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llonka 04-21-2016 04:13 PM

[Contest] Bloomin' Photos!

*Sniff sniff* Do you smell that?? It's the Phoenix Orchid blooming! Hurray![eager] Maybe you have some pretty flowers that are starting to bloom in your garden too? Or maybe you aren't a flower person, but have some spring time visitors in your yard? Get out your camera and snap a picture! Spring is a wonderful time of new things blooming! [:D]

llonka 04-21-2016 04:28 PM

  • Every submission must have two photos: a proof photo and the photo you would like to be judged. If the two photos are not similar, they will not be accepted. Editing in your username will NOT be allowed.
  • You are allowed to make small edits to you photo if you wish. Some edits would include: enhancing the colors, adjusting the focus and removing small things (such as powerlines). You may NOT add anything to your photo or alter it beyond minor aesthic changes. You are also allowed to use filters such as black and white or sepia on your submission photo.
  • Your photo must be a photo that you have taken! Plagiarism is a very serious offense that we do not take lightly on Menewsha. In addition to being ineligible for the contest, if you are found to be using someone else's photo, you will receive an infraction against your account.
  • You are allowed two photos per category. Please only submit with you main account, no mules!
  • You are responsible to make sure that the photo imaging host (photobucket, imgur) is reliable and that you have a working link. If your photo is submitted with a broken a link, I may contact you so you can fix it.
  • All submissions must use the submission form provided below. Please link to your submission and proof photos, do not imbed them with [img][/img] tags.

Fragrant Flowers Submission Form


[size=3][color="magenta"][u][b]Fragrant Flowers Submission Form[/b][/u][/color][/size]
[b]Submission:[/b] (post the link to your photo please!)
[b]Proof:[/b] (post the link to your photo please!)
[b]Notes:[/b] (optional)

Submissions will be accepted until the end of the event.

Spring Time Visitors Submission Form


[size=3][color="YellowGreen"[u][b]Spring Time Visitors[/b][/u][/color][/size]
[b]Submission:[/b] (post the link to your photo please!)
[b]Proof:[/b] (post the link to your photo please!)
[b]Notes:[/b] (optional)

Submissions will be accepted until the end of the event.

llonka 04-21-2016 05:06 PM


This is the best part of the contest! Winning a prize for all your hard work!
  • First prize: 10,000 gold
  • Second prize: 5,000 gold

Photos with bad lighting, time stamps, quality, etc will not be disqualified. I want you to be creative though! Put some thought into your photo and do your best!

llonka 04-21-2016 05:08 PM

Fragrant Flowers Submissions

Fragrant Flowers Submission Form
Username: Shadami
Submission: Curvy sidewalk garden
Proof: terrible proof photo
Notes: Yellow, orange, red, pink and purple flowers. Sadly i do not have blue.

Fragrant Flowers Submission Form
Username: Woodlandnymph
Submission: Bleeding Hearts
Proof: Proof is in the Pudding
Notes: It's been raining like crazy this week, but I took a moment at work to step out in a rain lull to take a picture of some Bleeding Hearts!

Fragrant Flowers Submission Form
Username: Velvet
Submission: Pink Flowers
Proof: Proof
Notes: And just because they are pretty (This is just an extra picture.)

Fragrant Flowers Submission Form
Username: Woodlandnymph
Submission: Gerber Daisies!
Proof: Blurry Daisies
Notes: I bought these from a little farmstand for my bosses for a nice Mother's Day present

Fragrant Flowers Submission Form
Username: Kiari
Notes: I adjusted the shadows in the actual pic since it came out so dark. It's a Peony

Fragrant Flowers Submission Form
Username: Kiari
Notes: Ranunculus

Fragrant Flowers Submission Form
Username: Acobjum
Notes: Small bushes with budding purple flowers. Fight the wind and sun to get the best pictures possible.

llonka 04-21-2016 05:10 PM

Spring Time Friends Submissions

Spring Time Visitors
Username: Shadami
Submission: Squirrlie!
Proof: Proof from far away
Notes: I caught a squirrel posing! :D

Spring Time Visitors
Username: Velvet
Submission: Cute Little Inchy
Proof: Proof
Notes: He is just so cute. And he was TINY.

