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Runoc Xiuhcoatl 01-19-2008 11:53 PM

The Haunted Woods ((Jadyalyn & Demonic Vampire))
Some things became scarier as they grew older, some became worse. The Himlaic forest was once a peacful woods where small animals lived and nothing bad lived there. Over the years, however, the Himlaic forest grew eriee and nobody dared entered. Soon the forest was then called the Haunted woods. Ghosts began to appear, and with each day, it began to worsen until it became the most haunted forest in the world. Two adventurers one day decided to suck it up and see for themselves the secerts of the Haunted Woods.

Jadyalyn 01-20-2008 02:40 AM

Character's Profile

Lydia Quakers
Nickname: Lia
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Picture or Description:
Weapons: Slith Blade. A blade known for killing a beast dicing them. Not always accurate weapon but is known for its powerful blows when it does hit the enemy correctly. (she is not very good with weapons. she will barely hit anything dangerous because she has to prove to the sword she is worthy until then it will disobey her)
Bio: A girl from a small town. She is known as a trouble maker. Daring and beyond help. She is considered troubled because she is always hyper and happy. Most people think depressing because this village is near such a dreadful forest. But she wants to prove to them that this is a sacred forest and is not a scary place. Its just wild and crazy. So knowing that they would never go along with it she and her friend are willing to take a trip into this forest knowing that the odds of coming out are slim. Still she knows that this is fate and is willing to take the greatest sacrifice and cross the border to the dead forest and see whats beyond. The adventure begins with one simple test.
Other: When she gets hungry, she craves blood. Reasoning to that no one knows but she grew up with her father and he always fed her raw bloody meat so its one of her main meals. She is considered a freak to most and thats why she is the way she is to get attention.

NOTE: If there are no weapons I can delete that profile information.

Runoc Xiuhcoatl 01-20-2008 05:42 PM

((the weapon is okay))

Name: Meridth
Nickname: Mei
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Weapon: Scythe of darkness
Bio: Mei was always coldhearted since her parents died when she was four. Since then she had been taking care of herself. When she came across an old haunted forest she wasn't scared at all, but she wanted to go on a adventure in the there. She came across a blood thirsty girl on the outskirts of the forest, and since then, they have been the best of friends.
Other: Because of a curse that was put on her when she was young, Mei is always in a ghost like state at night. She also has the ability to walk through any object unharmed.

Runoc Xiuhcoatl 01-21-2008 12:55 AM

It was a chilly and windy day. Mei was outside the haunted mansion in which she lived. It was a huge building, and thousands of ghosts lived there. There were paintings of past owners. Whenever somebody died in there, a portrait of them was mysteriously placed in the main hall. Everything was black, dusty, and absolutely horrifying, well, for anybody normal, that is.
Mei was sitting on the porch, talking with her cat, Mist. She was ultimately bored with being the only human who lived for miles of the Haunted Woods.

Jadyalyn 01-21-2008 01:23 AM

Lia walked about town. While walking through it in the middle of the night. There was chills among the air as the chills came so didn't the blows of crusty air. As she breathed it in her insides froze within'. She looked around seeing many people staring at her through the windows. She knew they were snoopy but to stare at her was a bit far in her opinion. She wore very little yet she was not cold. She never felt the crisp air upon her body but inside it affected her deeply. She never knew why she was so odd. At that moment seeing Miss Baker staring at her she ran, She was scared of what the Mayor would think if his wife told him. So she ran towards the end of town. Leading to to Mei's home, she stopped there and looked back, a place she was forbidden to go according to her father. As he told her it was a haunted house and many dangers come from there. So she disobeyed him. She took everything she had little by little. But she was almost done. As soon as she got there she would no longer feel different but happy with who she is. And attempt what no person has because she wanted to prove that she was worthy, and that she was meant to live not be confined into a small area. Her father would not see her again. Knowing that made her sick to the stomach because she was an unworthy daughter to him anyway. But then again she knew it was all she had of family.

