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Kriddles 08-02-2012 05:14 AM

Forgotten:: The Gods' Tale [O/A]

The OOC Thread


"The tales of old have told us about the myths and legends that we now know as Greek Mythology. But were the Olympian Gods myths? Was Hercules, Orion, and Pandora really just legends? Many believe so, but I can't say I agree with them. I have done my fair share of research, and I believe that they did exist and still do to this day. But where? And why have they kept themselves secret for so long?

In my search for the truth, I discovered a piece of parchment that told of a man who claimed to have heard from the Moirae themselves. He went on and on about how they looked completely different from what he had ever had thought. Lachesis was supposedly beautiful and blonde, her bare skin glittered in the day and the night, her eyes were of fresh grass and her lips were the shade of delicious apples. He seemed to take a liking to her, because he only mentioned Clotho and Atropos a few times. Clotho was appearantly an old hag with a crow on her shoulder, while Atropos was a maiden cloaked and chained. I started to grow bored with his babbling, until almost the end when he finally told us what the Moirae chanted in unison.

When Man's Fire Grows
Brighter than that of the Gods,
Time will consume all of man's odds.
Olympus will live,
Speaking not a lie
Living among man
The Gods will thrive.

And here I am... Searching for the answers." - Wonders, Elizabeth. "Greek Rumors are True" Scientific Mysteries18 Aug. 2014: 52-53.

Genre: Modern Sci-Fi/ Alternate History/ Greek Mythology/ Romance/ Drama
Rating: PG-13: We have given this roleplay this rating due to Drugs and Violence


My life has never been anything really special. Maybe that is because I've never really believed in anything. No Santa Claus. No ghosts. No love at first sight. That doesn't mean it has never intrigued me as to why people believed in them. From what I have seen though, it comes down to one concept: Hope. It's amazing as to how people will put all of their strength into being hopeful for the next encounter... the next day... the next minute, their next breath. They live for hope.

And they are weak. Weak, destructive and disposable.
Over the years, People have hoped for greatness, and destroyed themselves in doing so. They hoped for a family and destroyed others food supply, clean water, and the land. They hoped for strength and destroyed trust which has led to war.
I plan to do a little weeding. They've done nothing except destroy themselves and their friends. Maybe they will appreciate the hope that I will give them. The hope to be great, to be beautiful, to be strong. The hope to see another sunrise, because for most of them... they won't.

The moon was riding high, as Nyx had just spread her arms to engulf the sky with her beauty, when a small wind brushed across the city of Olympus. The nightlife was thriving as teenagers drove to their favorite club or bar, while business men drove home or to their favorite late night fast food joint. Neon Lights flashed advertisements from inside and outside store fronts while LCD screens hung from the skyscrapers playing commercials for recent and hip products. Cosmetic lines, mortgage companies, the latest fashion all flashed along the streets and reflected off of puddles of fresh rain.

Hardly anyone noticed until mid-way through the announcement that all the screens were tuned to the same program. When they finally did slow to a stop or at least a slow walk, they were captured by the news woman. She was gorgeous, perfect. Her blonde hair was pulled into a bun and her eyes were an ice blue. The heavy silver eye shadow sparkled against the camera lighting, the 2" lashes fluttering on occasion. Her face was airbrushed to perfect but there wasn't a trace of where the foundation ended. "We interrupt your program to bring you breaking news. Police are investigating a string of murders that have just been discovered. The victims appear to be around 17 to 30 and varying in both male and female. No external damage has been found to suggest a weapon was used, however each body is accompanied by two old coins which police have told us may be the killers calling card. We ask that all be cautious and watch for any suspicious persons. We will update when new has evidence has been found. This message will end now." She said before the screens blinked back to their original recordings. Life hesitated before people turned to look at their neighbor in question, before continuing with their busy lives... if not a little more cautious of one another.

The latest hangout was a club down on the corner of Eclipse Street and Lunar Avenue. It was owned by the O'Harron Mob. The exterior wasn't much to look at; A three story brick building, but no one came to look at the exterior did they? It had something for everyone who was of age. If you could get past the hulking mass when you walked into the club on the ground floor, you could see a set of elevators to your left, one of them being blocked off by a rope. If you continued on, you would see the center of the upper floors through the glass tile. The ground below was nothing but lights. An open artificial stream crossed through the middle of the room sperating the dance floor, tables and DJ. Pillars that imitated trees were scattered about the room with lights hanging off of them giving an pulsing ethereal glow. In the center of stream was a large circle with a circular bar in the center of it. Lights beamed up from the glass ground imitating runes. The loud thumps from the bass made bodies wriggle against one another in unison. Others drank away their problems watching women in semi-revealing clothing dance around metallic trees in a tribal-esque manner. The owner believed that they made perfect decorations. The second floor had a pool that could see straight down to the first floor. The water theme was heavier here, a flat water fall against the walls flowed into the pool. Hot tubs were in each corner if anyone had wanted to use them, though hardly anyone ever did. A bar was in the center of the floor once again and in the center of the pool, the same runed lighting as the floor below. Four walkways in a cross pattern bridged the actual floor and the bar to one another. Women swam in the pool dressed exotic attire that had large 'ribbons' hanging from them, twirling behind them as they danced in the water. Tables laced the sides allowing for others to enjoy a drink while conversing with others. On the third floor was where the VIPs went. Men and women walked around serving drinks, and catering to the men and women who came here. The uniform hadn't changed from the previous floors, but black chains that connected to their necks and wrists jingled as a form of jewelry. They blended in with the black room with luminescent tables and the clear center floor piece being the only light source. Often times, this was where top business happened the dark providing the perfect atmosphere. Even still, these three floors were often not the source of the club's attraction. Below the building was where all the true excitement lied. A caged arena was dead center with slot machines and gambling tables webbing out from it. Men from the streets of Olympus came here to test their luck in the ring while others tested theirs at pinning the winner or at the casino. Sin city, pocket-sized. How did they stay in business? When funded so well buy your customers, you can pay your way to a more luxurious lifestyle and cater to the local OPD. Drugs were more valuable than money here and women came with the territory. (Un)Fortunately, this is where the fates have led you, whether by accident or on purpose.

Welcome to Pan's Labyrinth...

---------- Post added 08-01-2012 at 10:16 PM ----------

Rules and Guidelines

Okay, so I am a pretty fair person, but I don't want this roleplay littered with nonsense. So I am going to be posting some basic Rules and Guidelines. Got it? Awesome. Remember, I am the Head Goddess of this thread, and I will smite you if you tick me off.


