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Cardinal Biggles 01-09-2014 03:21 AM

Jar Pun to Follow - Biggles' Memory Thread
Dateline: January 2014. Status: Nothing yet.

Cardinal Biggles 01-13-2014 04:40 AM

Friday, January 10th: An old friend of my dad's stopped by, just to deliver my a bag full of books on the Tudor era. A care package, she called it. Isn't it lovely to know thoughtful people?

Cardinal Biggles 01-13-2014 04:42 AM

Saturday, January 11th: At the Nordic History Museum in Ballard for the day, I noticed a table with free, deaccessioned books. Picked up a lovely vintage Danish/Norwegian to English dictionary for my already burdened collection :)

Cardinal Biggles 02-18-2014 08:54 AM


Friday, January 24: Attended my first in-person opera! Rigoletto. Very nicely done. It's a tragedy, but the thing that really got me tearing up was the repeating thought that "I'm at the opera ferreals!"

Cardinal Biggles 02-19-2014 05:41 AM

Saturday, February 1st: Spent the day walking around downtown Ballard, and Loving It. Lots of nice moments. Also shared half my sandwich with about 20 pigeons.

Cardinal Biggles 04-17-2014 03:26 AM

There have been several things I thought about putting in here (birthday, movie theater visits) but none quite inspired me into action.

But there has been one happening...

April 7th: First day of my practicum internship :)

Cardinal Biggles 10-02-2014 08:12 AM

Following up on that: June 7th, completion of my museum studies program.

Cardinal Biggles 01-01-2015 06:06 AM

So little time, but I must finish telling you what happened :)

July 1st: Off to London!
July 3rd: First full day in London, Meet-up with fellow tumblr-dwelling Pythonites.
July 4th: Pre-Raphaelite rambles around London with tumblr user ginfromteacups, Monty Python LIVE! evening show [heart]
July 7th: Visit to Arthurian sights of Slaughter Field and Tintagel.
July 8th: Closure in the form of spreading my godmother's ashes on the moors, as she requested.

Other notable events this year: A very nice job interview, working the Museum of History and Industry's pub quizes, an online course on Shakespeare, and the solar eclipse on 10/23/14!

The holiday season has been lovely.
Dec. 17: The Christmas Revels
Dec. 23: Meeting with an old family friend, tooling around west Seattle, and shopping in a lovely Parisian bakery.
Dec. 24: Christmas Eve. Baking. Lunch with my mother and her friend, buying seasonal greenery, visiting the neighbours, and decorating and fondue in the evening.
Dec. 25: A *quiet* christmas. Roasting of chestnuts, ghost stories and a general laid back mood.

Even tonight has been nice. Auld Lang Syne and best wishes to all!

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