Runoc Xiuhcoatl 01-21-2008 01:36 AM

Not many people liked to come by to Mei's place. They thought she was strange and uncivilized. Okay, maybe she always wore black and didn't go into town unless it was absolutely necessary, but she was happy with her life. She had one close friend that broke her fathers orders just to see her, Mei couldn't ask for anything more.
Mei looked up and saw a bunch of bats flying over her house. She found bats pretty fascinating. Mist's eyes followed the bats with a hungry expression and Mei had to keep her from climbing up the building and jump to see if she could catch one. One of the bats flew down and Mist jumped out of Mei's arms and attacked it. Mist was successful in capturing it and made a meal out of her prey. Soon their was bat blood all over Mist's lips and she looked rather pleased with herself. Mei patted her on the head.
Mei got up, picking up her beloved scythe at the same time. She loved her scythe more than anything. Having her scythe, her friend, and her cat, Mei was happy with her life. She had everything she needed to live forever.
She started to walk up the path that lead to the outskirts of the town that was a couple of miles away from where the mansion lived. Mei saw somebody in the distance. Somebody who looked an awful lot like Lia. Thinking that Lia couldn't see her, she rushed off the road and started to look busy. Mei didn't want Lia to get the impression that she was lonely.

Jadyalyn 01-21-2008 01:49 AM

Lia came upon hoping along with joy. That she was about to see her friend Mei. Her one and only friend. She never saw Mei as she went along the edge of the trail. The trail got more steep as she went up it. As if it had tense air around the area. She didn't mind as if it was nothing compared to a usual day. She looked up a little but seeing stars. She always wondered what was out there. Such beauty among the stars and moon that it always caught her eye. It was when she was most alive. During the day she always felt sick, never knew why but it was beyond her knowledge. She came a little closer seeing Mei doing something though she was not sure what. Nor did she want to disturb her. But she had to ask it bothered her so to why she was away from home, at a distance when most are in their houses at this time. But knowing asking this would only get a response normal from Mei. She was odd thats all there was to explain her.
"Mei what are you doing out here? A project? Entertainment? I am just wondering out of curiosity. If I didn't know better I would think you were lonely but you would deny it of course. But oh well" Laughed Lia as she approached Mei smiling. It has been a while since she smiled that day.

Runoc Xiuhcoatl 01-21-2008 02:00 AM

Mei tried to keep herself from smiling. Smiling wasn't a normal thing for her. She had been longing to see Lia for awhile. She knew it was hard for Lia to get out of the house because her father was so strict about Lia visiting her.
Mei personally didn't like Lia's father. She had strong reason to believe that he tried to sentence her to the death penalty for some made up charge. It was Lia who had convinced the townsfolk that she wouldn't do anything to harm any of the villagers, that she wanted nothing to do with the towns people and wanted her space. She could never come up with anything to repay her. Lia's generosity was the main reason why she owed her everything. Mei sometimes wished she could save Lia from a life of near imprisonment. From what she understood, Lia didn't like living with her father.
Mei put her scythe down and nodded. "Hello Lia, how are you today. Oh, and I just decided to get some fresh air, no loneliness involved," she lied. Hopefully Lia wouldn't see right through it. Mei was known for her lies, and she was pretty sure Lia was aware of it.

Jadyalyn 01-21-2008 02:14 AM

Lia looked around. There was not much to hold evidence to that story. Lia didn't believe her but she let it fly because it was not worth brothering with. It would not effect her much as for it was something Mei was known for doing.

"I have finally left my fathers house. I will no longer be seeing him nor those town folks often because I am out of that house." she paused looking back "I will miss him but I didn't want to have the burden among me. Being different and having everyone down me. I wanted to have a better life, So I am here at your service ma'am. I hope you don't mind me moving in with you" said Lia giggling.

