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Seiki Nova 09-24-2012 07:06 AM

asdfkl - are. you. KIDDING ME?! - An event hangout with Seiki!
Hi hi. No need for introductions, you all know me. If not, you should. But seriously, hi!

I'm going to make an effort to be here as much as possible for this event so come on in and say hi and make yourselves at home. Tea and cookies* will be provided; festivities are on you! Happy Celes Paradi everyone! :D

*Cookies contain raisins.

PS, I would just like to note, BEST COMMONS UPDATE in forever!

Ferra 09-24-2012 07:10 AM

Is okay if I post now? 8D Long time no chat!

Happy Celes Paradi!!

monstahh` 09-24-2012 07:13 AM

Hi Seiki!
What lovely avatars you and Ferra have. :3

hummy 09-24-2012 07:13 AM

hello, Seiki!

Seiki Nova 09-24-2012 07:16 AM

Yeah, you guys can post.

Hi Ferra! It has been a while. Anything new going on in Japan?

Hey monstahh! Thank you. Ferra's is incredibly superior to mine. I don't know how she comes up with her masterpieces! Your pirate lady is pretty cool. I like the teal hair contrast!

Hey hummy : )

Ferra 09-24-2012 07:20 AM

@monstahh: Thank you! And I agree, Seiki has a lovely avatar. I love all the layers and details.

---------- Post added 09-24-2012 at 04:22 PM ----------

@Seiki Nova: Oh gosh, I wouldn't call it a masterpiece. You flatter me too much. [oops] I love your avatars too!

Same old, same old, I guess? I'm still teaching, but I'm at a different school now. I love it hear though so I'm having a lot of fun. [:)]

monstahh` 09-24-2012 07:23 AM

I figure since my hair is mostly teal IRL, having my pirate-self avatar have teal hair is a good idea. xD <3 Thank you Seiki. c:

You're both welcome. n__n

You're both using that white corsest thing too.

Seiki Nova 09-24-2012 07:28 AM

Well they're far more creative than mine at least. I still haven't been able to use that skin.

That's good that you're still having fun! Have you been able to do any real traveling or anything since you've been there? I think I would have wanted to go everywhere and see everything, especially since Japan is so tiny. Why did you switch schools?

monstahh, I always wanted to dye my hair a fun color but I'm too scared. The craziest I've ever gone has been to bleach a section in the front of my head and use some bright red Manic Panic, which lasted about a week before I colored over it with brown again. I'm not good with unnatural hair colors. Though I have considered dying my hair gray for years!

A lot of people don't realize that these corset/bustier things layer over the basic bustiers (Black, white, red, pink, purple). It makes great layering.

monstahh` 09-24-2012 07:32 AM

I sure didn't. I wanna save up for one now. xD

I keep going back to teal time and time again. Eventually I may cut most of my hair off in favor of buying a few wigs. :3 [heart] I think I'd enjoy that, and it would make job hunting easier.

Seiki Nova 09-24-2012 07:37 AM

I have a friend who actually cut her hair off to raise money for children with cancer. And not like, "Oh they cut off 8 inches," cut. They shaved close to three and a half feet of hair off of her head. She's in love with her wigs!

monstahh` 09-24-2012 07:39 AM

Wow that's incredible!

I can't donate my hair because it's been dyed. :(
Unfortunately, even though my hair is incredibly hardy (its fabulous and soft and plush and healthy looking even though it had the shit bleached out of it) its 'not up to quality standards'.

*shrugs* Or I probably would donate my hair. But, it would take me at least 2-3 years of growing and not dying my hair to get to that point. :c So... Not right not at least, ya?

Ferra 09-24-2012 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by Seiki Nova (Post 1771061908)
Well they're far more creative than mine at least. I still haven't been able to use that skin.

That's good that you're still having fun! Have you been able to do any real traveling or anything since you've been there? I think I would have wanted to go everywhere and see everything, especially since Japan is so tiny. Why did you switch schools?

