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ShatteredAngel 03-11-2016 02:39 AM

That's you?! (Angel X Electric)
This is a private rp between myself and ElectricDreams. Please don't post unless you are one of us, thank you ^^


Name: Al Taylor Winters
Screen Name: ConfusedMelody
Age: 15
Gender: Female (Pretends to be male)


Occupation: Student/Vlogger
Personality: Is very gentle natured and can be rather quiet at times however can also be very fun loving and caring. As a boy however Al comes across alittle more playful even though can be rather withdrawn sometimes.
Background: At a young age, Al lost his parents to a car crash. Being housebound during her own recovery, now in her grandparents care, she quickly found she was fully recovered and had to start high school that she couldn't face it as she was so adopted the alias of a male counterpart for when out in public.
Since she moved in with her parents, no one in the town knew of her family's tragedy or that she is really a girl, making it very easy for her to assume the identity and persona of a male equivelent of herself when starting a new school.
With time she has grown to love a number of things, and through one of these, found a love for watching videos of her favourite vlogger, recently deciding to give it a shot herself, however showing her real self, adopting her real appearance as an online alias.
Extras: Real first name is Allison

Electric Dreams 03-11-2016 03:06 AM

Name: Nao summers
On screen name: hybrid
Age: 15

Occupation: student\vlogger
Personally: he can be stubborn at times with his carer that he lives with but is very kind and caring when out and about with people and at school also quiet and keeps to himself.
Background: nao parents died in an accident, he was also in the accident his spine and right leg were injured and needs to be on crutches due his right leg not being able to move properly, he also get in a lot of pain from it as well.
Due to him having no family that would take him in he now lives with a carer who is also a doctor to help him.

Extra: His doctor takes him to school and back

---------- Post added 03-11-2016 at 04:25 AM ----------

"And thank you for listening" Nao finished listening to the recording before uploading it to VidHub it was the place to go to do vlogging, although he didn't show his face he still did recordings, he used a voice manipulator to change his voice so it was different and was what made him stand out, he had just made the 2 million subscribers mark and the video was thanking them for staying with him for so long.
He was very popular online in the real world that was so different.
"Nao?" The door opened to a man "there you are, you shouldn't be in here at this time but I should have known"
Nao pouted at the man sulking as he picked him up into his arms "come on let's get you dressed out of you pjs okay?" He smiled brightly at the young teen in his arms as he walked to the bedroom they shared due to him helping him.
He helped Nao get undressed and into his school uniform before getting to eat breakfast helping him sit at the table to eat he waited for him.

After Nao had finished he was again picked up by Drake he carried him to the car and they set off after he was put in the passenger seat, Drake placed Nao's crutches into the car before getting into the drivers seat.

As they came into the front of the school Drake parked up looking to Nao "Now remember you can call me at anytime you want if you need me I'll be there"
Nao looked to his mobile before speaking "okay"
"Good boy" Drake replied ruffling his hair.
Nao would always call him if he needed anything anyway not that the other doctor he worked with was impressed with it, he said that Nao disturbed his work but Drake didn't see it like that.
Drake handed Nao's crutches to him watching him get out of the car and go into the building he drove off knowing he was safe inside the building.

Nao made his way to the classroom upon walking in he took his seat at the back away from anyone getting his small laptop out on the desk before class started and rested his crutches on the wall next to him.

ShatteredAngel 03-11-2016 04:53 AM

When the sun came pouring in through the curtained window, the teen within was already wide awake, typing away on her laptop, sat at her desk, long blonde hair flreely falling around her in her nightdress and slippers. She'd had trouble sleeping again. It wasn't unusual, if anything it was a regular pattern. With a sigh, she shifted her focus to her homework, triple checking back over it before eventually starting on her morning routine to get ready for yet another school day. The transformation process was always an amazement to herself, never recognizing the person staring back at her in the mirror when she was done.

He slipped a couple of bobby pins into his short blond hair to keep it from being in the way while he worked before switching his attention to his laptop at a familiar ping. A new video. Without hesitation, he settled into the seat watching Hybrid's latest video which had just been uploaded. Probably just before heading to bed, he though to himself, smiling as he thaked hs viewers for staying with him so long and for their support. It set his mind once more to a familiar train of thoughts about his own channel and his 2 viewers. His mind was beginning to drift to other places when an elderly female called up the stairs, "Alli, dear, if you don't hurry you will miss breakfast and your grandfather won't be able to travel with you"
"Coming!" was the simple reply he gave in return, throwing his rucksack over his shoulder as he quickly made his way down the stairs, dropping into a seat and quickly starting to munch on french toast.

