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Idiosyncratic 04-06-2007 01:18 PM

The Lab~Open
Welcome to The Lab.


For some years now people in the local, secluded town of Tor have been experiencing dissaperances of some of their towns folk, of all ages. These people have never been sighted again. Only recently has a research center, called Ukip, located about two miles of the town into the Forest of Tor come under suspition of abducting these people.

It was a young journalist student who discoverd the seedy interior of The Lab and the secrets its hiding. He found out that some of the abducted people have been used in genetics experiments, resulting in distortion and mutations. It was revealed as well as medical experiments going on scientists were also injecting and combining animal genetics with human.

You can play the role of any of the scientists or any of the kidnapped people or any of the towns pepole. *bear in mind that this has been going on for in excess of 40 years so some children will have been born in The Lab, so you can be a charcter born there.*

Idiosyncratic 04-06-2007 01:23 PM

The setting of this RP is the town of Tor, the surrounding forest and the Lab itself.
Inside the lab are various rooms, tanks and cages.

Profile Shell
RP Name:
History: (tell us what mutations you've suffered how long you've been there etc)
Personality: (can be as vague as you like)
Apperance: (url please =])

Please post your profiles

Idiosyncratic 04-06-2007 01:26 PM

:!: No godmodding
:!: Be nice
:!: Try to include everyone who joins
:!: Try to be litterate ie no one liners. I dont mind bad spelling though.
:!: If you no longer want to partake please let me know.
:!: Enjoy yourself!

6/4/07~The thread is open!
~We have our first member, Korrye.
8/4/07~We have more members. (starting to look good now ^_^)
8/4/07~flaming-Scorpion made our OOC topic, Idi says thanks to him =]

:arrow: Our OOC thread can be found here:
Aplicants can still post there profiles here, but we will have a non-fragmented list of all characters in the OOC thread.

Idiosyncratic 04-06-2007 01:39 PM

Username: Iidosyncratic
RP Name: Merrow Skoda
Gender: Female
Age: 16 1/4
History: Merrow's mother previously worked as a scientist, when her baby was born she was made a test subject. Exactly how this came about is she is unsure of, weather her mother had no choice in the matter or weather she gave her freely. Before she was born she was ingected with genes from an unknown species of sea creature. This caused her to become serverly mutated. She now lives in one of the test rooms with several other 'beings' whilst reletivly minor tests and studies are carried out on her.
Personality: Merrow is kind at heart, and has no real hatred for the scientists, she knows they are just doing their job and this view is help by the fact she has never known anything else. Dispite this she often comes across as sarcastic or disgruntled. She describes herself as a happy pessimist. Despite this she is quite a humorous person behind closed doors.
Other: The genetics seemed to only have affected her apperances, her brain remains that of a normal human, and she is quite intelligent.

Korrye 04-07-2007 02:50 PM

Username: Korrye
RP Name: Wes Jimanez
Gender: Male
Age: 19
History: Wes was one of the very first people to be kidnapped and taken into the lav however he didn't come from the town of Tor. His relations to world mafia leader Isazu Jimanez caused for him to be constantly moved around the world. His father feared from his safety and frankly his mother didn't care. It was one night that he was being brought through the area that he was snatched from his hotel room. He had been 11 at the time and had been being followed by one of the scientists for his rare blood type and compatibility to many experiments.
Personality: Hard as a stone. Heart like a rock. Wes has lost his emotions and feelings of guit over the years and keeps to himself. He prefers silence over noise and only speaks the necessary. He can be vague or descriptive but his choice of vocabulary is always elaborate. When he wants to he'll speak in riddles.
Apperance: Click
Other: He was the only experiment under the influence of a genetic altering serum created by one scientist. It's affects caused for him to become generally faster, stronger, better then the average human. He had heightened sesnes of awareness and was trained as a high profile killer. He does the comapnies bidding because he is forced to.

Laveris 04-07-2007 04:39 PM

Username: Laveris
RP Name: Laveris Llwelleyn
Gender: Female
Age: 26
History: Laveris has been in The Lab for only a year as a junior scientist straight out of education, her duties being no grander than feeding and maintaining the care of the subjects, as well as occasionally sitting in on the experiements. Before this she led a normal and ordinary life with little strife but for the shadow of her elder siblings, each one of them talented in their own fields. Being so young to the project she, like some of the other juniors, still holds some care and attention for the subjects. However she has no concerns about the morality of the work - it is for the greater good...right? At any rate she is currently gunning for a promotion and so, no matter how difficult the tasks, must show she can perform them competantly and emotionlessly.
Personality: Laveris is competative - with three older brothers and sisters in the family she has always had something to prove of herself, and this has not disapeared in her time at the lab. She demands of herself the highest accuracy, speed and ability even when it is against no one but herself. Otherwise she is quiet, single minded and kind, something that frustrates her as she fears her desire to treat the subjects fairly may interfer with her ability to do the job.
Other: Often has headaches which she believes could this be a side effect from working so closely with the materials used to alter the subjects.