[1.] This thread is PG-13; I understand that we got the Greek Mythology thing going on here, but let's not go too overboard. Meaning No Cybering (No excessive details, sex... etc etc), extensive swearing, incest, or underage ANYTHING. >:( You will encounter violence here as this is action based as well as sci-fi and you will encounter drug use. If at all uncomfortable with that, please do not join this roleplay.
[2.] No Godmoding or Powerplaying (Unless it is talked out between you and another player). I hate that... Really, I do. I will smite you if you do this.
[3.] PLEASE DON'T GO IDLE ONE ME! Three days of being Idle I will send you a notification. Fifth day, your profile is deleted and the character position will be open. If you are going out of town or something of the like. I will note that you are away rather than idle.
[4.] This is a Semi-Literate to a Literate roleplay. Please make note of that. A FULL PARAGRAPH (Five to Six sentences) is required in a post.
[5.] Humans only for Gods and Goddesses! Powers/Magic come into play LATER! No character knows who or what they are, or what they are capable of! Normal humans for now, please. You will not be accepted if your bio says your character has had weird ass episodes of power or their parents telling them that they are special. Furthermore, if your character sits there and goes 'Omg... Who am I?' Well... Bye Bye.
[6.]READ EVERYTHING!!! If you don't know what the hell is going on, you read. (LOOK I HAVE EVEN MADE IT EASY FOR YOU! :D CLICK HERE!) Your parents/guardians sent you to school for a reason, don't make an ass of yourself by screwing up the roleplay and going off in your own little fantasy world! GOT IT?! Great.

Failure to obey these rules, you get kicked. Got it? Awesome.

  • This is modern times, sort of Sci-Fi ish... Keep your attire within that genre. Also the character you are portraying, they don't have to look exactly like they were described in the legends.
  • You are playing a God or Goddess who doesn't know what they are, but please keep your character in character of the Gods.
    I.E: If you are Aphrodite, she was known as the Goddess of Love. Don't make her gothic and a lone wolf. Also, do some research on the character that you are playing. If you need to know more, there is a link in my first post that leads to Wikipedia and briefs you on the Gods and Goddesses and what they stand for.
  • Many know Gods and Goddesses to have affairs with all sorts, but you don't have to still be or fall in love with the same person as the Greeks.
    I.E: Aphrodite fooled around with Ares, but this is a new day an age, she doesn't have to fall in love with the character portraying Ares or vice versa.
  • If you are playing a character, you do not have to use that character's name.
    I.E: The person playing Aphrodite, doesn't have to be called Aphrodite. She could be called Rebecca or Risa.
  • Do you have to be the same gender as a God or Goddess? No. Since this is like reincarnation, you can be a man or woman version of that God or Goddess. But please... I don't want this roleplay full of retarded girls. Kay? Awesome.
  • Oh my god... You can be other things than a God or Goddess? Yes! That's the beauty of it! Nymphs thrive, giants live along with other legends and myths. They can know what they are. But they can't say what they are. I mean, think about it. If a Nymph ran around going "I'm a nymph!" They are going to throw her ass into a science lab and operate... So no squeeling. Do they know who the Gods and Goddesses are? No. But they can sense them.

Profile Skeleton
Send your Profile(s) to me via PM.

Character Name:
God/Goddess: (Name the God or Goddess your character is suppose to be. Put N/A if you aren't a god or goddess.)
Species: (Human... unless you are Nymph, Giant, Etc. Etc. No half-breeds like centaurs or something like that.)
Appearance: (If using a picture, make sure the link is valid. I hate broken links and do not say your character looks like your avatar. If you are posting a text based description, please don't be brief. Give us all the details.)
Personality: (Please tell us what your character is like)
Bio: (Give us a history of your character.)
Special Skills: (What are they good at? Please don't put down magic abilities)
Secret Abilities: (Here is where you post magical abilities and what-not for later use in the roleplay.)
Crush: (No you don't need one, but if you like someone and you want to say so, here is where it will go. Remember no Love at first sight, and don't start of this roleplay adoring someone. PM me when you have a crush and I will update your Pro.)
Post Color:(Yes. This is a must. This is so we can see which character is which and when/if you are playing multiple characters. Nobody can have Black.)

Note: Yes you can play more than one character. But please send your profiles to me via ONE PM.

---------- Post added 08-01-2012 at 10:27 PM ----------


Olympian Gods and Goddesses-




Username: ThorsViking
Character Name: Lewis Wood
Age: 27
Gender: Male
God/Goddess: Hades
Species: Human
Appearance: Lewis is a comely man average height with broad shoulders. He is fit, with a swimmers body. His dark features complement his lightly tanned skin. Lewis’ eyes are considered his best feature. His eyes are dark black streaked with brown with flecks of red in the right light. The second best feature being his smile, contagious and as soft as his southern drawl. Lewis takes pride in his appearance. His goatee is trimmed and tight to his face with a hint of red in his dark brown, almost black, facial hair. The hair on the top of his head, the same dark brown, is long enough to cover his ears, and just touches the nape of his neck. He always dresses to impress, mostly suits, his favourite being a black modern cut, no tie, with a 1930’s style pin stripe in red.
Personality: On the surface, Lewis is a clam and peacefully person. He is charming, smart and caring… near saint like. Underneath this, he is a cold, heartless man, with a bloodlust.
Bio: Lewis was born from death. His mother died giving birth to him. The doctors warned her that is would kill her, but she picked the life of her child, over her own. This choice caused his brothers to reject and hate Lewis. On Lewis’s 10th birthday, it is believed that his father committed suicide. So he was sent to live with his uncle who was a politician. He was a social child always the center of attention, able to get the other children to what he wanted. He was always class president, and started following in his uncles foot steps. Unfortunately, Lewis did not have the finances for post-secondary education. His brothers’ deaths changed that, the insurance got him the money he needed. After university he went in to politics working with is uncle. His charm, and good looks led him to quickly climb up the ranks and after the death of his uncle he became one of the youngest State Senators in South Carolina. Since his recent marriage, there has been talk that Lewis should run for president, since he became one of the most loved political figures of recent history. He has not yet realised he is the incarnation of Hades.
Special Skills: He is very smart, with a keen eye for fashion and reading emotions.
Secret Abilities: Although Lewis does not know it himself, he is able to bend mortals to his will, hence his success in politics. He also has an immunity to fire. Once he realises his true self, he will gain access to the underworld where he will become more like god in mythology.
Crush: None
Post Color: Dark Red




Originally Posted by Divine Seduction
Username: Divine Seduction
Character Name: Judgement McLaughling
Age: 23
Gender: Female
God/Goddess: Aphrodite
Species: Human
Appearance: Angelic
Personality: Head strong and determined, intelligent, sociable, fearless, playful, talkative, friendly, independent, flirty
Bio: Like other kids given unusual names Judgement was teased... but unlike many she fought her bullies head on with words, until finally teasing escalated to the physical. Having 2 older very rough brothers she was amused whenever someone approached her with the intent to fight. But as she grew up she found that she enjoyed life too much to keep fighting in the streets. So she started her own fashion line, KillerKueen. Now a successful business owner she's happy and content,
Special Skills: able to read others, very good at negotiating and talking to others, getting others to do what she wants basically. Reads books faster than normal people
Secret Abilities: Can see people's red strings, can help heal hearts scars, able to seduce people, basic magic defense and attacks
Post Color:Purple


