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Amo_Angelus 11-23-2007 04:29 AM

The CareBears Art Store
Welcome, Rules, Plot, Events, Origional CareBears, Origional CareCousins, Ordering, Breeding, Availability, Roleplaying, F.A.Q, Owners, Reserved, Reserved

Hey there ^_^ Welcome to the CareBear art store. Have you ever wondered why Menewsha is so warm and caring? Well it's because of the CareBears! Here you can create, roleplay and own your very own carebear. All carebears are special in their own way and has a very distinct personality. Help spread the love and get your very own CareBear now ^_^

The Care Bears characters were created in 1981 at American Greetings.

Amo_Angelus 11-23-2007 04:30 AM

Welcome, Rules, Plot, Events, Origional CareBears, Origional CareCousins, Ordering, Breeding, Availability, Roleplaying, F.A.Q, Owners, Reserved, Reserved

:arrow: No Begging
:arrow: Take care of your CareBear
:arrow: Be Patient
:arrow: Pay for your CareBear on time
:arrow: Do not advertise your shop here
:arrow: If you have any questions ask
:arrow: Roleplaying is encouraged!

Amo_Angelus 11-23-2007 04:30 AM

Welcome, Rules, Plot, Events, Origional CareBears, Origional CareCousins, Ordering, Breeding, Availability, Roleplaying, F.A.Q, Owners, Reserved, Reserved

The CareBears are Caring Bears who live in the cloud land of Care-A-Lot. Their mission in life is to make the human world a better place through their respective traits. For example: If a human is feeling lonely and has no friends Friendship Bear will appear and help the human learn how to make friends. Their entire world depends on the human world being good and caring and loving. If we fail to be good people the CareBears home is destroyed!
The care Cousins are animals from the Forest Of feeling.
The carebears travel to earth in the cloudmobile or on Rainbows.
The Care-O-Meter is located in the middle of Care-A-Lot and measures how caring the human world is. If someone is unhappy the Care-O-Meter drops and the CareBears have to look through the starglass to see who's in trouble and then go and help them.
CareBear Stare
The Care Bears' ultimate "weapon" is the "Care Bear Stare," in which the collected Bears stand together and radiate light from their respective tummy symbols. These combine to form a ray of love and good cheer which could bring care and joy into the target's heart.
Care Cousin Call
Similar to the CareBear stare, only the carecousins have to roar, bark, meow etc.

Amo_Angelus 11-23-2007 04:31 AM

Welcome, Rules, Plot, Events, Origional CareBears, Origional CareCousins, Ordering, Breeding, Availability, Roleplaying, F.A.Q, Owners, Reserved, Reserved

November 23rd
The shop is Opened!
November 26th
CareCousins are available.
December 2nd
Nescia gets a free Origional CareBear for becomming a moderator.

Amo_Angelus 11-23-2007 04:32 AM

Welcome, Rules, Plot, Events, Origional CareBears, Origional CareCousins, Ordering, Breeding, Availability, Roleplaying, F.A.Q, Owners, Reserved, Reserved

The Original CareBears
The origional CareBears are NOT for sale as I do not own them and so can not sell them. But they may appear in roleplays and they are a good reference when building your own ^_^
Art comming as I draw it

Baby Hugs
Baby Hugs loves to give hugs. You can never get by her without getting a hug from her. Her partner in crime is Baby Tugs. Whenever those two are together, things are bound to getting interesting.

Baby Tugs
Baby Tugs likes to explore which is why you will usually find him to some sort of mischievious activity. But all is good. Baby Tugs just has a curious mind and like to learn as much as he can so he can be a smart care bear when he grows up. He loves to hang around with Baby Hugs Bear. Whenever those two are together, things are bound to getting interesting.

Bedtime Bear
Bedtime Bear likes to stay up all night. He's the special bear who helps people get a good night's sleep and makes sure they have sweet dreams. There's no better bear for a goodnight hug.

Birthday Bear

Have a birthday coming up? Well Birthday Bear is just the care bear to get the party started. Birthday Bear is quite the party bear!

Champ Bear
Champ Bear is quite the athelete. He enjoys a variety of activities. He also like to teach people that winning is not everything. It is all about having fun!

Cheer Bear
Cheer Bear is a very happy Care Bear who likes to help others see the bright side of life. She will sometimes even do a cheer to help make someone happier.

Friendship Bear

Funshine Bear
Funshine Bear is the Care Bear's class clown. This playful bear really knows how to be funny and to have fun. Funshine Bear works hard to make sure that people have a good time.

Good Luck Bear

Grams Bear is just like any other grandma. She loves her grand kids and loves their compant. She's also filled with advice if you ever need them.