I enjoy making unusual avatars, although the results are kind of mixed. [lol] But that's why I use funky skin colors and weird color combos when I can.

Actually, I've really cut down on my traveling this year. I've been doing a lot of local stuff and been saving money. Hopefully I'll travel more next year.

I changed schools because my contracting organization requires that we switch schools after two years. But I'm actually quite happy at my new place so I have no complaints. It's closer to my apartment and everyone is a lot friendlier.

How about you? Still working/studying full time?

Seiki Nova 09-24-2012 08:03 AM

I would imagine so long as the hair is healthy it shouldn't matter if it's been dyed or not. But alas, it's kind of in that same gray area of gays donating blood if they've had sex. Makes no since to me. If the blood is healthy, why should one not be allowed to donate because of the actions of the individual.

Moving away from politics though, I'm so full of emotions right now. So many tv shows have started up again or are ending and they're just giving me all the feels. I caught up on Doctor Who tonight, and I just love the Doctor + Amy and Rory so much, and my Glee feels are back now that Glee is back. And Weeds is over and all my shows are starting again in the next couple of months and I have no idea how I'm going to have time to watch them all! Do you watch any shows that give you feels?

Ferra, Sounds reasonable with the contract thing, but kind of a hassle having to switch every two years. If you were to stay for any kind of prolonged period of time I would imagine the constant change would get to be annoying.

Your mixed results are fun though. I have a hard time straying from my normal base other than to use the black skin, which I quite like because of it's neutrality. I'm not good with funky combos, or I just don't like my avatars when I try them.

Yep, still working and going to school full time. It's a lot harder than I thought it would be because I'm still trying to have a social life but I live so far away from school that the commute makes it hard for me to get there on days that I don't have to be on campus, and everything that I get invited to is on days where I'm working and I get off work too late to make it there at a decent time. Depending on bills/finances next semester we'll see if I want to cut my work schedule down, but I've been considering trading in my car for something more fuel efficient (my current car gets 22-24 mpg highway and school is 40m away from my house). If I can find a new car for less than I'm paying for my current car that has the features I want and is more fuel efficient, I'll probably get it. I'm thinking about the Volkswagon Jetta TDI.

monstahh` 09-24-2012 08:09 AM

Yeah, its silly but MOST people when they bleach their hair their hair ends up very damaged. Or unusual colors and the potential wig-receivers may not like that. *shrugs* Honestly its their loss, my hair is so soft. > w< I take good care of it!!

I don't watch any of those shows, but I have an episode of Bodacious Space Pirates paused right now. :3 It mostly makes me giggle. Its a cute show. ^^ I've heard they're making a movie too, which I'm excited for.

As for shows that make me feels...I cried over an episode of Burn Notice in this past season. >< Don't wanna post spoilers though in case other fans are lurking and haven't seen it.

/hasn't been watching much TV lately...or its been Dirty Jobs/Andrew Zimmern's Bizarre Foods. XD

Seiki Nova 09-24-2012 08:15 AM

I cry over everything. Before the season premier of Glee, when they did first listen for the songs for the first episode and I saw they were doing 'It's Time' by Imagine Dragons, and that Blaine was doing it, I started crying. Hadn't even seen the episode or how they were going to use it and I was already crying. And I cried watching Doctor Who tonight because I was happy and I cried over Weeds tonight because I was sad. Lots of crying. I'm a baby.

monstahh` 09-24-2012 08:21 AM

XD aww. I don't cry much over TV. But I usually just have it on as background noise. I hate pure quiet but I hate a lot of racket. Usually the TV on a low volume is fine though. * u* I have NCIS on a lot in the background.

Seiki Nova 09-24-2012 08:27 AM

I never was able to get in to NCIS. Criminal Minds will always be my favorite crime show.

monstahh` 09-24-2012 08:35 AM

I only half pay attention to it these days. I used to really like it, but, eh. It's a little depressing. >_>;

hummy 09-24-2012 08:44 AM

i like the labbie in NCIS,
but Criminal Minds♥blows my mind.
and dereck is easy on the eys, too!

