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Xavirne 08-19-2015 06:33 PM

Panic! at the University: The Forum Messages
This is the thread for Panic! at the University's in-story forum posting. This space will serve as a dump for their forum posts and chats, as well as their interactions in the MMO they play.

Xavirne 08-19-2015 06:47 PM

<<After incident with Mae in her office regarding relationship preferences>>

USERS IN CHAT: Helianthus [mod] and Scythe
2:41PM: Tell me something good. Today has been shitty af.

sadrain 08-19-2015 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by Xavirne (Post 1773421479)
USERS IN CHAT: Helianthus [mod] and Scythe
2:41PM: Tell me something good. Today has been shitty af.

2:44PM: Well, this morning I read that Nightwing is going to come to Clyria at the end of their tour, so we might be able to nab a ticket or two. But more importantly, what happened to make your day so shitty?

Xavirne 08-19-2015 07:39 PM

2:46PM: !!!
2:46PM: You're asking me on a date!!
2:46PM: Best day ever!
2:46PM: Wait... will I have to wear a bag on my head. God forbid you see my face #gag
2:47PM: And eh, we don't have to talk about it. Don't want to bore you with the negative. But let's just say I royally f'ed up. Finally found someone worth talking to and I blow it by knocking her legs out from under her.
2:47PM: Why can I talk to you and have no issues but irl... I suck

sadrain 08-19-2015 07:54 PM

2:47PM: You're bipolar, you know that, right?
2:48PM: Also, the tour ends like next year and even if we went together, which I wasn't insinuating, stuff could be different by then.
2:49PM: I'm doing it again, am I not? You know, being the worst person ever? I already had a round of that today. So much for trying to cheer you up. But seriously, we should be spontaneous, get the tickets, who knows what happens in this year.
2:51PM: We made faces of disgust each time we saw the other was online for the first two months. I wouldn't say our friendship has ever been smooth sailing, so don't give up hope just yet.
2:51PM: Is it serious, though? Like I wanna talk with her forever and ever thing or just something casual?

Xavirne 08-19-2015 08:02 PM

2:51PM: Yes, we've established that I'm a bipolar narcissist. You made me make it my little "catchphrase" below my avatar to warn those who dare tread on my page.
2:52PM: Awww, c'mon. You know you find me irresistible. Admit it.
2:52PM: Whoa, whoa. Why are you the worst person ever? You're absolutely amazing. I would never say that to your face but I'm sure some dark, brooding young bloke would. ;)
2:53PM: But if you want to get ticks and meet up, I'm down for that. Just tell me where to get them and remind me the day before that I'm supposed to have a concert date with you.
2:55PM: I... I don't know. Honestly, I shouldn't like her. Way out of my league. Not in the sense that she's hot. Don't get me wrong, she's drop dead gorgeous but I'm definitely not her type. She's looking for a prince, not a bipolar narcissist.
2:55PM: Uh, and you're not off the hook, missy. You need to tell me where that 'worst person ever' came from. Something happen at work?

sadrain 08-19-2015 08:55 PM

2:53PM: Irresistibly, irrevocably annoying, you mean. You can add that to the catchphrase.
2:53PM: Deal about the concert, though. Nightwing can't escape the horror that would be having us in the crowd.
2:55PM: Man, you really sound bummed, so this must be serious. Well, it's not like we can control who we like or anything. Even on chemical level. Besides, they say opposite attract or something. Maybe you should just man up and be honest, apologize. Maybe bring flowers or cute stuffed toy. You can't know what's her type until you know her better and it doesn't sound like you do. Or it turns out to she has an awful habit that's a total turn off like she into One Direction or something.
2:57PM: I was talking with a guy at work and he was being helpful, but also super nosy and pissed me off with some of his assumptions about me, so I thought I'd do the same to him, but went overboard, so he basically stormed away, deeply hurt. I didn't mean to dig out some painful stuff like I apparently did. I feel like a selfish, self-centered person that's unable to have open, inoffensive communication with someone. I'm gonna die old know-it-all cat lady that everyone avoids like plague, I'm sure.
2:58PM: It doesn't help that I am swamped with work and he was only one willing to pitch in. I might need to cancel our weekend raid.

