feel it isn't your own or a bunch of copy /paste off a website
- You cannot win more than one prize, but you are more than welcome to submit more than one entry =3

Tre Le Coco 12-07-2007 09:15 AM


Design an Angel Contest!

Welcome, welcome!! This contest is really straight forward - Design us a angel for all occasions ^^ You can enter as many times as you wish for each category if you desire =3

The Categories:

- Overall Best Angel, every entry is in this =3
- Best Christmas Angel
- Best Seasonal Angel (Summer, winter, spring or autumn)
- Best Good/Evil Angel
- Cutest Angel
- Sexiest Angel (tasteful nude only!)
- People's Choice
- Staff's Choice
- Honorable Mentions ^^

And the prizes for each one!
- Overall Best Angel: One December CI of your choice
- Best Christmas Angel: One Set of Event items
- Best Seasonal Angel: One Event Store Common set of your choice
- Best Good/Evil Angel: Balloon of Hell/Heven
- Cutest Angel: A Plushie of your choice
- Sexiest Angel: Silver Slave Collar
- Honorable Mentions: 50g each

Aries 12-07-2007 09:16 AM


Caption Contest!

Welcome guys! Another fairly straight forward contest - Make a witty and cool caption to go with the image below!
Image done by CK =3
Left to right: Vicktoria Valentine, Channah, Yumeh, Mr. Mayor and Cecilia

The Categories:

- Overall Best caption, every entry is in this =3
- Funniest/Wittiest Caption
- Smartest Caption
- Stupidest Caption
- People's Pick
- Staff's Pick
- Honorable Mentions

And the prizes for each one!
- Overall Best caption: One Event item of your choice
- Funniest/Wittiest Caption: An Event store common of your choice
- Smartest Caption: An Event store common of your choice
- Stupidest Caption: An Event store common of your choice
- People's Pick: 100g
- Staff's Pick: 100g
- Honorable Mentions: 25g each

Tre Le Coco 12-07-2007 09:17 AM


Entries! - Post your entries in this thread so we can add them ^^

Design an Angel Form:


Username: Your username here
Other Usernames: Anyone else who worked on the image, type their name here too
Category: Which category are you entering?
Link to Entry: [x]
Reference Images: Please link any images you used to help your ideas

Caption Contest Form:

Username: Your username here
Caption: Type Caption here

Design an Angel Entries
Razzle - Seasonal - [x]
wish - Good/evil - [x]
Omi - Seasonal - [x]
future - Good/evil - [x]
temarigirl - Seasonal - [x]
Alicia - Sexy - [x]
Alicia - Sexy - [x]
LennaHime - Cutiest - [x]
Alicia - Cutiest - [x]
Caeluma - Christmas - [x]
Satomi - Sexy - [x] [xxx]
IndiGlo - Seasonal - [x]
'clockwork - Good/evil - [x]
'clockwork - Cutiest - [x]
Kiwizzle - Christmas - [x]
IndiGlo - Cutiest - [x]
Melody Xyelle - Christmas - [x]
Amari Tsuki - Christmas - [x]
Amari Tsuki - Cutiest - [x]
Amari Tsuki - Good/evil - [x]
Amari Tsuki - Seasonal - [x]
Witch - Cutiest - [x]
nescia - Christmas - [x]
Apocrypha - Christmas - [x]
Kongouseki - Christmas - [x] nescia - Good/Bad - [x]
A i - Cutiest - [x]
Karine - Seasonal - [x]
nvs - Cutiest - [x]
fuyumi_saito - Seasonal - [x]
A i - Seasonal - [x]
IndiGlo - Sexy - [x]
FuuMiyazawa - Christmas - [x]
fuyumi_saito - Cutiest - [x]
Eileanora - Christmas - [x]
fuyumi_saito - Good/evil - [x]
blueblackrose - Seasonal - [x]
Master Wild Mage - Christmas - [x]
Master Wild Mage - Seasonal - [x]

Caption Contest Entries
Page 1
Circa Survive

Page 2

Page 3
Satomi x4

Page 4

Page 10

Page 11

Page 29
Princess Emeraude

Page 35

Page 36

Page 38

Aries 12-07-2007 09:17 AM

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxWe are now open ^^

wish 12-21-2007 08:35 PM

  • Awh I wanna send one in! :3

Bunnyy 12-21-2007 08:38 PM

  • Purple mod is no longer purple mod . T.T

wish 12-21-2007 08:41 PM

  • What do you mean bunnyy? :O

Koopess 12-21-2007 09:00 PM

I'll totally own the caption contest! 8)

mocha_san 12-21-2007 09:03 PM

Username: mocha_san

Originally Posted by My Caption
Viktoria Valentine, caressing Yumeh's tail: "You know, this fur is exactly what I have been looking for to use as a new boa!"
Yumeh: "Back off, lady! I have PETA on my speed dial."

Mr. Mayor, oblivious to Viktoria and Yumeh: "You know, Cecilia, these birds are MAGIC! Normal birds migrate in the winter. These, however, stay here year round to bring joy to little children."
Channah, cynically: "Actually, they are just stupid."