Ferra 09-24-2012 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by Seiki Nova (Post 1771062177)
Ferra, Sounds reasonable with the contract thing, but kind of a hassle having to switch every two years. If you were to stay for any kind of prolonged period of time I would imagine the constant change would get to be annoying.

Your mixed results are fun though. I have a hard time straying from my normal base other than to use the black skin, which I quite like because of it's neutrality. I'm not good with funky combos, or I just don't like my avatars when I try them.

Yep, still working and going to school full time. It's a lot harder than I thought it would be because I'm still trying to have a social life but I live so far away from school that the commute makes it hard for me to get there on days that I don't have to be on campus, and everything that I get invited to is on days where I'm working and I get off work too late to make it there at a decent time. Depending on bills/finances next semester we'll see if I want to cut my work schedule down, but I've been considering trading in my car for something more fuel efficient (my current car gets 22-24 mpg highway and school is 40m away from my house). If I can find a new car for less than I'm paying for my current car that has the features I want and is more fuel efficient, I'll probably get it. I'm thinking about the Volkswagon Jetta TDI.

Yeah, I'm planning on staying the full 5 years of my contract (I have to renew every year for up to five years) so that last move will be kind of annoying. But the contract limits recently changed, so it's probably based on the old system.

I try to do different styles whenever I can. I like to try new things, but there's definitely some styles I suck at. Avatars wearing normal clothes or cutesy outfits are really hard for me. Especially if they're non-matching. I try not to be super matchy-matchy, but I pretty much always put some color balance into the design.

Yeah, my social life died when in my last two years of uni. I was super social in my first two years since I was still living close to home and I was one of the few people who could drive (I was 16 - 18 years old then). But then I moved over an hour away and no one, seriously no one, ever bothered to come visit me. I always had to go back home or farther south to see my old friends. I didn't really hit things off with my dorm-mates either, so I just focused on school work.

I hope you find a car that works for you! And dang, I'm glad that you're not burnt out at least. I'd be dead if I was doing your schedule. XD I'd just want to sleep all the time.

monstahh` 09-24-2012 08:52 AM

Heehee, Hummy I love Abby. ;)

Ferra 09-24-2012 08:53 AM

re: Crime shows - I love crime dramas! Criminal minds is cool, but my current favorite is "Person of Interest", which takes a different approach to the genre. I grew up watching Law & Order so I liked that a lot too before it was canceled.

Although it's in a completely different genre, I recently caught up on Game of Thrones. I still have a bunch of shows I'm supposed to watch, but I'm not sure I'll ever get around to them.

monstahh` 09-24-2012 08:55 AM

omg. I love Game of Thrones. omgomg. <3

I can't wait for the new season. /drools

hummy 09-24-2012 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by Ferra (Post 1771062392)
re: Crime shows - I love crime dramas! Criminal minds is cool, but my current favorite is "Person of Interest", which takes a different approach to the genre. I grew up watching Law & Order so I liked that a lot too before it was canceled.

Although it's in a completely different genre, I recently caught up on Game of Thrones. I still have a bunch of shows I'm supposed to watch, but I'm not sure I'll ever get around to them.

i have tried to watch 'person of interest' but for some reason i just cannot get into it.
i don't know why, either.

Ferra 09-24-2012 09:03 AM

@hummy: I don't think "Person of Interest" is something that appeals to everyone, but I like it because it makes me think rather than spell everything out to me. There's a mystery every show that gets solved and explained pretty thoroughly, but then there's also a larger mystery running through the whole series that you get clues for bit by bit.

@monstahh: Yeah! It's one of those shows that turned out to be as good as everyone said it was. I was a bit skeptical at first, but by the end of the first episode I was left wanting to see more. I'm also looking forward to the next season. I'm tempted to pick up the books too. I've been playing the board game with some friends recently, which is also fun.

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