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BellyButton 12-05-2016 03:02 AM

A Puzzle a Day :: All 12 puzzles are up! :D
Nephila, who made this banner, kicks all of the butt.

BellyButton 12-05-2016 03:02 AM

Hello and welcome! I'm glad you came to my puzzle thread! :)

Here's what you can expect if you stick around: Each day a new puzzle will be revealed, and remain available until the end of the event (so you can come back later if you miss one). The puzzles will vary from easy to difficult, quick to time-consuming. Probably not in that order, though. [ninja] You will use logic and wit, wrack your brain, strain your eyeballs & your vocabulary ~ and some will be of the "light and relaxing" variety, too.

Successful answers will net you some gold, as well as a ticket in the raffle of a handful of sought-after bookish items which will be drawn and rewarded after the end of the event.

Puzzle ScheduleX

First Day: Anagrams, Part 1
Second Day: Know Your Pixels, Part 1
Third Day: Word Search 1
Fourth Day: Know Your Pixels, Part 2
Fifth Day: Match Game 1
Sixth Day: Anagrams, Part 2
Seventh Day: Word Search 2
Eighth Day: Know Your Pixels, Part 3
Ninth Day: Word Search 3
Tenth Day: Creative Challenge
Eleventh Day: Rebus
Final Day: Know Your Pixels, Part 4

You may return to finish missed puzzles at any time, so long as your answers are PMd to me by the deadline. :)

BellyButton 12-05-2016 03:03 AM

  • Answers must be sent to me by Private Message (PM). Don't post 'em in the thread, please.

  • You must solve the puzzles yourself. Please don't copy or share answers! I obviously cannot enforce this, so I'm trusting you to be honest here.

  • Don't give away solutions in this thread. You may talk about how to solve a certain type of puzzle in the thread, but please don't say anything that might give the specific solutions away. I may delete any posts that I feel are heading this direction - you've been forewarned!

  • Only one account per person may play.

  • The deadline for submissions is January 5th at 11PM Pacific! I will accept answers via PM to me for all puzzles any time from now until the deadline -- you don't need to answer them on the very day they're posted. :)
    Added Note: If you need to change an answer, you can resubmit up until the deadline. Your most recent answer at that time will count as your "final answer."

BellyButton 12-05-2016 03:03 AM

❄ Prizes to be Raffled ❄

In addition to gold for correct answers, here's what you might win in this thread:
  • Auctioneer's Ledger (Auc) x1
  • Book of Nightmares (CI) x1
  • Book of Daydreams (CI) x1
  • Storybook Journey (CI) x1
  • Creepy Storybook Journey (CI) x1
  • Cheezy Romance (CI) x2
  • The Bookkeeper (CI) x2
  • Clever Mage (EI) x2
  • Ivan or Ivanka outfit in 1 colorway (Commons) x4
  • Silver or Golden gemstone jewelry set in 1 colorway (Commons) x4
  • Right and Lefthand Learning (Commons) x2
  • Gold Monocle (Commons) x1

I'll be awarding lots of bonus tickets on a curve ~ if you manage to solve a real stumper it'll be worth your while. :)

BellyButton 12-05-2016 03:03 AM

❄ Puzzle#1 ❄

( Rating: Challenging )

Anagrams, Part 1

Many of you are familiar with anagrams: Basically, you are given a word or phrase and must take all the letters, jumble them up and rearrange them to say something different. Often the puzzle creator has a specific phrase in mind and you must deduce what it is -- this is one such case! There's a little more information here if you need it. :)

To guide today's puzzle, I asked staff, "Where don't you like to be during the holidays?"

Using the phrases below, can you guess what they really answered?

HINT: Each answer will be four words long.