Xavirne 08-19-2015 09:12 PM

2:57PM: Awww, don't be so hard on yourself. For all you know, he likes you. Hell, maybe he stormed off because he couldn't face the fact that he's got a crush on you.
2:58PM: If I were in his shoes, I would probably do the same thing, especially if you've the looks of a goddess. I'm assuming you do because you haven't stated otherwise ;) Just give the guy a chance. Or maynard do something cute?
2:58PM: FU autocorrect. I thought smartphones were supposed to be smart!
2:59PM: Idk, maybe give him a smile? We like that. Well, I guess it depends. Do you like him? Would not seeing him bother you? If you don't like him, forget about it. If you do like him, just smile and maybe ask him to lunch.
2:59PM: Remember, "men are stupid." If you smile, we think it's flirting.
2:59PM: P.S. You should just kiss him. Just sayin' dude would be hella lucky.
2:59PM: P.P.S. I will kill him. You = my girlfriend. Er, wife. We got married, remember?

sadrain 08-19-2015 09:24 PM

2:58PM: Ugh, how can I like him!? I barely know him and he has acted really weird most of the time. And I definitely am not his type.
2:58PM: ... At least I think so.
2:59PM: I don't think he likes me, he's lady's man and I might look close to a goddess (cue people laughing in the distance), but I'm the ice queen, remember? Down to business, no tomfoolery, just kicking a**es and getting sh*t done.
3:00PM: Well, you're the one that brought up cheating, hubby, with this drop-dead-gorgeous-girl-i-like talk and kissing suggestions. Which is SO NOT GONNA HAPPEN. Should I file divorce?
3:01PM: But I might ask him to lunch or something, he /might/ have paid for mine today, but only because of some stupid stuff he did before. I need to maintain good work relationships, you know?
3:01PM: P.S. Things that claim to be smart are not in 90% cases. Did you not know? Same rule applies to people.

<Unknown to Saith>

Thanks for the tour earlier! They should have fired whoever originally proposed this campus layout plan. Got lost once or twice, but found my way without any walking off the bridge or similar incidents.

<<Tuesday night>>

USERS IN CHAT: Helianthus [mod] and Silver Flower
8:47PM: SF: Hey Heli! You're late. Never thought I'd see the day.
8:47PM: H: Sorry about that, work swallowed me up. Can't stay long, hour at most.
8:47PM: SF: The project's that bad, huh?
8:48PM: H: Even worse. It sucks to be perfectionist sometimes.
8:48PM: SF: Agreed.
8:49PM: H: But enough about my work, tell me how did the move go and how you're settling in.
8:50PM: SF: It's a long story, but I'll spare you the boring details. The highlights are: arguing with a professor, discovering how stupid the campus plan is and getting groped.
8:51PM: H: What?? Seriously? Should I find and maul the guy?
8:52PM: SF: Thanks for the offer, but I think he's mentally mauled already. I think it was an accident since he tripped over his own shoelaces (eyeroll) and I would have probably brushed it off, if he hadn't just stood there with hand on my breast and not planning to move or apologize any time soon.
8:53PM: H: He sounds like a tool. Will it make you feel better if I tell you I was victim of groping too?
8:53PM: SF: NO WAY.
8:54PM: H: Sadly, yes way. I also think it wasn't on purpose, since he also spilled his rather hot coffee all over my best white blouse as we crashed into each other, but he's weird so I can't be 100% sure. Could've been elaborate insane plan or I'm just getting paranoid.
8:54PM: SF: Probably. Getting paranoid, I mean.
8:55PM: H: Gee, thanks for the support.
8:55PM: SF: Always welcome. But what happened next, did you slap him or something?
8:56PM: H: Wanted to, but he played it off so people stopped staring and brought me lunch as an apology, even offered to help with work. And then it escalated in total disaster where he offended me and I apparently stabbed him in the emotional gut and twisted the dagger few times, judging by the speed he fled from the room.
8:56PM: SF: Overreacting, I'm sure, or he probably deserved it. Men are dumb.
8:57PM: H: I still felt and feel pretty bad about it, but agreed. They're totally dumb and kind of mood ruiners.
8:57PM: [User Scythe has entered the chat]
8:57PM: [User Kevlar Knight has entered the chat]
8:57PM: SF: We should have a men-and-their-stupidity free evening.
8:58PM: SF: Drat, too late.
8:58PM: H: Hey guys. Synchronized as always, I see.

