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Odo 02-10-2008 10:14 PM

Down the Rabbit Hole (A hangout thread)

Nah, I'm kidding.
Welcome to Down the Rabbit Hole.
A simple Valentine's Event thread.
Feel free to chat and hangout, and please, try to be literate. <3

I'll probably edit this post later.

P.S. - There may be art freebies. <3

Odo 02-10-2008 10:15 PM

Reserved. <3

Odo 02-10-2008 10:16 PM

Reserved. <3

Odo 02-10-2008 10:19 PM

Hm. I wanna go watch Alice in Wonderland now. D:

Takuto 02-10-2008 10:22 PM

Yay! I found Chocolate under the rabbit's hole! :D.
(I just got candy.)
I love Alice in Wonderland. I wish I still had my VHS to watch it.
It looks like I will never see it again until I do. haha.


Odo 02-10-2008 10:25 PM

Congrats on the candy. ^__^

And yeah, Alice in Wonderland is a good movie.
There's so many hidden references.
I love it. =3

Aww. That's sad. D:
They have it on DVD too now if all else fails with your VHS.

Ithir 02-10-2008 10:26 PM

-runs in and tackles Odo-
-runs out-

Odo 02-10-2008 10:29 PM

Ithir. xD <3

Popcorn Gun 02-10-2008 10:34 PM


I was a fan of Alice in Wonderland as well, all the creatures were fun to watch, too bad the flowers thought Alice to be a weed.
x' D

How are you?

Odo 02-10-2008 10:36 PM

Alice was a weed. ;o;

I'm doing good.
Rather bored, though.


Takuto 02-10-2008 10:37 PM

Is it still there?
I thought they put it back in the Disney vault already. (I was going to wait.)
I'll probably go check it out at my local movie store if they have it though.
(I wish Disney never put movies in the lot. It just makes us suffer. lol.)

Eserel 02-10-2008 10:43 PM

-crawls down the rabbit hole-

Odo 02-10-2008 10:44 PM

@Takuto - I.. do not know. o.o;
I thought it was.

Movie stores probably have it still.
And if all else fails, you could always rent it and copy it. (though, that is illegal. xD)

And lulz, I couldn't resist.

By the way, is menewsha lagging for anyone else besides me?

Ithir 02-10-2008 10:45 PM

Mene's been lagging since the event started, and WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN YOUNG LADY? D<

Odo 02-10-2008 10:46 PM

@Esrel - Aww.
That's cheating.
You're supposed to fall down. D':

Odo 02-10-2008 10:48 PM

@Ithir - Umm..


Gaia and Deviantart.

Don't kill me. D':

Eserel 02-10-2008 10:48 PM

But I dun wanna bump ma head n die.

Yes I haz lag too.

Ithir 02-10-2008 10:51 PM

-tsktsks at Odo-

You've missed out on some shiny items.

Odo 02-10-2008 10:52 PM

@Esrel - You won't die.

There's... umm..

Pillows! =D
Yes, pillows.
Pillows will keep you from dying. x]

Eserel 02-10-2008 10:53 PM

-crawls back out of the hole and then cannonballs back in onto a giant pile of pillows-

Odo 02-10-2008 10:55 PM

@Ithir - Nuuu..
Not the shiny. D':

By the way, what happened to flooding my email? xD;

@Esrel - xD!
Sadly, I lol'd at that.
But yay. =D
Jumping down works too. ^_^

Eserel 02-10-2008 10:57 PM

-throws a pillow at yer head-
I loooooooove pillows.
-hugs one-

katyasha 02-10-2008 10:57 PM

I love the new items they look so cool!

Ithir 02-10-2008 10:57 PM

Odo~ Oh yes, the shiny!

I kind of forgot.
I figured Mene had losted you. : (

Eserel 02-10-2008 10:59 PM

They are absolutely beautimus!
-claws at shops-

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