Originally Posted by Whisper Invictus
Username: Whisper Invictus
Character Name: Amara Palaios, Mara for short.
Age: 22
Gender: Female
God/Goddess: Athena
Species: Human
Appearance: Link to Picture
Mara's eyes are sometimes the sharp shade of silver, but most times, a more subtle gray. Her petite form makes her appear much younger than she is. Her hair is a dark brown/black mixture (though she has always wanted to do a wild color, like violet, or red). Her accent is purely unique, obviously cultured in many languages, but her English is very clear. She dresses for comfort, having been a student most of her life.
Personality: Mara is very patient, a wise debater, but always fair; appears small and weak, but of strong body and mind. She has a hard time believing in the unknown, and is not easily convinced otherwise.
Bio: You would say that Amara Palaios had a blessed childhood. Any person would be happy with the life she has had. From an old and well-endowed family, She has spent her life being at the top of everything. She had modestly enjoyed the “high-life” through her private schooling years, but University has changed everything for her. She knew she was not the best, that there were people better than her at some things. She couldn't do it all. And she didn't want to do it all. Her parents have lived her life for her, and the childhood she had- all the instrumental lessons, the martial arts classes, the perfection she was honed to become- are all a lie. She doesn't know what she wants, but University seems like the only thing left in her life. How will she ever escape the perfect black-hole her parents had put her in? She will slowly discover who she is and what her real beliefs are..
Special Skills: Well-adept at armed and unarmed martial arts, Jujitsu is her preferred style; musically adept with the flute; she can easily persuade people to change their viewpoint and embrace justice instead of crime.. she is wise beyond her years, more than she lets on.
Secret Abilities: Ability to “fly”, transfigure her appearance/ transform into another species; she is the Goddess of Wisdom and War, her fighting skills are superior, her actions virtuous.
Crush: Not at this time.
Post Color: Indigo.


Originally Posted by mochi-PANda
Username: mochi-PANda
Character Name: Laurel Moucha
Age: Nineteen
Gender: Female
God/Goddess: Apollo
Species: Human
Appearance: Sun Kissed
Personality: Honest & optimistic, Laurel has tread true to whatever she is dealt, through the good, the bad, & the ugly. She remains lighthearted towards even the most foul of people, & although Laurel would appear too trusting, she has maintained a brilliant stance of seeing through people. Laurel does however have a tendency towards becoming rather cocky, even in situations where such would not be the norm. She is quite intelligent, and in stressful situations she is prone to reciting numerous facts to herself to ease her nerves. Laurel is an early-to-bed, early-to-rise sort of girl. She appears almost dulled during night hours and becomes progressively crankier towards dusk & prides herself wholeheartedly on being a morning-bird.
Bio: Born into a single-parent household of only her art savvy mother, Laurel had been raised to appreciate every fine, minute detail of various mediums of art. Her mother made fine money as an art dealer to the country's finest museums, which meant that as a young girl Laurel was left to her own devices as the sole child of a constantly traveling parent. So, Laurel filled all the free time she could with many artistic pursuits. With enthusiasm from her mother Laurel was perfectly free to test whichever art medium she chose to focus on. Breezing through everything from dance to haiku, Laurel finally found her calling in photography, singing, and through theatre. By the time she graduated from high school she was well on her way to Olympus' local art institute to major in crime photography and photojournalism. So when her photography professor deemed her talents enough to pass onto the city's police force as their official on-call crime scene photographer for the Boatman Murders. Now all she needs is to discover the clues that tie everything together...
Special Skills: Singing, acting/theatre, photojournalism, & nursing the weak.
Secret Abilities: Once obtaining memories from her past Laurel is plagued by "prophetic dreams" or nightmares as she would deem their horrific truths. Being the one most connected with the sun, Laurel draws much of her power from being beneath direct sunlight, much like a plant. She has also been blessed with healing abilities, & is quite adept with her weapon of choice: a longbow.
Crush: N/A
Post Color: Sandy Brown

Artemis (Active)
Username: Kriddles
Character Name: Demitrii Wane
Age: Twenty-five
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Appearance: [Glamor Shot]
Personality: Demitrii is a very intelligent young man. Clever with words, he is able to turn people against one another or calm them down. He is loyal and good at heart but that doesn't mean he will look past your crimes if you have them. He is very quiet when observing something or someone, you could easily mistake him as 'zoned out'. He has never been in a long term relationship, seeing as though he doesn't have time to make a commitment to any one woman. Nor does he pleasure himself in one nighters.
Bio: Demitrii was never really wealthy nor was he thrown into poverty. He was the perfect example of a middle-class citizen. Living in the suburbs of Olympus allowed him to keep away from the fast lane that everyone in the city seemed to be on. Despite never being at the top of his class, his parents encouraged him to go into medical school saying that his observant eye would do him well in class. He went, though he was always ill-tempered when he came home. The years passed and his mood grew fouler and fouler. One day, as he checked through his messages, one changed his life forever. One of the local street gangs broke up a political get-together and killed several men and women, his mother and father being amongst them. No one found the murderers, and the gang went free. Never having the chance to patch the sour note between his parents and him, Demitrii became infuriated vowing to hunt down those who were responsible. After gaining his parents inheritance, he dropped his medical courses and began striving to become an iron hand in the law force. He is still searching for the small time that screwed up his normal life, and now the Boatman Murders may provide the clues he needs.
Special Skills: Wonderful Vision, very observative. He tends to pick up the little things people do, including their personality traits. He is skilled with words and is very charismatic.
Secret Abilities: In touch with the Moon, Demitrii gains majority of his strength off of it while his spirit becomes more alive. His eyesight is sharped and almost animalistic, while his hearing is increased as well. He can also bend the night (The darkness of Erebus and the Moonlight of Selene) to his will and make a bow, quiver and arrows out of Nyx herself. (Once available)
Crush: None.
Post Color: Blue




Originally Posted by ThorsViking
Username: Thorsviking
Character Name: James (The Leprechaun) O’Harron.
Age: 60
Gender: Male
God/Goddess: Dionysus
Species: Human
Appearance: He is a short stocky man, standing an inch higher then 5 foot, which gained him the nickname the leprechaun. He His showing his age in his face, however for his age he is still fit, and remarkably well toned. He is balding gracefully, and the hair he has is grey. He has grey green eyes, and a gold tooth.
Personality: James is a man seeking redemption in the strangest way. He has lived a life of crime, and still is a criminal, yet has a heart of gold. He care deeply about his staff, knowing a lot of them were poor and desperate before they worked for him. He treats each on like his own children.
Bio: Born on the lowest rung of society James’ only hope of escape was crime. He quickly made a name for himself in his uncles crew, which the papers coined the O’Harron mob. Life was good for a while until he was caught in the middle of a double homicide case. As luck would have it the charges were dropped, but James sights were set in a different direction. It took time, but the criminal element of the O’Harron Maffia was downplayed as they established legitimate business across the county, most of which being bars and strip clubs, but also a record label, brewery, and even a chain of dry cleaners. The most resent and by far most lavish of the bars, Pan's Labyrinth, was put under the control of James. It is believed that when his uncle, now pushing 95, passes away, the family will be fully controlled by James.
Special Skills: He has a great ear for music, and dance talent. He knows how to fight, hotwire cars, and is an amazing shot with a gun.
Secret Abilities: Can place persons under a spell that makes them lose all rational thought and act as if in a maddened, berserker state. He can change his form or that of another person or object, to appear as someone else, an animal, or an object. He can create alcohol out of thin air.
Post Color: Olive


