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JessiFlakes 02-12-2017 08:29 PM

The Prince and the ... Prince?
Prince Didier sat in the throne room, listening to his father talk about absorbing the rival kingdom. Didier was much older than marrying age, he was now 25, due to his father wishing to wait until he was old enough to give up the throne to Edward. He wanted Edward to marry and start a family all at once.

He was pale and redheaded, with freckles scattered over his face and body and bright green eyes. He was average height, about 5-feet-9-inches. He always dressed in blue, as his mother had once told him it was the best color on him.

"Your majesty," a messenger came bursting into the throne room, "the enemy kingdom is fleeing! A prince remained behind, the guards are bringing him here now."

"He stayed behind?" The King laughed, "I shall look forward to what he has to say for himself then."

PurpleBox 02-12-2017 09:22 PM

Collin had always loved his family, his mother who had tried so hard to give her husband a daughter. Instead giving him four sons, the oldest being Collin himself. Now at the age of 21 and Collin wasnt the most Princely lookign prince, his long hair was a pale pink color. "A sign that you are meant to do great things Collin." his nanny had told him as she read him to sleep all those years ago.

The war had been hard on the small kingdom, they where mostly farmers, villages filled with beautiful flowers and gardens. There where not fighters, since Collin's parents, the king and queen, had encouraged their subjects to grow their own foods as well as the flowers that the kingdom was known for.

During the fighting his family had made their escape, Collin carrying his youngest brother Benjamin, the other kingdoms soilders in hot pursuit. "I'll distract them you all escape...." He'd said, Benjamin crying and holding onto his older brother, crying no over and over as Collin handed him to one of his other brothers. The Collin had run the opposite direction his family was headed, the pale greens of his princely outfit made him stick out like a sore thumb.

He'd been captured quickly, his long hair falling free of it's loose ponytail as he had been tackled to the ground, his outfit stained with grass and mud now as he was being hauled off to who knows where. His blue eyes still held the regal aura of a prince as he was marched into the throne room of the kingdom his people where at war with. His hair was a mess from being tackled and he could already feel the tangles that where going to become a problem if he didn't brush them out soon

JessiFlakes 02-13-2017 06:29 PM

They had said that a prince was captured, but as the royal family and advisers looked upon the long pink haired form before them, they were not so sure. However, it did not seem appropriate to ask.

Didier's father, the King, assumed that the long pink hair and flashy outfit could mean only one thing: this was a princess disguised as a male. Tactically, it made sense, as men and women would be treated different if they were to be come prisoners, and that difference was not always good. The King was not one to torment and torture, however, so all this did was plant the seed in his head that the princess of a losing kingdom, one that grew its own resources, married to his only son might be more beneficial than just the land.

The King walked closer while Didier looked on silently, standing near his throne. He did not like the look of determination and the sparkle in his father's eyes. Then the King spoke, "Tell me, where are you in line to your father's throne, little one?"

PurpleBox 02-13-2017 08:17 PM

Collin didn't like the look in the enemy king's eyes. Not one bit, he bit his lip when the other asked where he was in line to his fathers lands....this couldn't be good yet Collin hated the idea of lying, even to the king of the enemy. The pink haired prince flinched back a bit as the king walked closer, though he wasnt able to get far with the soldiers still holding his bound arms behind his back.

"I am the first born son of the king and queen of Elaria." Collin stood as tall as he could, while his thin frame and long hair woudl lead some to believe he was a women his voice was not feminine at all, yet at the same time it wasnt completely masculine either, somewhere in between. His blue eyes where the same as his fathers, the same blue as a summer's sky in midday. The Pink haired prince didn't like the fact that the enemy king had called him little one... he wasnt little... sure he wasnt as tall as most men his age; but that did not make his little.

Collin's blue eyes held determination of their own in them as he kept his eyes trained on the enemy king. Not trusting anyone in the room aside from himself at the moment. Part of Collin felt hollow, he knew it was because his family wasnt here, he was the only Elarian around for miles and that sat hard with the prince, some of his long pink hair falling into his face as he tried to control his breathing, to stop himself from panicking.