His grandparents smiled at him, his grandfather asking him how he slept and if he was feeling alright while his grandmother fussed over his appearance and making sure all his school work had been completed. He laughed it off gently, reassuring both of them that he was fine and it was all well before finally taking his leave with his grandfather, the elderly woman giving them hugs and well wishes, watching them from the doorway as the pair headed to the bus stop. Every day his grandfather would travel into town with him. He knew it was an excuse to keep him company but he didn't mind it, if anything he would have been more anxious if his grandfather wasn't there to take the journey with him. They exchanged simple conversation before eventually going their seperate ways, the elderly man getting some groceries from in town while Al continued on his way to the school.

He paused out side the gates, looking up at the building, just as he did everyday. He wasn't one of the popular kids but at the same time, at this school, he wasn't unpopular either. The popular kids knew him, even spoke with him from time to time but they didn't cause him trouble as long as he didn't cause any for them, an unspoke agreement which he was more then happy to honor. He gave the occasional nod and smile with a soft 'Hello' to people as he passed them in the halls, making his way to his form room ready for the morning register. He slipped into his designated seat at the back of the room, looking around at the other students who congragated into their little cliques around desks all waiting for the bell to ring before they would even consider seperating and going to their own seats.

Electric Dreams 03-11-2016 05:59 PM

Nao started typing on his laptop waiting for the class to start, he saw more and more students coming into the classroom as the time went by, he looked up as the teacher then walked into the room, he watched all the students scatter to their seats some run if of the doorway due to them not belonging to this class. This amused Nao to see this happen every morning.
The class started he sighed he would rather have been at home with Drake but things couldn't be helped.
The class felt like a drag.

ShatteredAngel 03-11-2016 06:13 PM

Al exchanged a few morning greetings with those that sat either side of him with a smile, one of the boys giving him a playful tease about how he looked like such a femboy this morning and that he swore he was gay. Al laughed it off gently however and shook his head replying that he was just comfortable with his appearance that he didn't see why he had to fall within the norm of 'masculine' just to be a guy. The other boy laughed in responce and they took out their note and text books ready to follow the lesson which began almost instantly after the register had been taken. Geography had never been one of his favourtie subjects but it had to be done, so he took the notes, did the work and put up no fuss. Occassionally he was asked or help by his neighbours or for a spare pen and he happily obliged while on a spare piece of paper next to his notes he doodles away, fast and quick sketches, thinking back over videos he had watched of his favourite vlogger.

Electric Dreams 03-11-2016 06:42 PM

Nao took notes,typed things up in his laptop for his new vlog post he would get to work on when he got home, he was aloud to use his laptop in classes the school had aloud it and he was happy that they did.
Doing his work from the board and work book they had to do.
Finishing it up class was ending he packed his things up, putting his things in his bag he was aloud to leave early to get to his next class the teacher spoke up.
"Now class who wants to go with Nao to help him to his next class?" She. Asked
Nao closed his laptop now waiting for who was going to do it.

ShatteredAngel 03-11-2016 06:51 PM

Al had finished the work quite quickly and was in the process of slipping unneeded things into his bag when he heard the teacher's question, holding his hand up.
"I can if you like miss, I have a free period next, I just have to drop by the art class room for some pieces of my assignment"
The teacher smiled brightly, having beginning to think she was going to have to chose and force someone to go with Nao as it was looking like no one was going to volunteer. She smiled brightly at the blond boy and nodded gently.
"Thank you Al. You may both leave"

Al put his rucksack onto his shoulder before going over to Nao, putting his bag on his other shoulder with a smile.
"So which room are we headed to?" he asked kindly, leading the way out of the classroom, holding the door open for him.

Electric Dreams 03-11-2016 07:29 PM

"Thank you" he thanked him before grabbing his crutches and helping himself up out of his seat walking with him out of the classroom before answering her "I don't have a class next I just need to get out of class early to avoid the crush" he answered him.
He walked down the corridor with him "so I'm just going to sit on my own as I do at free periods, breaks and lunch"
Nao never really hung around with anyone, nobody wanted to do that anyway he took to long to walk around he was in the way and he normally didn't want to bug anyone with himself so stayed to himself

ShatteredAngel 03-11-2016 07:34 PM

"Well that's not fun being by yourself. Well why don't I grab my stuff and I keep you company and then help you get to your next class?"
He would smile kindly at him as he walked at a slow and steady pace besides him. Al has seen Nao in class and around school plenty of times but had never really spoken to him before so this was a first. But you know what they say, it is always good to try new things.

