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PaintTheSkyRed 08-19-2009 12:53 AM

Sweet Delights (Yaoi with Cake) [Open & Accepting!]
Sweet Delights has been opened up for 25 years now, the old couple who ran it died and they are leaving the bakery to their son Cael, who has decided to let out the rooms above the bakery to those who get hired.

Do you think you have the skill to get hired? Or are you going to help support the bakery by eating their great pie? (I suggest the apple.)

PaintTheSkyRed 08-19-2009 12:54 AM


-PM your profile to me, 'kay thanks.
-Do not post in here unless you have an accepted profile that is listed within Workers and Regulars post.
-This is a romance roleplay, yaoi is highly encourged.
-Don't go over PG-13, Mods don't like it.
-The rules might change and they might not.
-Cussing is allowed but use with caution.
-Drama is loved.
-Do not Godmod or flame others.
-This is a literature roleplay. Use English. It's a good language.
-Develope your characters to make them interesting. Perfect characters are annoying.
-No female workers, only female "Regulars"

PaintTheSkyRed 08-19-2009 12:54 AM

Living Quarters:

Sweet Deights is a three story building with the two top floors being living quarters. The bakery has about twenty tables in the eating area. It has a glass container to show off pies and what-not, along the bottom of the counter. The back kitchen has many ovens and other necessities. Aside of the kitchen there is a large freezer, a storage room and then the owner's office. Next to the office is a set of stairs that lead up to living quaters. There are twelve bedrooms in total and six on each of the two floors.

The second story has the master bedroom, Cale's and his bathroom, and then five other bedrooms which a communal kitchen and living room. There are two other bathrooms on the floor and then upstairs on the third story, as six bedrooms and three bathrooms. There is a game room and a small kitchen area with a reading space/small living room. Each bedroom has one full sized bed, a dresser, and a closet. The master bedroom has a king sized bed and the bathrooms has a shower and a tub. The other bathroom have a toilet, sink, and a tub/shower combo.


Second Story -
Room 1 Cael Stone
Room 2 Elijah White
Room 3 Jamie Ashbury
Room 4 Rakuen Wakahisa
Room 5 Rae Mitchells
Room 6 Cassiel Brine

Third Story -
Room 1 Tanyon Victors
Room 2 Daniel Harthe
Room 3 Keeren McCallistair
Room 4 Conrad Valainis
Room 5 Alexis Gabriel
Room 6 Kedzie Jaska

PaintTheSkyRed 08-19-2009 12:55 AM

Job Application:


Name -
Nickname -
Age - (19-26)
Gender -
Height/Weight -
Biography - (5 sentenes or more)
Personality- (5 sentences or more)
Orientation -
Picture -
5 Dislikes -
Job Position - (Cake decorator, pie maker, donut filler.. etc..)
Posting Color -
Floor Level -
Username -

"Regular" Application:


Name -
Nickname -
Age - (19-26)
Gender -
Height/Weight -
Biography - (5 sentences or more)
Personality - (5 sentences or more)
Orientation -
Picture -
5 Dislikes -
Posting Color -
Username -

PaintTheSkyRed 08-19-2009 12:57 AM



Name - Caelan Stone
Nickname - Cael
Age - 20
Gender - Male
Height/Weight - 6'2", 160
Biography - Raised in the bakery as a little boy and loves to cook. He graudated high school and got his cooking degree while in his last year of high school. When his parents died he was sad but continues to run the business. He is Irish and English.
Personality- Very sarcatic, but is a hard worker. He is friendly to customers but when it comes to others, he is a bit cruel.
Orientation - Homosexual
5 Likes - Cake, baking, cooking, eating, working
5 Dislikes - Slackers, veggies, people who don't listen, people who talk back and having to deal with people who cry.
Job Position - Owner, baker.
Posting Color - DarkRed
Floor Level - 2
Username - PaintTheSkyRed

Originally Posted by katkitoshi
Name - Tanyon Victors
Nickname - Tan, Tanny
Age - 19
Gender - Male
Height/Weight - 5'7"/130lbs
Biography - Tanyon is a freshman in college who loves to have fun and see people smile. There isn't much to say other than his parents passed away, and was living with his older sister. While grateful to her practically raising him, once he entered college he wished to branch out, and become independant. That's when his sister tells him about an old bakery that just got a new owner, and was accepting tenants. Packed and thanking her, Tanyon sets out to his future home.
Personality- Tanyon is very sweet and loves to se ethe brighter side of things. While not exactly shy, he embarrasses easy, but he takes it all in stride. No one has ever really seen him mad and it takes something major for that to happen. Though more often than not, the situation may cause him to sit and mope, or think about what went wrong, before resorting to anger.
Orientation - Gay, but will flirt with girls from time to time (very much a Suke XD)
Picture -
5 Likes -The color green, cake, parties, hot guys and cute ones too
5 Dislikes - ..Not much really, he's very open minded and cheerful. I guess the only thing he'd dislike is someone who is close minded, or mean.
Job Position - Pie maker and cupcake creator.
Posting Color - Dark Green
Floor Level - 3rd
Username - KatKitoshi


