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IchirusVampireGirl 12-06-2014 04:00 AM


Name: Kaiyuki
Age: Looks about 17
Gender: Female
Race: PureBlood Vampire
Parents: That Mysterious women from Kaname's past that we never find out her name !! And ......
Past: Kaiyuki was born many many MANY years ago, But her mother ,before deciding to kill herself for the humans, sealed her and the man she loved daughter away,without telling him.Knowing that one day she would be found,revived and raised in a more peaceful time. She was raised by the Aristocrat family of Ruka and Akatsuki Kain. Along with their son Luce. When she turned 13 she was able to read a letter from her mother ,that had been truck away with her that told her who her father was. She looks a lot like her mother when she was younger. She is now looking forward to attending Cross Academy. Unlike the older pureblood,Kaiyuki does not like to make people serve her or treat her different.

Name: Luce Kain
Age: 17
Race: Aristocrat Vampire
Parents: Ruka Souen and Akatsuki Kain
Bio: Luce grew up with certain guide lines and learning the old ways of the vampires. Hearing many stories about Kaname Kuran and Yuki Kuran as well as Zero Kiru. He also grew up with Kaiyuki,a pureblood. His mother and father told him that he was to be loyal to all purebloods ,and in a way serve them. But Kaiyuki would never allow him or his parents too,so he kinda gave up on that.As his parents before him he too is joining Cross Academy

finx15 12-06-2014 04:37 AM

Name: Armand Ichijo
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Aristocrat vampire
Parents: Takuma Ichijo and Sara Shirabuki
Bio: No one knows that Armand's mother is Sara who was killed by the metal from the first vampire. He has been raise sole by his father and on occasion his grandfather. He has none of his mothers pureblood powers which he is glad for since it would be explaining that to the other vampires.

Name: Claudia Kuran
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Pureblood Vampire
Parents: Yuki Kuran and Kaname Kuran
Bio: Claudia is the oldest daughter of Yuki Kuran her younger brother does not attend the school for his own reasons. She was raised sole by her mother due to a complicated plot better explained in the book. She is more like her mother then her father though she watches him in his human life on occasion.

IchirusVampireGirl 12-06-2014 04:46 AM


Luce sighed as he waited for Kaiyuki to come out of the car."Come on Kaiyuki, either way you have to start here at some point. dont get all freaky or the other vampires will sence it a freak out too",she said looking up at the moon.Then looked over at the day class students watching from the windows of thire dorms."wow mom and dad wern't kidding"

Kaiyuki sighed softly as she got out and looked around.She could smell vampires everywhere. Takeing a deep breath she went over to Luce."why though?",she asked softly."who cares if im nervous?"

Luce frowned."not this again ...Kaiyuki its becaus eyou a re a pureblood,plain and come on were going to be late",h said walking off glad that Kaiyuki was following

finx15 12-07-2014 05:26 AM

Claudie walked up the gate of the school a parasol over her head there was just enough sunlight for it to annoy her. "Hurry up Armand." she called to the young Ichijo who was lagging behind her sighing a little. "We don't want to be late." she ignored the stares of the humans and headed for the night dorm freezing when she felt another pureblood's energy.

Armand pulled there suitcases along having been crowned the girls helper by his father who had been good friends with the girls father Kaname. He didn't mind to much she was his pureblood princess but sometimes it got annoying having to listen to them. He almost walked into her when she stopped "What?" he asked dropping the bags ready to defend her.

IchirusVampireGirl 12-07-2014 05:37 AM

Kayuki followed then blinked looking around."hold on Luce",she said running off and stopped short seeing Claudie.'another pureblood?, she thought happily and went over to her and gave a polite bow."hello there ",she said sweetly.

Luce had given chase cursing slightly he to froze seeing Claudie.So this was Kaname Kurends oth-Daughter. He to gave a smile and a bow,knowing how devoted his mother was o Kaname.

finx15 12-08-2014 03:03 AM

Claudia examined the other pureblood sizing her up. "YOu are my fathers other daughter.'' she said at length. "Let us be friend." she took the girls elbow. "I am Claudia."

"This should be fun." Armand said to Luce sighing softly watching the two purebloods interact. "YOu think we'll be alright with the two of them here?"