Idiosyncratic 04-07-2007 04:49 PM

(OOC:Welcome both of you =])

The perfectly still surface of the water broke into silent ripples as she poked her head up. Sounds of Merrow inhaling echoed around the quiet room. She glanced quickly around. It appeared that everyone else had been taken else where for a while.
Oh, not quite, they are still here...
She glanced at a few of her fellow captives over in the far corner of the room. A flick of her long, gangley tail sent her pushing through the water till she reached the glass of her confines.

The tank didnt stretch all the way up, she could easily look out over the top of it had there hot been waire mesh fixed up to the ceilling a few meters above. That was a fairly recent addition, added to stop her jumping out and trying to crawl away.

Idiosyncratic 04-07-2007 05:01 PM

For a few minutes or so she simply stared at the interior of the room, taking it in as she did every day in what she called her 'staring moments'. Nothing ran through her mind until her brain receptors registered an annoyance on her left arm. Slowly she looked down at it.
Not again....ick.
She was experiencing the after effects of a mild test she had undergone a few days prior. It mde her skin flake like nobody's buissness, something it wasnt prone to doing. Not on her non-scaley coverage anyway.

Reaching tentativley over with her right hand she scratched at the slightly raised skin, trying to peel off. As she did so it peeled away from her arm.
The whole proses repulsed her slightly. With a look of disgusts at the pinky green off-peel in her hand she gave a small smirk and pushed it through one of the squares in the wire mesh.
She watched it land on the floor with a heavy splop.
you can keep it thanks very much...

Laveris 04-07-2007 06:21 PM

Laveris hawled a bucket of food under her arm, heavy and selling faintly of slimey plants and tuna fish. For the water-born subjects it was all that could be eaten, as many of them reacted badly to raw fish, while most other food stuffs spoilt as soon as they touched the water. Frankly, she thought it was altogether quite disgusting.

As she rounded the doorframe she, with relief, let the bucket slam onto the floor.

"Hello Merrow," she said and promply slipped on something. She managed to steady herself before she went entirly over but nonetheless several of the subjects laughed at her ridiculousness.

"Yuck, what is this?" she said outloud, looking at the off-green soggy sqaure lying on the ground.

flaming-Scorpion 04-07-2007 06:32 PM

Username: Flaming-Scorpion
RP Name: Pyralis
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown. Appears to be 16-18 years.
History: Pyralis was only 4 when his parents willingly gave him up to the lab. He was dieing of a horrible virus that caused the body to become paralyzed. The virus not only affected the muscles and joints but also the organs and they were beginning to shut down. He was submitted to the 'clinic' and his parents were told that he did not survive, and that his remains were already disposed of. The Lab temporarily stopped the virus and his condition began to improve. When he was well enough he was subjected to numerous tests. Ones that tested the human stamina, strength, and immune system. He doesn't know much about his history or where he came from. He has been told he has a severe sickness that causes dangerous side affects and mutations (The claws, supernatural strength and agility, seizures). But this -obviously- is only because of the experimentation. He has been injected with so many different medications and the like that his body can no longer function properly without them and if he does not get his usual dose his bodily functions will slow and his body will be paralyzed before his organs will cease working, but before this he will loose strength, have migranes and fevers, followed up by seizures. Also his mutations will go out of control and corrupt his mind without his 'medication'. He is also an insomniac and usually keeps one eye closed and has a very exhausted expression. He only gets sleep if his body forces him to fall unconcious or he goes into a dazed state. His mutations are his claws, pale skin, and pointed ears (along with the numerous symptoms already mentioned). He was used to lure and kidnap some of the experimental subjects and to guard the area around the Lab and the Lab itself (along with the subjects). He can not eat much either because his stomach has problems processing food, and his nutrients are usually recieved through IVs
Personality: Usually emotionless or perplexed. He hardly ever expresses what he is feeling and doesn't understand emotions too much. He is very devoted to what ever purpose he is given and his goal is to fulfill his purpose (he is constantly searching for one). He'll protect his 'breatherin' (fellow experiments) at any costs. He considers them a 'family' even if he does not know much about the subject.

