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Miakoda 05-09-2007 07:26 AM

Test Yourself
so i wanna do an rp of randomness but i don't want people grabbing characters from other things i want people to actual test their imagination and create their own character and evolve with a plot line them selves. that means that the plot line develops as characters evolve or grow (post more in general) i will try to start a plot line originally but i don't want to be the sole plot provider. anyway i wanna see character bios. like this:
eye color:
hair color:
breed: (if any remember the people do not have to be human)
and if you wish

Miakoda 05-09-2007 07:29 AM

Name: Akirian (aki for short)
eye color: gold
hair color: black
gender: female
breed: shifter
age: 11
personality: shes highly adhd and friendly. she'll trust just about anyone even if shes cautious of them at first. careful though she has an older brother who is protective of her. shes curious and loves shiny objects of any sort.

Hatch 05-09-2007 01:22 PM

eye color: Navy
hair color: Dark Green
breed: Elf
age: She can't remember but she looks 17
clothing: Wears a green shirt that falls just above her thighs, black fingerless gloves and tan pants that fall over her army boots.
personality: Quiet and reserved Rayne is the kind of person that people trust and they can't explain why, she likes people in general but won't hesitate to punch someone if she feels they deserve it.
past: She's starting over from scratch since she lost her memories.

Miakoda 05-09-2007 05:48 PM

okay so people can join as we go but lets get started

Aki wandered around in the forest near her house. she loved it outside so peaceful. the forest held many things she could mimic it was almost endless fun. like a five year old in a gaint playground filled with everything they could ever want. (note the setting can change it does not always have to be in a forest i just like forests) aki could hear the animals scurring around. the sunlight barely breaching the canopy gave the forest a beautiful golden green glow.

Hatch 05-10-2007 01:26 PM

Bark, why did trees always have to have bark? Rayne groaned as she stretched, sleeping in the tree had been her safest course of action but it always came with a price, an aching back come morning. A pale hand rubbed across her navy eyes and she yawned. She blushed as her stomach grumbled and then chuckled.
"Breakfast time!" She called to herself and she moved over to swing her legs out of the crook she'd placed them in so that she wouldn't fall, but found one of them caught...with a cry and a curse she fell out of the oak she'd made her bed, and right onto her face. The dirt wasn't what she'd like to call berakfast and she came up coughing and spewing clods of it out of her mouth. She muttered a few curses and then how she needed to be more careful from then on about where she made camp and stood to brush herslef off. She retrieved her pack and then headed off into the thick undergrowth to find food.

Miakoda 05-10-2007 08:43 PM

Aki wandered through the forest as usual when she came upon a camp. it seemed empty. aki began to wonder where the person that had been here was. aki wandered around the camp looking for the person finding no one she decided to look through anything she could find in the camp. aki had accumulated many glorious treasures that way from abandoned camp sites near her home.

wispytearz 05-11-2007 12:42 AM

Intro ^_^
Name: Wisp
eye color: One blue, one green, most of the time, however, when she's feeding or raging the green one turns red.
hair color: Blood red and chin length, with two longer chunks of black framing her face.
gender: Female
breed: Abomination. She was born Bastet (half cat, half human) but Wisp was later turned by a Vampire and is now caught somewhere between the two species, not really one or the other but something all together different.
age: She was turned at age 17 and hasn't aged since. One can only guess how long ago that was however.
clothing: Wisp dresses in thin, loose clothing, enough to cover the important parts without hindering movement. She prefers darker colors and is always wearing a silver necklace with a charm of Celtic knot-work.
personality: Wisp is hesitant to trust anyone, as both her family and tribe have rejected her as well as the Vampire society. Her Sire, though he holds her no ill will, is not someone she trusts either as she holds him responsible for her fate. She has had little exposure to any species aside from her own and so doesn't trust other breeds either. Still, despite her distrust, Wisp longs desperately for companionship and if someone earned her trust they would have a life-long friend.
past: Not fitting in with her tribe or the Vampires, Wisp has struck out on her own, not really certain of what she would find. All she knew was that she needed to find something better. She is now wandering in search of a place she can call her own, or at least someone who can accept her.

