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Larele 10-22-2012 11:16 PM

The Secret of Levi ~ Larele and The Wandering Poet ~ Complete 2/13/13 <3
On an island isolated from most of the world, lies a deep mystery. Many of the locals claim the island is haunted, but others say it is something deeper still than restless spirits. The locals have never been known to leave their birthplace, and few from the outside ever to stay to live on the island, once they've heard the rumors. When a new school opens its doors for the first time, the clues to the mystery begin to unravel. Can an unlikely trio solve the mystery of the island?

The Wandering Poet 10-22-2012 11:31 PM

Name: Aya
Gender: F
Age: 7
Main traits: Curiosity

Looks -
Eyes: Green
Hair: Long reddish hair (slightly past shoulders).

Additional Info: Has a knack for getting in trouble due to her curiosity
Lives in an orphanage due to losing her parents a few years ago, so she is out late often.


Name: Lauren
Gender: F
Age: 6
Main trait: short attention span

Looks -
Eyes: brown
Hair: brown
Additional information: Daughter of the Mayor.

Larele 10-22-2012 11:45 PM

Name: Karin
Gender: Female
Main Traits: Curiosity, Artistic, Stubborn, and Kind

Eyes: Light blue-grey
Hair: Slightly-wavy and Honey-brown (Half-way down her back, and curves a little inward at her cheeks)
Clothing: Simple dresses with lace at the ends, and a hair ribbon, usually in pale colors.

Hobbies: Collecting shells by the shore, playing with Shadow, and following her father around

Name: Shadow
Gender: Female
Age: 2 (14 in dog)
Main Traits: Protective, Loyal, and Friendly

Eyes: Golden
Fur: Solid black

Other: Shadow is a wild wolf that often visits Karin's family for reasons unknown, and seems to really like being around children. Shadow is very special to Karin, as the wolf is currently her only friend.

The Wandering Poet 10-23-2012 01:07 AM

Waves crashed against the beach as Aya walked along, debri scattered across the ground but she payed it no heed. Her eyes were fixed on a ship that had crashed on the island. As she got closer to the boat she heard a light growl.

At that moment she opened her eyes, staring at the ceiling. "Another dream" she said quietly to herself as she got washed up for school.

Larele 10-23-2012 01:31 AM

Karin stirred a little at the sound of birds outside her window. After dressing herself, she hurried downstairs, but before her feet touched the floor, she was quickly lifted and pulled into a gentle hug. "Ready for school Karin?" A man asked, before softly kissing the top of her head. Karin giggled. "Daddyyy.." She whined playfully, and he gently set her down on the bottom step. "Your mother has breakfast ready, so after you're done eating, come outside." Karin smiled then hurried off. "Good morning mommy." A woman turned away from a stove and smiled, before walking over and softly hugged her. "Karin dear, have you spoken to your father this morning?" She let Karin lose from the hug, and went back to her cooking. Karin nodded a bit. "Daddy told me to meet him outside. Is he working on the lighthouse again today?" The smell of the food distracted her from her thoughts, and she felt her mouth begin to water, as a plate of food was set down on the table. "It's banana pancakes, your favorite." The woman smiled. Karin happily skipped over to the table and sat. "Thank you mommy~!" She said cheerfully, and quickly went to eating.

After breakfast, Karin hurried off to meet her father outside. "Daddy I'm here, where are you?" She asked curiously, looking around. The man from before walked over to her, his hands covered in dirt. "Come with me Karin, I found something I think you'll like." With a smile on her face, Karin happily followed after him, and the two stopped after not long, and the man motioned towards something in front of them. "..ooh's so pretty~!" She said cheerfully, and knelt to get closer to what turned out to be a dark blue flower. "First one I've seen this spring." The man said, and knelt next to his daughter. "It's beautiful, just like your mother, and just like you." He stood up, then offered a hand out to Karin, helping his daughter to her feet. "Thank you for showing me daddy." She smiled. He smiled back. "Alright, now you'd better hurry off to school, have a good day sweetheart. I love you." Karin hugged him. "I love you too daddy, and tell mommy I love her too!" Karin called back, as she had started to hurry off.

The Wandering Poet 10-23-2012 01:38 AM

Aya washed her face as she thought about the dream she had, "second time this week" she thought as she changed into her cloths. She had a few choices of cloths thanks to the villagers, and so she chose a pair of blue jeans and a red jacket over her shirt. As she stepped out the door she looked around before heading across the street toward the school.

(Gosh I'll never understand how you can write so much)

Larele 10-23-2012 01:50 AM

As Karin was hurrying off to school, a black blur began to run towards her, and at the sound of a bark she looked over. With tail wagging, a wolf came up to her. "Good morning Shadow~!" Karin said cheerfully as the wolf came to a stop in front of her, and smiled as she wrapped her arms around the wolf's neck in a gentle hug. Shadow panted, her ears flicked forward, as she listened to the world around her. Karin nuzzled against silky, black fur for a few moments, before letting go. The moment she was let go, Shadow ran ahead of Karin, heading straight for Aya.

The Wandering Poet 10-23-2012 01:52 AM

Aya heard a bark and saw Karin a ways away. Seeing Shadow running towards her she hid behind a pole nervously. She knew Shadow didn't bite, and had seen her many times but did not feel comfortable with canines.

Larele 10-23-2012 01:59 AM

Karin had run over, following Shadow, and saw the wolf, a little ahead of her, sniffing the ground near a pole. "Shadow, what is it?" Karin asked curiously, and walked over to where Shadow was, and looked around but didn't see anyone. Shadow had sniffed Aya out, and walked over till she stood next to Aya, looking at her, with tail wagging.