JessiFlakes 02-13-2017 11:38 PM

Son? Didier had distinctly heard 'First born son', not daughter, but he still couldn't entirely believe it. He had never seen such long hair on a male, nor did the appearance of this supposed prince seem masculine by the standards of his kingdom. Perhaps it was a cultural thing. Didier had not seen any other Elarians before this.. prince.

The King nodded, but did not believe for a second that this wasn't a princess in disguise. "Let go." He ordered the guards, who released the prisoner immediately. Take this prince," he smiled at the word, letting his tone show how he felt, "to a room. Show some of our hospitality." The Kind took a step back and leaned his weight back onto one, one hand on his waist. "I would like to discuss something with you: the joining of our kingdoms."

Didier stepped forward to offer, "Father, allow me to show the prince to a room." he bowed slightly, his small, green eyes still on the Elarian royal. When his father nodded, he stepped forward to the prince, "If you please," he gestured in the direction they were to walk, "follow me this way."

PurpleBox 02-14-2017 12:03 AM

When his bound wrists where let go Collin wobbled for a moment, before gingerly bringing his hands in front of himself. He blinked as the king spoke.... joining.... 'DOES HE THINK I'M A PRINCESS!' Collin's voice echoed in his own head, he had a hard glare at the kings tone, OK so clearly he didn't look like a ideal prince... he had long hair where his siblings kept theirs as a more normal length. He kept his hair long because in the royal family, or any family in their kingdom really, a child born with pink hair was someone special, had a talent that was bound to bring prosperity to the land.

Most of the pictures depicting the ones with pink hair in the castle had the hair long, even on the men.... Collin had grown up liking the idea of keeping his hair long, made it easier to braid flowers and ivy into it when he was in the gardens back home. Collin's sky blue eyes blinked when the other prince spoke up, eyes narrowed slightly he moved to follow the prince with red hair. His writs still hurt from the guards holding on so tightly, he was sure he'd find bruises on them in the morning.

Collin still felt a cold coil forming in his gut as the kings words echoed in his head.... the king that attacked his homeland wanted to join the kingdoms.....this was ludicrous.... Elaria had no princesses.... only four princes.... a king and a queen..... that should have been common knowledge even outside their kingdom surly... as they traded with other lands.

JessiFlakes 02-14-2017 12:17 AM

As the walked, two soldiers followed several steps behind them. Didier looked at them, and the prince next to him, more certain than before, "Your kingdom has only princes, does it not?" He could not fathom why his father did not see it. But then Didier had a thought, "If our kingdoms were to join, it would mean your people could live peacefully, as they always have, still under your rule." he said.

Didier thought for a moment before speaking again, "I was never supportive of this war. My father saw something he had to have and he went to claim it. Your people are not fighters, they are not soldiers and warriors. That is why it was so easy to take your kingdom and my father knew it. We need the resources, but without enslaving your people, we do not have the know-how to keep your people prospering. I cannot say I am condoning of a marriage between myself and another prince, but this may be the only way to keep your people safe. To keep your family alive. That is, to let my father think you are a woman until the official decree is made. Once announced, they will have to follow through with the wedding. By then, the troops will have been pulled from your kingdom, and notice sent to your family that the wedding will be held and they may return to celebrate with us. We will need yours or your father's approval for such a thing. I only ask that you think about it."

Didier concluded his long winded speech, holding his hands behind his back as he stopped in front of one of the many guest rooms in the wing. "This is where you may stay. Clean up and take care of your hair, it looks a mess, and it would be a shame to ruin it." he smiled. "I will have the tailor come and find something to suit your tastes, as none of my own will fit you."

PurpleBox 02-14-2017 12:42 AM

Collin's eyes moved to watch the other prince closely as he spoke, still the sky blue eyes were narrowed with suspicion till the other prince finished his long speech. He bit his lip as the other finished, that did make sense as his people have never wanted war with any one, though he couldn't think of something that Elaria had that another kingdom could just want to take... sure they had some of the most fertile land for crops, they traded with other lands that had trouble growing their own foods. "I'll... I'll think about it...." he said tentatively after they arrived at the guest room. Collin felt torn between thinking about his kingdom and his family.... oh how he hoped they all managed to get away.

