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Heard 05-22-2017 03:55 PM

MUDs, MUSHs and other text adventures
Could I hope to find kindred spirits who can spend hours before a text filled screen typing away and having a blast in Mene? I've always had a soft spot for MUDs - or Multi User Dungeons for those not in the known, and I'd be interested to discuss the madness of text adventures with those interested!

What was your first MUD?
What MUSH or MUD are you playing regularly lately?
Any fun adventure you had in the past you want to share?

Elirona 05-23-2017 12:56 AM

I've never actually played a text adventure at length, now that I think about it. I've played some, but all of them have slipped from my mind. [lol]

Do you have any text games you'd suggest, Heard? :V

Heard 05-23-2017 10:31 PM

Elirona: I've kept going back to the Iron Realm games (Achaea, Aetolia, Lusternia and Imperian), but I'd definitely suggest trying out MUSHs if you feel like instant roleplaying, providing you have a good character in mind and that there is actually active people on the world of your choice.

Elirona 05-23-2017 10:35 PM

Oh, thanks, Heard! I'll be sure to check those out. I enjoy making my own characters. I'm pretty sure I've played a Multi-user text game before, and I remember having a bit of difficulty with...the reading. It's hard for me to read certain fonts. ;_;

Heard 05-23-2017 10:40 PM

I completely understand! Luckily, you can change the font in the web client in the MUDs I mentioned, and I do believe there are clients out there that allow changes of font... and colors!

Elirona 05-23-2017 10:49 PM

Ooh, fancy! I'll have to look into that myself. [yes] I have issues with big blocks of text.

Heard 05-23-2017 11:10 PM

I'm happy to help!


...and bring someone new to the dark side... mwahahaha!

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