Cecilia, ignoring the two adults: "You know, I could use a new boa too!"

clock 12-21-2007 09:04 PM

Neat, angel drawings. ^-^ I'll attempt one and hopefully
I can figure out how to color decently in the new photoshop. xD

Tre Le Coco 12-21-2007 09:28 PM

everyone enter ^^ there is a chance for lots of prizes!

Bunnyy 12-21-2007 09:29 PM

Username: Bunnyy

Mr Mayor; Woah. Look at all that birdie business that`s flying around everywhere. It`s making the ground all white.

Cecilia; Mister, please kindly take your hand off the upper part of my body that is connected to the trunk of my neck. You are stopping my growth of tallerness. If you do not do so, may you expect a painful stab in your you-know-where.

Vicktoria Valentine; Oo~ meat on legs .

Yumeh; Woof.

Channah; That blue featherball just did something bad on my hair. Oh joy.

Bird; Meow.

  • I don`t know if that`s counted as one entry or not .
    I didn`t want to double post all each of the entries so I just chucked them in one post if that`s ok . X3

Risque 12-21-2007 10:15 PM

Username: Circa Survive
Mr. Mayor: Why, Channah, aren't those birds just lovely? My entire family was full of bird watchers once, we used to study these magnificent animals day after day, but when I was 6, I suffered some type of freak accident involving angry birds pecking me until I was hospitalized for months, ah those lovely magnificent birds. Gotta love them.

Channah: Sir? o_O

Mr. Mayor: Gotta love those birds...

(I forgot to add, that's all part of one caption. @__@ )

Majinkoz 12-21-2007 10:46 PM

Username: Majinkoz

Yumeh: Oh man...I have gas, hey lady! I wouldn't put your hand so close...

Cecilia: Uhhhgg what's that disgusting smell!?

Vicktoria Valentine: Teehee, nice kitty! I smell something juicy like roast beef cooking...I wonder what that that wet feeling on my hand is...

Mr. Mayor: Hey baby, nice slave collar...If you were a booger, I would totally pick you with this finger.

Channah: Say what? Oh no you didn't!

Dev 12-21-2007 11:19 PM

I'm so going to jump in on this, I need work on drawing angels anyway.

~ Expect to see some angelic art from me~!

Razzle 12-21-2007 11:54 PM

Username: Razzle
Other Usernames: /
Category: Seasonal Angel (Autumn!)
Link to Entry: [x]
Reference Images: /

Eee! n__n This was loads of fun to make. I love autumn (tardy edit! :) specifically)~ I always associated it with relaxing, which hopefully explains the lazy, daydreaming kind of look on her face. If it's unclear or anything, the angel's sitting with her knees pulled up.

future 12-22-2007 12:44 AM

Oh my goodness! O:
Draw an angel and mayhaps win something? So sweet! I might if I get unlazy... I like drawing at any rate. >w<

Dystopia 12-22-2007 12:50 AM

Username: Dystopia
Caption: ... Now he's dear and so unsure I wonder why I didn't see it there before...

If you haven't seen Beauty and the Beast, you probably wont' get this.

I'm not sure if quoting from movies is allowed, so I posted this anyways. If its not allowed, do tell me and I'll remove it.

fuyumi_saito 12-22-2007 03:06 AM

Username: Fuyumi_saito
Mr.Mayor: These birds are quite lovely. Birds in winter..what will they think of next!

Channah(In her mind): I wonder if he'll say I'm as pretty as the birds....

Channah, outloud: I agree with you the way.. Do the birds remind you of anything?

Channah(mind): like my eyes?

Mr.Mayor: oh.. you're right they do! They remind me of Yumeh's eyes!

Channah, outloud, smile disappears: Oh...I see...

Channah glares at Yumeh.

Yumeh: It's not my fault I'm so beautiful...

Cecilia: You are very pretty, Kitty!

Viktoria: I will agree with that. I just LOVE your fur. It's so soft!!!

Yumeh: That's why I'm the mascot.

torhu_anime 12-22-2007 03:22 AM

this is interesting, i think i might enter myself but who know, i better/need to get to work now then, on my angel drawing anyway. if it good, i might enter it but i think my drawing are pretty bad. anyhow, good luck all the contestant.

IndiGlo 12-22-2007 03:46 AM

Oh drawing angels should be fun. Better start if I wanna stand a chance. ^ ^;
Good luck to all who may enter!

Rawrsaurus 12-22-2007 03:52 AM

    Username: Rawrsaurus

    Mr. Mayor: Channah! I love these dead birds on wires you got me for Christmas, they're just perfect for my latest outfit!

    Channah~ Taxidermy is one of my favorite hobbies...and you're a fantastic specimen yourself -winkwink-

    Victoria~ Wow Yumeh, I could stroke your long tail all night long...

    Yumeh~ Purrr? -perks up in excitement-

    Cecelia~ -sigh- Oh great, they're at it again...get a room you two!

FuuMiyazawa 12-22-2007 04:07 AM

-Begins work on angel-
:D do the angels have to have wings?
-is kinda incapable of drawing wings-

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