Lesser Gods and Goddesses-





Originally Posted by Vanth
Username: Vanth
Character Name: Amalia Morrigan
Age: 27
Gender: Female
God/Goddess: Circe
Species: Human
Appearance: RED
Personality: Amalia is a very calculating person. She does not rely on gut feelings, but cold hard facts to make decisions. She is dedicated to her work to a fault, making her a difficult person to love, or sometimes get along with. She defends her opinions to the bitter end, and will do almost anything to get what she wants, or to sway others to her way of thinking, but her stubbornness has won her a lot of recognition from her higher-ups.
Bio: Amalia was raised by her aunt Ellis and Uncle Brawn. They never talked much about her mother and father, simply saying that they loved her very much, but the vibe she got from that response led her to believe that she had been abandoned on a door step. As a child she made up stories for her peers about her parents, changing the story up in slight ways to make them more amazing, they never seemed to notice the change in her story, and if they did, she just convinced them that they imagined it.
As she got older, she became amazed wit the effects of toxins on the body, how even the slightest bit of a single chemical could deteriorate all of the muscles in a mere hour. She made the decision to become a forensic toxicologist when she was a sophomore in college. Throughout her studies, Amalia remained dedicated, shutting herself away from the outside world to focus on her studies and obtain her goal. When she finally graduated with her master’s degree, she was offered a job at a hospital in Olympus. There she lives, in a small flat with her cat, Argo.
Special Skills: persuasive, hardworking to a fault, and amazingly analytical
Secret Abilities: a master of poisons, and an inert ability to transform her enemies into animals.
Crush: nobody yet. Amalia is very choosy of the people she gets emotionally involved with.
Post Color: Dark Slate Blue



Persephone (Active)
Username: Kriddles
Character Name: Terra Blanch
Age: Twenty-four
Gender: Female
God/Goddess: Persephone
Species: Human
Appearance: [Glamor Shot]
Personality: She has a rather dark sense of humor, and usually finds love rather sickening most of the time. Since she spends most of her time in the graveyard, she prefers silence above the hustle and bustle of the city. She holds many dark secrets and alternate agendas usually, and hides them with a fake smile. However, on occasion, she does have a nice streak.
Bio: Terra grew up on the poor side of town, always struggling for money she quit school and got a GED before looking for a full time job. She never knew her mother and when her father grew sick, she gave up what few friends she did have to dedicate herself to several part-time jobs that only paid minimum wage. Every day she would wake up at four in the morning and worked until 11 that night just to pay for his medicine. It still wasn't enough, however, as the illness progressed he needed surgery and because of her age at the time she was unable to get a loan to pay for it. After two months of consecutive battles against the doctors, the illness, and the loan sharks her father passed away, leaving her to survive on her own. It took several years, but she finally conquered the grief that followed and now works only three jobs. One of them being at the Pan's Labyrinth as one of the waitresses, a cashier at a gas station and finally (and probably her favorite) a gardener at the cemetery. She hasn't really made any new friends since her father's passing, with the exception of the gravedigger and mortician.
Special Skills: She has a green thumb, and a beautiful smile that could melt the souls of others. But her grim outlook on life tends to make her seem a bit more... Ghoulish.
Secret Abilities: Terra is able to speak both to the plants, controlling them to an extent and to the souls of the underworld. She can summon a select few to join her in combat or allow one to enter her, taking on their personality and strength for a duration of time.(Once available.)
Crush: Starting to crush on Lewis Wood
Post Color: Dark Orchid


Originally Posted by ThorsViking
Username: ThorsViking
Character Name: Caleb Jones
Age: 35
Gender: Male
God/Goddess: Cerberus
Species: Human
Appearance: Caleb is a large man. He stands over six foot and is broad in the shoulders, He is practically a wall of muscle, built like a professional heavyweight boxer. He has a big square head. A nose crocked from multiple breakings. At one point in his life he might have been handsome, but years of fighting has distorted those looks making him look older then he is. He has bright blue eyes, and black hair buzzed close to the flesh. He is commonly seen wearing a simple suit.
Personality: Despite his rough appearance, Caleb is smart, far from the dumb boxer he looks like. He angers easily and loves to fight. Caleb doesn’t enjoy most peoples company and considers himself to be a loner and an introvert.
Bio: Calab was raised by his welsh parents and moved to America at the age of 5, which is why he has not noticeable accent unless he is enraged or drunk. Caleb spent most of his school life in detention for fighting, yet always managed to pass, English being his specialty. Being raised in the lower class ghetto, he made a name for him self in the streets fighting, his favourite was beating guys older and bigger then he was. In his teens he began to fight in the ring, doing mixed martial arts, and by the time he was in collage he made a name for himself. Instead of going pro, he focused on his second love, writing and studied journalism. To pay for school he drove taxi. It wasn’t long until he was driving getaway cars for men in his old stomping grounds. It paid well but was risky. Caleb loved the thrill. That is how he spent his four years of studying journalism. Reporter by day, fighter and criminal by night. A few years after he quit the business of crime, he focused on his writing and reporting. Through his days as a reporter he met a young politician who would later become his only real friend; Lewis Wood. Soon Caleb quit being a reporter, and instead became Lewis’s bodyguard, personal driver, and media advisor. Caleb introduced Lewis to the criminal element in the state, and in turn Lewis introduced him to the upper class.
Special Skills: He his an expert driver, and fighter. He is also a genius when it comes to understanding mass media and journalism.
Secret Abilities: NA
Crush: NA
Post Color: Dark Orange

Boatman Serial Killer

Nymphs, Humans, and Ect.-


Originally Posted by Divine Seduction

Username: Divine Seduction
Character Name: Jio Tyler
Age: 18
Gender: female
God/Goddess: N/A
Species: Nymph
Appearance: Lovely
Personality: gullible, sweet, shy, moody, observant, unsettled
Bio: Jio is a small girl just fresh out of high school, but as luck would have it she has inherited a bed and breakfast that takes up most of her time now too. But when she was younger she lived in a small house with a sick mother she had to take care of, her mother passed her first day of high school. Now without family she's a bit scared and trying to stay afloat. No time for love let alone a social life, she's somewhat of a hermit.
Special Skills: angelic singing voice, able to always handle children, can remember everything
Secret Abilities: spells, confusion/deflection/illusion, invisibility, Alure
Post Color: Medium Turquoise