"I hope it will be free and Mist will be there so I have a furry friend as well" she smiled again. Lia looked in the distance and saw the house. It was considered a haunted house but Lia knew it wasn't it was actually pretty cool. Each time she came there she was able to sleep in a coffin. She found that fun and interesting experience. It was her favorite place to sleep.

"Well shall we head to your house or stand out here and stare at the world in darkness?" asked Lia hoping in one spot. She was overjoyed and came throwing her self onto Mei. She couldn't help herself because she was happy to see her. It had been a while. "Heh I was so happy to see you but I was afraid. But this is a meeting hug. I am glad to see you and that your doing well." Lia grabbed Mei's hand and started to drag her towards the house. She was sick of being on the road. It was not a very good spot to be knowing townsfolk could be watching from afar. She always feared they spied on her.

Runoc Xiuhcoatl 01-21-2008 02:30 AM

Mei was trying very hard to keep herself from jumping into the air from happiness. Instead she yanked her arm away from Lia, "Uh, I can walk myself, thanks." Yeah, her normal self was very depressing. She even exerted some of her abnormality onto her best friend. Despite her remark, this way the best day of her life. It was the first day she'd seen Lia in a long time, and she was going to move in with her, what a wonderful day.

Lia had a right to act frisky. Nighttime was when the curse set on Mei became activated. Whenever 9 o'clock arrived she turned into a complete transparent ghost. Lia was the only one to have ever seen Mei in her ghost state, which meant that Lia was perfectly use to every surprise the mansion had to offer.

"Lia, I can't tell you how happy I am that you're coming to live at my place. Oh, and feel free to make the chamber your bedroom, I don't use anything in there anyway." Mei was referring to the room in which Lia's favorite coffin lay. It was a room full of mysterious artifacts that had different values. She was pretty sure they were haunted, but she didn't care. Everything in the mansion had some mystery or curse on it, including her. "Before I forget, there is a little something I left in the coffin, feel free to take it. I'm pretty sure you'll like it, or in fact, love it." Now that Lia was staying at her place she was willing to share all her belongings with her. She didn't care for half of them, and all the ones she did like where in her rather large room.

Jadyalyn 01-21-2008 02:45 AM

"Your a party pooper sometimes ya know" giggled Lia.

"Well if there is something there! I will be waiting on my two hands to earn that gift." smiled Lia.

It may seem odd but she is actually happy but is not showing it thought Lia looking at Mei as they walked towards the mansion. " I cannot believe you are giving me the chambers! I love the chambers! Its sooo spooky and its crawling with the unknown! OOhh and the coffin is down there! Oh your the best!" said Lia jumping up and down with joy. "I have never felt so happy in my life. Well I have but I am glad to feel like I belong somewhere. Last time I was here it was so cool. Its like a museum, Its full of the unknown and thats what attracts my attention to that house. But also your there are your unique and I don't know I am just overjoyed that I cannot think strait" Lia smiled.

Runoc Xiuhcoatl 01-21-2008 02:59 AM

This the normal conversation for Mei and Lia. Lia was always hyper when she was happy. Mei was glad that Lia was happy though because she had such a depressing life when she was at her fathers house. More than anything she was most looking forward to seeing Lia everyday!!
The reached the mansion and Mei slowly pushed open the door. As soon as the door was fully open Mist jumped onto Lia's shoulder so quickly it was as if a lighting bolt just flashed by. Sitting on Lia's shoulder Mist meowed happily. Mei knew that Mist liked having Lia around and that she missed her. Mist was definitely a strange cat.
"Well Lia, home sweet home. Welcome to your new home! Oh, I'm so happy that your staying here!" Mei hugged Lia happily, something that she had never done before. This was a major who-are-you-and-what-did-you-do -with-my-friend moment.

Jadyalyn 01-21-2008 03:28 AM

"So Mist! Hows life? Is it a crackin' or just a lackin something!" Lia giggled again. She pet Mist slowly feeling the fur between her fingers. "It has been a while has it? I feel as if I have not seen you in a while." Lia smiled at Mist. She favored Cats. They were creatures of the night to her. Calm spooky creatures. Yep! Mist fit that category well.

