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blueblackrose 11-02-2011 12:31 AM

BBRose's Garden is Haunted?! || Ghost Hunting - Win Prizes - Tricks & Treats
BBRose's Hidden Haunted Garden

Happy Halloween!

Hey there everyone. This is my hangout for during the event. Things are up and running so go on and go have some spooky fun. Oh and don't forget to watch out of the ghosties that are hanging around.


As you walk along one of the roads less traveled in the forest you notice a small path leading from the road. Feeling adventurous you decided to see where it leads. After traveling for a few miles you start thinking maybe it wasn't such a good idea to follow the path until you notice something up ahead. You have come this far so you figure what's it going to hurt to go a little further, right? As you reach the clearing you notice that there is a small cottage surrounded by a beautiful garden filled mostly with roses. You stand there in awe as you look around. Without noticing a woman approaches you. "Hello there," she says with a smile.

You blink at her wondering where she came from all of a sudden. You hadn't notice anyone else in the garden. After a moment you reply, "Hello." Looking around again you comment, "This is a beautiful garden."

"Thank you. It always nice to have visitors who enjoy discovering the little treasure I've hidden in the forest." The woman steps away from you before speaking again. "By the way I'm BlueBlack Rose, but you can just call me bbrose, bbr or blue."

Surprised that this young woman is the one who created and maintains this hidden garden you don't reply right away. "Wow, you created all of this? That's amazing. It's so well maintained. I really never expected to find something like this in the forest. You must have worked long and hard to create it."

BBRose nods, "Yes it did take a while to create, but it was well worth the hard work I put into it. It's nice to see what I had envisioned come to life. Would you like a tour?"

"Yes, thank you," you answer without hesitating. As bbrose gives you the tour you start wondering why she decided to hide a garden in the forest for others to find. "Why...why did you make a garden here instead of somewhere in town?"

BBRose laughs. "If I built a house or bought one in town then made a garden it would be like any other garden. I wanted to create something unique and something that will help people satisfy their need for adventure. After all if you take one of the many paths that lead away from the road there's no telling what you'll find. Just like this place. You said yourself that you'd never expect to find such a big and well maintained garden in the forest."

You nod and ponder what bbrose has told you. Following her she tells you some about the different plants and flowers in the garden. She stops in front of an interesting looking rose.

"This is my most prized and rarest rose in the garden. It's a Midnight Star Rose. It's taken me years to carefully create this hybrid. At first you might just think that it's black and white, but don't let that fool you. If you look closer you will notice that the outer petals are a bluish black and the inner petals are pure white, almost silver. Hence why I gave it it's name."

blueblackrose 11-02-2011 12:48 AM

This is where I will keep a record of any and all tricks that are played.

This is where I will keep record of any and all treats that are given.

blueblackrose served pumpkin pie and Halloween themed treats to her guests in the gardens.

Ghost Sightings

The ghost of a little girl was spotted on the balcony of blueblackrose's cottage.
A navi was spotted as it tried to pretend it was a ghost.

blueblackrose 11-02-2011 12:52 AM

Ghost Hunt

How to Play
It's pretty simple really. Whenever I'm online I will be sticking around here chatting with you guys. Every so often I will add the image of a ghost to my post. The first person to quote the post with the ghost in it gets a point. The top three ghost hunters will receive a prize.

Ghosts in the Garden
These are the pesky little ghosts you'll be wanting to keep an eye out for.

The Prizes
First Place - Choice of Little Hellion or Fleet Commander

Who Ya Gonna Call?
Not the Ghostbusters....your resident ghost hunters that's who.
Monsieur Hatter - 6 points
Dystopia - 1 points
sushi_mew - 3 points

blueblackrose 11-02-2011 12:53 AM


blueblackrose 11-02-2011 01:02 AM

blueblackrose 11-02-2011 01:06 AM

Treats Received

None Yet

blueblackrose 11-02-2011 01:14 AM

Event Commons I want

Plague Doctor Items
Plague Doctor Boots - Ivory, Navy, Red, Green, Dark Brown, Black, Candyass, & Burnt Orange
Plague Doctor Gloves - Red, Black, Brown, Dark Brown, Navy, Burnt Orange, Green, Candyass, Sesame
Plague Doctor Belt - Dark Brown,Green, Burnt Orange, Candyass, Sesame
Plague Doctor Hat - Green, Dark Brown
Plague Doctor Cloak - Dark Brown, Red, Black, Brown, Green, Navy, Burnt Orange, Candyass, Sesame
Plague Doctor Skirt - Burnt Orange, Navy, Sesame, Brown, Ivory, Red, Black, Green, Candyass & Dark Brown