Xavirne 08-21-2015 06:05 PM

Sycthe 8:58PM: We do live together; it's not that hard
Kevlar Knight 8:58PM: :D
Sycthe 8:59PM: Whoa, whoa. Why we hating on men this evening?
Kevlar Knight 8:59PM: I told you we should invite them to pizza and beer night!
Sycthe 8:59PM: Uh, remember they don't want to see our handsome faces
Kevlar Knight 8:59PM: But we so sexy! Especially righht now. Mmmm, we rockin these 3D glasses like the mofo badasses we are!
Sycthe 9:00PM: (We're watching Pacific Rim in 3D in case you were wondering)
Kevlar Knight 9:00PM: I'm tempted... I have a great image of us. Should I?
Sycthe 9:00PM: Let's not tempt faith just yet, bro.
Kevlar Knight 9:00PM: [attached datbeerthou.jpg]
image is of a bottle of beer with a tv playing Pacific Rim in the background; there's a pale colored hand holding the beer and off to the right is a pair of black jeans (presumed to be Scythe's leg and, from the angle, it looks like he's really tall)
Sycthe 9:01PM: omg why would you send them that?
Kevlar Knight 9:01PM: To make them jealous
Sycthe 9:01PM: Trust me, if they're having an anti-man day, teasing them with beer is bad idea. Use ice cream and wine instead
Kevlar Knight 9:01PM: brb
Sycthe 9:01PM: -_- he is literally taking a picture of ice cream and wine... I am so sorry

sadrain 08-24-2015 06:24 PM

8:59PM: H: We aren't hating on men.
8:59PM: SF: I'd be okay with doing that for a bit, though.
9:00PM: H: What she means is that we both had a bit of nasty run-ins with some guys.
9:00PM: SF: With a**holes basically.
9:00PM: H: ... Who need to learn to keep their hands to themselves.
9:01PM: SF: But all that aside, ice cream and wine are break up comforters! You really know nothing about women, Scythe, no wonder you're single! [:P]
9:01PM: SF: Although to be entirely honest, I wouldn't mind some good beer and pizza right now.
9:01PM: H: I will pass, no thanks.
9:01PM: SF: Of course, not sophisticated enough for you, Heli!
9:02PM: H: Partially true (not the pizza part though), but mostly because I still have tons of work and studying to do.
9:02PM: SF: Well, you can't just leave me here alone with these two crazies!
9:02PM: H: I won't, at least for some 45 minutes more. By the way, Scythe, did you clean the misunderstanding up with that girl?
9:03PM: SF: What girl? Is he cheating on you? Wait 'till Kevlar finds out!

Xavirne 08-24-2015 06:45 PM

K 9:03PM: [attached wineandicecream.jpg]
image is of mint chocolate chip ice cream beside a bottle of expensive wine; both of which are sitting on a spotless counter top with plates neatly tucked away in their respective trays. There's a hard to read sticky note in the back that says "Kiss the cook."
S 9:04PM: LOL, it's a good thing your roommate is a neat freak.
K 9:04PM: 'tis true. Scythe is clean, especially for a man. Heli is such a lucky lady! He'll tidy up all her messes and then some!
S 9:04PM: And hey, you were the two complaining about not liking men. All the women I know eat ice cream and drink wine whenever men piss them off--regardless of breakup or not!
K 9:05PM: Wait
K 9:05PM: Wait
K 9:05PM: Wait
K 9:05PM: Wait
K 9:05PM: Wait
K 9:05PM: Wait
S 9:06PM: -_- Yes, I am cheating on both you and my precious Eli.
K 9:06PM: >.>
K 9:06PM: <.<
K 9:06PM: >.>
S 9:06PM: -_- You know all about it.
K 9:06PM: >.> No I don't. You still haven't told me who!
K 9:06PM: <.< I can't trust you
K 9:06PM: >.> You're holding out
S 9:07PM: I'll tell you when it's not relevant anymore, bro. Until then, just know it ended on a bad note and I don't want to talk about it.
S 9:07PM: Oh god, don't start that shit with me
K 9:07PM: But but but D:
S 9:07PM: Yeah, I'm logging out.
User <Scythe> has left the chatroom
K 9:08PM: :\ Now I feel like an ass.
User <Kevlar Knight> has left the chatroom

sadrain 08-24-2015 07:14 PM

<Helianthus to Scythe>

9:25PM: [video of silly kitten and puppy playing]
9:27PM: What part of Pacific Rim you're at now?

