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Channah 02-03-2009 05:56 AM

Team Purple Iris Event Hangout Thread

[Team Purple Iris]

Well, hello again everyone. Last event we didn't do so great on the whole 'teamwork' thing, so I decided to offer my services as a team leader to keep you kids in line! Don't think I like you little menaces any more than the others just because you're sporting the Purple Iris banner. But I do want you to get out there, have fun, and do well!

You don't have to be a Purple Iris to hang out here, though. All of you guys are welcome as long as you behave and keep your appendages to yourself.


Channah 02-03-2009 05:56 AM

I'm reserving this post in case you guys make up some sort of fun things for me to put here.

Go ahead and use either of these banners for your signature, if you want.
Pixel button-banner by Tre le Coco
Artwork banner by Omi (with Tre's button-banner).
Stolen from Explosive Rainbow's siggie :ninja:

Lilim 02-08-2009 12:37 AM

I wuv you Channah... And your big hair

catghost 02-08-2009 01:14 AM

Definitely choosing this team! XD

Peanut 02-08-2009 01:44 AM


Jennifer 02-08-2009 01:45 AM

Of course we had expected you'd join this team, Peanut. :XD

Bippy 02-08-2009 01:45 AM

Yay go team purple! *waves*

Sho-Shonojo 02-08-2009 01:55 AM

Go team purple!

I will be a good little boy and keep my appendages to myself. :angel:

Peanut 02-08-2009 02:07 AM

Shut up, Jennifer. D<

Jennifer 02-08-2009 02:10 AM

Hey now, I don't suppose Channah would like that sort of language coming out of your mouth, mister. ;)

Winterwolfgoddess 02-08-2009 02:10 AM

Go purple team! ^^

Jennifer 02-08-2009 02:13 AM

Winter! You're on purple team? :O YAY. :D

Peanut 02-08-2009 02:14 AM

Jenn: D<
-holds in anger-
You're on my team, yay... x3x

Winterwolfgoddess 02-08-2009 02:17 AM

:lol: Yep. xD It was either this team or skulls. xD And I find this team more appealing. ^^::cheers::

Jennifer 02-08-2009 02:17 AM

If I say I joined for you, would you no longer be upset? :XD

winter - yay. I had a hard time choosing between this team or Magnus's team.

Peanut 02-08-2009 02:20 AM

-goes to post in a different site- D<

Jennifer 02-08-2009 02:22 AM

-drags you back-
You can't hate me forever! ;O;

Winterwolfgoddess 02-08-2009 02:29 AM

lol I am not a fan of the color red and I hate pink. xD So It is obvious why I did not choose those teams xD

Jennifer 02-08-2009 02:32 AM

I like both colors, they're not so bad. Expect I'm not a fan of hot pink and other really bright pinks. But I'm not really a "dark" person, so I didn't join the Black Skull team, haha. Purple was the last resort. Although, to find out that Magnus has a sexy deep voice -- might get me to convert to his team. XD

Winterwolfgoddess 02-08-2009 02:42 AM

Magnus is also a shop lifter...(beta tester image rememberance xD)

XD Hot pink is the ONLY pink I can tolerate. xD

But lately I have been favoring purple. xD

Jennifer 02-08-2009 02:45 AM


hot pink? :gonk: Not like, pastel pink or something? Very soft pink?
Hot pink kills me. You must be a little crazy, luls. :O

Winterwolfgoddess 02-08-2009 03:01 AM

EWW! Soft pinks are disgusting xD

No. xD Some people may argue though. xD

Jennifer 02-08-2009 03:03 AM

-chases you with mallet-
I'm somewhat the same way. >___> D:

Winterwolfgoddess 02-08-2009 03:04 AM

xD I am used to it. xD

amyrex2 02-08-2009 03:07 AM

Can we knit together? My husband is going to be with his goofy friends that day and I would love to have a person to knit with. Although I might work on my cross stitch instead.

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