Name - Elijah White
Nickname - Eli
Age - 19 1/2
Gender - Male
Height/Weight - 6'3", 183
Biography - (See below)
Personality- Eli is kind of a nutter, more in his habits than anything. Amongst the familiar he is energetic as hell if not a bit annoying at times, kind of a dork, slightly neurotic and nervous. Over all hes not very adventurous, quiet most of the time, he isn’t very open to new people and will often stay away until he gets more comfortable. Hes not very good at dealing with new people and likes to keep to himself out of nervousness. Even around friends hes flighty and skittish.
Orientation - Bisexual
Picture -
5 Likes - Colorful things, snakes (particularly his pet snake Ophelia), cats, cherries, summer, beaches, nice people, music
5 Dislikes - Crowded rooms, people he doesn’t know, dogs, big animals, insects, cold weather, obnoxious people.
Job Position - He makes Cannolis
Posting Color - Dark Green
Floor Level - Second
Username - Nekochan5345

Originally Posted by Silverbeam
Name - Daniel Harthe
Nickname - Dan, dannie, hey you, cutie, man -boy, (anything LOL)
Age - 24
Gender - Male
Height/Weight - 6'7'
Biography - He is quite literally a runaway prince. He has three older brother's however so he always felt he wasn't needed. He wasn't given much unnecessary attention, although he wouldn't say he was ignored. He went to the same etiquette classes, dance lessons, and anything else necessary for his heritage along with his older brothers. He was allowed to runaway so to speak, as his parents and family didn't want to restrict him as he wasn't directly in line to the thrown. He does have an unknown watcher/body guard that keeps a good distance from him. He keeps his background information secret.
Personality- He is quiet, but extremely polite. He is not shy even though he is quiet and is willing to make small talk easily, and occasional an actual deep discussion. He will bow to any lady or gentleman he is serving, help someone out of their car, always open the door for another, and all that chivalry stuff.
Orientation - Unknown
Picture -
5 Likes - Smile, politeness, manners, clean and well pressed clothes, order and silence.
5 Dislikes - chaos, stress, rudeness, spinach, and wrinkles.
Job Position - Waiter (when not delivering) and the deliveries (main job)
Posting Color - color
Floor Level - third
Username - Silverbeam


Originally Posted by lunanuova
Name - Jamie Ashbury
Nickname - Jay (most people call him this)
Age - 22
Gender - Male
Height/Weight - 5'11
Biography - Jay has always been creative and good with his hands. He loves to cook for his friends and family, though he loved architecture more. However, he found that architecture wasn't as great as he thought it was after working for himself for some time. He looked for jobs where he could be creative. Jay found this place when walking around town, finding his passion in cake decorating.
Personality- He is very generous towards others and will always help them when they are in need. He is enthusiastic with his work. Jay can get annoyed at things quite easily, especially when he can't do something. He doesn't know if he should or shouldn't flirt with guys as he is confused as to what sexuality he is. Also, he is afraid of what his family would think of him.
Orientation - He doesn't really know. He would consider himself bisexual if asked.
Picture -
5 Likes - the rain, having close friends, flirting, baggy jeans, his job.
5 Dislikes - failing at something, being rejected, people who tease him, being put on the spot, dirt.
Job Position - Cake decorator
Posting Color - Indigo
Floor Level - Second
Username - lunanuova


Originally Posted by HikariKuro
Name - Rakuen Wakahisa
Nickname - Rak
Age - 20
Gender - Male
Height/Weight - 6'5" 300 pounds of raw muscle
Biography - As a kid he always loved art, particularly painting and sculpting. He used to always be in the kitchen cooking or baking something with his mother. So one day, for his mother's birthday he combined his two passions and created an amazing cake. After graduating from high school he went to college to become a chef, but his real passion is baking. He wishes to become a baker like his mother.
Personality- Very open and friendly. A real people
Orientation - Bi
Picture -
5 Likes - LOVES his name Rakuen Wakahisa translates to: "Pleasure Garden" and "Forever Young", loves living up to his name as long as he's in a serious relationship with someone. Art, baking, his family, and his guitar.
5 Dislikes - People who hear his name and think that he's a man-*hore. Rudeness, cruelty, stupidity and cats.
Job Position - Insane Cake Decorator (Think Ace of Cakes)
Posting Color - Lime
Floor Level - Second
Username - HikariKuro


Originally Posted by MimiYoshi
Name - Rae Mitchells
Nickname - Rae
Age - 20
Gender - Male
Height/Weight - 5'6", 110
Biography - Being born as the youngest child, Rae was often a pampered little guy. Always getting what he want, he often went along with his father, a chef cook who has his own business chain of restaurants. Being raised with it and wanting to do something similar, Rae taught himself how to bake cakes and cookies. Now positive he would want to be a pastry baker, he went off to study for it, one he graduated from.
Personality- : Rae is a polite young man, one who always sees the best in other people. He’s not stuck up, as since he cares little about looks. His soft personality is one of his best features, yet even though he's kind and willing to help out, he does show where his limits are and when one crosses them. He likes to party every now and then, often using the excuse of destressing himself while at it. Enjoying the company of friends, Rae is the laid-back type of guy who doesn’t take any interest in making a fool out of others, yet is the type to entertain people as much as he can. With his charming smiles, he is capable of winning anyone over, whenever he wants to.
Orientation - Bisexual.
Picture -
5 Likes - Writing, cooking, massages, pampering himself and shopping.
5 Dislikes - Arrogancy, girly screams, selfish people, corn, bad manners [mostly tablemanners].
Job Position - Pastry baker and decorates them [cakes as well]
Posting Color - Medium Turquoise
Floor Level - Second
Username - MimiYoshi.