Xavirne 08-25-2015 05:38 PM

9:30PM: We finished it about 15 minutes ago.
9:32PM: Sorry about leaving abruptly. I'm just not in the mood for having people pick me apart. I hate how everyone just assumes the worse. She probably thinks I'm just some lowlife thug. Has no idea that I volunteer for a local diner or that I babysit professor's kids when they get odd office hours.
9:34PM: I know it's my fault though. I don't want people to know these things about me. Don't want to be seen as a softy or anything. But... sigh, I know what it's like to have no one. I don't want anyone else to have to live that life.
9:35PM: So you never really told me how your day went. Touched on it but that's about it. Are you actually going to ask him to lunch?
9:36PM: Word of advice, make him sweat a bit. Don't fall into his arms, he'll think you're spineless. You're not. Stand your ground. After a few days (our rule is 3 so maybe yours should be too), extend him an offer. See if he accepts.
9:37PM: And if you do offer, you better be prepared. Taking a move like that tends to indicate that you might have an interest in them. If there's nothing, not even a faint spark, just ignore it.

sadrain 08-29-2015 04:27 PM

9:33PM: It's okay, I absolutely understand. Didn't text you to pester, just wanted to distract and cheer you up.
9:35PM: But since you brought it up, here are my 2 cents. Just be honest with her. If you're interested in her, just tell her that. Contrary to popular belief, most of us girls are not mind readers. Especially if she hasn't had much experience with guys.
9:36PM: As for the rest... I still vote for honesty. You shouldn't drop all the truth-bombs on her immediately, but you have to consider what's more important to you in the long run: your image or what you possibly could have with this woman? It's not like showing her what you're really like will announce it to the whole world.
9:37PM: Also, I bet the kids love you, you goofy thing.
9:38PM: ... I guess you aren't letting it go, are you.
9:38PM: It's kind of complicated. I'm still don't think he actually likes me. My guess is, he thinks I'm stick-in-mud, arrogant, rude and without an ounce of femininity other than appearance wise. Aka: not relationship material.
9:39PM: And he's probably right. I am pretty sure I wouldn't be able to 'fall into his arms' even if I wanted to.
9:40PM: Maybe if I had time to see if he doesn't hate me some months later of keeping in touch, and there was this 'spark' (not saying there is), I'd give it a go. But he's moving away in like half a year, so, the distance and many more suitable girls he'd meet would put out that spark anyhow.
9:41PM: I do have to apologize and find out if he's still going to be part of the project, so I will have to talk with him soon. It'll be awkward at work, but I guess dinner invite would make it even worse.
9:42PM: Ugh, I should finish this page and then go to bed. Sounds like rest is in order for you, too. Some things seem clearer in the morning.

Xavirne 08-31-2015 02:35 PM

9:41PM: Marry me?
9:41PM: Oh wait, you already did. :3
9:45PM: So why haven't we actually met? I know you're going on and on about how you're not 'girlfriend material,' but you are. You're just more mature and professional about it. You're not gossiping or playing around. You're simply just... taking your time. You don't want to get hurt. You don't want to hurt him. You're looking out for both hearts involved. If that doesn't scream girlfriend material, I don't know what does.
9:46PM: It's true, we do look for 'smokin hot babes,' but there are other things that have a bit more weight that looks. You're brilliant, for example. Any man who doesn't swoon for you is an idiot--literally. And you're dedicated beyond belief. I doubt there are many women who would fight tooth-and-nail like you would in a relationship.
9:48PM: So stop being so down and hard on yourself. You're more than you think you are. You just keep looking at your reflection in the dark. Turn on a light for once and smile. You'll see what they see--a radiant, beautiful, witty woman who's sure to melt hearts and turn brains to moosh.
9:49PM: I'm speaking from experience. I haven't seen you but you turn my brain to moosh. Have you seen my last post in the RP? You made my dude get the dumbs. "Der, daaa, dee, errr, ummm, uh. Hi."
9:50PM: :)
9:51PM: I'm glad we still talk about things even though we claim we don't want to. It's nice to just talk. And your advice is always so insightful. Sometimes I forget you women can't read minds.
9:52PM: I think I'll give it a few more days before I try anything. Maybe practice a bit before going to bat? I want to make sure I... well, don't mess it up again. Three strikes and I'm out. And I'm pretty sure I'm on my last swing.
9:55PM: Oops, sorry for keeping you up and away from work!
9:55PM: Sweet dreams, love!
9:56PM: I shall dream of your face! And by that, I mean I'll probably just dream of your hands typing on a computer since I know nothing about your looks.
9:57PM: One of these days, you'll have to throw me a bone or something.
9:58PM: Night! Better text me as soon as you get up. You're my alarm clock ;)
9:58PM: Oh, and thanks!