wispytearz 05-11-2007 01:44 AM

Wisp tossed and turned in her sleep, getting closer and closer to the edge of the rock she slept on, until she finally rolled off. As she hit the ground, Wisp startled awake and whimpered. The nightmares were getting worse each night and she couldn't tell if it was from the poor sleeping arrangements or the cursed Vampire blood pushing her to feed.
She found her feet and gathered her things so as to continue on her way. The sun hadn't quite set but it was dark enough in this forest that Wisp needn't worry about getting burnt. By the time she reached an area thin enough of trees the sun would be down and she'd have only the moon and the stars to guide her way. Luckily for Wisp, she still had excellent night vision. Though she was an abomination, part of that was still feline, after all.
She found her way over and around the sticks and thorns and other such debris littering the forest floor with ease and moved in complete silence. For one who had just moments earlier rolled out of bed, Wisp carried herself with incredible grace and poise.
She kept an ear out as she moved through the forest, knowing that she was far from alone here, but hoping rather than other humanoids, to run into something to eat. As luck would have it, a rabbit darted across her path. In an instant, Wisp's pale skin was covered in fur of red, black, brown and white and her delicate hands transformed into claw tipped paws. Now a spotted and stripped wild cat, Wisp sunk her claws into the rabbit, followed by her fangs and her right eye began to glow red.
Though she looked all cat, Wisp could feel the Vampire blood, begging her to drink and although it disgusted her to give in to such cravings, she found she had no choice. She drained every drop from the rabbit before even tasting the meat. Wisp found herself mortified but her feline stomach growled for food and so she fed on the bloodless rabbit, also without control.
When the rage from both her Bastet and Vampire blood subsided, Wisp found herself sobbing. She pulled her knees to her chin and buried her face, ashamed of herself and all that she was. As a Bastet, everything had been natural, right, but now, with this filthy Vampire blood flowing through her veins, even that which was most natural to her, was tainted.
She found that she wanted nothing more in that moment than to die and yet, the same blood which brought her such shame would not allow her to take her own life. She had no choice but to go on, even if she hated herself more and more each day.

Miakoda 05-11-2007 05:59 AM

(yay that makes me happy great to have you join. i like so far.)

Aki dug through each and every item looking for her definition of treasure. she had already found some peices of gold and a jewel of some sort but nothing really shiny and valuable. aki began to get bored as she looked through the bags. holding her attention long periods of time was not something done easily.

Hatch 05-11-2007 12:25 PM

Rayne smiled at her catch, two nice plump rabbits graced her string and she patted her tummy in response to another growl.
"You two will make a nice bit of jerky you know that? I'll be able to go on for another..............three hours!!" What people didn't realize about Rayne is that underneath that wispy female frame was a black hole, she could and would eat anything that even remotely resembled food.
She stretched out her sore arm, getting the little buggers had been more of a challenge than she orignally thought, and as she stepped through the bushes to her fire, she noticed a figure hunched along the ground.
"Ummm....what're you doing?" She asked.

Kazzy1231 05-11-2007 04:44 PM

Name: Karren
eye color: Brown
hair color: Black
gender: Female
breed: Human
age: 13
and if you wish
clothing: red dress
personality: shy and kind

GainaSpirit 05-11-2007 05:11 PM

Name : Aisha
Eyes color : gold
hair color : red
gender : female
breed : yuan-ti
age : 87 year old
clothing : elegant red and green dress with a brown dark red hood
personality : secretive, a fighter...

GainaSpirit 05-11-2007 05:16 PM

Aisha walked fastly in the dark forst without losing sense of her surrending. Her eyes stayed alert as she looked all around her. She needed to find a shelter soon. That stab in her back was hurthing like hell and she couldn't treat it herself.
She sigh of relief when she saw a little camp set up in front of her. Two person were there standing and looking strangly at each other, but it didn't mather to her.
Her vision got really blured and she collapsed on the ground right in front of the strangers.
'Damn... What a pitiful entrance for a yuan-ti like me...' she though as her vison got all dark...

Miakoda 05-11-2007 09:25 PM

at hearing a voice behind her aki looked back to find who she assumed to be the person that had made the camp site. "eep" aki cried transforming into a raccoon. then grabbing as much treasure as she could carry in her paws and mouth she climbed up into the nearest tree.