At the mention of his hair Collin held back a groan... it would take him a while to get his long locks sorted out properly, and normally cleaning and caring for his hair was something that relaxed him, he doubted it woudl be very relaxing this time around. The guest room had a small bathing chamber of to the side, and running almost on their own his legs carried him into the bathing chamber, part of his eager to get all the knots out of his hair at the very least.

He found a soft looking brush on the small vanity in the bathing chamber, and a sturdy looking wooden comb, with a sigh he began to peal off his now ruined cloths, leaving himself in his underpants before he spotted some sort of robe hanging on the wall. Not wanting to feel vulnerable in just his underpants he pulled the robe on before sitting in front of the vanity. Taking up the wooden comb he began to gently pull apart the tangles in his hair, soon finding the repetitive motions soothing as always and pushing the thoughts of his family to the back of his mind.
Collin didn't know how much time had passed by the time he finished brushing his pink hair, the locks now shimmer in the dim light in the bathing chamber. Collin sighed happy now that was dealt with, he just wished he hair tie to pull some of his hair back into a pony tail like he usually did.

JessiFlakes 02-14-2017 01:38 AM

In the time it took the tailor to gather materials, Didier had more than enough time to think about their predicament. He did not know why he had such a soft spot for the fallen kingdom, or why his father had a blind spot when it came to them. As if to alleviate some of the pain his father had caused the kingdom, Dider tried to do what he could to help the prince.

The tailor and Didier approached and knocked. Didier would introduce the Prince and the tailor and then let the two begin their work together. The tailor had brought some already made garments in several sizes, and several shades of blues, purples and greens to see what might suit their unwilling guest. Didier wanted to make sure he had something to wear, while the tailor also took measurements and showed the bolts of fabric he had brought as well. "It is just us," Didier called, looking at the small middle aged man with his arms full next to him. He glanced at the bolts of fabric he himself had carried over, thinking the dark green in his arms would bring out the blue in the prince's eyes and pink in his hair lovely.

The tailor, having had Didier tell him the prince's hair was very long, also brought some ribbon to tie it back with and braid into it.

PurpleBox 02-14-2017 04:18 AM

Peaking out of the bathing chamber Collin carefully made his way to the door. The robe still tied around his body as he opened the door to see the Prince and a man he guessed was the tailor, he tucked some of his hair behind his ears as the other two entered the room only for the stubborn pink locks to fall back in front of his face. He guessed it was the stress this whole thing was going to bring was going to make his hair uncooperative, like it usually was when Collin was in a bad mood or stressed.

Collin's blue eyes seamed to linger on some of the ribbon that was dangling from the tailor's belt. He bit his lip slightly before closing the door behind the two other men as he tried to tuck his hair back behind his ears once again. "Ah... what day and time it is? If you don't mind my asking?" He asked politely, seeing as the other prince had yet to be rude to him and neither had the tailor Collin was going to be polite as possible. Well more friendly now that he thought about it, he could fake politeness with ease... but friendliness he only showed those he had a smidgen of trust towards.

If someone where to look at Collin now for the first time they might think he was a girl who didn't bother to groom herself under her cloths... pale pink hair could easily be seen on his legs that poked out from under the robe he had tied tightly around himself. He also looked a little under fed with how willowy and skinny he was, Collin'd always had trouble packing on weight as a child, and that had stayed with him in adulthood aswell it seamed.

JessiFlakes 02-14-2017 04:48 AM

"It is almost time for supper," Didier answered, looking at th now cleaned up Prince. There certainly was no mistaking him for a man now, despite the long hair and willowy frame. If they played along with his father's marriage idea, they would certainly have to hide this better. Which reminded the redhaird man, that they had not yet agreed to go along with it yet.

In the mean time, the tailor set hia stuff down and began to arrange it all, surveying the foreign prince for his size, "I beg lardon your majesties, but do you see a style here that suits you?". There were tunics and frilled shirts, balloned pants with tights, silk brocade vests and peplum tops. Didier looked at the outfits that were laid out and reached out to touch them, then thought better of it and dropped his hands to his side.