"So this is my home! YEEP! Home Sweet Home! Okies! Where do I go first. I need to roam, i got energy to burn YIKES! I am going crazy." Lia squeaked happily. She had never been happier to step foot in this house. As it was finally her home!

"Whats it been like lately? Like the forest and everything. I mean while I was gone? What did you do??" Asked Lia curiously.

Runoc Xiuhcoatl 01-21-2008 03:43 AM

Lia had just brought up Mei's favorite topic, the Haunted Forest. It was Mei's favorite place in the world. There were over a million spirits on it. She had communicated with some of them, others she had yet to wait.
"Oh, life in the forest has been great. I'm still trying to figure out whether there are some of our kind in the forest. I doubt it, but maybe we'd find other vampires and half ghosts," Mei told her. She always had wondered whether she'd find somebody just like her, but would she be able to live with not being one of a kind? abnormality was very important to her.
"Oh, did I tell you that the amount of bats in this place has increased by a lot. Oh, I found a skeleton in the basement, isn't that so awesome?!" Yeah, Mei thought that anything that made the mansion scarier was worth having there. She'd give anything for the mansion to be even scarier then it already was. If anything was cute and girlie it normally would make Mei puke. Lia was the closest to girlie that Mei could actually stand.
"Oh, I hope you like cobwebs too, there are a lot more now in the chamber. Boy, I keep thinking about how much fun having you live here is going to be!" Mei wasn't into house cleaning also... the more dirtier it was the happier she would be. The most cleaning she had ever done was clean dishes, but normally she didn't eat with them.

Jadyalyn 01-21-2008 04:30 AM

"There are more creatures out there like you! I am sure of it, I also think they will be cool like you as well hehe" said Lia

"Bats! Those creatures that fly around at night and sleep during the day. I find them fascinating, I was never sure why but the remind me of something familiar." squealed Lia in excitement. "wait did you say skeleton! It a human body skeleton right! If so I want its head!!!!" Yelled Lia in shock. Lia liked it being scary. Other then that she was a complete girlie girl. It was odd yet she was happy with how life was arranged that way in her mind. It seemed so easy to be herself and not annoy Mei.

"eh? Cobwebs? Are they suppose to be scary. Last I knew there was nothing scary about them. Yikes the only thing scary in this house may actually be you hehe" said Lia stepping back some while giggling.

Runoc Xiuhcoatl 01-21-2008 04:47 AM

"I'll take at as a compliment," Mei told her smiling. She liked being called scary, it meant that all her efforts hadn't been wasted. "Oh, leave the head of the skeleton alone . I like skeletons better when they are together and pieces aren't drifting off into coffins," she continued.
One problem Mei did seem to have was that things had to be in a certain order. If they weren't in a whole then they weren't worth having. She was well aware of her problems, and she was proud of them. Let's just say she liked being herself, abnormality was her thing.
It was two minutes to 9. That meant two minutes until her other self would come to life. Two minutes until she became ghostlike. When she was in her ghost state she could walk through walls and become completely transparent. Only Lia had ever seen her like that, and she wanted her to be the only one. If too many people knew she was a ghost by night then Lia's father would really have a reason to give her the death sentence.
One minute until nine. Mei was watching the clock with blank eyes. Half of her wanted it to be 9, the other half said no way. Fortunately being a ghost didn't effect her personality.
It was nine, though nothing seemed to change, but actually, everything did. Then she started to get back her nightly ghost feature. She was completely her second self, the ghost phase.

Jadyalyn 01-21-2008 05:07 AM

"Whoo! I got you to smile!!" exclaimed Lia.

"Fine Fine! I won't touch the head. But I will stare at it." looks at Mei with big eyes.