Username: Kriddles
Character Name: Elizabeth Wonders
Age: 47
Gender: Female
God/Goddess: N/A
Species: Human
Appearance: [Glamor Shot]
Personality: Before Elizabeth was... well Elizabeth, Mark Polk used to be in love with fantasy and epic tales. He enjoyed living up in the clouds rather than in reality more than just half the time. Now, Elizabeth's life is her magazine and her audience. Often times she has grand delusions of being a famous journalist and always feels that when she has a lead on a good story, she is being followed by other journalists out to steal her's. When she goes undercover (which is very often) she commits to her role 110% and even starts believing she is who she pretends to be. She is also addicted to cosmetic and cosmetic surgery.
Bio: Elizabeth wasn't the same person ten years ago. She never had a really bad life... just a confusing one. Infact ten years ago, Elizabeth wasn't even a woman. He was 35 year old weather man, named Mark Polk. After his divorce to his second wife (she couldn't stand being broke with a husband who wouldn't commit to a single solid job), he changed paths. After extensive surgery with his ex's money he started up an indie magazine dedicated to the odd and unusual. For about three years she was researching, interviewing, writing, editing, and publishing Scientific Mysteries all on her own until some other writers joined her. Not having very much outside the magazine, she has committed herself to the magazine and her 'missions' by going undercover and committing all of her time and person to it. She even gets confused sometimes and keeps in character even when she is at home or around friends from the magazine.
Special Skills: Great Actress, charismatic, and has a nose for a story even if it is nonexistent.
Secret Abilities: N/A
Crush: None
Post Color: Teal


Originally Posted by Vanth
Username: Vanth
Character Name: Chase Neale
Age: 30
Gender: Male
God/Goddess: N/A
Species: Cyclops
Appearance: Two Eyes
One of his eyes is made of a special glass, that, when removed, will reveal his cyclopean form
Personality: playful in his own way, Chase likes to make people work for what they want. He does nothing for anyone without something of equal or greater value in return. He likes to tell tall tales, and does this especially well when he has a few drinks in him. He is a merry and boisterous drunk, but sobers quickly when he or someone he considers to be a friend is threatened.
Bio: Chase was born and raised in small town miles outside of Olympus. He had a loving mother and a hard working father, both also Cyclopes. When he graduated high school, he moved into the city to go to college, but his dreams for future employment changed like the tides. He finally decided on a less serious profession that complimented his storytelling ability. He is the proud author of such novels as The Cold Ring, Birth of the Voyagers, and The sorcerer of dreams series.
Special Skills: Telling stories, often in the form of very believable lies.
Secret Abilities: Cyclopean strength and wisdom, and a deft hand at crafting magical objects from wood and clay
Crush: None yet
Post Color: Slate Gray

[4th Slot]

[5th Slot]

Kriddles 08-02-2012 07:45 PM


ThorsViking 08-30-2012 05:54 AM

Lewis Wood walked up to the bar and ordered a scotch. In his mind, it sounded like a joke. A corrupt politician walked up to a bar. That put a devilish smile on his face.

“Thank you kindly,” He said putting laying his southern accent on thick, “I’d like to start a tab”

As he took a small sip of his drink, he looked around the club. How did I get here? I left my office, and took my limo. The Anti-Drug PSA I did was going to be shown tonight. It did not show… that police warning covered it up. Wasted money… Hope the killer keeps going; maybe some fear will increase my popularity. That is why I wanted a drink, I was angry. My commercial was cut out. But why did my driver take me here? Where am I? Lewis finished his glass in one big gulp.

“Another scotch” he requested. Lewis looked him self over. He was wearing one of his favourite suits; black with red pinstripes. He knew he looked good.

Lewis looked the club over, an O’Harron place. Lewis wondered if he knew anyone in the building. Lord knows he has done enough favours for most of the mob families. Maybe that is why the bouncer waved him in.

While I am here might as well have some fun. I told my wife I would be working late.

The lights in the room made Lewis’ eyes look like fire as he glanced around the room for tonight’s first conquest.

Kriddles 08-30-2012 02:47 PM

I was here... why did I always end up here? I looked around seeing hospital walls and nurses walk past me, oblivious to my presence. I started walking down the hallways of the labyrinth. It slowly becoming desolate...hollow. The lights flickered and something always brushed past me. I never caught sight of it, even when I knew it was coming. I blinked and there were now skeletons anchored into the walls, reaching out to me in desperation. I could hear their cries, but they weren't why I was here. The hallways turned and twisted and then I saw her. I always saw her. She stood there, a raven on her shoulder. She never spoke to me, but I knew he was on the other side.... If I could just get to him. I took a step forward before something grabbed my ankle. Another and another. When I looked down I could feel my scream get caught in my throat. Why couldn't I make a sound!? The skeletal hands pulled me away from the old woman, pulling me closer to them. I felt their desperation, their anger. If they couldn't leave and receive what they want... why should I? I would be stuck here....

"TERRA!... TERRA!" It went silent before the woman squawked again. "Terra! For God's sake you are going to get yourself into so much trouble if the manager catches you! WAKE UP!" That's when she felt the cold hands of the other waitress shake her. Terra's eyes opened to see the petite triangular face of the other woman who sounded remarkably like a parrot. "Your shift started Twenty minutes ago! And you are supposed to be replacing me!"
Terra blinked and took in the words. Her face was expressionless for a minute, before panic crossed her face. "Oh Shit!" She leaped to her feet, before running to the elevator.
"No, it's totally cool! I've only been trying to wake you up for fifteen minutes! YOU'RE WELCOME!" The woman cried after her, before shaking her head and leaving.
Terra looked in the mirror in the elevator, fixing her red hair and cleaning up her make-up before the doors slid open. She always felt like she was revealing too much skin in the first floor uniform. The green sequined piece only covered what was necessary and didn't leave much else to the imagination. Fake ivy twisted around her body as an accessory while green pumps matched everything. She remembered she watched a movie once with a villain that looked a lot like her. What was her name? Poison something... She walked out onto the floor the lights pulsing with the music as the 'mermaids' swam above them. There was a time when she actually found this place to be a magical oasis that was an escape from the world. She fell in love with it and never wanted to leave. That must be how others felt when walking into this building. She grabbed a tray of appetizers before walking around with them. She moved around the floor, over the months she had become used to people reaching out to her and avoided them with a swing of the hip. Most of the women who worked here had learned this technique. If you didn't, you were prone to drunk pinches or worse. A newbie had just made the mistake of it not more than a couple of feet from her, and was now sitting in the lap of a man with his hand wrapped around her waist. Poor thing. Half of the Hors d'oeuvres were gone and several drink orders were lined up before she went over to the bar. She looked over to Lewis before offering him one. "Hors d'oeuvre, sir?" She couldn't help but feel she had seen his face before. Perhaps on television? That's right, he was a Politician. She turned her gaze from him and looked over to the barkeep. "I need a margarita, two shots of bourbon, five specials and a Long Island Iced Tea with a little red umbrella in it for that gentleman over there in the corner." She listed out the order with small grim smirk.