Originally Posted by Remaro
Name – Cassiel Brine
Nickname – Cas, some friends call him Pixie or Muffin Man (He hates it)
Age - 21
Gender - Male
Height/Weight – 5’5, 135
Biography – Cassiel’s parents both worked as skilled vets, so he grew up around animals. He didn’t mind them, until he was six. He’d been bringing some food to one of the animals when it lashed out and left deep claw marks on his face. They were stitched up, but left scars and since then, Cassiel’s been scared of almost all animals, other than fish. His love of making muffins started thanks to a friend’s mum. He’d been staying the night and she decided to teach them how to make the muffins. Cassiel took the recipe home and began cooking them, and soon others, at least once a week. When he left school, he decided to find a place of his own, and finally get away from the animals his parents always had to care for. Cassiel is also part Irish, Scottish and English, and takes pride in his heritage.
Personality- He’s a very adventurous young man, ready to try new things at least once. He loves dancing simply because it’s a release of energy for him, and travelling for the same reason. While Cassiel will give almost anyone a first chance, he is guilty of making assumptions of people at first glance. He’s very good at pretending to be relaxed and at ease in any situation, and at pretending to be friendly to you. However, Cassiel has been known to have a sharp tongue and is unlikely to give people second chances once they cross him. He isn’t likely to stay quiet if he sees injustice and doesn’t mind giving his own, often brash opinions. Cassiel won’t sugar coat the truth for anyone.
Orientation - Homosexual
Picture –
5 Likes – Muffins, Autumn, anything red, dancing (all types), having a laugh, travelling, peace and quiet, sour things.
5 Dislikes – People who are Homophobic, animals in general (excluding fish), overly perky people, being cold, being teased, having nothing to do, pineapple (makes him feel sick)
Job Position – Waiter, muffin maker
Posting Color - Teal
Floor Level - Second
Username - Remaro


Name - Keeren McCallistair
Nickname - Ren or Cal
Age - 22
Gender - Male
Height/Weight - 6'4" and 180 lbs.
Biography - Born to a pair of irish immigrants, Keeren grew up in the slums of the city after their deaths when he was 10. Not a happy beginning really, but it grew better when he was caught for stealing and transferred into an orphanage a year later and from there he ended up going to school properly and graduating at the startling age of fifteen. After he graduated, he started hanging out around bakeries and confectionary shops because he loved the smells and tastes of sweets, not having them very often in the home. So when he was offered a job at one of the smaller shops a few blocks over from Sweet Delights, he agreed and quickly became a baker there at night. Well, that went great until about a month ago when he was kicked out of the apartment he was living in. He's not entirely sure how it happened after that but he ended up with a job at Sweet Delights, a place that he'd always loved going to more than anywhere else and now? Well, now he's a front counter clerk.
Personality- Normally polite and always seeming to be cheerful, there's alot behind the eyes of this young man that many customers talk about in quiet voices behind his back, though many of the younger girls and older women seem to end up with a crush on him because he acts like a gentleman. Not that that ever seems to bother him, and it really doesn't in fact. No one has ever seen him get angry either which, considering the crews he used to hang out with, is quite scary if you think on it.
Orientation - Homosexual.
Picture -
5 Likes - Sweets, baking, tending the store whenever he's alone for one reason or another, playing the piano and he loves reading by the window in his room whenever there's a storm outside. He also has a weakness for kittens and cats, he loves them for some reason and they have the oddest tendency to love him back.
5 Dislikes - Spiders, dark and enclosed spaces, horror movies, loud music and crudeness of any kind.
Job Position - Front Clerk?? Either that or possibly a Cake maker/decorater?
Posting Color -Green
Floor Level - 3
Username -Kayannara


Name - Conrad Valainis
Age - 19
Gender - Male
Height/Weight - 5'5, 120
Biography - Conrad grew up in a small rural town. He grew up with his grandmother, but when she died, he decided to move to a busier area with lots of people. Seeing that Sweet Delights was hiring, he wanted to give the place a try. He would have a place to live, and be surrounded by lots of people! And how hard could being a waiter be? It's easy...right? And he would get discounts on all the sweets! Yay, Sweets!
Personality- Conrad is a very spontaneous person. He loves to sing to himself, and many people would describe him as childish. Conrad is outgoing, but can be a little too trusting of people, which can be a bad thing sometimes. He's an airhead, and can be a little forgetful at times, but is a great listener. That is, when he isn't worrying too much about something. Overall, Conrad is a very friendly person, and can be very forgiving. Although he is very intelligent, many people tend to think otherwise because of the way he acts.
Orientation -Homosexual
Picture -

5 Likes - People(generally), Cartoons, shiny things, Reading, Randomness/sillyness.
5 Dislikes - Closed mindedness, gossip, Thunder, Rudeness, many vegetables.
Job Position - Waiter
Posting Color - Cadet Blue
Floor Level - Third floor
Username - Confection

