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Houseboat #3 05-12-2013 09:51 PM

[community hangout] Houseboat #3
Welcome to Houseboat #3

Moored close to the shore, in the residential marina of Menewsha town, you will find Houseboat #3. This attractive vessel is the quirky residence used to accommodate visiting dignitaries from other islands. During the times when it's not being used for this purpose, it is often let out for civic and private functions.

This week, the town council has kindly allowed us to make use of it for our community hangout! As you can see there's plenty of space for all, spread over 3 stories with a selection of rooms, this delightful vessel has panoramic views across the town and harbor from the huge top floor windows, plus numerous comfortable reception rooms, and a well-equiped kitchen. There's even a games room on the bottom floor. The perfect place to meet up with friends, both old and new!

Don't forget! The money earned by the location during the week, will be given to one of the people who have chatted here throughout the week! The name of the winner will be drawn next Sunday. The more people hang out and chat here, the greater the winnings will be!

Enjoy your week to chat in this awesome spot!

X---AznCo0ki3 05-12-2013 09:55 PM

Evening all~ ^^

Kiyoto 05-12-2013 09:58 PM

Hey people o.o

X---AznCo0ki3 05-12-2013 09:59 PM

Nice dancing pickle! O:

Kiyoto 05-12-2013 10:04 PM

Lol thank you XD

X---AznCo0ki3 05-12-2013 10:04 PM

Menewsha is so dead right now xD

Mikio 05-12-2013 10:05 PM

New place! ouo *excited*

X---AznCo0ki3 05-12-2013 10:07 PM

Wait, would anyone mind telling me when this started? I've been off of mene for a month of two now~ //out of the loop~ [oops]

Kiyoto 05-12-2013 10:07 PM

Yeah, it's a tad silent x.x

XD usually when I come to these things, there is like eleven pages already full of text. Surprising I made second post >.>

X---AznCo0ki3 05-12-2013 10:08 PM

It'll probably busy up in another hour xD

Kiyoto 05-12-2013 10:10 PM

There is another one up that has been popular, but it is silent at the moment as well.

X---AznCo0ki3 05-12-2013 10:15 PM

This seems really fun!~ ^^ Hehe I wish I wasn't so busy all the time now~

white2fire 05-12-2013 10:26 PM

Oh, well this is interesting.
Hello. ^^
And how is everyone today?

X---AznCo0ki3 05-12-2013 10:27 PM

Hiya White~ ^^ Doing dandy, how about you?

Catch Me If You Can 05-12-2013 10:35 PM

Hey Hey Everyone!! Gosh, I cant believe last weekd hangout is already gone. But a boat. I couldnt ask for a better place to hang out

star2000shadow 05-12-2013 10:35 PM

'wanders onto the boat' hello folks

white2fire 05-12-2013 10:37 PM

Hey Azn. I'm pretty good.
Whatchu up to?

---------- Post added 05-12-2013 at 06:38 PM ----------

@Catch Me, and star: Hi there! *waves* How are you?

Catch Me If You Can 05-12-2013 10:38 PM

WOW!! I love the way you look White :) You look so lovely, did you dress up for this occassion at the Houseboat?

X---AznCo0ki3 05-12-2013 10:41 PM

Heya Star! How are you? ^^

Nothing much White, just doing a bit of math and downloading Studio Ghibli movies! C: And you?

Hey Catch~

white2fire 05-12-2013 10:43 PM

@Catch Me: Thanks. ^^ I've actually had this outfit for a while now. So not really. ^^;

@Azn: Oooh. Which movies? And good luck with the math.
I'm just lurking around trying figure out what to do. XD

dessertdesiert 05-12-2013 10:43 PM

Yay a house boat!

Mythos 05-12-2013 10:46 PM

Oh my goodness what a fancy looking houseboat!
I'll miss the rail car and its fancy hot springs... but this could be cool.

Catch Me If You Can 05-12-2013 10:48 PM

I've never meet you before White, I'm glad I got to though. You meet a lot of new people in these hangouts. I am so happy there is a new one each week.

white2fire 05-12-2013 10:48 PM

Hey dessert and Mythos! *waves*
Welcome to the Houseboat. :D

@Catch Me: Same here. :)
I only just learned about these hangouts though.
I might start to post more often, because of them. ^^

Catch Me If You Can 05-12-2013 10:51 PM

I think I have been in all the hangouts so far. I am enjoying them so much. Not just playing mene games all the time :P

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