Didier had a secret love of fabrics and fashion. His own blue tunic and trousers made of finest cottons and materials they could find. The tailor Didier had brought was his own personal tailor, one who was highly regarded in the kingdom.

"Perhaps, if you have thought about my long, one- sided conversation from earlier, you might choose accordingly." Didier said politely, trying not to sound pushy.

PurpleBox 02-14-2017 07:29 PM

Collin's blue eyes looked at all the strange, to him at least, styles as he bit his lip gently. He usually wore tunics and leggings with boots around the castle back home, and on royal occasions he wore what ever was laid out for him, he didn't really have a eye for clothing... though colors was one thing he was better with, seeing as how he had a talent for gardening and arranging flowers. He found himself drawn to the tunic and the pants that reminded him of the paper balloons he played with as a child.

Looking over towards the other prince he spoke after making his selection. "As much as I loath to say this, it woudl be in the best interests of my people and my family if i were to.... play along." He cringed a bit at his words but it was clear that the pink haired prince was willing to play along, even if it meant he had to pretend to be a girl....He'd played dress up in some of his mothers old dressed when he was little... so wearing them wasnt to foreign and idea...he'd just need practice.

JessiFlakes 02-14-2017 11:16 PM

Didier watched as the other prince surveyed the outfits laid out before him, but kept quiet. Only when the other man spoke did he open his own mouth, "I think that is a very wise choice. I would hate to see your kingdom turn to ruins under my father's rule. We specialize in military and smithing, not so much in gardens and growing, as I hear your kingdom is so well known for." he smiled, and then he realized that he had not even bothered to ask: "I'm sorry, I did not catch your name before."

As he awaited the answer, Didier began to think about tactics, how they could pull this scheme off. He glanced at the tailor who had made himself busy with laying out fabric in an appeasing way, and then back to the other prince, "You know, though it is optional, it is customary to wear a dress or skirt in our kingdom. However, it is not unheard of to find a female wearing trousers, but they are usually working in a blacksmith's or something of the like. I will leave that up to you, however."

Since when did he talk so much? It seemed as though the other had barely spoken at all, whereas Didier felt he was talking his ear off. Didier was usually much quieter than that, and it surprised even himself that he could ramble on as such.

PurpleBox 02-15-2017 04:13 AM

"Collin, my name is Collin. I am not opposed to wearing a dress or skirt if it helps."Collin said, not minding the other princes ramblings as his two middle brothers, twins, where never quite, heck they even talked in their sleep. "It's just easier to move in leggings or pants. I'll ah get changed now... don't want to just stand around in a robe...." Collin tried to make a joke of it... but he failed miserably as he hurried off to change into the temporary clothing, he snagged a black hair ribbon on his way aswell.

Back in the bathing chamber Collin shrugged off the robe, the first thing he did was use the ribbon to pull a good chunk of his hair back away form his face, a few locks falling out of the ponytail but enough stayed put that it didn't fall into his face any more. He then pulled on the pants and tunic, he rolled the sleeves of the tunic up to his elbows before checking the ribbon that now held his hair.

The pants didn't feel to loose despite their shape and design, the tunic was longer then he though it would be, but he felt a bit better now that he was in some cloths, and not just a robe, or his torn princely attire. He exited the bathing chamber with what he hoped looked like confidence, he still tucked some of his hair behind his ear. Two little silver studs could now be seen in his ears, as in his kingdom it was tradition that the royal family had their ears pierced, no matter their gender. His mother once told him that before she married his father that her own ears where pierced and how she had wished that it had been a easier experice fo rher... he guessed children forgot pain a lot faster.

JessiFlakes 02-16-2017 12:47 AM

"My name is Didier. So glad to have been formally introduced."As for the dress and skirt, it is good to know for down the line." He sighed aloud, a sigh of relief, though he had not intended to let it pass his lips. Didier smiled awkwardly at Collin as he walked off after the robe comment. It has not particularly crossed Didier's mind that he had been looking at a man in a robe, but now that thought disturbed him; primarily for his lack of manners, and even his lack of caring about it.