ThorsViking 08-31-2012 12:02 AM

Lewis looked the waitress over. He saw her pumps, the ivy leaves covering her body, it was her hair that reminded him of something primal.

Fire. Bright, hot and power. I wonder what they make her wear in the fall. Lewis began to salivate.

“Thanks for the Hors d'oeuvre, It is just what I was looking for.” He said putting his accent on thick.
These taste like shit, what is this tofu.

“Now I’m not one to stay by the bar, perhaps you could find me a nice table in your section where you can serve me?”

Lewis gave the server a smile, the same warm smile that won him his seat, the same trusting smile that made him rich, the same charming smile that got him everything.

Before the server could say anything, Lewis kept talking, “I’m sure those other drinks can wait for another server.” Lewis reached in to his jacket for his thick black leather wallet. “I have been known to be rather generous when I get what I want.” He grabbed his credit card and tossed a hundred on the bar, and another hundred on the red head’s tray.

“So lead the way, oh and by the way, names Lewis.”

Kriddles 08-31-2012 06:04 AM

She ignored his gaze for most of the time, her eyes focused on the bartender as she waited as the man mixed and poured the drinks. As he grabbed an Hors d'oeuvre and thanked her she nodded her head in a short response before catching a glimpse of the smile. Deja'vu hit her like a semi-truck and then she realized where she had seen it, his campaign ad. She was about to decline his offer before he slipped that piece of paper onto her tray. She found it kind of ironic how much a few numbers could make a bad idea into a good one. "Have Rebbecka take these to the gentlemen and couple over there." She said as she set the tray down, "This way, sir." She said as she tucked the bill into the cloth at her hip. She moved through the crowd, using the tactical maneuver for avoiding grabby hands before stopping at a table near the wall with a tree and dancer not too far away. "Your table, sir. My name is Terra, and I will be your waitress for this evening. Is there anything I can get you for tonight? Another drink, something to eat perhaps?" She flashed him a fake smile. If he wanted to keep tipping, she didn't mind playing along for a night. Hell, with his reputation she might even get lucky and get some dirt she could sell to the media.

ThorsViking 09-01-2012 04:02 AM

I haven’t had a redhead in a while.

He followed he close enough not to fall behind, but far enough to check her out

I wonder if she is a natural redhead.

As Lewis sat down at the table his eyes looked towards the dancer.

“Terra,” The name rolled off Lewis’ tongue, no different then a father eases their child’s name, “Terra, Terra… No need for all this all be your waitress mumbo jumbo.”

Lewis noticed the dancer glance over at him, He could feel her eyes, and signaled for her to come to his table. His eyes never left Terra’s. He voice never skipped a beat.

“I can tell by your voice, I can tell by your body language, I can tell by yours eyes. You recognize me, and you don’t trust me.”
I am beloved my millions, the toast of the state. Humanitarian you twit
“I understand that.”
No I don’t
“I am a stranger in your house… Your place of employment.”
This club does seem familiar… Did uncle know the guys?
“Lord knows my office is a second home for me. Now don’t be worried because I’m some big wig in a suit.”
No too new… The mick?
Now I am sure you have lots of questions about my education reform policies. How about you get me a nice big glass of scotch, neat, and I will answer any of your questions.”

Hopefully she’ll answer some of mine right

Lewis took his eyes off Terra as the dancer walked up to him.

I don’t trust that waitress. She is too smart, either that or too dumb

Kriddles 09-01-2012 07:36 AM

She listened in silence to his spill, before raising an eyebrow. "Well, since you cleared my chore list, I guess I will take you up on that offer." she said with a soft shrug, her red hair falling off of her shoulders. "I will get you that scotch now while he entertains you." She said, her face completely emotionless, motioning towards the dancer who was now making their way over to Lewis. Yes, she knew Nathaniel or Natasha (he made a beautiful girl) was working around this table, and put a theory to the test. She walked over to the bar again, giving the bartender the order before looking around. That's when she caught her first glimpse of it. A smart-looking man with a goatee and thick rimmed glasses plunged a syringe into his vein, sighing as he pushed the golden liquid into his body. It traveled fast, because he immediately relaxed with a euphoric look on his face. What the rich did with their money baffled even her, though she had never seen this drug circulated in their club before. When the bartender gave her the scotch she slowly took it back to the politician, crossing her arm in front of him and setting down the drink, "Scotch, neat, is there anything else I can get you?"

ThorsViking 09-02-2012 01:31 AM

“He?” Lewis had to snigger. Maybe she is smart.

Lewis played the same joke on his personal assistant after the last polling party. Everyone had a good laugh at it. This man makes a better woman then the cross dresser he hired for that party.

This man has no Adams apple. Rich freaks.

“Tell me dancer what makes a ma-” Lewis stopped himself and shooed away the dancer. Light flashed quickly and he saw the golden glow from a distance.

O something, O’Malley...O’Harry.... O’Harron? The little Irish guy with the big friends.

Lewis assumed the glow was some new designer drug. He has seen it all. Even before he became a Senator he was involved with backroom deals. Most of the deals involved property zoning and police patrol routes. Lewis knew that the drug trade was the number one reason of the deals. Lewis didn’t care as long as he got his money. The mobsters trusting him, they were not immune to his charm like Terra.

I should find out if O’Irish is in. Part of Lewis wanted to try this golden drug.

“Oh, Yummy!” said Lewis Gleefully. He loved the warm feeling of hard liquor against his tongue and back of his throat. He pointed at the opposite end of the booth. “Sit,” Fasinating, she is like no woman I have ever met, “tell me about you. What has you working in such a charming establishment.”

Kriddles 09-02-2012 07:31 AM

She was hesitant before she sat down, crossing her legs as she did so. "I am a minimum wage woman who works three jobs to help pay rent. If I had the choice, I wouldn't touch this place... but it turns out the O'Harrons are willing to pay semi-well and accept you as long as you meet their requirements. Guess I did." She said, her eyes staring at his before she looked over to where she saw the drug. The man was still gone, his eyes rolled back in his head as he slowly breathed through an open mouth. A small smile on his face. She turned back to face Lewis, "You have a reputation you know. Rumors spread like wildfire, and I hear I am not your type. You take fancy in the dim-wits who enjoy telling you what you want to hear. So why are you talking to me, because chances are I won't tell you anything you'd like." She said, her voice blunt like her words.

ThorsViking 09-03-2012 02:54 AM

Why am I talking to her?