Originally Posted by Alruna LeNoir
Name - Alexis Gabriel
Nickname - Alex or Lexie
Age - 21
Gender -*Male
Height/Weight - 5’7, 125
Biography - As a child Alexis always had a love for all things beautiful. His grandmother was a florist and owns a well known flower shop in town. His mother was a seamstress who made beautiful clothing for all occasions. Alex learned how to arrange flowers and sow, knit, and crochet just about anything, but one thing he loved doing above all of these things was bake. Ultimately this is what helped him decided he would attend culinary school. There, he majored in pastries and learned now to make everything from a scone to a cup cake. Now, Alex seeks to further his passion by becoming a baker somewhere in town.
Personality- Alexis is kind, smart, wise, and a bit quiet. If he isn’t baking he can be found reading or sowing something (he has a lot of clothing, pillows, and plushies). Despite his calm and quiet nature Alex isn’t a push over and will stand up for those he cares about in a heart beat. Alex does have a tendency to be a bit vain without realizing it, and will often times check his reflection in mirrors or reflective surfaces. He is always willing to listen when someone is in need and has been told by many that he gives off a motherly vibe.
Orientation - Homosexual
5 Likes - Beauty, Cooking, Stuff Toys, Pink and Lavender Clothing, Kitties, and Hair Accessories…
5 Dislikes -*Cruelty, Bigotry, Closed Mindedness, and the Unwillingness to Listen
Job Position - General Baker
Posting Color - Plum
Floor Level - Third
Username - Alruna LeNoir


Originally Posted by Miriald
Name - Kedzie Jaska
Nickname - Kedz
Age - 21
Gender - male
Height/Weight - 5'7" 140lbs
Biography - Kedzie comes from a highly religious, tight-knit family. He has two older sisters, three older brothers, 1 younger brother and two younger sisters. For several generations the men in his family have been skilled mechanics of some sort. Kedzie himself was finishing up an apprenticeship as a heating and cooling mechanic when he left home. Although he had tried to keep the fact that he was gay from his family, an older brother found him kissing another boy and reported it to their father. Kedzie was told to leave the house that night and has not been back since. Since then he's had to earn a living where he could, usually doing odd jobs, being a handyman, and occasionally waiting tables or tending bar. He's a genius at fixing or improving anything that heats, cools, or, basically, has moving parts, and is graceful and energetic doing anything physical.
Personality- Being cut off from his family was devastating to Kedzie but his innately cheerful personality is still intact and has gotten him through the times when he's felt lowest. He has always been friendly and outgoing, and that, combined with his skill at any kind of game or sport, and a somewhat relentless tendency to flirt with anything that moves has served him well in making friends (and sometimes lovers) in the past. He can be too talkative at times, is always hungry, and, though he won't admit it to anyone, still loves the church and sometimes slips into one when nobody's looking.
Orientation - gay (but see comment on flirting above)
Picture -
5 Likes - people, talking, anything machine-like, icy cold beer, adventure
5 Dislikes - whining, bland food, people who think they're better than others, a job left half-done, being alone
Job Position - general handyman, waiter, icer
Posting Color - Dark Olive Green
Floor Level - 3rd
Username - miriald


Originally Posted by katkitoshi
Name - Taurus Beck
Nickname - He doesn't do the nickname thing, but he gladly gives them to others. Most of them quite demeaning. He does however have one name given to him by his fans "The modern Adonis"
Age - 26
Gender - Make
Height/Weight - 6'4"/180
Biography - Taurus doesn't like to say anything about his past. All this is known about him, is that he's a model and small time actor trying to work his way up. However because of his good looks and standoff-ish attitude, he has the same renown as any big time Hollywood celebrity, if not moreso. There are rumors that he slept his way to his current positions, and that he'll continue to do so until he reaches the top, but most of the rumors are unfounded, or ignored. Most set aside as the rantings of all the women (and men) he's ignored. There was however one moment in his life that very few know about. He had been the suspect of the gruesome murder of his former lover. The charges have since been dropped, but he always seems haunted by the events nonetheless.
Personality - Taurus is a skilled charmer. He will kiss a woman's hand, or stroke a man's cheek and turn them to mush in moments. This is all a game to him. He has no concept of "love" and has much more fun toying with people and their emotions. Sprinkling lies and doubts, then sits back to see the drama unfold.
Orientation - Bi-Sexual, but has a stronger preferance for men.
Picture -
5 Likes - himself, watching people squirm, destroying relationships, liquor and pastries (he has a secret sweet tooth)
5 Dislikes - People, the concept of love, authority, people who can outwit him (though that's yet to occur) and dogs. (he's a cat person)
Posting Color -Dark Slate Gray
Username - KatKitoshi


Name - Lucas McWatt
Nickname - Luke or Lou
Age - Almost 21! Yay beer!
Gender - Male
Height/Weight - 5'6", 145
Biography - (See below)
Personality- He'll usually come off as pretty normal in conversation with a new person. He can easily pull off the suave act and likes to flirt, though he does it for fun not for the other obvious reasons. Other than that he keeps a distance, at most he's a bit clingy, but hes like that to everyone. He often acts very goofy and loves to have a good time when he can. Most people see him as a very closed person because he has trouble showing his emotions and has a blank face most of the time. Hes also a big fan of dressing up and has actually a very sinister imagination when he wants to. Obviously Halloween is his favorite holiday.
Orientation - Homosexual
Picture -
5 Likes - Cigarettes, goofy shirts, things to go his way, watching acrobats, screamo music
5 Dislikes - People invading his space, snakes, pain, being alone, elevators
Posting Color - Navy
Username - Nekochan5345