As they waited for Collin to emerge from the wash room, Didier attempted to speak with the tailor about what he had overheard between the two princes, only to be told that he had not heard a thing. Whether or not it were actually true, he did not know, but he would accept the answer, as Mr. White had been trusted with many confidential conversations between Didier and others, especially his father.

When Collin emerged, Didier smiled, "You look much more like yourself. Or, well, how I imagine you to be." the more he spoke, the deeper Didier felt the hole was being dug. "Would you like me to leave you and Mister White to figure out a wardrobe, or shall I help you as well? I leave the decision up to you." After all that had been taken from Collin in the past few hours, the last thing he wanted to do was make him uncomfortable. Offering help without forcing it seemed like the gentlemanly thing to do. Didier mentally laughed at the thought that his father would not have such concerns even cross his mind.

PurpleBox 02-17-2017 03:45 AM

"I don't have any clue to what style are IN right now....Usually i wear comfortable cloths... things that can be easily washed after working on the garden...." Collin had a far away look on his face for a moment... he was remembering his families garden, they all worked on it, it was very beautiful. It had a massive tree that the castle had been built around... and the tree was hollow in spots, while still being alive.

"So ah...if you could stay and help I would appreciate it?" Collin sounded a bit unsure himself as he tugged at some of his loose hair. Now that it was all free of tangles, branches and the like his hair seamed to have a luminescent quality to it in the light of the room and the fading light outside. Collin blinked, he found it hard to believe that it had already been more then a couple hours since he had been separated from his family, the thought sent a pang of longing through his heart but he kept the feeling out of his expression for now.

As much as Collin hated the other kingdom for basically destroying the peace his kingdom'd had for centuries, he wanted to get to know the other prince more, mostly because he guessed it was the others genuine take on all this. On trying to find a way for both kingdoms to go back to something before the war. His sky blue eyes watched the other prince curiously.

JessiFlakes 02-17-2017 06:10 PM

Didier smiled. He knew what was popular in general, and specific to his kingdom. Fashion was a bit of a guilty pleasure for him, and as long as his father never found out, he could keep it that way. He was expected to be a fearsome prince that would someday take his father's place as a triumphant and war-god-like king. His father wanted him to follow in his footsteps, whereas Didier did not see life the same way. Didier did not want to conquer and absorb other kingdoms, he wanted to work with them. He felt that was the true way to survive: to coexist.

"I wouldn't mind staying at all." He surveyed the prince, putting one hand on his chin and resting his elbow on a crossed arm as he leaned back a little on one foot, trying not to be distracted by the beautiful hair and eyes that seemed to look through him, not just back at him, "I think what you picked is lovely on you, but Mister White, could you fashion some feminine clothing for our dear guest?" Mister White nodded and moved in to take Collin's measurements, "An over-bust corset with a simple white chemise and full skirt should hide everything well. Maybe make the chemise a little loose, to draw away from the lack of bust. Put more detail into the skirt, and draw attention to his hair rather than his chest. That way we may get away with this yet." he smiled wider, happy to be working with the prince. He would be beautiful yet.

So long as they both went along with his father's inability to see what was right in front of him, and Mister White could keep a secret, which he surely could, then they had a chance. No one else would dare question the king, and when it came out that Collin was a man, his father would be so thoroughly embarrassed at his blunder he wouldn't dare tell anyone either out of pride. However, the hope was that by then, Collin's kingdom would be safe.

PurpleBox 02-19-2017 02:06 AM

Collin stool still while his measurements where taken, he moved when he was asked to so more things could be measured. He pulled his hair out of Mr White's way when the older gentle man had to move around the pink haired princes back to measure the backs of his shoulders for something. While Didier spoke of feminine outfits and designs it flew over Collin's head as that wasnt in his know how, he busied himself by letting his sky blue eyes roam over the room, taking in the details of the walls and the decor.

He noticed a few plants in the room and saw that they weren't in the best of heath, well compared to the plants he was used to being around... he wondered if it would be alright for him to request some sugar water to give these plants... as his mind drifted on how to move the plants to a better facing window he failed to notice that Mr White was finished taking his measurements.