IchirusVampireGirl 12-08-2014 03:20 AM

Luce sighed."i think so,Kaiyuki doesnt even like acting lie a pureblood",he said watching them as well

Kaiyuki froze.She knew?Brushing it off smiled brightly to Claudia."hello,my names Kaiyuki",she said an nodded."I'd like that"

finx15 12-08-2014 04:01 AM

"Good." Claudia grinned pulling her towards the moon dorm sharing her parasol. " Because if you hadn't accepted I would have been worried." her grin darkened a little.

"If Claudia doesn't become a little to scary." Armand sighed a little. "She can be intense like her father."

IchirusVampireGirl 12-08-2014 04:05 AM

Luce blinked."i can see that"

Kaiyuki blinked at her."why would you be worried?"

finx15 12-09-2014 04:21 AM

"Because you might have been an enemy and I would have had to hurt you at some point." Claudia said it like she was talking about the weather.

"Oh boy." Armanda sighed.

IchirusVampireGirl 12-09-2014 04:24 AM

"wow she really steps into the Pureblood role huh?",Luce asked as he followed more slowloy.Knowing Kayuki was okay

Kayuki looked even more confused."why would we be enemys? i don't like fighting "

finx15 12-10-2014 03:26 AM

"Yes she does." Armanda watched knowing he might have to step in.

"Your rather dense." Claudia smirked. "I wouldn't know that about you. You might be an evil vampire who has been sent to test my patience." she gripped the girls arm lightly.

IchirusVampireGirl 12-10-2014 03:56 AM

Kayuki frowned."you can be rather mean",she said and shrugged."But then again i didnt grow up with a pureblood life style... but im glad i didn't",she said looking happy. "Not to mention I have no reason to test you....i don't want to be a head of pureblood or anything like that...I just wanted to come here and meet other vampires,and i was happy to smell another pureblood ",she said concretely honestly

Luce looked up and frowned.He wanted to help Kayuki out ...but he wasn't sure about getting in Claudia's way.

finx15 12-11-2014 10:57 PM

"Good." Claudia smiled and hugged the girl tightly. "I like you already!" she hurried the girl inside and found the room for them. "You two find a room." she shut the door after there luggage was dropped inside. "It will be nice to have someone around you doesn't compare me to my dad."

Armand blinked as they were dismissed abruptly. "Well then."

IchirusVampireGirl 12-11-2014 11:37 PM

Luce blinked a few times watching the door."so Luce",he said reaching to shake his hand

Kayuki blinked at the sudden hug then looked around their room. "have you ever met him?",she asked curiously

finx15 12-12-2014 12:05 AM

"Yes I was there when mother gave her life so he could live a human life...he's living in the city right know so I can keep an eye on him." Claudia shrugged a little.

"Armand." He greeted back with a smile shaking his hand firmly. "shall we be room mates or find separate rooms?" he asked.

IchirusVampireGirl 12-12-2014 12:19 AM

Kaiyuki smiled softly."I see",she said sitting on the bed thinking.

Luce sighed."well since we both have purebloods to serve we might as well be room mates"

finx15 12-12-2014 12:41 AM

"It would bet easier." Armand found a room near the girls. "How about this one?" he asked.

"Would you like to meet him?" Claudia asked carefully. "He doesn't remember much about his vampire life right know."

IchirusVampireGirl 12-12-2014 12:51 AM

Luce nodded as he walked in.

Kayuki looked to her and smiled some."nah,he may not remember much about his vampire life...but i wouldn't want to upset him about his far past with my mother"

finx15 12-12-2014 12:58 AM

"I can't believe father had someone else but my mom." Claudia frowned. "He loved her so much."

IchirusVampireGirl 12-12-2014 01:05 AM

Kaiyuki smiled softly."I dont blame you,when i had read my mothers letter years ago,it was hard for me to believe that he had found someone new and loved them as well",she said flopping back onto the bed and starred up at the sealing.

((Been meaning to is it just me or does Yuki's Daughter look older then she does in the end))

finx15 12-12-2014 02:05 AM

((She does XD))
"I wish I could have meet him back when he was a vampire and before he was reborn." Claudia sighed. "He must of been strong."

IchirusVampireGirl 12-12-2014 02:13 AM


Kaiyuki smiled to her."he was apparently really kind to humans...."

finx15 12-12-2014 02:24 AM

"I've heard it all from my mom and the other vampires that I grew up with...I want to get to know him for myself." Claudia sighed a little chewing her lip.

IchirusVampireGirl 12-12-2014 02:25 AM

Kaiyuki smiled slightly."whats he look liek?"

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