"Ya know your ghost state is quite interesting. I always wondered how you became a ghost but then again I don't know much about myself either" smiled Lia at the thought

She was unaware of the fact of who she was, where she came from. In ways she wanted to know and in other ways she didn't want to know. But then again she did not know too much about Mei either. It was a mystery of both of them that war there. A story waiting to unfold. Though being so unaware of that Lia just thought about it then moved on. She never wanted to barge into someone's business without reason.

Runoc Xiuhcoatl 01-21-2008 05:10 AM

"Did you know that I have the ability to walk through walls when I'm like this?" Mei asked. She decided to entertain Lia by waling through the base of stairs.

Jadyalyn 01-21-2008 05:15 AM

"No! I never knew. Well i knew ghosts could but I had never seen it before" Lia smiled. "I have a question.. Does it feel funny when you walk through stuff, Like your tummy is about to go squiggly and squishy. Why I ask is because it reminds me of a supper I once ate and when I felt icky the next day it came out. It was all squishy and gross. It was white and yellow mixed in with some brown. Yep thats why I ask hehe" added Lia pointing out a stupid remark.

Runoc Xiuhcoatl 01-21-2008 05:19 AM

"Before I answer your question," began Mei, "I must ask you why I must listen to your weird, disturbing stories." Sometimes Lia did this, and it really made Mei wonder whether she was okay. "My answer to your question is that I don't feel anything when I walk through the walls."

Jadyalyn 01-21-2008 05:27 AM

"I don't know, you listen to it I just say whatever comes out" squeaked Lia knowing it would be a random tale to tell again. She liked telling her stories as for it made her feel like she was one of a kind with her mind settings.

"Whoo! I know!! You don't have feelings so that means your invincible at night! COOLIO!" screamed Lia squealing at the same time. She liked being heard.

Runoc Xiuhcoatl 01-21-2008 05:35 AM

"You know Lia, you may want to calm down," Mei told her. Her being hyper was starting to give her a headache. "Oh, and quit bouncing and go to bed already, remember your coffin?"

Jadyalyn 01-21-2008 05:45 AM

"Right to bed I go!" said Lia walking towards the door. Without noticing it shut she was walking backwards and ran right into it. "Found the door" squeaked Lia. She opened the door and found her coffin. She ran over to the coffin. It had a wooden casing around it. She went up to the coffin and opened it. Inside was a red covering around the edge. In the middle laid a sword. The sword of slith to be exact. It was long and slim. The edge was slanted making the sword shaped like a triangle. When she saw it she was happy enough she hugged it. She avoided making any sound because she did not want to disturb Mei's headache any longer. She took the sword out and laid it against the wall. The wall was so cold with a tint of coldness on the floor. The floor actually felt warm compared to normal as for the other stuff it was all piled up and messy. But Lia would get to that later. Until then she was going to sleep. She had gotten into the coffin and laid there thinking as she stared up at the ceiling. What will tomorrow be like?

Runoc Xiuhcoatl 01-21-2008 06:04 AM

The next day promised to be a good one. Mei woke up early the next morning in her human form. It took awhile to remember that today was going to be the first day that she'd have a roommate. Excited about being able to spend the day with Lia. She ran down to the chambers and slowly opened the door. She saw that Lia was curled up in her coffin with Mist on top of her. Despite her wanting to say it, she actually thought it was sorta cute. She sneaked up to the coffin and inhaled and "Wake up Lia! It's a new day!" she shouted happily. Lia and Mist jumped about a mile and the two of them started laughing.

Jadyalyn 01-21-2008 06:00 PM

"So what is today gonna be like?? I want food, got anything .. raw or bloody! I am really craving that blood because I feel sick. That makes me feel better" laughed Lia. She always liked eeating bloody meant. It made her feel better. That was true but she never knew exactly why nor how come when someone was bleeding that she craved thier blood. Though of course she did not notice a lot of stuff either.
Lia looked around. It was a dark dank room. Knowing it was dark was okay to her. She prefered it that way. She hoped out of the coffin and saw Mist on the floor underneath her. Lia looked a Mei and smiled. "So how was your morning so far anyway?"

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