Originally Posted by Kaori Pari'
Name - Wynter-Skye Haley.
Nickname - Her name Skye or just Wynter/Wyn.
Age - 20
Gender - Female.
Height/Weight - 5'4'"/99lbs.
Biography - Wynter is a bubbly girl. She loves to make people laugh and will do anything in order to see someone be happy. She's new in town after moving from England with her mother and four year old sister. She made her way into a local college as well as starting out as a cake decorator. She loves to design and create and the taste of cakes! She started out at a young age with always drawing random things she could get her hands on. She'd spend hours in her room just making sketches of art, until one day she spotted her mother creating a cake for a wedding party. Eventually helping her mother to create and design cakes as she got older made Wynter realise that her ambition was to design cakes. Personality- Wynter loves to laugh. She's a bubbly girl with a soft heart. She's easily shy, yet very friendly. She dislikes getting involved with any drama unless it involves someone close to her. If she becomes mad, she'll go for long walks in order to clear her head. She's easily gullible as well as placid with the way she speaks, thinks and acts.
Orientation - Undisclosed.
Picture -
5 Likes - Taking care of her mother & sister, helping others, illuminous/neon colours, walking & learning new things.
5 Dislikes - Mean people, people who hurt her or close ones, racist'/judgementals, people who criticise her work & jealousy.
Posting Color - Pink.
Username - Kaori Pari'.


Name - Kiyoshi Wakahisa
Nickname - Ki
Age - 20
Gender - Male
Height/Weight - 6'5" 300 pounds of raw muscle
Biography - As a kid he was more like his father. While his mother and older brother were into art and baking. Kiyoshi and his father were more into music. He and his father would often play music for Rakuen and their mother while they baked. It was him on violin and his father on piano. Kiyoshi works at the music shop next to Sweet Delights, giving violin and piano lessons. He is going to college for English to become a writer like his father.
Personality- A little shyer than Rakuen but still very friendly. He has been burned badly by love before and is hesitant to enter a relationship.
Orientation - Bi
Picture -
5 Likes - Music, his family, writing, writing and his name. Kiyoshi means "Pure". He and his brother often tease each other about the meaning of their names.
5 Dislikes - Cats, rudeness, cruelty, stupidity, people who tap their feet and sigh when they're impatient drive him nuts for some reason.
Posting Color - Cyan
Username - HikariKuro

Originally Posted by X---AznCo0ki3
Name - Miyuku Teiji
Nickname - Miku, Miyu, Mimi
Age - 19
Gender - Female
Height/Weight - 5'5 & 98lbs.
Biography - Miyuku, the new girl in town. Her parents are dead & her brothers are in the army, she moved here from America. Ever since she was small she had wanted to be a chef or a baker so she can be found hanging out at the bakery almost 24/7, being a well educated & bright young girl she is following her dreams. Though she is very quiet don't make the mistake of misjudging her, because she can be a straight up rude person if you give her the chance to be.
Personality- Miyuku is quiet, observant, bubbly, though she will open up to you if you play your cards right. This girl is extremely shy around boys, & will fluster up easily if embarrassed around them. She can often be mistaken for being a snob & stuck up because, she will simply ignore you if she is in a mood where she will burst into tears for some reason.
Orientation - Straight
Picture -
5 Likes - Cooking, baking, reading, playing sports & helping others
5 Dislikes - Mean people, cakes that have WAY to much icing, procrastinating, burning her food & jerks.
Posting Color - Dark Orchid
Username - X---AznCo0ki3 ]


Name: Penelope Cartalick
Nickname: Penny
Age: 19
Gender: Girl
Height/Weight: 5'8 103 LB.
Biography: Ever since she was a little girl her mom would take her into the shop and she would smile and get whatever she wanted. She comes every day of the week and sometimes on saturdays and Sundays. She loves all of the workers because they all know her. And she is emo!
Orientation: Men
5 Likes: Sports, food, short skirts, the color black
5 Dislikes: Smokers, people, makeup, supermodels, creepers
Positing color: Purple
Username: Zovilove

Originally Posted by Little Miss
Name - Fennel Ramond
Nickname - Fey
Age - 19
Gender - Female
Height/Weight - 5'4 117 lb
Biography - Regular dorky girl. Born into a well-off family in the city, and spends most of her time writing stories and walking her dog, Sammy.
Personality - Dorky, sensitive, and happy
Orientation - Men
Picture -
5 Likes - Books, cute animals, birds, manga, cupcakes
5 Dislikes - Carrot juice, nuts, rats, people with way to much makeup, horror movies
Posting Color - Orange
Username - Little Miss