Shadami 05-02-2016 10:41 AM

So.. a flower, and a bug? that's what we need to catch a picture of? oh this is going to be very tricky.... hmmm

star2000shadow 05-02-2016 11:30 AM

Hmm what if we don't actually HAVE a yard because we live in an apartment building.. would the park in the 'back yard' be okay? cause we're next to a park..

Shadami 05-02-2016 12:06 PM

I don't notice anything that says it has to be your garden, just your photos.

TheEmpressofEvil 05-02-2016 01:34 PM

The whole Cali drought thing means everything is brown. This one seems like fun though.

Shadami 05-02-2016 02:18 PM

we're going to have a garden of failures , people without the green thumb... what is it black thumb gardens, pictures. xD mine will be anyways >.>

Kiari 05-02-2016 02:23 PM

Yay, I loved joining this contest in the past. Definitely will have to go out and take more pictures of the pretty flowers in our yard!!

Dottie Mae Evans 05-02-2016 03:10 PM

Silly question, how would I put my username in the photo? The picture I want to submit is digital, I never sent it to the drug store to print it. I did take it myself on my mobile phone. So how would I put my username on it then?

Kiari 05-02-2016 03:18 PM

I don't think you can at that point, you basically have to take a new photo.

Dottie Mae Evans 05-02-2016 03:56 PM

Hm... even if I take a new photo, how do I get my username on it?

Velvet 05-02-2016 03:57 PM

This is a cute photo contest. I live in an apartment, but my parents love landscaping... So I will be visiting them soon.. When the rain stops. [gonk]

Kiari 05-02-2016 04:03 PM

Lizzy, all you have to do is take a photo with a small piece of paper that has your username on it. I usually write mine on a sticky note, or just a scrap of paper from a notebook. I've seen people just have the paper sitting in their photos or you can hold it up next to the flowers you are taking pictures of.

Dottie Mae Evans 05-02-2016 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Kiari (Post 1773618653)
Lizzy, all you have to do is take a photo with a small piece of paper that has your username on it. I usually write mine on a sticky note, or just a scrap of paper from a notebook. I've seen people just have the paper sitting in their photos or you can hold it up next to the flowers you are taking pictures of.

That'll work, too bad the yellow blossoms have already been cleaned up in my area. Maybe I can take another picture or something. :3

Edit: Here's the photo -

Kiari 05-02-2016 04:41 PM

Aww that sucks. It was a pretty! I'm sure you will find something even better though. ;)

Nephila 05-02-2016 05:53 PM

I hope I can find some cute critters to take photos of. :D

Kiari 05-02-2016 06:02 PM

I have an old picture of a bee on a flower and I'm hoping I get the chance to do something similar again. Not sure how I'm going to get my username in the pic without it flying away though. XD

Knerd 05-02-2016 06:50 PM

I take a BILLION flower photos every spring, but never seem to remember taking a "proof" photo too, so I'm practically out of the running here. [cry]

But maybe my old flower shots can inspire some of you folks instead!

Kiari 05-02-2016 06:57 PM

Ooooh those are beautiful knerd!! I love taking pictures in spring too and have already taken lots, but we have new flowers blooming in our garden! Im still trying to figure out how I'm going to get my username into a pic if i take a super close up, which is what i like to do. XD

Nephila 05-02-2016 07:01 PM

Oh wow those are fantastic. :D

star2000shadow 05-02-2016 09:22 PM

'makes grabby hands at the pretty flowers' star only has her cell phone and she has no clue how she's gonna upload the pic to mene as um she has no clue how to send htep ic off the phone...

llonka 05-02-2016 09:50 PM

I'm sorry, I just got home from school and I was away all weekend at a wedding. Pictures at the park are fine, star2000shadow:

Those are beautiful Knerd:!!

Let me get a photo for you all and a proof photo. For the proof photo, you write your username on a piece of paper. [yes]

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