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ljosberinn 04-13-2009 01:58 PM

T A R D I S - The Doctor LOVES Easter eggs! Yum!

Welcome to the TARDIS! I'm the Doctor - just the Doctor.

The link to my regular TARDIS is in my signature (just click the Police Public Call Box!) but this is a special edition for the Easter event. Because I like making these and because often new Doctor fans who do not frequent the Menewsha Nation forum come to these threads. And I like making new friends. : )

So chat about anything and everything, although if you want to talk about the very exciting Easter special and, in fact, any of the episode after the second or third series, please be aware that there are many here who have not seen them. And well, in general, if you're posting big spoilers, use the spoiler hide or white text.

Allons-y, Allonso!

tigerangel 04-13-2009 02:11 PM

Hi ljos.
I was hoping I'd see you around this event.
How are you

ljosberinn 04-13-2009 02:19 PM

Hey tiger, I'm pretty good, how about you? It looks like I won't have a lot of time online during the event though, I'm visiting my boyfriend and well, cuddles are more important than internet, haha. We spent yesterday eating lots and lots of chocolate and being very geeky, watching Back to the Future. And the day before that we watched X-Men and Doctor Who. x3

tigerangel 04-13-2009 02:29 PM

Aww, that sounds fun. And spending time with your loved one is definitely better than being here.
My boyfriend and I live together, so he's alright with me spending some of my time on sites like this.

ljosberinn 04-13-2009 03:16 PM

It is indeed. We're in a long distance relationship, so our time together is a bit more limited and therefore more precious than for many others.
Anyway, need to go. We're heading to his mum's farm to stay for a couple of days. Will try to get on a bit though, to participate in the event and stuff. Ciao!

ljosberinn 04-14-2009 06:50 PM

No new (or old!) Doctor fans lurking around the Easter event forum?

Claudia 04-14-2009 09:11 PM

Guess not...I recall seeing this show before, jist didn't "grab me' if you know what I mean. My brother liked it.

Kidalanna 04-14-2009 10:52 PM

Doctor Who is a rather interesting show. ^^
I really, really love it! x3
However, I'm not so sure what I think of the eleventh doctor... I liked the tenth much better. o3o

Kultura 04-14-2009 10:56 PM

Bring back David Tennant! XD

Alaunt 04-17-2009 04:16 AM

ljos! How are you? I haven't seen you in awhile.

Pyro neko jess 04-17-2009 05:04 AM

Hi how goes it?

Kultura 04-17-2009 06:30 PM

Why is this thread so empty.

salvete 04-17-2009 10:26 PM

It was kind of pushed to the second page, if that is what you were asking.

ljosberinn 04-18-2009 07:22 PM

Bahh, I knew I'd have no time for this event! Thank goodness it's being extended, maybe I'll be able to get a couple of the items.

Hello everyone!

I just finished watching two Sylvester McCoy episodes, from The Silver Nemesis. We're going to watch the last episode later tonight, my boyfriend had a meeting scheduled so.. some time for me to spend here instead. :3

MirukuKuroNeko 04-18-2009 08:27 PM

i haven't seen doctor who many times, but the episode i did see, was really good!
it was a big brother thing, but when you lost you died!
this made me lol!
i wish i could watch more, but i has not interwebs or cables!!!T-T
kinda sucks, anyways!hiya!

ljosberinn 04-18-2009 08:37 PM

Oh yes, that was a good one, The Bad Wolf. Did you see the next one as well, the final episode of the series? It is fantastic as well..
Do you live in the States? Depending on where you live, you might be able to get it from the library or a rental store.. : )

Kidalanna 04-18-2009 09:17 PM

Yaay! The event was extended! x3
I want David Tennant to stay. He's too cool to leave. ):

ljosberinn 04-18-2009 09:24 PM

Hehehe. David Tennant is amazing, but I think all things have to end, even the good things. And he has had some really awesome episodes.
Anyway, a change is usually good. I didn't want Eccleston to leave, but then Tennant took his place, so I wasn't disappointed. : )

MirukuKuroNeko 04-18-2009 09:57 PM

yes, i live in america, and trust me i have looked at the library... nothing....T-T
and rental stores are expensive!!!!!(plus the ones up here rent them[if they have them] buy disc so it would cost a good 40-50$ to rent a whole season....)
besides i rather buy it, my friend has it on his compy, i think i might steal it from him sometime!>=3

MirukuKuroNeko 04-18-2009 10:01 PM

he was on an episode or 2 of heros, and i've seen him some other movies, he is an awesome actor!^-^
i think if i were to buy a season of Doctor Who it would have to be they one with him.

tirethminet 04-18-2009 10:10 PM

eek, i keep forgetting to visit you! D:
and here you are in the easter forum.
i do wish tennant could have stayed on for another full year after the mess of specials this year.
i would have been happy then. |D
but i am anxious to see how matt smith does.

Kidalanna 04-19-2009 05:28 PM

Hmm.. Eccleston was really cool, and I didn't think I'd like David Tennant.
So maybe there will be a similar situation with the new one?
Perhaps he'll turn out to be cooler than he seems. >.<
A while back, Eccleston was in The Seeker. I didn't actually see the movie, but I do believe my sister did. Him and Tennant also shared a scene in something called Jude.

nike13 04-19-2009 06:19 PM

Yay fellow Whovians ^__^

I don't want to see David Tennant go, mostly because I love his Doctor but also I'm not really sure that Matt Smith can be a good Doctor. I don't know any of the shows he's in and he's a smaller actor compared to the others who were considered.

I was disappointed that Eccleston only did one season.

Kidalanna 04-19-2009 06:24 PM

Too true, Nike13. Eccleston should've done more. >.<
Yeah... Matt Smith seems a tad... iffy.

nike13 04-19-2009 10:40 PM

It just seems like they were picking someone 'cute' to replace Tennant -_-

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