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TKC 02-10-2008 06:55 PM

The Kitchen Charity: Still donating. Happy V-day!
TKC here again.
I'm sure I've almost gotten to the point of being completely annoying with my event threads.

As always, stick around and keep me company, and you just may find that your wallet is a bit heavier. ;D

Anyway, we have chocolate with liquor in it this time around.
Because, we always spike something.

So, kick back and chill, I s'pose.

Also, side notice, because random acts of kindness week runs from the 12th-18th, there will be someone receiving gold/item every singe day for those dates. (Since most of them fall during the event...)
12th: Intoxicating Envy
13th: RoyalSquishy
14th: Anbaachan
15th: M i n u x e
16th: Pink-White-Chocolate

Alright, I'd like to thank everyone for coming and warming my wittle heart by spending time with me during the event.
I look forward to seeing all of you at the next event, or, better yet, at the charity!

Winner for page 50: 50 gold: Silenia
Winner for page 100: 100 gold: Simmy3
Winner for page 175: 175 gold: RoyalSquishy


Pink-White-Chocolate 02-10-2008 06:57 PM

*sits* I shall keep you company TKC. How has your day been so far?

Ithir 02-10-2008 06:58 PM

Oh, haha, forgot to mention that TKC is puppeteered by Ithir. >.>

Hiya. My day has been pretty good, except for the biting cold weather.

And yours?

Sagitar 02-10-2008 06:59 PM

=3 hello hello

I didn't know the event was starting today xP

Pink-White-Chocolate 02-10-2008 06:59 PM

My day's pretty good. My sister and mom are watching anime and laughing their heads off^-^ We're waiting to make a reservation at a restaurant for a party because we're celebrating my sister's 17th birthday.

Chidori 02-10-2008 07:00 PM

those chocolates look good

Sagitar 02-10-2008 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by Pink-White-Chocolate
My day's pretty good. My sister and mom are watching anime and laughing their heads off^-^ We're waiting to make a reservation at a restaurant for a party because we're celebrating my sister's 17th birthday.

hah I wish my mom and sister would understand the art of anime.. xP but nope, they still think it's a kids thing, no matter how many times I've explained..

AND LOVE SAiiD NO 02-10-2008 07:05 PM

hello everyone!!!
how are ya?? ..
i need help with this event its my first event
and im so confused.. :cry:

Pink-White-Chocolate 02-10-2008 07:05 PM

@Chidori: They do, don't they?

@Sagitar: I was the one that got my sister into anime. And my mom just randomly starts watching it if she feels like it^-^

Ithir 02-10-2008 07:05 PM

Yea, my mom doesn't much appreciate anime either.

And hello Sagitar. ^^

Chidori~ Indeed.

Pink-white~ Oo, a party. sounds fun.

-repeatedly prods the special event store-

AvengedxxAngel 02-10-2008 07:06 PM

Heyy ^^
How are you guys?

M i n u x e 02-10-2008 07:07 PM

Hey everyone =D
O.... Spiked drinks?! How could a party go wrong when it has those!!

Ithir 02-10-2008 07:08 PM

Hiya Avenged.

Love~ You wait for a chocolate to pop up, click the claim button, and gather them.
Once you have enough for that day's clue, go find the NPC (Not sure what it looks like...) and trade your chocolates in for an item.

Min~ xD It hasn't gone wrong yet. People just love our drinks.

Sagitar 02-10-2008 07:09 PM

yeah well.. atleast I got my fiance into it xP if he didn't like anime, that would probably be troublesome :3

Pink-White-Chocolate 02-10-2008 07:09 PM

@Ithir: Yes, it probably will be fun. Though I haven't really had anything from this restaurant before *sweat drop*

@Avenged: I'm goooood! How're you?

@M i n u x e: Lol. Spiked drinks for everyone^-^

AND LOVE SAiiD NO 02-10-2008 07:10 PM

ithir. you only get one item per day from the event?

AvengedxxAngel 02-10-2008 07:12 PM

Hey, how are ya?

Pink White;;
Im pretty good, thanks ^^

M i n u x e 02-10-2008 07:12 PM

@Ithir: Lol, of course they do!

@Pink: Yay :twisted:
- takes one -

Ithir 02-10-2008 07:15 PM

Love~ No, you can redeem candies for an item as many times as you want.
But only one clue per day will be released.

Pink-White~ Well, hopefully it's a good restaurant.

Avenged~ I'm good, attempting to study for a quiz.

-hand Min a glass of special punch-

Pink-White-Chocolate 02-10-2008 07:16 PM

@Avenged: No problem^-^

@Minuxe: *smiles* I made plenty of them. So you can have as many as you want^-^

AvengedxxAngel 02-10-2008 07:17 PM

Just collecting Chcocolates :3

M i n u x e 02-10-2008 07:18 PM

@Ithir: Yaaay! - sips -

@Pink: It is great to know that you did! You must have been up all night D:

Angeltammz 02-10-2008 07:19 PM

*pokes around* hello everyone!

M i n u x e 02-10-2008 07:20 PM

Hey Angeltammz! Having fun?

AND LOVE SAiiD NO 02-10-2008 07:21 PM

ok ok i think i get it.
so that means today we can only get one item
but as much as we want of that item if we get the clue to that item.
and redeem the necessary amount of candies?
lol make sense?

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