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Shishunki 03-18-2013 02:26 AM

Lucky Fandom Thread - Get Avi's drawn as Pokemon!
Everyone has a fandom they love
Many people love more than one
This is the thread for that!

Harry Potter, Pokemon, Sherlock, Dr.Who, Homestuck, Transformers-
You name it, let's talk about it!
Share what you love about the fandom your in with non-fans and listen to what they love about their fandom!
Or talk with other fans about characters or plots you enjoy!
There's no limit~!

I'll occasionally pop around and give gold to people who are contributing the most~
I also decided to offer drawings to people that contribute most~!
Help contribute to the thread, and I'll draw you/your avi as a Pokemon!

Here's some examples:
Art is also subject to change depending on- well, the subject!

The only rule is that you be respectful of other people
Any fighting or bashing of people and their likes will be banned.
So play nice!

I personally like Harry Potter and Pokemon. Hetalia is fun too~!

Um... Oh! And Sailor Moon and Puella Magicka Madoka!
Though I'm very rather fond of a lot of magical girl stories. ^^; Especially by CLAMP.

I'm a big fan of Jim Henson~!

What do you like?

Arriana 03-18-2013 03:17 AM


I love Dr Who.

The Tenth is my Doctor. <33333

Shishunki 03-18-2013 03:31 AM

Ah~! A David Tennant fan!
I completely concur!

He's still been lots of fun even though he's not the doctor anymore~!
Like seeing him in a dress and kiss boys. owo

Arriana 03-18-2013 03:33 AM

I have not seen these pictures. xD
I'm not sure how I would react.

I know I want him though.
Waaaaaant. So bad.
He's just so... Wonderful. haha

Nephila 03-18-2013 03:33 AM

Dr. Who / Sailor Moon! [heart] I love these things!

Shishunki 03-18-2013 03:43 AM

Heehee~ Here's the Doctor in a dress:
Doctor Who Spoof (David Tennant in drag) - YouTube

And the kiss:

@ Nephila: Gasp!
What if there's a Dr.Who Sailor Moon Crossover?! D: I must see if these things exist!
Oh wait I did see one...

Arriana 03-18-2013 03:48 AM



He's so hot. XD

and jealous!! His legs are amazing in heels!! hahaha

I wanna kiss him (and MORE) SO BAD.
Why do men this handsome not exist in everyday life??!

Shishunki 03-18-2013 03:54 AM

XD Haha.

Well Arriana, you shall be pleased to know that these characters are played by "actors".
Who are quite real =w=/

Arriana 03-18-2013 03:55 AM

But he's married!
To the girl that played Jenny, his daughter one of the episodes.
She had huuuuuge boobs xD

Shishunki 03-18-2013 04:07 AM

I didn't know that bit....
But he does exist IRL! Which meets the terms of your request~!

....Your wife is going to play your daughter.
Nothing awkward here BI

(And boobs don't make the woman *pats shoulder*)

Arriana 03-18-2013 04:12 AM

D: they're as big as my head.

And I know xD
She was way way cute.
So I can't be too mad.
They're gonna have some gorgeous and a half kids. :3

I think they got married and everything after the episode. I dunno.

I really like Sherlock too.
Mostly because of Martin freeman. Loooooove.
What's your take on Benedict?
Sometimes he's gorgeous and sometimes I'm like ummm....


I'm a sucker for British boys, can you tell?
Even though David is Scottish xD

---------- Post added 03-17-2013 at 11:16 PM ----------

Also: :OOO
Thank you!!!
*piles with cupcakes!*

Shishunki 03-18-2013 04:18 AM


I personally haven't watched Sherlock. I'm behind on a lot of fan favorites.
I have friends that like it though.
Benedict is alright.

I'm more of a "Jason Isaacs" girl myself. o//o
He's British too, so~

Arriana 03-18-2013 04:23 AM

So am I.
I've only seen a couple 11th Doctor episodes... When it stopped being Tenth and Rose I was just so heartbroken!
It was tough getting through Martha and Donna. After he regenerated..
It was just too hard! lol I couldn't handle ittttt.

Sherlock is definitely a good show, but you need time.
Each episode is practically a movie!

And Jason.
I googled and mmmmmmm!
haha sigh.
So many delicious boys exist. And that fact alone makes me so happy. xD

Shishunki 03-18-2013 04:37 AM

I enjoyed the 9 and 10th and all the assistants. I liked going along for the ride.
I lost regular tv by the 11th, so I can't say much about him. ^^;

I was trying to watch Supernatural or Buffy, but it may also be too time consuming ^^;

Heehee. I know many a girl who agrees >w<
He's a sweety-pie too IRL.

Arriana 03-18-2013 04:46 AM

Awww that's good!!
I love when good tv people are good real life people!

I'm stuck watching Mad Men.. I only have a couple more seasons to go but my free tv time has been sucked completely away. Boo.
Cause after that, I wanted to go back and rewatch alllllll the doctors xD

I like finding random anime on Netflix that only has one season so I can watch it and feel accomplished haha

Shishunki 03-18-2013 04:55 AM

I want to see the early Dr. Who too.

At least we know what their babies look like~!
The Unbearable Randomness of Being, An American Doctor Who fan has taken to dressing...

I'm trying to get through some of old "Muppet Show", but then got distracted with CardCaptor Sakura

Nephila 03-18-2013 04:57 AM


Originally Posted by Shishunki (Post 1771720628)
Heehee~ Here's the Doctor in a dress:
Doctor Who Spoof (David Tennant in drag) - YouTube

And the kiss:

@ Nephila: Gasp!
What if there's a Dr.Who Sailor Moon Crossover?! D: I must see if these things exist!
Oh wait I did see one...
"Doctor Who" Meets "Sailor Moon"

That was hilarious! I could hear the music in the bg in my head. XD

Arriana 03-18-2013 05:00 AM



Since it's the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who, the BBCA has been running specials on each doctor. I saw the one on the first doctor and it was so neat!

Shishunki 03-18-2013 05:00 AM

@Nephila: They have a whole bunch of fun Sailor Moon/Dr.Who stuff~!
Including Daleks is Sailor Fuku and the Doctor talking to Sailor Pluto.

@Arriana: Waaai~! I'm jealous!
I will have to find videos of it now >w<

Arriana 03-18-2013 05:17 AM

It showed interviews and ALL sorts!
Plus there was an episode of First Doctor!!
It was so great.

Shishunki 03-18-2013 05:40 AM

I have not seen it yet.
But may I recommend Rowan Atkinson as the Doctor?
He's been in some delightful skits for it.

Arriana 03-18-2013 05:47 AM

Wait WUT.

Rowan Atkinson is hilarious. xD
Course I know him as solely as Mr Bean but still.

Oh man.
Him as the Doctor?!
I can't even imagine haha

hummy 03-18-2013 11:42 AM

hello lucky fandom threadie!

Shishunki 03-18-2013 05:16 PM

@ Arriana: I love him in Blackadder~
Atkinson played Dr.Who for various charity programs.
Here's a link:
Rowan Atkinson is Doctor Who - Classic Comic Relief - YouTube

Hi Hummy!

Arriana 03-18-2013 05:33 PM

Oh my gosh.
I have to check that out. xD

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