#1 - Linnea:
No cent owl dish

#2 - Nephila:
Shiny agent hut lot

#3 - Zigbigadorlube:
"Abstractions in Turnip" potluck

#4 - BellyButton:
A girdle transport joke

#5 - Captain Howdy:
Neon geometric rhyme

Send me your answers via PM with the subject "Anagrams 1" -- good luck! :)

BellyButton 12-05-2016 03:03 AM

❄ Puzzle#2 ❄

( Rating: Medium-Rare ) your eyes may bleed a little >.>

Know Your Pixels, Part 1

If you've been on Menewsha for any time at all, it's likely you've amassed a collection of pixel items that you're quite proud of. But how well do you really know your pixels? Would you recognize them, say, zoomed way in, and then enlarged a whole lot? [ninja]

Let's see, shall we? Take a peek at the following images and see if you can tell me which items they're from! (You can get some tips here if you need 'em.)

Can you name the items that the following pixel close-ups are from?


HINT: These are all unisex commons that are currently being sold in the regular shops.

Send me your answers via PM with the subject "Pixels 1" -- good luck! :)

BellyButton 12-05-2016 03:03 AM

❄ Puzzle#3 ❄

( Rating: Easy? [lol] )

Word Search 1: Christmas Eve at Cessy's House

Our sweet Cecilia just loves Christmas Eve. Can you find all the words associated with her evening?


Words to find:

candy canes
more candy
kitty snuggles
warm pajamas
hot cocoa
hugs from Grandpa
bedtime stories
cozy socks
sweet dreams
singing carols
shining stars
wrapping paper

Link me an image of your completed puzzle via PM with the subject "Word Search 1" -- Good luck! :)

(If you need a place to host your image, imgur is quick and free [yes])

BellyButton 12-05-2016 03:03 AM

❄ Puzzle #4 ❄

( Rating: Medium-Well )

Know Your Pixels, Part 2

Among the gifts that Cessy received for the holiday was a storybook about a courageous Lion who leaves the circus and travels around picking up unhappy animals to join his caravan. I've recreated a scene from her book using Menewsha's pixel items. Do you think you can figure out the names of the items I used? (You can get some tips here if you need 'em.)

Your main task: Name the items that the animals and bugs pictured below are from!


HINT: Of the 11 items used to provide us with critters, at least 4 are Event Items (EIs).

BONUS: For an added challenge, can you also name the items that the non-critter parts are from?
(So, the scenery and props. Some of those will have been rotated or flipped. ^.^)

Send me your answers via PM with the subject "Pixels 2" -- good luck! :)

BellyButton 12-05-2016 03:03 AM

❄ Puzzle #5 ❄

( Rating: Somewhat Thinky )

Matching Game #1: Gift Swap

It has become customary among Menewshans during gift-giving holidays to donate extra items to a gift swap pool, which is then distributed on the day after the holiday. Like an overflowing of the abundant generosity felt, this ensures both that gifts are put to good use and that no one is left out.

Anyone who is interested in collecting a gift need only show up; there is plenty to go around. Normally people choose what they want themselves, but this year, you get to decide who gets what! [eager]

Your main task: See that everyone who came gets a gift that they enjoy!
(Yes, there will be one gift left over. [ninja])

Text OnlyX

Nalin Sun
Madame Rousseau

an old Coin
a framed botanical drawing of a fern
a stuffed donkey
a belt pouch
a blooming potted plant
a leather bracelet
itching powder
a wooden whistle

Information about the ParticipantsX

About the Participants:
Cessy: curious, eager, likes cute and neat things
Jeryck: easy-going, curious, likes things with history
Peeblo: hot-tempered, greedy, mischievous
Bootlicious: mischievous, independent, item-hoarder
Nami: easy-going, creative, likes things from far away
Nalin Sun: shy, appreciates nature
Madame Rousseau: quirky, curious, item-hoarder

Scoring will work as follows:
If you match a person with..
Their very favorite item = 3 points
A well-liked item = 2 points
An item they'll accept = 1 point
A disliked item = -1 point
A hated item = -3 points


HINT: Every person has an item on the gift list that would be their very favorite; only two have something they would absolutely hate.

Send me your answers via PM with the subject "Matching 1" -- good luck! :)

BellyButton 12-05-2016 03:03 AM

❄ Puzzle#6 ❄

( Rating: Challenging )

Anagrams, Part 2

Well, I seem to have inadvertently discovered the thing everyone hates most: difficult anagrams! *cackle, choke, falls off chair*

I've added some extra clues to (hopefully) help with this round. But if you still can't solve these, please don't feel bad - you won't be alone! ^.^

To guide today's puzzle, I asked staff, "Where do you like to be during the holidays?"