Electric Dreams 06-30-2016 04:42 PM

Nao look at him with surprise "Really are you sure?"He asked the other while they walked"Sure that would be great,thank you"
He had never had anyone act like this with him but he would try not to get hopes up but maybe just maybe this would be alright.
"Do you want to turn back and get it or?" He questioned"I don't want to slow you down though" thinking of the walk back to the class room.

ShatteredAngel 07-02-2016 09:54 AM

"Yeah I'm sure, wouldn't have said it otherwise" Al smiled at him before shaking his head gently, "The art room where all my stuff is is just down the next corridor, in the media department" He would glance to the side to look at the boy walking besides him, since he was making sure to walk at a slow enough rate that Nao could keep up with. "You're not slowing me down, I've not got to be anywhere in a hurry so we can take all the time you need, I'm Al by the way"

Electric Dreams 07-04-2016 11:05 PM

"Okay, we can got get your stuff then" Nao said to Al, he looked to the other boy as he was glanced at.
"Are you sure I'm not slowing you down?"He asked as he knew how badly slow he could walk due to his stupid leg and back.
Soon enough they reached the art room,Nao looked to Al "I can wait out here if you want me to?" He asked.

ShatteredAngel 07-05-2016 03:47 PM

The blonde gave a slight nod, still smiling, "Yeah, don't worry about it, I wouldn't say you weren't if you were."
Soft brown eyes focused on the door to the art room before giving a small nod and proceeding to knock lightly on the door before going into the room. After about five minutes, Al returned, another bag now on his shoulder, larger then their school bags. After shutting the door behind himself gently he smiled at the other, "Hope I didn't keep you too long. Have a preference in where you would like to go to spend the free period?"

Electric Dreams 07-07-2016 09:08 PM

Nao waited for Al to come back out of the room as not wanting to be in the way while Al was looking for his things in the art room, he stayed stood there in the corridor waiting, soon enough Al came back out of the room.
Nao answered him with a slight smile on his face "No no not at all, you weren't that long at all"
"I don't really mind where we spend the free period, how about the library? and are you sure you be okay carrying all that?" he asked as they both started walking again.

ShatteredAngel 07-07-2016 10:24 PM

"Library it is, as long as I don't make a mess they are fine with my stuff being in there" Brown eyes blinked alittle at the question posed to him by the other before the bright smile returned to his features once more. "Oh yeah, don't worry about it. I've carried more then this before when I've had to so this is nothing"
He paused to pull open one of the doors on the corridor and held it open for Nao, doing this all the way along the route to the library, holding that door open for him also, being sure to take it at a pace comfortable for Nao.

Electric Dreams 07-10-2016 11:00 PM

Nao smiled back at the other student, he seemed like a really happy guy in general, Nao looked at his about carrying it "As long as you okay with it" He laugh a little.
He seemed to say thank you to Al every time he was opening a door for him, a little blush of slight embarrassment from it.
Soon enough they had made it to the library and were inside the big room,Nao spent time in here out of the way of others like bully's,teachers and other students of all kinds he would just feeling out of place and in the way.
They sat down at a table at the back away from the rest of them place, out of the way just the way he liked it.
As everything was set down, he grabbed his bag off the table after placing his crutches against the wall, out of the bag came his laptop and lunch that his doctor had made his this morning, seeing what was in it and going for stealing a twix out of it before placing his lunch box back in his bag and the bag went on the floor under the table, seen as though the staff didn't seem to mind them eating things in here they didn't have to worry about getting into trouble.
He looked to Al as he ripped open the chocolate bar and look a bite out of it, oh god was he happy this was in his lunch, his doctor could be really stingy with chocolate and treats.

ShatteredAngel 07-11-2016 12:02 AM

Al set all three bags down gently, watching as Nao pulled his own back towards himself and start pulling items out of it now that they were at the back of the room in the library. He pulled out a chair and sat don, placing the bag which had all his books in it on the floor, tucking it under the desk and out of the way before dragging it back out and pulling out a pull topped bottle with some liquid in it and place it on the desk before again pushing this bag back under the table ith his foot.
He turned his attention to the other bag now, Now that it was set down properly, the bag had a more of a rectangular look to it, making it look quite chunky and surprising that it had been easy to carry. A few moment later of observation would reveal why it was shaped the way it was as Al unwiped the cover revealing a case inside of it which held many different compartments which he started to pull a few things out of before setting them back, finally being left with a sketchbook, a pencil, eraser and a couple of different sized fine liners. Starting on a fresh page, the stange box to one side of him, he began to sketch out onto the paper, having placed a couple of extra bobby pins into his hair to keep a few extra strands out of his eyes while he worked.