Feeling like eyes where watching him Collin pulled on his pink hair gently in a insecure manner. After all he knew that his pink hair was a even rarer sight outside of Elaria.

JessiFlakes 02-24-2017 10:59 PM

Didier watched the other prince as he spoke, noticing Collin did not seem to care much about what he had to say on the matter. It didn't seem that it was lack of interest, but Didier couldn't be sure. He followed his gaze at one point and finally noticed there were plants in the room. Surely, that must have been what caught the man's attention. He had already said he didn't know much about fashion, but it was more than likely that he knew plenty about plants.

When Collin tried to hide in his hair, he sighed, "It seems the servants can't keep plants alive very well, doesn't it? I'm afraid I am no better. I wouldn't know what to do with those things if I had tried." he said, trying to encourage the prince to partake in something he was familiar with, maybe to put him just a bit at ease. It was true, Didier couldn't keep the simplest of plants alive. "I've always admired flowers and plants, but I just don't have the know how to tend to them."

Mr. White gathered his things as Didier dismissed him. They would save the more feminine garb for another day, when MR. White had something prepared. For now, Collin looked just fine in what he had on. Didier's father certainly wouldn't take anything from it, he was sure that the King would stick to the idea of Collin being a female to the bitter end, now that he had made the idea known.

PurpleBox 02-25-2017 03:36 AM

Collin's sky blue eyes looked towards Didier when the red headed prince spoke. "You should give plants water laced with some sugar and keep them facing a south window...if you cant water them that much you need to make sure their soil is the type that holds onto moister....." Collin spoke with warmth in his voice, plants where clearly a passion of the pink haired prince, it was basically a passion that his kingdom was founded on, even if many of the inhabitants had other talents... it all tied back to plants one way or another.

Normally Collin could talk about plants for hours, the many types of something as common as a daisy to the rarest of plants that where in his families garden. His parents and nanny had found it endearing that the prince was so passionate about something important to his kingdom. His two younger brothers who where twins didn't have a full interest in plants, they liked to build things out of stone and metal, even if they where good at growing their favorite vegetables. Little Benjamin, the baby of the family was to young to have tried planting anything int eh gardens yet... Collin had been cultivating Tulip bulbs for his baby brother to try and grow for the boys next birthday, though with this dammed war he doubted he's see it any time soon.

[OOC: sorry its so short >c<]

JessiFlakes 03-06-2017 11:19 PM

(OOC: Sorry I haven't been around! Life got in the way!)

Didier looked at Collin dumbfounded for a moment as he absorbed the new information. After a few blinks though, he smiled back at the bright blue eyed man before him, "I will have to pass that information along. Or, perhaps for your duration of your stay here, you might be interested in helping tend to them? If it please you." He asked. After having listened to the passion in the other prince's voice, it seemed it might give Collin a little ray of sunshine in his otherwise dark and gloomy situation.

"We should hurry along to see my father." he cleared his throat, gesturing towards the door while Mr. White packed up his belongings.

In the dining hall, the King was eagerly awaiting the princes, or, what he thought was his son and his betrothed princess.

PurpleBox 03-11-2017 02:33 AM

[ooc: its ok real life happen lol i kinda guessed somethign came up... i probibly woudl have sent a pm to see if everythign was ok if you'd been gone a month lol I try to keep i touch with my rp buddies]

"I'd like's helps to calm me down, working with plants that is...." Collin felt his face flush slightly...he tugged at the ends of hsi bangs slightly before joining the other prince in going to the dinning hall. Collin wasnt looking forward to this at all....but he knew he'd have to pull this off to keep his family and kingdom safe. He had a feeling that he'd be wearing a lot of dresses and the like in teh future.... so he was relishing wearing pants and confy cloths.

By the time they had gotten to the dinning hall Collin had schooled in face into a mask of inddifference... he did this to hide his hatered towards the king....and dispite the circumstances he didn't dislike the other prince.... but the king, oh that man now had Collins full hatered, and that was hard to achive.

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