Grumpy Bear
Grumpy Bear frowns a lot—that's his way to show us how silly we look when we frown too much. He also shows that it's okay to be grumpy sometimes.

Love-a-Lot Bear
Love-a-lot Bear believes in the power of love, but is not afraid to help it along. She's a pretty and perky bear who loves everything about love and tries to make it grow wherever she goes.

Secret Bear

Got a secret to keep but you're just dying to tell someone? Well you can tell Secret Bear and your secret will be safe. Secret Bear is great at keeping secrets!

Share Bear
Share Bear loves to share whatever she has with you. If anyone know how to share, it's Share Bear.

Tenderheart Bear
Tenderheart is a loving and lovable bear who knows lots about helping others share their feelings. By helping people show they care, Tenderheart Bear helps spread love and make it grow.

Wish Bear
Wish Bear loves making wishes and believes that everybody should make a wish even though it might not come true. Sometimes though Wish Bear can magically make a wish come true, but not always. It's still fun to make a wish even though it might not come true.

Amo_Angelus 11-23-2007 04:33 AM

Welcome, Rules, Plot, Events, Origional CareBears, Origional CareCousins, Ordering, Breeding, Availability, Roleplaying, F.A.Q, Owners, Reserved, Reserved

The Original CareCousins
Again, please be patient with me whilst I draw all these characters up. There really is a lot of them to do.

Brave Heart Lion
The leader of the Cousins.

Bright Heart Raccoon
Smartest of them all, Bright Heart always thinks of something to get out of trouble.

Cozy Heart Penguin
ozy Heart Penguin is the most friendliest who can brighten up anybody's day just by being there.

Gentle Heart Lamb
Baaahhh. Gentle Heart is the, like her name states, gentle and shy.

Lotsa Heart Elephant
Lotsa Heart Elephant is the strongest of them all, but this elephant is not all brawn.

Loyal Heart Dog
Dogs are considered to be "Man's Best Friend!" Why? Because they're all loyal. That is how Loyal Heart Dog is. Always be loyal, true, and honest to your friends is his motto.

Noble Heart Horse
One of the first Care Bear Cousins that took care of the baby Care Bear Cousins.

Playful Heart Monkey
Monkeying around.. that's what he likes to do the most. He likes to have a good time wherever he is. How can anybody live without a little fun in their lives. Everybody needs a Playful Heart Monkey!

Proud Heart Cat
MEOW! Proud Heat Cat is proud of himself and so should you. He always tries to be the best in everything he does. Always give your best!

Swift Heart Rabbit
As fast as fast can be is him! He is the fastest of them all.

Treat Heart Pig
OiNk!! Treat Heart is like the Share Bear of the Cousins. She likes to treat everybody to everything and not leave anybody out. Got Ice Cream?

Amo_Angelus 11-23-2007 04:34 AM

Welcome, Rules, Plot, Events, Origional CareBears, Origional CareCousins, Ordering, Breeding, Availability, Roleplaying, F.A.Q, Owners, Reserved, Reserved

Custom CareBears
Would you like your own CareBear? Are you feeling inspired? Then simply fill out this form:

CareBear Name:
CareBear Gender:
CareBear Color:
Tummy Symbol:
A little bit about your CareBear:

All CareBears are priced at 100 gold.

Custom CareCousins

CareCousin Name:
CareCousin Gender:
CareCousin Species:
CareCousin Colour:
Tummy Symbol:
A little about your CareCousin:

CareCousins are also priced at 100 gold

Amo_Angelus 11-23-2007 04:34 AM

Welcome, Rules, Plot, Events, Origional CareBears, Origional CareCousins, Ordering, Breeding, Availability, Roleplaying, F.A.Q, Owners, Reserved, Reserved

Yes, you can breed carebears. How do you think we got Baby Hugs and Baby Tugs? :wink: So here's how:
  • Mommy Bear and Daddy Bear must love each other very much (They can be owned by the same person or by two different people).
  • Either mommy Bear or Daddy Bear must then fill out the form at the bottom of the post.
  • Mommy Bear or Daddy Bear must pay 100 gold for the stars and flowers to make a baby bear.
  • Baby Bear will be sent to whomever paid.

Baby Bear will grow into an adult after 1 month.
Roleplaying may make baby Bear grow up faster.

The above also applies to CareCousins. Please note that CareCousins must be of the same species to breed.

Amo_Angelus 11-23-2007 04:35 AM

Welcome, Rules, Plot, Events, Origional CareBears, Origional CareCousins, Ordering, Breeding, Availability, Roleplaying, F.A.Q, Owners, Reserved, Reserved


Angel is currently available to draw custom Bears.
Special Bears are npt available at this time.
Breeding is not available at this time.