sadrain 08-31-2015 03:12 PM

6:30AM: Wakey wakey sleepy head.
6:30AM: Forget I ever wrote THAT. Please.
6:32AM: Also, re-reading your texts from last night, I am guessing you decided to exercise your wooing skills on me before going out in the field. At least that's how it seems like with all those compliments and praises you sung to me!
6:33AM: Unless I'm really getting your poor, one-track mind confused. [;)] Which is even more reason for me not to reveal my face to you. You have got a woman that makes you sigh wistfully in real life now, you better focus on her.
6:35AM: But seriously, I know you. You don't back off. Even when you should sometimes. So, if there's something, any possibility, of her liking you, you will win her affection.
6:37AM: Have a good day! And thanks for everything, too.

Xavirne 08-31-2015 03:57 PM

7:11AM: Why, why did I sign up for class at 9AM on a Wednesday?
8:47AM: Good thing you spammed me, not late for class. Woo!
9:01AM: Kill me now. Class is boring. We are talking about water. And I'm drowning. Come back. Don't leave me.
9:34AM: Class is still boring. I will die. Come back and I will sing you more sweet nothings.
947AM: >.> You torture me, woman. Forcing me to learn. I see how you are. Fine, I'll take you at 11 when I'm free.

sadrain 09-01-2015 03:56 PM

11:04AM: Now that the clock has struck 11 on this beautiful morning, where do you plan to take me? To the land of flattery, where compliment rivers run between the hills of praises and adoring looks grow like apples on trees?

Xavirne 09-01-2015 04:08 PM

11:05AM: Bwah ha ha. Yeah, that typo.
11:05AM: And uh, I'm taking you to a concert whenever you give me the dates and time.
11:05AM: I'm also going to take you to my room.
11:06AM: Honeymoon is long overdue ;)

sadrain 09-01-2015 04:33 PM

11:07AM: Oh no!
11:07AM: I forgot to queue for the tickets. I will try to do that during lunch break.
11:08AM: Also you should lend some of that (sandpaper) smoothness to your RP character or else he's to become laughing stock of the whole quest part.

Xavirne 10-06-2015 02:55 PM

Texts between Saith and Mae:
2:42PM: Hey hey you you... CIA is here. They have... uh, come to take away your computer. Claim they will only let you keep it if you tell me your favorite meal to order from Wu Shu Cafe.
2:57PM: >.> WHY YOU NO ANSWER ME BACK!? FBI is here now and they are demanding to know if you prefer tea or coffee. Because... you know dem cops, they enjoy their doughnuts and cawfee ;D
3:06PM: You owe me. Just listened to the worst music in my life. There should be laws against this shit.
3:07PM: Wait a minute... you're in your lawy, debatey class. You write a law that forbids such heinous crimes. My ears need revenge!
3:23PM: Wow... still ignoring me. You leave me no choice! I must now spew nonsense about your beloved Friday class.
3:28PM: Did you know in some states it's illegal to have ice cream on Friday? P.S. What's your favorite flavor? Secret Service is asking.
3:30PM: In Singapore, as it is considered pornographic, you may not walk around your home nude.
3:32PM: Did you know Florida (accidentally) banned all computers and smart phones in internet cafes. So glad I'm not from the USA!
3:33PM: It is illegal to leave your house if you are not wearing underwear. Guess you gotta go back home and put dem panties on ;D
4:00PM: Damn, apparently some kids got busted for some illegal stuff in the woods last night.
4:02PM: Don't want to boast or anything but if someone where to ask you for your whereabouts last night between 11PM and 1AM....
4:03PM: Wait for it...
4:04PM: WAIT FOR IT!!!!
4:05PM: What better alibi could you have than spending the night with me?
4:07PM: Nothing... nothing?! Not even an "lol?" D:

All times are GMT. The time now is 04:23 PM.