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Shadami 05-04-2013 09:47 PM

Art classes, like them or hate them?
Some days I wish that i could just self teach myself art, but I find that teachers are always needed to make things better. So what I'm hoping to see in this thread is this:

what are some of your experiences with art classes.
liked them, hated them?
Did the lesson plan make you love it?
Were they worth whatever you had to pay for the class?
If you've taken classes that you loved, what made you love it?

These are just some of the questions I'm hoping to answer.

Shadami 05-04-2013 09:53 PM

I have had a wide range of art classes. A color theory class I was taking though was my absolute least favorite. And it showed me what exactly can make me hate an art class.

For me, I can't stand it when the teacher is supposed to be teaching you something to do a project. And not only does she not teach you, but if you bring in something that follows the few directions she gives you on the "lesson" it is wrong because it wasn't done by her, and doesn't have her vision in it.

Everyone has their own art style and the lesson should be taught, not how it is executed. i can't stand when people do not let you be your own artist. it's just augh very frustrating.

Is there anyone else out there that has experiences like this?

The Wandering Poet 05-04-2013 11:01 PM

Hate em... because none of them teach well enough. I need 1 on 1 and I found myself actually being completely ignored by the art teacher on a regular basis.

Shadami 05-04-2013 11:06 PM

Oh gosh yes. Being ignored is another big thing i find annoying about art teachers. Do you have any art galleries near you. Around my area there is a few that have classes. And some of the classes have fantastic small sizes where you can get one on one! :]

The Wandering Poet 05-04-2013 11:20 PM

I've spent as long as 2 hours waiting for my art teacher to help me...

Not that I know of, but I switched to pixel art instead though and I've never seen pixeling being taught in college o.o

Shadami 05-04-2013 11:24 PM

Hmmm that would be an interesting class. And perhaps it should be with the way that internet is going. I can picture a line of computers and a teacher showing the tricks of how to pixel. Perhaps even where to get good picture resources to get folds right on clothes or something.

The Wandering Poet 05-04-2013 11:30 PM

So true... dual screens so you can always have an updated image of what you are making at full size.

For me I tend to just trace things after a major resize if I want something EXACTLY like that. Granted I don't do much besides "look what I can do" and wont put it on my DA cause it's copying. But I find "plagiarizing" another person's art is actually the best teacher I've ever had. Just gotta either not show it or give credit where credit is due.

Shadami 05-04-2013 11:48 PM

Oh no. Not copying directly. Just using lots of reference pictures to figure out how something should basically look. I'm lucky enough to have an artist father who isn't about making everyone bend to his art, instead encourages others art.

xuvrette 05-05-2013 03:06 AM

Art class? *chuckles*
The art class we have here only cater for art defined by our parents.
Which do not involve a lot of what youngsters want to draw. I had been to 2, but none of them offer manga class, I have stuck with art basis which bores me, I am better off self taught.

Conclusion, money wasted, time wasted.

The Wandering Poet 05-05-2013 07:34 AM

@ Sha - Well for me I simply take the "outline" of the art and work off of that. I know it's not good and I'm working on getting away from that but it's really helpful replacing each and every pixel to see how to make it.

It's especially for larger things since I can't seem to manage to make those properly as of yet ^^"

Shadami 05-05-2013 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by xuvrette (Post 1771903553)
Art class? *chuckles*
The art class we have here only cater for art defined by our parents.
Which do not involve a lot of what youngsters want to draw. I had been to 2, but none of them offer manga class, I have stuck with art basis which bores me, I am better off self taught.

Conclusion, money wasted, time wasted.

Did I mention manga? *panics and goes back to read her own posts* Wow i didn't! I'm co teaching a manga class right now. Which is actually why this art class question came to mind. I'd kind of like to be a good teacher. not one that people don't like. SOooo, i'm trying to figure out what people like and hate about art classes.

And on the money side, the manga class i'm teaching is freeeee! [heart]

Though this is a good point "art defined by our parents." I shall need to look more into this to make sure at least in my area, more opportunities for other types of art open up. For example the pixeling art poet mentioned.