“I know my reputation my dear, and I know the rumors. But facts remain I am a simple southern gentleman, raised by my dear, dear uncle, with the highest popularity in the polls ever. But, I can see why you think that others are dimwits. You are a rebel at heart. My office is filled with the best of the best; even my secretary went to Cambridge, back when the school meant something. Even before I was The Lewis Wood, I was just little Lou, people flocked to my smile. Some say it’s my eyes. It’s not that others are dimwits.” Lewis liked the way this sounded, so he made a mental note. “Business Men, Doctors, Lawyers, Sheriffs and Professors maybe, but no dim wits.”

Lewis train of thought left him.

O’Harron she said, that was the Mick’s name. O’Harron.

It was his last meeting of the day months ago. A boring day until two large men entered his office, a well dressed little man with a gold tooth came in from behind them. The gold toothed man, O’Harron, had a simple request. It was nothing more than a change of zoning, and keeping the police away from some warehouse. Two golf games later the job was done. No police and a random building became a bar.

Maybe that’s why I’m here; the short O’Harron told me I was always welcomed. James? John? What was is name... it started with a 'J'

“Sorry, I lost my train of thought. You keep looking at that man over there” Lewis said pointing at the drugged man. “Is he a friend of your?”

Kriddles 09-03-2012 04:19 AM

"Your ego could flood a room and gag the survivors." She said blatantly, "No offense..." she added with a smirk. "I guess that makes me the dim-wit seeing as though I have no college history and I got to where I am today by a GED." She said with a soft chuckle.

I wonder if his wife knows about his extracurricular activities.

She couldn't help but feel something was wrong as she glanced back over to the man in the glasses. "No... I've never seen him before nor the drug he just took." She muttered, answering his question without thinking. Something kept her wanting to find out more about the drug. Never having used before, was she curious about it? She wanted that ecstasy, but bad enough to risk addiction? She blinked as if coming out of a trance before looking back at Lewis. "Look, I can tell I am wasting your time. If there is anything else I can get you, let me know." She said as she stood up and tucked the chair underneath the table.

ThorsViking 09-04-2012 02:49 AM

“I don’t think I am the only one here with an ego, hun” Lewis said with a large flamboyant gesture pointing around at everyone in the room. Lewis knew a lot of them from work, and back room deals. Lewis recognised the tall blond by the bar, a teacher’s union president. He took note of the son of a foreigner ambassador stoned with drool on his goatee.

I wonder who else of note will pop out of the woodwork. Hopefully the Irish man. I think a hit of that golden drug will get this party started.
Lewis flashed his smile. The red flecks in his eyes were shining brightly in the lights.

“Maybe you are wasting my time, but you are oh so pretty to look at. Is your boss in? I do have a nifty proposal for him while I’m here. Also another scotch. Thanks”

Kriddles 09-04-2012 06:41 PM

She smirked. "No... I suppose you aren't... are you?" she said a little grimly. Looking around the room. It made her hate the place more.
"The boss is where he usually is, one floor below. He likes to watch the fights..." She said and then added, "and bid on them." She said taking his empty glass, "We don't disturb him while he's down there. In fact most of the girls hate being down there because of the guests that linger there. If you want to go and speak with him, just be wary of your surroundings. A handsome man like yourself can send you to a back alley with a few broken bones and empty pockets. Allow me to get you that scotch." She said as she walked back to the bar, ordering another drink for Lewis, before catching sight of the drug once again. She set down Lewis's drink in front of him, her arm crossing over him before she left, her eyes never leaving the syringe.

"Ambrosia." A cool voice said from beside her. His face was hidden thanks to the dim lighting and where he was positioned. His attire blending in with the darkness.
"Excuse me?"
"The drug." He motioned towards where the woman sat. "Ambrosia... The drink of the Gods. Able to make any wish come true. At least that is what they say." He explained.
She looked over to the woman, quiet.
"She certainly does look happy doesn't she?" He said. It was hard to tell where he was looking as she turned back to face him. "...It looks like you could do for some happiness, yourself." He said opening his hand to expose a ready-drawn needle.
"..." She took a step towards the man, hesitating on her next step. She looked around the club, no one was interested in what she did or who this man was. "How much?" she whispered.
"I am a gentleman. I offer happiness at no cost."
She reached for the syringe, and as she did so he grabbed her wrist with a painful grip before gently turning her palm upwards and making an 'X' with a pen on the pillow of her thumb before placing the needle in her hand.
"My condolences for your father." He said a smirk hinted in his throat.

And let the games begin.

ThorsViking 09-05-2012 01:19 AM

Lewis wasn’t worried about the bottom floor, he has spent enough times with the other Irish families. He wasn’t worried about the crowd in O’Harrons. His way with words and charm always kept him out of real trouble. Even as a child everyone loved Lewis, except for his brothers.

“About time, I have a bottomless thirst,” Lewis said the second the glass hit the table.

He drank slowly, but steadily. His lips never left the glass.

O’Harron will sell me some of this new drug, especially when he hears what I have to say. A legitimate business opportunity, a lot of low rental housing to be evicted soon enough.

Lewis slammed this glass to the table as re requested another scotch. Terra wasn’t there waiting.

Where did that girl go? I guess I can find my way back downstairs.

Lewis got up from his booth and made his way around the club. He gave the male dancer a polite smile as he walked past. He looked around the booths looking for a hint of that fire red hair. The music seemed to change tempo as he walked past various booths, sitting in them all faces he recognised.

Near the bar in the shadows Lewis saw a flash of gold, two hands exchanging something, he could see the hint of a green dress and red hair.

Good the waitress read my mind, she might be fun messed up. Time to play.

Lewis made his way towards the shadowed area.

Kriddles 09-05-2012 06:21 AM

What the man had said at the end had shaken her with an uneasiness. She could feel her palms grow sweaty as she took a few steps back, her eyes never leaving the silhouette of the man. "Thank you for the..."
"Ambrosia." He said coolly.
"Ambrosia..." She said before turning around, her face drawn downward before she stumbled into the politician. "Mr. Wood." She said taken a little aback as took a step back and away from him. "I'm sorry... Could you not find the elevators or did you need another scotch?" She said, pulling herself together by the end of the question. Her green eyes looked up at his black ones, and she couldn't help but notice the red in them. "If not, my break is coming up in a couple of minutes." She said before trying to move around him.

ThorsViking 09-06-2012 02:37 AM

“Maybe you can show me the way to the elevator later,” Lewis casually said. His black and red eyes left the green ones and looked down Terra’s body.

Gold, she has that new drug in her hands.

Lewis’s hand were quick as he grabbed at the gold syringe. It was light in his fingers as if he was holding nothing.

“Ambrosia you say,” Lewis said again looking Terra in the eyes again. As he waved the drug between both their eyes he could have sworn her eyes were grass and leaves. “Maybe we are not that different after all. I wanted to try this stuff since I saw it.” He was strangely sincere. “If your break is in a couple minutes maybe we can both take a hit.”

He looked around the room. There was indifference all around.