Kung-fu Items
Kung-fu Top - Shadow, Cloud, Jade Dragon, Master, Wanderer, Novice & Midnight
Kung-fu Baji
???Kung-Fu Wandering Monk Robe
???Kung-fu Master Monk Robe

Kerry Readers - Smoke, Orchid, Toffee, Sand, Espresso, Tobacco, Latte & Pebble
Elton Shades - Yellow, Orchid, Pirate, Plum, Purple, Rosy, Sapphire, Sea Green, Snowy, Strawberry, Teal, Turquoise, Ocean, Moonlight, Atlantis, Beach, Bright Pink, Dragon, Dusk, Floral, Foxxy, Hot Pink, Irish, Leaf, Lavender, Metalica, & Midnight.
Slick Shades - Polar, Carbon, Charcoal, Argent, Titanium, & Steel
???Edna Glasses - Pink, Blue, Green, Teal, Yellow, White, Red, Purple & Turquoise
???Onassis Sunglasses - Tangerine, Orange, Pink Grapefruit, Lime, Pomelo, Sanguinello & Lemon

???Feather Dusters???
???Traditional Feather Duster
???Synthetic Feather Duster
???Dyed Feather Duster
???Professional Feather Duster
???Natural Feather Duster

Monsieur Hatter 11-02-2011 02:10 AM

Popping his hatted head in side, Hatter smiled;

"Hello~, I hope you do not mind me keeping you company.", he spoke, slowly walking more fully into the thread. "I can leave if you want.", the male spoke, not wishing to intrude if he was unwanted.

blueblackrose 11-02-2011 02:18 AM

"Hello and welcome to my garden," the woman smiled. "You are not intruding. It is nice to have visitors. I'm afraid that I may end up disappearing for a bit due to some things I need to do. Please feel free to stick around."

Monsieur Hatter 11-02-2011 02:24 AM

"A lovely garden you have.", Hatter hummed lightly, looking around his surroundings.

"And I see, no problem. I hope I will be here later, when you come back, so we may chat.", the hatted male smiled, eyes closing and curving with the grin.

hummy 11-02-2011 02:34 AM

so happy to see you blueblackrose!
happy bootifully late halloweenie!

blueblackrose 11-02-2011 02:41 AM

"Thank you sir." She gave a slight nod as she looked around. "It shouldn't take long for me to finish up."

She waved at Hummy, "It's good to see you to dear and Happy Boolated Halloween to you as well."

Monsieur Hatter 11-02-2011 02:45 AM

Spotting Hummy, Hatter smiled, tipping his hat to her.

"Hello~.", he greeted before turning to Rose again.

"Yes, I am sure it will look even more lovely once you are done. Something I will look forward to.", the hatted male chimed lightly.

blueblackrose 11-02-2011 03:15 AM

"Hopefully it will be," she sighs a bit. "It seems it has gotten late and I need to be going since I have to be up earlier than usual in the morning. I bid you all a good night." The woman cursties slightly, bowing her head before wandering off towards the shadowy house nearby.

Monsieur Hatter 11-02-2011 03:27 AM

"I see then, have a nice sleep and good dreams to you.", Hatter smiled, bowing in return to the miss. Placing his hat back onto his head, he waved a gloved hand.

"Ta ta~.".

CrimsonShadow 11-02-2011 04:06 AM


Monsieur Hatter 11-02-2011 04:14 AM

"Hello~.", Hatter smiled, bowing briefly to the miss.

"How do you do, mademoiselle?", he asked, standing straight again.

CrimsonShadow 11-02-2011 04:21 AM

I'm doing wonderful! How are you on this lovely evening?

Monsieur Hatter 11-02-2011 04:29 AM

"Okay, feeling tired, so I am hoping to fight that off.", the male chuckled, "Thank you for asking.". Hatter smiled, pulling a chair out for the miss.

"Have a seat? I have some tea as well, if you like.", he offered.

CrimsonShadow 11-02-2011 04:43 AM

Smiling at the offer she walked over and sat down. "Thank you, I would love some tea," she said giving him another smile. "I'm tired and also trying to fight it off." The last was said with a chuckle.

I couldn't help myself lol

FakeSunShine 11-02-2011 10:10 PM

BBR i like the way the thread looks <3 cant wait to see it all completed and games begining =)

blueblackrose 11-03-2011 12:45 AM

Evening everyone.

Thank you FakeSunShine. I'm hoping to finish it up tonight.

CrimsonShadow 11-03-2011 12:46 AM

Hi BBR, really creepy/awesome avi you have there!

blueblackrose 11-03-2011 12:56 AM

Hey Crimson and thank you.

CrimsonShadow 11-03-2011 12:58 AM

Your welcome!

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