wispytearz 05-11-2007 11:53 PM

Wisp startled at Rayne's approach and question. She pulled herself up and back quickly, knuckling her eyes. She looked her over, trying to decide how to respond.
Before she had a chance to speak however, the approach and collapse of another woman, startled her even more. Having gone from completely alone to this overwhelmed her and caught her completely off guard.
Wisp cursed herself for letting her self-pity leave her so defenseless as to not even have noticed the approach of these two. She may have become an abomination but she still had Bastet blood, and though she was loathe to acknowledge it, her Vampire blood also heightened her senses and her strength. She vowed then and there to use these filthy mixed bloods as much to her advantage as possible, and not find herself in such circumstance again.
Having decided that, Wisp half-shifted growing paws and claws, bits of fur and vicious fangs. Her right eye glowed red as she growled at Rayne.
Wisp extended her claws and tore at the surrounding trees, taking chunks out of three of them. Inside she laughed because she knew any human would be terrified of such a display and she had already assumed that this woman was just an ordinary human.
She still had much to learn, but as she was out-casted by both the Bastet and the Vampires and refused the aide of her Sire, Wisp had to learn things on her own, the hard way.
Before giving Rayne a chance to respond, Wisp pounced, landing just shy of Aisha's body. She licked up blood from the stab wound in Aisha's back, intentionally allowing the blood to drip from her mouth and growled again.
The Vampire saliva began to heal Aisha's wound without even catching Wisp's attention as she continued her threatening display.

SEG 05-12-2007 04:13 AM

Name Waikar Helios Kraven, but most girls call him 'Waiii!! >w<'
Eye Color A soft, faded green that manages retain a laughing quality to them, allowing him to sooth and heal those that need it most.
Hair Color Waikar's hair, shockingly golden in hue, extends to his shoulder blades, his board-straight tresses drawn into a classy pony tail. Often times, the sunlight brings out an orange tinge that lies dormant.
Gender Male.
Breed Werewolf.
Age 367, though his looks convey that of a twenty-something.
Clothing Waikar prefers class over comfort. His favorite shirt is a striking silken striped button-up of grey and black, which hugs his manly physique, the first couple buttons left unbuttoned. A pair of coal dress pants adorn his lower half, pressed and tailored just so. And, often times, he draws a tie loosely about his neck.
Personality Waikar is a textbook rake. He knows what to say, when to say, and what to do while saying it, all so that he can enjoy a woman's company. And, while he has some bad-ass tendencies, the most commonly seen portion of his personality is his wicked sense of humor and desire to be happy. He holds those two components highly, viewing them as the meaning to his immortal life.
Past Laterrrrrr....

Miakoda 05-12-2007 06:00 AM

(ya more replies it makes me happy anyway i'm just waiting for a reply so i can continue now)

Hatch 05-12-2007 01:59 PM

Rayne was confused, astounded, and more than slightly frightened. She had discovered:
1: A raider of her camp.
2: A wounded personage and
3: One freaky demon-like thing that was now acting as though to devour said wounded personage.
She had only three choices, either A. Run B. Fight or C. feign death....which she was never good at so it only left her with two. She chose B.
"Get away from her!!!" She cried at the felinesque figure before her. She jerked out her dai-katana, a dark blade alomst twice her length and made ready, the tree hadn't fared well so Rayne knew that it would be best to fight fang with fang. Her eyes narrowed and turned shallow, she couldn't place it, but on the edge of her memory there was a twinge, like she had done this before. Her memories were lost but she would have to make do with new ones, what a way to begin.
First Shot, First Blood She chanted in her mind realizing that against such a large opponent she would have to have the upper hand......or die.

GainaSpirit 05-12-2007 03:03 PM

Aisha heard a lot of noise around her which really confused her. 'And why I am sleeping?' she asked herself. 'Damn... I need to wake up' She forced herself to slowly opened her eyes.

Her mind was stil bluring bit her back wasn't hruting anymore.
'What the hell happen here...' she growled.

She tried to move but with no result. It was like a force was making her stay still on the ground.

"What the-" This time she opened her eyes wide. She saw someone standing right in front of her with a big strange metal weapon.

'Damn ! I though there wasn't any humanoid around this forest ! '
That's when she realised someone was...
'- licking me! '