Name - Shuuren Corenthrek
Nickname - Shuu
Age - 24
Gender - Male
Height/Weight - 6' even
Biography - Not much to say about Shuuren's past. He grew up in a family as the eldest of four other siblings, all of which happened to be girls and because his parents, his mother a lawyer and his father a famous surgeon were always busy he pretty much ended up raising his siblings himself. Typical really, he'd wake up at five in the morning and make his four sisters their breakfast, then he'd wake up the first three who were each thirteen, nine and eight, and then he'd make their lunches while he let their youngest sibling sleep. After they ate and had gotten ready for school he'd let them go and play while their father came home exhausted and ready to get some sleep. After his sisters lunches were made, he'd wake up the youngest who was only three and help her dress and eat and get ready for preschool. Then he'd have to make sure they got on the bus to their schools and wait for the preschool teacher to pick up the youngest before he himself went to work as a librarian at the city library.
Personality - Well, as for his own personality, he's normal, though when he gets angry it's very obvious since he has this little problem of getting quieter and quieter so that when he speaks it's shocking and his words end up hurting more then when or if he has to act out physically. With his job, he's nice enough though he's by no means inviting with his personality and he very rarely acts out towards others, like asking them if hey need help or something. It just doesn't happen. Not because he's shy of course, he's far from that, but because....well....he just couldn't care less if someone needed a book or a tome off of a higher shelf. From morning 'till night, Shuuren never really relaxes and it's only been in the last few months that he's found the little bakery-coffee shop place called Sweet Delights that he's managed to relax and not stress out over things.
Orientation - Bisexual
Picture -
5 Likes - Coffee, Sour and sweet things, rainy days, thunder and dogs.
5 Dislikes - Cats and birds, drama, fire and enclosed spaces.
Posting Color -Dark Slate Blue
Username -Kayannara

Originally Posted by Chikuma
Name - Jean Pierre Jennet
Nickname - None
Age - 19
Gender - Male
Height/Weight - 5'1" / 109 lbs
Biography - At the age of twelve is when Jean's whole life changed. The marker for this change was the death of his mother in a traffic accident. After his mother's death his father went from an average guy to an abusive drunk. Jean spent his teenage years getting verbally and physically abused. Since Jean could remember what his father had been like before the beatings he still to this day finds excuses for his father's behavior. Near the end of his last year in high school Jean meet an older man at a café and they got into a relationship. After graduation they moved in together at Kent's urging. At first Kent seemed very charming and loving but he turned out to be very possessive and abusive. Jean has been with him for about a year but recently has been having doubts.
Personality- He is quiet and shy but that is mainly due to abuse. If he feels safe around someone he can be very inquisitive. He tends to think the best of everyone. He has low self confidence but is easily lifted up if given praise. He can seem a little odd, in appearance and personality, because he finds random things interesting and/or beautiful. He is loving and loyal. He is actually quite talented and intelligent if he were given a chance.
Orientation - Homosexual
Picture -
5 Likes- flowers, clothes, sewing, people watching, what he refers to as 'undiscovered wonderfuls' and weather
5 Dislikes - violence, spicy foods, singing, alcohol, and heights
Posting Color - Gray
Username- Chikuma


Originally Posted by ll Xiao Mai Shan ll
Name - Kim Jung-wha (Meaning morally upright and beauty)
Nickname - Kim or Young
Age - 25
Gender - Male
Height/Weight - 6'3''
Biography - Being brought up in a massive and wealthy family, Kim was forced to become a successor of a large firm at the age of just sixteen. Kim loved everything to do with music and only stayed in the firm for the next two years because of his kind mother, to make sure she was being rightfully protected from that malicious man of a father. Yet sadly, he death soon followed after just two years and Kim had no choice but to leave his older brothers and sisters behind to fulfil his dream. His mother would have wanted that. Now, after six years, he is nearly famous, except something was stopping him. Something he once experienced but lost. Something he often felt when he usually made a whistle stop to Sweet Delights.
Personality - Kim is usually reserved and secretive when he is in a new situation, apart from that he is friendly, fevrent, and usually described as 'one of those guys who would do anything for the one they loved'.
Orientation - Half Korean and half British
Picture -
5 Likes - His piano, skydiving, obviously cakes, swimming and going somewhere isolated and screaming his lungs out.
5 Dislikes - Cats, when it rains on him, getting too drunk because he can't control what he says, neat rooms and his father.
Posting Color - Sandy Brown
Username - ll Xiao Mai Shan ll


Originally Posted by TanaChan
Name - Tanakera
Nickname - Tana
Age - (19
Gender - Male
Height/Weight - 4' 11''
Biography - Was born with a fraternal brother named Nickolas, he was the least favorite of the two, he and his brother were both violinists, and exact opposites. Tana is short, while his brother is 6 feet tall, had dark hair, while Tana is blond. They both share their emerald green yes with their mother who would treat Tana like a dog, would beat on him, and even blamed the teen for the plane crashing while his brother was on his way to England. He ran away when he was sixteen, after being hospitalized for slitting his throat. He'd lived on his own for a few years now, and isn't exactly easy to make money while in high school. He did somethings he regretted doing just to pay rent on time. He lives in crappy apartments, with no chance of moving out anytime soon.
Personality - He's usually sweet, and a little shy. Quiet most of the time unless he's really excited. He's an excellent musician who hasn't been discovered for his talent yet, and he's very child like at times, when he can be. He doesn't watch a lot of TV, and is cautious around few strangers unless he's uncomfortable around them. He's a pretty clean person despite looking raggedy. He's depressed about his brother even though it's been three years.
Orientation - Homosexual
Picture -
5 Likes - His violin, Apple pie, music, cute little fuzzy kitties, and Anime
5 Dislikes - Bugs, girls, abusive parents, his apartment complex, planes.
Posting Color - this one
Username - TanaChan