The Wandering Poet 10-23-2012 02:00 AM

Aya squeaked lightly as Shadow found her and looked up at Karin. She stepped back lightly, afraid that Shadow would jump on her.

Larele 10-23-2012 02:05 AM

Karin stood there a moment, looking at Aya with a slightly surprised expression, having not expected to see anyone there. Seeing that Aya seemed fearful of Shadow, Karin called to her. "Shadow, come." Shadow looked over at Karin at the call of her name, and glanced at Aya again, before walking over to Karin. "Good girl, Shadow." Karin smiled as she gently pet the side of the wolf's neck, looking at her. "I'm sorry she scared you. It's okay, Shadow is nice." Karin said to Aya. Shadow sat down next to Karin, tail still wagging slightly, as she watched Aya from across them.

The Wandering Poet 10-23-2012 02:10 AM

Aya nodded lightly, "T-thank you" she said as she looked over at the school a few blocks down, "We should probably go before class starts".

Larele 10-23-2012 02:14 AM

"I've never seen you before, are you new?" Karin asked curiously, as she started to walk towards the school, Shadow at her side.

The Wandering Poet 10-23-2012 02:22 AM

Aya nodded lightly but didn't want to say much about the reason she was new. It had not been very long since the accident.

"What's your name?" Aya suddenly asked, "I'm... Aya..." She shuffled her feet shyly as she spoke.

Larele 10-23-2012 02:30 AM

"You have a pretty name, Aya. I'm Karin. It's nice to meet you." Karin smiled at Aya, and continued to walk, wondering if she'd end up in the same class as Aya.

The Wandering Poet 10-23-2012 02:33 AM

Aya smiled lightly and followed, "Your... dog, where is it from? I've... seen it on the beach before"
She looked down lightly as she stepped over each crack, avoiding them as best the could.

Larele 10-23-2012 02:59 AM

Karin giggled softly, unable to help but find it funny that Aya was avoiding the cracks, and started to do the same. She turned it into a game, skipping over them a little ahead of Aya, before giving a delayed answer to Aya's question. "Daddy said Shadow came up to the house one day from the woods. Shadow likes the beach. We go there together every day after school to find pretty seashells."

The Wandering Poet 10-23-2012 03:05 AM

Aya smiled, "that sounds nice" she said as they arrived at the school. "I have to get my class now," she said as she walked up to open the door.

Larele 10-23-2012 03:16 AM

Shadow whined sadly, getting Karin's attention, and Karin turned and gently hugged around the wolf's neck. "Sorry Shadow, I can't play with you till school is out." Karin let go of Shadow, then joined Aya at the door. "It was nice to meet you Aya, I hope we can play sometime." She smiled.

The Wandering Poet 10-23-2012 03:20 AM

After getting her classroom decided Aya was escorted to the room by one of the helpers at the office, "You'll enjoy it here" he said as he stopped at the door and opened it. It revealed a classroom full of students minus a handful of desks in the corner. One of the empty desks was by Larele.

Larele 10-23-2012 03:39 AM

Karin had gotten to class with some time to spare, so she had a piece of paper out and pencil to draw. With her head down, focused on the piece of paper, Karin didn't notice anything around her.

Upon seeing the door open, a middle-aged woman looked over and saw that she'd be getting a new student. She smiled and walked over to Aya and the office helper. "Welcome dear, come in." She looked out at the other children, and noticed the empty space by Karin. "Why don't you sit over there?" She offered.

The Wandering Poet 10-23-2012 03:44 AM

Aya nodded as she quietly walked over to the desk, thankful she didn't have to introduce herself.

The assistant smiled and nodded at the teacher, "I'll let you know if there are any other late starters"

Larele 10-23-2012 03:58 AM

The teacher nodded a bit back. "Yes, please do, I love getting new students." She walked away and stood in front of the children. "Hello and welcome to you all~!" She said said cheerfully, and reached over and picked up a clipboard from her desk. "Now then, let's see.." Her voice trailed off as she looked down at the clipboard, down at the list of names there, then back at the children. "Before we begin your first day of class, I'm going to do a role-call. When you hear your name, simply raise your hand, then you can put it down when you hear someone else's name. I shall start with names that start with A. First though-" She paused, then walked over to Aya. "What's your name dear?" She looked over and noticed Karin drawing. "Karin, I know class hasn't started yet, but now isn't the time for drawing dear, so please put the paper away."

Karin paused in drawing, and glanced at the teacher, then back down at her drawing before sliding it inside her desk. She looked down sadly at the desk.

The Wandering Poet 10-23-2012 04:11 AM

"A-aya" She said shyly as she felt all the eyes on her.

Meanwhile outside there was some commotion as a piece of a large wooden ship had washed ashore. One of the men was speaking to a large group. "Nobody go near the ship. We don't know what it is from, and you all know the stories." he gave a sigh as people began asking questions, "The beach is off limits until further notice"

Larele 10-23-2012 04:21 AM

The teacher just smiled and looked down at the clipboard as she wrote Aya's name down. "No need to be so nervous dear. Since your name is first on the list, I'll go ahead and mark you as here. While I'm finishing taking role, why don't you give yourself some time to relax." She walked away, back to the front of the class, and started to finish taking role. Karin looked over at Aya and smiled. "Miss Claire is nice, you'll like her." Upon hearing her name, Karin raised her hand, then put it down moments later when another student's name was called by the teacher. After finishing the list for role call, she put it away, and turned back to her class. "Okay children, now for your first assignment, try getting to know eachother. Start with the person next to you. You don't have to rush, just a simple greeting to start, don't be shy now."

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