wispytearz 05-12-2007 05:58 PM

Wisp startled back a bit, more confused than anything. What human was stupid enough to try and take on a raging Bastet? she thought as she leaped out of range of the blade. In her confusion, her right eye dimmed back to green and her claws retracted.
It was then that Wisp noticed that Rayne didn't smell like any human she'd run into before, and that her ears came to a point up top. She mentally kicked herself for once again not noticing the obvious and not using the powerful blood she possessed.
She bounded up the closest tree and perched on a high branch, looking down at the two women. She hissed at Rayne for a moment before noticing something else that should have come to her attention before: the wound on Aisha's back had healed and the blood disappeared. Wisp remembered her Sire having healed wounds she received when her tribe had attacked her, but she never realized that she could also perform such magic.
For the first time since she had met her Sire, Wisp found herself admiring a Vampiric trait. For a brief moment, she also found herself wondering what other magics might flow in this Vampire blood, just waiting for her to stumble across. Wisp also wondered if perhaps she should have stayed with her Sire long enough to at least be taught of her own powers.
She had never really thought of the Vampire blood as her own, not really anyways. Part of her always felt of it as an illness, something foreign invading her body, a taint. Now, however, Wisp almost took a little pride in her blood.
The moment however was not to last as the prejudices instilled in her at an early age would not be overcome so easily. Once again, Wisp was disgusted with herself, now even more so than before, for her momentary appreciation of the flith in her veins.
This taint is what took me from my home, what makes my family revile and hate me. This is a wretched curse and nothing more. I am... an abomination... Wisp told herself.
She returned her focus to the two women below and realized that she had no idea what she was up against. Wisp hoped that the one whom she had healed would be appreciative, even if it wasn't intentional, but this other was ready to hack at her with a sword and she didn't even know what this woman was.
Wisp tried to recall what little she had learned about other species in her classes but to no avail. She remembered that Elven folk had pointed ears, but she could not remember if they were a powerful sort or not. Nor could she recall how to approach them. Her tribe had few dealings with outsiders and those who dealt with them were specially trained to do so. It was not necessary for others to know much more than the basics.
Deciding that she didn't want a fight, Wisp shifted entirely back to human, hoping that Rayne would take it as a sign of peace. She stayed perched on the tree branch, however, ready to flee or shift back if need be.

Miakoda 05-12-2007 07:52 PM

Aki in raccoon form sitting above Wisp on a branch in the tree accidentally dropped a gold coin that had been in her mouth onto wisp's head. aki froze having watching the scene before she hoped that in this form she would be no concern of the creature below her and would be left alone to try and slip away.

wispytearz 05-12-2007 08:18 PM

Wisp flinched as the coin hit her head and reached up to grab it. She examined the gold, and looked up for it's source.
As she scanned the tree branches above, all Wisp could find was a raccoon. Very confused, Wisp paused a moment and thought, I need to slow down and think before I get myself into another mess. She sniffed upward, calling on her heightened senses and realized that that raccoon did not smell like a raccoon. She was uncertain of what the smell was, but she knew she was now surrounded by unknown potential dangers.
Even if they were all minor threats, together, they could all take her out. Wisp suddenly wished she'd stayed with her Sire. Something inside told her that he could have taught her how to handle these sorts of problems. As she focused on thoughts of her Sire, it occurred to Wisp that he had the ability to sprout wings. She considered the possibility that she might also have this power and tried frantically to force her body to grow wings.
Finally, Wisp took a last ditch, desperate attempt and dove, headfirst from the branch, hoping that the need for wings would bring them out, assuming she even had that ability. Luckily for her, that was just the shove Wisp needed. Large, black, feathered wings sprouted painfully, one from each shoulder blade, ripping her skin and her shirt. Wisp cried out and her mismatched eyes welled with tears, as the wings lifted her up into the air.
She hovered just above the tree, still crying and bleeding, but otherwise, in tact and safe.

Hatch 05-13-2007 09:14 PM

"Mhhnnn..." Rayne winced and she could only watch as her opponent dissapeared into the trees. She turned her attention back to the woman on the ground and knelt by her slamming the point of her sword into a nearby tree.
"Hey are you alright?" She asked softly. Her long ears twitched a few times and her navy eyes blinked in wonder. The wound the woman had come with was gone. She smiled glad that her healer skills would not be needed this time.
"My name is Rayne." She said offering her hand.
"Rayne.....of the Shadow Fire actually but that last bit's hard to say so I cut it down to Rayne."

undead 05-14-2007 12:28 AM

Name: mike
eye color: black
hair color:silver
gender: M
breed: undead
age: 21
clothing: torn old tuxcedo
personality: sad depressed and confused
past: was getting married when fiance killed him behind hs back

Miakoda 05-14-2007 05:28 AM

Aki scurried down the tree and over to the two woman. she transformed back into her human form and sat on her hanches(sp?). she quickly stashed her found treasure into a pouch. "are you alright?" aki asked.

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