Originally Posted by JessehBoo
Name- Evalign Evans (Ee-vah-line. Eh-vans)
Nickname- Evie
Age- 20
Gender- Female
Height/Weight[/ - 5'5" 120 lbs
Biography - Part-time college student, Evie grew up like an average girl. Her father left her and her mother when she was younger an he send letters on her birthday. Her mom is a waitress at a cafe' nearby the bake shop, so over the years Evie got a sweet tooth for the place. Everytime she gets a chance she pops in for some conversation, eyecandy, and a bite to eat.
Personality- She's an art nerd and is studying 2-D design. You can always catch her doodling on her sketchpad if she has it or on a napkin. You can always win her over with a sweet pastry or a good cup of tea. She loves to make conversation, but likes her peace an quiet too. She's very outgoing when she's happy, which is almost all the time.
Orientation Bisexual, but perfers men.
Picture -
her eyes are a dark purple, amethyst color.
5 Likes - Gothic dress, Rave Music, Art of any kind, flirting, shy people; she loves when they finally open up to her, Animals, Rain/Thunderstorms; she loves dancing in them.
5 Dislikes Rude people, spicy food, Rejection, Cruelty, Selfish people, Insects, Concided people.
Posting Color - Purple
Username - JessehBoo


Originally Posted by ASingingGaijin
Name – Lestella Sophia Dupont
Nickname – Sophie
Age – 16
Gender – Female
Height/Weight – 5’ 2”
Abilitity – Fire
Biography – Lestella was born to a farming family who lives near a delta, where the ocean meets the river. This place is perfect for growing crops, fertile soil, abundant and running water supply (there are many mills on the river), warm summers and mild winters. She discovered her power when she was 7. It was a tragic accident. Her two older brothers, John and Percy, were teasing her. She was afraid, then angry. In her eyes, the world seemed like it was going to fall apart. So she lashed out viciously and her fiery wrath killed John, the younger one, gave Percy scars that would never go away, and destroyed many of the family’s crops. The incident led to her being sent to St. Aether where the story will hopefully soon pick up.
Personality – Lestella is very reserved and shy. Ever since the accident, she has found it hard to talk. Sophie has never really like boys the way girls her age usually do. This is in part because of the accident with her brothers. She’s afraid that she might hurt someone if she fell in love. She’s easily affected by what others say. If someone said she was ugly, she would believe it. Lestella has no self-confidence and does not expect much from herself. She considers herself to be weak.
Orientation – Straight
Picture – Here
5 Likes – sea breeze, fish, eggs, purple, winter
5 Dislikes – herself, extreme heat, mud, crowded/small places (claustrophobia), swimming
Posting Color – Purple
Username – ASingingGaijin

PaintTheSkyRed 08-19-2009 01:16 AM



PaintTheSkyRed 08-19-2009 02:17 AM

OPEN! c:

Cael frowned and sighed, sitting at his office desk. The bakery was empty behind him and he finished stroking with his marker a sign that said "Help Wanted" and he got up from his desk. He sighed softly "Here comes a new day.." he walked out of the office, and out of the kitchen into the bakery. He manuvered past the many tables to the front door. He flipped the sign to say Open and he pasted the sign against the window. He turned back around and pushed black hair out of his face and went back behind the counter, sitting down on a stool.

katkitoshi 08-20-2009 02:04 AM

Tanyon was running down the block, panting. He was so excited about the news his sister gave him. Working at a bakery, it'll be perfect, he thought as he ran down. Stopping halfway down the block, he fishes out the paper with the address on it. He looks uo and around, and soon spots it. "Ah! There it is!" he said excitedly to himself, then steps inside. "Um.. Hello?" He called.

PaintTheSkyRed 08-20-2009 02:18 AM

Cael raised a brow as he saw a cheerful guy walk in the bakery, the small bell above the door giving off a soft ding. He said, "Hello. How can I help you?" Putting on his best, Help-The-Customer face.

katkitoshi 08-20-2009 02:28 AM

"Hey there!" Tanyon said with a cheery smile and a wave. "Um, I came in to.. apply for a job here?" He said while pointing to the "Help Wanted" sign. He walks up to the counter. "Are you the manager?" He asked.

PaintTheSkyRed 08-20-2009 02:29 AM

Cael's face dropped slightly from his smile to his normal slightly scowled facial expression. He said, "I am the owner and manager." He glanced at Tanyon up and down and said, "What skills do you have?"

katkitoshi 08-20-2009 02:33 AM

"W-well.." He started as he rubbed the back of his head. "I make a mean apple pie!" He said cheerily. "Lots of different kinds actually, and.. and cupcakes too! I can show you if you like?.." Tanyon suggested, still grinning to him.

PaintTheSkyRed 08-20-2009 02:41 AM

Cael shrugged saying, "Pie. Good." He said "Hm.. Cupcakes. Nice." Cael said, "My name is Caelan Stone. Call me Cael. You will be able to lease a room upstairs for getting hired." He shifted his arm out and pointed behind him to the kitchen and said, "That will be your home way from home for now on." He stuck out his hand to him and said, "You are hired. I need all the help I can get."

katkitoshi 08-20-2009 03:09 AM

"Really!? Oh that's great! Thanks!" Tanyon said as he shook his hand in gratitude. "I'll do my best Cael, you won't regret this." He said with a huge grin. "So, do I go to the room now and wait til you need me? Or do you need me right away? I see you're open and all.."