Electric Dreams 07-13-2016 07:00 PM

Nao opened up his laptop, he glanced to Al wondering what he was doing as the laptop booted up, he had made sure that it had the sound off as not to disturb any of the other that could be in the libary.
"What are you drawing?" He asked as the laptop now was asking for the password to log in, the typed it in quickly and looked back at Al looking at his sketch book as the desktop showed,he opened up a few things on it, half eaten twix hung out of his mouth as he did so.
He also wondered what was in the box next to him.
He grabbed the pen drive off of the lanyard he was wearing and pushed it into the laptops USB port.

ShatteredAngel 07-15-2016 10:51 AM

Honey brown eyes glanced up as he heard himself being addresse before smiling and returning his focus to the page he was sketching onto. It looked quite messy but it was still only in the beginning stages. "This? It's part of my art project which is also mixed into a personal project I might be working on. This is just a few face designs and clothing designs. The clothes can be then replicated on any scale, be is small of full sized. How about you, what are you working on?"
He looked up again no, setting the pencil down briefly to take as swig of water from the bottle he had taken out of his main bag and left on the desk.

Electric Dreams 07-15-2016 07:39 PM

To answer the question he looked up "Oh I'm just working on things I do at home, I'm into vlogging and blogging I try to draw but I've never been any good at it" He rubbed the back of his head "Your art looks good"

He looked up from his laptop where he was typing away to speak once again "That's sound cool, who are the clothes for then, you?" He asked smiling at him he did wonder about it though.
He opened up a program on the laptop and waited for it to load, eating the left twix from the packet carefully biting the bisket off from the carmal before chowing on the carmal.

ShatteredAngel 07-16-2016 03:40 PM

"I've thought about doing that but I've heard it is a really difficult thing to do. Do you enjoy it?"
His interest was sparked now that vlogging an blogging ha been mentioned as his favourite person to watch on VidHub was a vlogger.

"Drawing isn't too hard, then again I had a long time where there was nothing to do other then draw and doodle to pass the time." He smiled alittle but it held a gentle sadness while the pencil began to dance across the page lightly once more. "Oh no, these ones are for the fashion show at the end of the year that the art department put on. I'll be making some small scale ones first to iron out any design kinks before making them full scale for our volunteer models to wear."

Electric Dreams 07-17-2016 11:19 AM

"Yeah, I enjoy it alot, it's fun to make things and upload them for lots of people to see" He explained to the other boy sat on the other side of him, finishing his twix he stuffed the rapper into his bag getting back to typing things down from the keys.
"You could only draw and doodle to pass the time?" He asked the male student, wondering why this was so, dragging files into the pendrive folder.
He also has class work to catch up on, he opened a word document, then pulled school work papers out of his bag reading them before typing onto the document.

ShatteredAngel 07-17-2016 05:41 PM

A soft understanding smile came to Al's lips at this. He knew only too well the feeling of no one knowing the real him....her but then again it was how she was most comfortable.
"You should send me a link some time, I'll check it out, if I like your stuff, I'll be sure to drop you a sub"
A brighter and broader smile showed on his face now as he returned his sewing, making progress with it quite swiftly, despite the miniture stitches he was making, while making a mental note about the editing software's name.
"I play quite alot of them," a blush was coming to his cheeks at this, "I'm not that good at it, it was just something to pass the time really."
He blinked alittle and looked up once more from his sewing, tying it off, and to Nao.
"I suppose you could call it that.. I was sick some of the time"

Electric Dreams 10-02-2017 09:21 PM

"Sure I'll send to the link some time, thank you" He told the other before glancing at the time, nearly time for this free peirod to end, he started finishing up what he was doing on the laptop unplugging the pendrive and clipping the USB stick back to his lanyard.
Giving one last attempt to find anymore chocolate on his back and looking quite disapointed when there was none, the went to shut down the computer "What lession do you have next?" He asked Al as it started it's shut down slowly turning to off, he shut the lid then zipped his bag up.
"We could see each other after school Drake won't mind" He said, the other students didn't really know about Drake, He was always saying for Nao to make new friend.

ShatteredAngel 10-02-2017 09:23 PM

"No problem at all"
Al beamed brightly at Nao, noticing him packing up, he quickly finished off the part he was sewing before slipping his things quickly and carefully into the case, sealing it up tight before returning it to it's carry case so he could carry it on his back while his school back hung from his shoulder.
"Lets see, Double Biology and then I'm in the art rooms for 4th and 5th period and then music for the final lesson of the day, how about you?"
He tucked his own seat under the table before walking round and offering to help Nao up by offering him a hand.
"Sure, as long as I let my grandparents know first, it won't be a problem..Who's Drake? If you don't mind me asking that is"

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