Originally Posted by The Wandering Poet (Post 1771904019)
@ Sha - Well for me I simply take the "outline" of the art and work off of that. I know it's not good and I'm working on getting away from that but it's really helpful replacing each and every pixel to see how to make it.

It's especially for larger things since I can't seem to manage to make those properly as of yet ^^"

I have this feeling that you are going to figure it out, and be some master pixel artist.
I was actually playing pokemon the other night. And since i had my glasses off and had to hold the screen really close, i actually noticed the individual pixels instead of looking at it as a whole. I had no idea there was so many pixels in that tiny screen [gonk]
And why did I not realize it was pixels!! I felt very dumb. but also like maybe just looking at how the pokemon art is done i could figure out how to pixel myself.
At least simple shading like that.

Perhaps you could use that as a research tool as well?

xuvrette 05-05-2013 05:27 PM

In Asia, things are defined by parents, not by children. XD
It is all about old art, not the new art.

... Free manga class? Bad for business. XD lol.

Shadami 05-05-2013 05:39 PM

*shrug* its for 10-13 year olds. we're trying to get kids into art out here. Oh. your in Asia? i never keep track of who's from where. i just assume everyone is awesome wherever they're from. ^^;;

i guess in some sense that's good, to hold on to traditions. But in my opinion traditions should be continued into new traditions. ummm combining the two. Okay i'm not really sure how to say what's in my head for that.

xuvrette 05-05-2013 08:23 PM

Yep, I don't mind people assuming me from US. Or any western countries. Used to that, not that it is offensive. lol.

Some traditions should maintain, some should rectify following the community growth and lifestyle changes.

Shadami 05-05-2013 08:28 PM

i'm gonna use native american as an example for what i mean. As every culture is being modernized and taken over by really.. the world culture of the internet. I hate to see the traditions of speaking their language, their art, and traditions like smoke lodges and the dances to go away. Kind of how i could keep my family together and having a good time at thanksgiving and christmas. for the FAMILY time, not for the get together cause its a hallmark holiday.

xuvrette 05-05-2013 08:35 PM

... maybe it is after midnight early morning... I don't think I understand that... x.x
You meant... the modern day, people are getting more and more neglecting their tradition?

Shadami 05-05-2013 08:55 PM

more their culture and tradition. i like the closeness and love aspect of families. and i don't see that really existing anymore. :[

xuvrette 05-05-2013 09:00 PM

Oh well... my mom just invite her sister's families over yesterday for a dinner... x.x
Last wednesday, Labour day, we had lunch with father side family reunion. x.x

Chinese. 8D

Shadami 05-05-2013 09:03 PM

I like that though. I mean as much of a pain in the butt family can be. it's nice to know that you can at least get along long enough for a dinner. Or be close enough to be willing to sit down for dinner.

xuvrette 05-05-2013 09:12 PM

There is not much family feud in my family... too poor to have that. XD lol.

Shadami 05-05-2013 09:48 PM

i guess that's a good thing?

xuvrette 05-05-2013 09:58 PM

Oh well, but lately, there had been some problems.
I don't even know which side to believe.

Shadami 05-06-2013 12:03 AM

That's when you just don't take sides. Unless talking to either side will cause it to seem like your taking sides. Than i have no idea what to suggest. (i haven't experienced that kind, that's why)

So this has gone completely off topic of art classes. I find that kind of awesome and exemplary of how my train of thought works, and why no one can follow my conversations. haha

xuvrette 05-06-2013 04:30 AM

We can turn back to art class. XD

Currently, the art class we have... seemed to be getting lesser, as the amount of tuition classes increase.

The Wandering Poet 05-06-2013 10:00 AM

@ Shadami - Haha I doubt that... I'm far from good at pixeling as is XD
I'm just good at problem solving is all.

I've actually tried pixeling pokemon :)
It's quite hard as I've not really found good access to the pixel forms at their pixel size... mostly just art of them...

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