1. Empty
2. Empty
3. Empty
4. Empty
5. Empty

Amo_Angelus 11-23-2007 04:35 AM

Welcome, Rules, Plot, Events, Origional CareBears, Origional CareCousins, Ordering, Breeding, Availability, Roleplaying, F.A.Q, Owners, Reserved, Reserved


Roleplaying is not Mandatory, but it is encouraged.
Roleplaying is allowed on this thread.
Roleplaying is allowed in the breedables section of the roleplay boards.

Do not god-mod/powerplay/control other careBears.
No insta Romances. No not even if someone has Romance Bear. Bear powers do not work on other Bears. Only themselves and humans.
Nothing too graphic. This is not PronBears.

Amo_Angelus 11-23-2007 04:36 AM

Welcome, Rules, Plot, Events, Origional CareBears, Origional CareCousins, Ordering, Breeding, Availability, Roleplaying, F.A.Q, Owners, Reserved, Reserved


Why can I not buy an Origional Bear?
The origional Bears are all copywrit. Angel sadly does not own that copywrite. This means she cannot sell their art T_T

What's the free art all about?
Well Angel is not allowed to sell the origional carebears due to copywrite issues, so Angel thinks its a shame to draw them and not have them loved. CareBears need love! So Angel is giving out CareBears to her friends. These slots are Angels choice and are usually to celebrate things. So don't request one.

Amo_Angelus 11-23-2007 04:37 AM

[Welcome, Rules, Plot, Events, Origional CareBears, Origional CareCousins, Ordering, Breeding, Availability, Roleplaying, F.A.Q, Owners, Reserved, Reserved


Jayms_Fallen_Angel - Friendship Bear
Nescia - Good Luck Bear
Daashi - CuddlePie Koala


Amo_Angelus 11-23-2007 04:37 AM

Welcome, Rules, Plot, Events, Origional CareBears, Origional CareCousins, Ordering, Breeding, Availability, Roleplaying, F.A.Q, Owners, Reserved, Reserved

Amo_Angelus 11-23-2007 04:38 AM

Welcome, Rules, Plot, Events, Origional CareBears, Origional CareCousins, Ordering, Breeding, Availability, Roleplaying, F.A.Q, Owners, Reserved, Reserved

jessiekins 11-23-2007 05:57 AM

  • Hello deary!!

    How are you. I'm working on making my quest thread a little Christmasee!

Amo_Angelus 11-23-2007 05:58 AM

I be good ^_^ I working on adding art to this. I only have Friendship Bear *strokes her*

jessiekins 11-23-2007 06:03 AM

  • Still friendship bear is a good bear indeed. ^^

Amo_Angelus 11-23-2007 06:05 AM

She is ^_^ I drew her as the adoption threads mascot. But I'm using her in here because I don't want to draw her again when I have all the rest of the art to do >_> Does your daughter like CareBears?

jessiekins 11-23-2007 06:17 AM

  • Katie love's them. So far she's got sunshine bear, friendship bear, oh crap i can't remember the other 4's names. umm..... bedtime bear.

Amo_Angelus 11-23-2007 06:25 AM

>_> Funshine bear not sunshine.

nescia 11-24-2007 12:05 AM

Good luck with your shop, Jayms_fallen_angel!

Amo_Angelus 11-24-2007 12:06 AM

Thank you ^_^

daashi 11-24-2007 11:26 AM

Oh my god!!!!!

CareBears for Sale!!!!!

Question Angel; are you doing the CareBear cousins as well?

I love the care bears! I still have my Funshine teddy from when I was four!

I want one! Jesus, now what exatley to I want?

Amo_Angelus 11-25-2007 01:21 PM

YAY Daashi wants one?

hmmm care cousins... I hadn't really thought about it, but sure. If you want a care cousin then I can draw one up for you. :)

daashi 11-26-2007 01:32 AM

Actually I would like two. Twin Koalas.

CareBear Name: Cuddlepie Koala
CareBear Gender: Male
Care Bear Color: Green (not the green of Luck Bear, but rather a pale mint green).
Tummy Symbol: An Eucalyptus Leaf shaped like a heart.

CareBear Name: Sugarplum Koala
CareBear Gender: Female
Care Bear Color: Pale Yellow
Tummy Symbol: A sprig of Wattle, with either the leaves or blooms shaped like love hearts. I'll leave that up to the artist deiscreation.

Sugarplum and Cuddlepie, twin gaurdians of the land down under. Fun-loving, outgoing and playful, these CareBear Cousins are a joy to be around.

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