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moonprxncess 07-28-2017 05:07 PM

Dark Web
has anyone ever seen anything creepy or interesting in the dark/deep web?

Youkai Zero 07-29-2017 11:51 AM

I know this is in the wrong forum but I couldn't help responding ^^;

Um, actually, if we're talking about the side of the web which is for adults, I'm pretty sure that's just the shady part of the internet and shouldn't actually be classified as the "deep" or "dark" side of the internet, especially if you can find it through a search engine such as Google.

To quote this article:


The Surface Web is anything that can be indexed by a typical search engine like Google, Bing or Yahoo. Google has a great interactive story explaining how they index and search the web in depth.

From a purist’s definition standpoint, the Surface Web is anything that a search engine can find while the Deep Web is anything that a search engine can’t find.

Continuing with our definitions, we’ve learned that the Surface Web is anything that a search engine can access and the Deep Web is anything that a search engine can’t access. The Dark Web then is classified as a small portion of the Deep Web that has been intentionally hidden and is inaccessible through standard web browsers.
There's also this article as well:
What is the Dark Web and Deep Web? How to access the Dark Web - Tech Advisor


Thus the 'Deep Web' includes the 'Dark Web', but also includes all user databases, webmail pages, registration-required web forums, and pages behind paywalls. There are huge numbers of such pages, and most exist for mundane reasons.

The content management system into which I am typing this article is on the Deep Web. So that is another page for every page that is on the live site. Meanwhile our work intranet is hidden from search engines, and requires a password. It has been live for nearly 20 years, so there are plenty of pages there.
Use an online bank account? The password-protected bits are on the Deep Web. And when you consider how many pages just one Gmail account will create, you understand the sheer size of the Deep Web.
But then again...yeah, the dark web probably has some pretty unsavoury things on it. It's most likely a black market or something.

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