Idiosyncratic 04-07-2007 06:40 PM

(ooc: welcome flaming-scorpion ^__^)

Merrow watched in silence as Laveris walked in. The door made no noise as it opened and closed behind her. As she approched all thought of the slippery skin was wiped from mind at the thought of food.
"Hell-o..." the young scientist vanished from her line of sight, falling onto the floor. She grinned a wide eyed, shocked grin. She watched her get up
"I'm sorry, it's just a little of my brain, it fell out." She said without any real tone. " No, i've been shedding skin again." she replied more friendly this time. She was actually glad to see the woman.
Her voice was quite quiet, but it was plently loud enough in the noiseless room. "Are you hurt?" she asked with a hint of guilt in her voice.

flaming-Scorpion 04-07-2007 06:43 PM

((ooc: this was far to interesting to resist XDD! ))

Idiosyncratic 04-07-2007 06:46 PM

(ooc: i thought i'd try it out, on Gaia they seemed pretty popular when they spouted up =])

Laveris 04-07-2007 06:56 PM

"Ah, no, I'm fine," Laveris replied. Merrow was one of the least hostile of the subjects that where at the lab and fairly friendly. Though it was not considered good protocol to become friendly with the subjects, the majority of the scientists seemed to like the mer-girl. "Lovely - malting again?" She picked up the notes that where attached to Merrow's tank and made a note of it for one of the senior scientists when they did their rounds later that afternoon. "It doesn't hurt you, does it?"

((OOC: Does seem like fun! The appeal is that it hasn't got a set story but it's an unusual idea - we can take it anyway we want to dependant upon the kinds of characters who join.))

Blue 04-07-2007 08:06 PM

Username: Blue
RP Name: His cage is labeled WHT, what the acronym stands for is still unknown him. Ever since seeing the label's name reflected in a mirror, he has referred to himself as White.
Gender: Male
Age: 13, although he doesn't know it.
History: When White was a small child, around five, his parents died in a car crash while he was staying at a friend's house. He was sent to child services and adopted by a foster family. Less than a week later, White, still distraught by his family's death, used his uniquely creative mind to escape his foster family's house. He ran into the woods, and was soon abducted by the scientists.

White has grown up in the Lab.

After being abducted, several experiments were performed on him. The first experiment allowed him to use more of his brain capacity at once than the average human. He was allowed to recover from the experiment for around a week, and during this time, his mind matured rapidly. White began to understand things most children around him would never understand. Now that he's live a majority of his life like this, he's smarter and more inventive than most adults, and thus, he's given a special cage that can only be accessed through the front.

Personality: White is quiet and reclusive. He can talk, but it is superstition among scientists that he is mute because he almost never verbally communicates. When he does talk, it's a deep growly voice. He keeps a secret desire to escape his 'prison' and find a place where others will accept him.

Apperance: White has the body type of an average male human his ages, but a unique trait about him is his long fingers. His eyes are a deep blue.

White was also injected with a Kermode bear's DNA, and gained the recessive trait that turns their hair a milky white. He's gained several of a bear's physical traits, like dark, intelligent eyes, sharp nails, and pads on his feet and hands. His senses have increased far past the average humnan.

Several injections he's gotten has sped up his metabolism greatly and almost stopped his growth rate. He will never be the same size as the average male human, but he still have a strength that reveals itself when he is desperate that can easily conquer most prey.

Despite the experiments, White still attempts to make himself look normal. He combs his hair neatly every day, washes himself at night, and wear clothing. The clothing given to him by the Lab's employees is a plain white uniform. White has tried to customize it as much as he could, but ripping pieces of fabric off the legs, making them similar to capris and tying the fabric to his arm to make things similar to arm warmers. He's ripped the first few buttons off his shirt as well.

((Whoo. Sounds like fun. Anyways, an article on Kermode Bears can be found here
. ))

Korrye 04-07-2007 08:39 PM

His muscles tensed as he drove his feet into the rubber treads. His shoes gripped the textured rubber and flew. His eyes and gaze where focused straight into the mirrors in front of him and he ran. His skin sweat but he felt no pain. He was running at a speed that was normal to him. In his ears where the familiar ear bud headphones from an iPod and the band known as Hinder played in his ears. It was nothing much an ordinary routine workout. He had already done his weight training and now he was on his twenty-minute run. They monitored all of his statistics but more then anything they watched his heart rate and his speed.