Using the phrases below, can you guess what they really answered?

HINT: Each answer will be four words long.

#1 - Linnea:
A mom-sewn, monkish menagerie

Extra Linnea HintX

well, at least someone around here is loyal!

#2 - Nephila:
A cribbage-prone mullet

Extra Nephila HintX

O.O ..that's starting the new year with a splash!

#3 - Zigbigadorlube:
Eighteenth dried urn

Extra Ziggy HintX

and her sky was filled with needles and lights

#4 - BellyButton:
Yacht hot, me swim

Extra Belly HintX

if only there were a hermit discount on lint rollers

#5 - Captain Howdy:
Crapping codfish composts

Extra Howdy HintX

wait - so i can, like, listen to this offline?

Send me your answers via PM with the subject "Anagrams 2" -- apologies in advance! [lol]

BellyButton 12-05-2016 03:04 AM

❄ Puzzle#7 ❄

( Rating: Peasy! )

Word Search 2: Things I meant to do before 2017

I never seem to have half enough time to do the things I want, and I do half the things I need to do in more time than they deserve. Here's some stuff I might still get done, though - I still have a few days, right?? [eager]


Phrases to find:

rewatch Firefly again
clean the bathtub
unpack boxes
call my mother
find my old jeans
finish that darn project
vacuum the stairs
beat Gilgamesh to space
eat more pho
go to the woods
meet a neighbor
sell some junk
befriend a puppy
learn to play guitar
take out the garbage

Link me an image of your completed puzzle via PM with the subject "Word Search 2" -- Good luck! :)

(If you need a place to host your image, imgur is quick and free [yes])

BellyButton 12-05-2016 03:04 AM

❄ Puzzle #8 ❄

( Rating: You can do it! I have faith in you! [eager] )

Know Your Pixels, Part 3

I know, I promised cake, and I was just about to bake you all a nice a pineapple (*cough*sorry, Howdy) upside-down cake, like my nonny used to make this time of year. But I got lost on the way to the larder and found this creepy cake closet and I was like, "wait.. why eat cake when you can look at pictures of cake?" I mean, check it out! Whoever built this pile of sugary, sticky treats might like cake even more than you do! .. I wonder how long it's been sitting here, though. [wha]

Your assignment: Name the items that the tasty treats pictured below are from!

BONUS: Can you also name the items that the non-edible parts are from?
(Y'know, like the, uh.. walls and stuff. Some of those will have been rotated or flipped. ^.^)

Send me your answers via PM with the subject "Pixels 3" -- good luck! :)

BellyButton 12-05-2016 03:04 AM

❄ Puzzle #9 ❄

( Rating: Lemon-squeezy? You barely need to be awake.. )

Word Search 3: Retail Recall!

Oh - don't worry, all that unnecessary loot you just bought is fine. It's not that kind of recall -- we're talkin' memory recall here! Or, like, wandering around and clicking until you find things. Anyway. Can you find all these darn shops?


Shop Names to Find:

BONUS QUESTION: I kinda hate shopping and got tired - which shop(s?) did I skip?

Link me an image of your completed puzzle via PM with the subject "Word Search 3" -- Good luck! :)

(If you need a place to host your image, imgur is quick and free [yes])

BellyButton 12-05-2016 03:04 AM

❄ Puzzle #10 ❄

( Rating: As tough as you make it! )

Creative Challenge: The Perfect Prank!

Everyone's favorite little red imp has just one wish this holiday: to end the year with an epic prank that people will be talking about for months! He's collected some pretty obnoxious stuff -- now all he needs is a plan. And that's where you come in!

Your task: Help Peeblo make the best use of his stuff to pull off an epic prank!

The Stuff:
a pen with invisible ink
a rotten potato
one blue sock
a box of rubber bands
a wind-up robot toy

The Target:
Could be one, could be many - You pick!
(NPC Guide)


  • You do not have to choose more than one NPC, nor use all of the items listed.
  • Peeblo is more likely to be impressed if you put your all into it - he's aiming to make memories here!