PaintTheSkyRed 08-20-2009 03:18 AM

Cael clapped his hands together, and got down to business. He pointed to his luggage and said, "Bring those up to your room. You are getting room number 1 on the third story. Bring yourself back downstairs and start working on making pies. I expect you should know how to do them." He pointed to the kitchen and said, "All you need is back there, the freezer and the storage. My office is back there and next to it there is a set of stairs. Take the stairs to get up to the other stories"

katkitoshi 08-20-2009 03:30 AM

"Awesome! Alright, I'll be right down!" He grabbed his suitcase and ran up the stairs. Once entering the room, he looked around. "Hm, not bad! Ooh! Game room!!" He said excitedly. "No, later.." Tanyon set his case down, then hurried downstairs. "Any kind of pies in particular you want me to make first? Or should I make a few of everything??" He said, excited to get started.

PaintTheSkyRed 08-20-2009 03:33 AM

Cael said after some thought, "Our apple is most well known so there are recipe books along the kitchen, find the recipe and cook one up and then cook up any others you think people would like." He said, "This will get you more notice with how good your pies taste."

Silverbeam 08-20-2009 03:34 AM

Daniel walked through the streets peering into windows. he was looking for a particular saying.. Hiring.....

He wore a vest, tie and dress shirt and pants. He wanted to wear a jacket but he thought it might be over dressing. He walked along the street learning what shops were in town and thinking about his options. He was almost out of the money he had brought with him when he left home. Of course he could get more easily, but he didn't want to. He wanted to be able to learn to be out on his own instead of being spoon fed by his family. They didn't need him after all...he was more in the way....extra.... Out here he could be more useful to others and to himself.

He was wondering if he should try another street when he spotted it. the sign meaning potential income. It was a delightful little bakery. He didn't know anything about cooking, but maybe they would teach him or he could clean, or something. He wasn't sure what he could do.

He entered the little place, the bell above the door ringing. he looked around and nodded his approval. it seemed well kept up, clean and had a good atmosphere. He walked in further and wondered what he should do. It seemed a conversation was being finished by the boy and a man behind the counter. He waited politely in the background. He stood very elegantly. His posture was perfect, his clothes finely pressed and managed. He made a very fine picture if one had an eye for such.

PaintTheSkyRed 08-20-2009 03:37 AM

Cael heard the bell rang and turned on his Impress-The-Customers and said, "Hello sir. How are you today?" He had to look up at the gentlemen because of his height and he thought Hello Giant.

katkitoshi 08-20-2009 03:48 AM

"Will do boss" He said with a small salute and a wink and he disappears into the kitchen, seeing the recipe. Once he commits it to memory, he nods to himself, then gets started. Grabbing all the ingredients he needs as well as a few extras to give the pies his signature "pizazz". He glances over when he hears Cael speaking to someone and his eyes widen. Whoa that's a big guy

HikariKuro 08-20-2009 03:54 AM

((O_O Bah! I didn't know that this started! XD))

Rakuen swaggered in behind the gigantic man and waited his turn. This place seemed nice.... He hoped that his wild cakes wouldn't be too over the top.... He sighed, 'Where the heck has my confidence gone?! Kiyoshi must have sapped it last night or something. That violin solo he did was amazing! He wasn't even fidgeting like he always does....'

He sighed let his mind wonder, 'Dear lord this man is tall! I'm six five and I feel like a midget!'

The bell rung behind him and his brother, Kiyoshi, wondered in with a huge grin on his face. Rakuen gave him a look that said: not now. So he waited.

Why was Kiyoshi so happy? He just got a job as a violin and piano instructor next door to Sweet Delights. It was a nice little place called Musica Haven.

PaintTheSkyRed 08-20-2009 04:06 AM

Cael glanced at the guy who walked in behind Rakuen, still having his Pleasing-People face on and said, "Please wait one moment sir." And he noticed another guy trail in after and he forced a smile at the other guy.

Silverbeam 08-20-2009 04:08 AM

"Pardon me sire, but I am here to inquire upon the help wanted sign in the window. May I ask what kind of positions are available?" he asked. He may be tall, but he was every inch polite. His voice was calm and gentle and had a pleasant sound.

He stood without any fidgeting or shifting form one foot to the next. Daniel was almost a statue, save it be the little smile and the occasional moving of his lips.

PaintTheSkyRed 08-20-2009 04:14 AM

Cael looked Daniel up and down and said, "Would you be willing to unload trucks? Many positions are open but you look like you could pick up a truck." He stood so that the others couldn't see him and dropped his fake cover. He look blank faced and said, "Can you cook? If not I don't really have the time to help teach you personally. I hired one other guy who is busy making pies but unless you can follow his lead, I would love to hire you to clean and unload shippings. You can also be a waitor for customters."

He said "My name is Cael and if you want those positions, you can have them. There are rooms for lease for those who hire, so then you can go upstairs to the third floor, second room and that will be your room. The stairs are back through the kitchen, next to the office."

katkitoshi 08-20-2009 04:15 AM

Tanyon focused on his baking with a happy smile on his face, he glanced over every once in awhile, watching as more people entered the bakery. He was rolling over some dough with a rolling pin. This place sure attracts some cute guys. He thought to himself.

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