“I don’t think anyone will mind. I don’t care if my waitress is as stoned as I am.” The smile on Lewis’s face was like that of a child; sincere and eager.

Kriddles 09-06-2012 03:29 AM

As she tried to move around him, she felt the syringe slip from her fingers. She quickly circled around to see if she had been clumsy enough to have dropped it before she saw it in his hands.

She looked up at him, stepping in a little closer ready to snag the needle from his hands before stopping at the tone of his voice as he waved the drug in front of them. She slowly lowered her hand back down to her side. A smile flashed across her face, sincere and not darkened by sarcasm for once before it faded. She quickly plucked the needle from his hand. "You're just not going to give up are you?" she asked raising an eyebrow. "Fine... My break is in ten minutes... I usually go up to the third or second floor since usually everyone spends their time in the breakroom or in the floor below enjoying the fights and casino." She said as she tucked the drug away. "I'll get you another scotch." She added as she walked away.

ThorsViking 09-06-2012 05:08 AM

Im playing with fire.

Lewis could see the change in her facial expressions, her eyes seemed brighter, her posture less tense, her smile genuine.

I don’t care if I burn.

He watched her walk away, O’Harron had a great eye for women. She was attractive, but nothing Lewis would have wrote home about. In the early stages of his political career he wooed every pretty girl he met, some how he managed to avoid scandal after scandal. Reporters never seemed to hound him like other politicians. The closest he ever came to a scandal was at a beauty pageant he was a judge at. The winner was the contestant he was sleeping with. The woman lost her crown when the story broke and later committed suicide, yet after 5 minute with the reporter Lewis’ name was never released to the public.

I can’t be burnt

Why then was he so enthralled with this server. The more he thought about it the less it made sense. Lewis had no real urge to sleep with her, he wasn’t sure what he wanted her for. Something in the back of his mind wanted her and lust had nothing to do with it. He could see the red of her hair at the bar. The sight of the smoky room with red towering over green reminded him of memories deep inside his brain.

I will not be burnt

Lewis saw the bartender reach for the top shelf, he could make out the blue label on the scotch, not his favourite brand, but good enough.

Scotch will help.

Kriddles 09-06-2012 05:48 AM

She waited patiently for the scotch, watching the people around her enjoying themselves. She spotted several others who had paired up. Most likely in the hopes of scoring tonight. It was a shame that she worked early in the morning... She might have stuck around for a couple of drinks. Still... She didn't have it so bad. Her customer was fairly lax. Maybe she needed to be too? She thought on it for a moment before shaking her head. No. In her experience, nothing good ever came from letting your guard down.

She walked back over to Lewis, handing him the drink before she waited on a few other customers that hadn't been served yet. She gave them that same look she gave Lewis when she first served him. A fake smile.

The minutes passed by, before she finally made her way to the elevators for her break. There was a couple making out on the second floor which meant tonight she was on the third floor. As the elevator chimed she slowly stepped out from the sliding doors and sat down at one of the tables. Honestly, she didn't expect Lewis to show up. Why would he? He could easily get the drug somewhere else if he really wanted to and she had very little to offer him otherwise. She stretched out her legs before leaning back in the chair. She looked over at the needle she had set down on the table beside her. It dimly illuminated the dark room. It reminded her of the Pixie dust from Peter Pan only... it was in a syringe.

ThorsViking 09-06-2012 06:39 AM

Lewis newest glass was empty. Had it been 10 minutes, He went to check his phone when he realized he left it in his Limo. How long has it been. He began to head towards the elevators. The last floor visited was three. So he went up.

The ride felt long for Lewis, he was itching to try that new drug. He had no clue what it would do, but he wasn’t afraid. Lewis loved getting high, something about all his mortal thoughts leaving his head felt right.

The ecstasy and rush of nothingness and everything.

Third floor came and he walked though the open doors, the room was darker then the others, at least Lewis thought it was. He saw a glow of fire, and he knew exactly where Terra was. She had the vial of Ambrosia on the table, her red hair looked more like fire in the ambient gold glow.

“Don’t start with out me,” Lewis said boyishly, “ but I am a gentleman, Ladies first?”

Kriddles 09-06-2012 07:09 AM

She looked over as the elevator pinged it's arrival before the doors slowly slid open. She slowly sat up in her chair and crossing her her legs.

Wow... He actually showed.

She looked up at him before looking over at the drug, her lips parting slightly as if she were about to say something, before she closed her mouth again. She still had an uneasy feeling about the drug. She was anxious to get that high, but something just felt wrong. Even still the idea of not having a care in the world was just a little too tempting. She turned her arm out and twisted it to expose her veins to the ceiling before relaxing it. "I'll be the first to admit, I've never done anything like this before..." She whispered, with a soft almost embarrassed chuckle.

ThorsViking 09-06-2012 10:28 PM

“Well, if it is like any other injection, just” Lewis ran his fingers down her arm tracing the faint blue lines. His voice was low, “find a vain and stick it in.” There was a seductive tone to his voice as he said stick it in. He took her hand in his.

Did she shiver just now? Was it my imagination? Maybe she’s just cold.

Lewis grabbed the syringe in his other hand, and brought the needle to her arm. The point kissed her skin, pushing down at its point.


Lewis looked away from her arm and to Terra’s eyes. “Say When” Lewis said with the same boyish smile.

Kriddles 09-06-2012 10:55 PM

She watched him, as he looked down at her arm. She almost pulled away as he traced her veins, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks as her body trembled slightly. She could only imagine that this must be why so many girls fell for him. Terra felt the heat dissipate from her cheeks with that thought. This was probably just an act too.

He put the needle to her skin. Anticipation made her heart feel like it was beating a hundred times in a single second. She honestly didn't know what to prepare for. Was it going to burn? Maybe feel like ice? Would it be instant?

When he looked back into her eyes, she felt her heart stop. For an instant she thought it might be sincere. "When." She regained herself and gave him a smirk.

It's all just an act. Don't fall for it, Terra.

ThorsViking 09-07-2012 03:03 AM

She said when.

Lewis could swear there was a quiver in her voice. He had a harder time reading Terra. He normally could read people like open books, which was a reason he surrounded himself with the best. He knew when people wanted to use or cheat him, and he always turned it around in his favor. That same ability made him a great at poker, last game he played he was up a hundred or so thousand. You could read bluffs and somehow his look made good hands fold.

I am just that lucky. I am just that good.

Lewis pushed down on the plunger of the syringe, but only half way. He saw the change in Terra’s face instantly. Her smile started to widen. Her eyes seemed to change, more vibrant, more alive. He pulled the needle out of her arm. Lewis licked his finger and wiped it across where the needle came out. He remembered reading somewhere saliva helps in healing.

Lewis pulled out his wallet. He always kept a couple papers, a couple condoms, and an extra needle point just in case. He changed the needle head, and put it to his arm.

He pressed down and felt the ambrosia rush through his veins.

All times are GMT. The time now is 05:39 AM.