At least try: +1 pt
Pull off a worthy prank: +2 pts
Peeblo's favorite prank(s): +5 pts

Send me a PM describing how you think Peeblo should use his items, and on whom. -- Have fun! :)

BellyButton 12-05-2016 03:04 AM

❄ Puzzle #11 ❄

( Rating: Simple, but heartfelt. )

Rebus: Finally, Something Easy! (??)

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. In this puzzle, it's worth a bit less. Like, part of a word, if you're lucky. [lol]

Rebus, or Pictogram, is a puzzle that you solve by combining the pictures and instructions provided to create a message. A sort of translation process, if you will! They can get pretty complicated, but you've been through a lot this event, so here's a simple one to try. :)

Send me your answer via PM with the subject "Rebus" -- Good luck! :)

BellyButton 12-05-2016 03:04 AM

❄ Puzzle #12 ❄

( Rating: Challenging )

Know Your Pixels, Part 4

With each New Year, it seems natural for person-kind to assess where we've been and where we aim to go. Where areas of disconnect occur, we feel compelled to declare our plans for resolution, so that when we reach this point at the end of the coming year we're a little better for the journey. Have you ever noticed, though, that these resolutions are almost always things not to do, not to ingest, not to enjoy? It isn't like we're sitting down saying, "welp, I had too much fun this year. Time to punish myself!" but that we seem to feel that focusing on limitations will somehow create bounty.. I dunno, man - that doesn't work for me. This year, I want to live! [illgetu]

This person stands before you in defiance of all restraint.
And yes, he is leaving the house like that.

The challenge:
Can you name the items that this ne'er-do-well is "wearing"?
We've stripped away his color, but we'll never take his spirit! ;D

  • the black frame is not part of the image
  • the actual items are not merely black and white; they're quite colorful
  • in the case of multi-equip poses (example: CI poses), I'm looking for the name of the main item


HINT: None of the items equipped are Commons.

Send me your answers via PM with the subject "Pixels 4" -- good luck, and thanks so much for playing with me this event! :)

BellyButton 12-05-2016 03:04 AM

❄ Extra Help ❄

Solving Anagrams

The most important part of solving anagrams is making sure that each letter you're given is used once and only once in your answer. There are often many possibilities for new words from your pool of letters, so it really helps to have a clue to guide your guesses.

Example - Solve anagram w/clue:
Clue: It's relative.

Phrase to solve: her Tom

(Answer: mother)

Example - Solve anagram without a clue:
Phrase to solve: stripe hat

(Possible solutions: earth spit, therapist)

Hints for anagrams in this thread:
  • There may be some common proper nouns (such as popular names) used in the answers.
  • Spacing and punctuation in the phrases to solve are irrelevant - just make sure that each letter is used somehow.
  • Try not to think too long about the meaning of the words in the phrases to solve, as they're mostly random and chosen for humor. :)

"Know Your Pixels" Tips
  • You may be able to recognize patterns easier if you zoom out and then back in again (CTRL+ or CTRL- on Chrome, pinch yer iPhone, etc.) :)
  • The images in Parts 1-3 are true to color. If you can recognize the color, try searching the Marketplace for items in that color.
  • The images in Part 2-4 will be a little trickier to search the MP for. If you've got access to the Dream Avatar Creator (DAC), you will be able to search for poses within EIs and CIs, which may be more helpful.

BellyButton 12-22-2016 05:23 AM

❄ Reserved Just in Case ❄

BellyButton 12-22-2016 05:24 AM

❄ ❄ ❄

Kiari 12-22-2016 09:12 PM

I love puzzles, but i'm not the greatest at these kind. I will give it my best shot.

hummy 12-22-2016 10:00 PM

I always stink at these, too =3
but I love to see everyone play!

Shadami 12-22-2016 10:28 PM

oh god these are gonna be so hard!!!

Velvet 12-22-2016 11:48 PM

I enjoy puzzles! Hope I can figure these out!

Elirona 12-22-2016 11:57 PM

Ooh, these are toughies!! [eager]

salvete 12-23-2016 12:11 AM

this looks fun but tough <3

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