He breathed slowly, in through his nose and out through the mouth. He could feel his throat becoming parched as his hand reached out from a black water bottle in a holder on the control panel of the treadmill. A hand reached out and slapped him, preventing him from reaching. He clenched his teeth together and looked into the reflection of the mirror. Sitting with a positive posture was one of the females who worked with him. She glared at his body and shook her head writing down a few comments onto a clipboard in her lap. The woman was pure evil and obsessed with making Wes’ life hell. The only reason that she worked for the lab was to be closer to Deryk Camerone, the head scientist of Wes’ experimentation.

Wes’ blood boiled with anger. That woman had no right to hit him. His heart rate rose and he could hear the small monitor on the treadmill beep louder. The treads underneath him sped up and he leaned forward increasing his speed. His legs worked faster and his song switched. He was lucky to even have the iPod in the first place, for the first few weeks she hadn’t allowed him anything. Though Wes preferred silence over a loud scenario, he didn’t want to run for twenty minutes without any noise. In real life when he was sent out the world was not silent. Deryk had agreed and permitted him to have the music. It was probably the only thing that the two had ever agreed on. Deryk had no mercy for Wes and made him feel the pain whenever he was angry. Wes didn’t mind it, he didn’t cripple under the pressure that was put on him. It was how he had become who he was, a cold hearted young man. Wes rarely ever showed raw emotions. He never cried, he did what was necessary of him and nothing more. It was just how he worked. He only did more then what was expected of him when he enjoyed the scenario. This occurred on rare occasions.

The treadmill beeped again and he watched as the speed decreased. Wes straightened his back, his gaze having not moved on his reflection in the mirror. He watched himself run and how his legs hit the treads and the sweat drip off of his forehead. The speed decreased further and Wes’ allowed for himself to start walking. He swung his arms at his sides limply allowing for the muscles to relax. Everything about him was tensed.

flaming-Scorpion 04-07-2007 08:52 PM

{{ooc: i'm gonna make an ooc for this XDDD i think the character bios showing up here is kinda unorganized and i'm a freak who needs stuff...organized XD and easy to get to! hope no one minds >_>;}

Korrye 04-07-2007 09:02 PM

ooc:// I'm the same way but it's more up to the owner to do something like that. -.-;;

flaming-Scorpion 04-07-2007 09:06 PM

{{ooc: eep >_>; well...if anyone wants to use it..its there now XD...eheh..i think it would be a nice thing to have for anyone who wants to join in later on....hope i don't get yelled at o_o;}}

Korrye 04-07-2007 09:34 PM

ooc:// I don't think that anything will happen. It's just an OOC thread.

the.aspiring.poet 04-07-2007 09:45 PM

Username: the.aspiring.poet
RP Name: Trent
Gender: Male
Age: He appears about seven.
History: Trent was born into the lab, and due to that, he was grown up believing that he had done something wrong, and he was just being punished. He never refuses, and a lot of the scientists use him as a manipulative because he's older than he appears, and shy. He'll do anything someone asks him except cause his own death, but unknown to him that's what's happening with the experiments being done on him. When he was first born, he was a clone. Each one had been injected with rabbit DNA, the triplets ranked from one to three. One with the least DNA, and three with the most. Lucky him, Trent was born with the most DNA-- the others died because there had not been enough in the others to keep them living, as their bodies had depended on that and once it had depleted enough, it was like a bomb and blew up their organs.
Personality: Shy like a young schoolboy, he succumbs to anyone's request but is still good at offering a smile to anything that makes him want to. Although he appears young, he has a high maturity level. His growth has been stunted by the injected DNA, but he doesn't really care, as this was what is expected... right?
Appearance: 3A24h+age_scale%3A5
Other: Due to the experiments, he has internal damage. Sometimes he has random fits of coughing that send blood out his mouth. He also wears a dark cap over his ears.

flaming-Scorpion 04-07-2007 09:52 PM

yay! finished and updated with the new character trent! XD that took longer than i thought!}}

Laveris 04-07-2007 09:57 PM

((OCC: I think you should have waited and asked the owner to make a thread, but I do think having one is a good idea. :)))

the.aspiring.poet 04-07-2007 09:59 PM

[[do you think I'm accepted? o.o; I don't want to just assume.]]

Laveris 04-07-2007 10:04 PM

((OCC: I'm sure you will be! I don't think she's going to stop people joining unless their profile is really bad, and frankly yours is better than mine xD))

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