Menewsha Avatar Community

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noofy 12-21-2007 10:27 PM

[nihilistic+christmas] freebies
----- {nihilistic+christmas}→ ART FREEBS FOR YOU. * U *

-----It's very simple because we're very lazy.We drawz for free for cheap hos and poor hos and everything in between. We'll only be drawing your avatars because that's what we do and we are cheap, lazy hos. They'll be given out randomly, please don't ask for one. If we think you deserve something you'll be given something.

-----spazzu noofy sorakoii. augi

1 - don't be a new fag
2 - follow the TOS
3 - you ask for one and you die D< We do random
4 - stay and chat?

noofy 12-21-2007 10:29 PM

[nihilistic+pick ups]- kthxbai

sorakoii. 12-21-2007 10:32 PM

suuup guys * U * bbb
- noofy, i had to go to my stupid cousin's house so i won't be able to talk to you until next week D8;

if you want you could pick people that want art from me and when i get back, i'll send them a pm with free art? ; u;

make my post pretty D8

spazzu 12-21-2007 10:52 PM


spazzu 12-21-2007 11:31 PM

augi 12-25-2007 12:57 AM

o.O; We starting yet? If we don't start today or tomorrow, it'll be like not even a freebie thread event thing at all.

noofy 12-25-2007 01:08 AM

o.o; aug guesses that it's open. ^^

Sevi 12-25-2007 01:10 AM

o 3o~
noofy's and sora's art is always amazing <3
Merry X-mas~

edit edit:
;O;.. just read augi and spazzu are in too~ hehe
You guys are wonderful as well ; 3;~

Sir D . L O Van Lobsters 12-25-2007 01:13 AM

Hey noofy. n_____________n;;<3333

Spring`Tyme Fresh 12-25-2007 01:15 AM

Woo, a new thread! xD I really should be asleep but I'm too awake ... haha.

AkashaHeartilly 12-25-2007 01:17 AM

hello and happy halloween to all!

Come in here and say hello.

Abused mule 12-25-2007 01:18 AM

Rofl. X'D I thought you guys were closing this.

augi 12-25-2007 01:19 AM

Sevi - Er, thanks. XD;

AkashaHeartilly - Hehe, isn't is Christmas Eve and not Halloween? Wrong holiday. XD

Spring`Tyme Fresh 12-25-2007 01:19 AM

Halloween Akasha? o.O

AkashaHeartilly 12-25-2007 01:20 AM

I'm not too big on Christmas. Halloween my favorite holiday!

I should go get back into my Halloween outfit.

Lilim 12-25-2007 01:22 AM

*Passes out* .....

Abused mule 12-25-2007 01:23 AM

rofl. X'D *pokes lilim*

AkashaHeartilly 12-25-2007 01:25 AM

*Get's Lilim some smelting salts*

lilis 12-25-2007 01:46 AM

ahhh pretty *^* -stalks-

merry xmas to you guys! *^*

augi 12-25-2007 02:38 AM

o.o; This took a while. XD Thanks for coming on by. Btw, noof says she probably won't be on till tomorrow. She's playing maple. XDD

First freebie from me. For Abused mule.

Sorry it doesn't really look like your avvie. ^^;

Abused mule 12-25-2007 02:54 AM

Fomg!!! O oO;; *spasms*

So awsome~! [And unecpected!] Thank youu~!

Do you want anything you want to have drawn? 8'D

wish 12-25-2007 02:55 AM

  • o___o Noofy has sexy art.

lilis 12-25-2007 02:57 AM

pretty freebie *^*

maple as in maple story? x'D

augi 12-25-2007 03:04 AM

Thank you and you're welcome! XDD Oooh, augi gets art?

Ah, wait a sec. *goes digging through files* I want Sunflower girl. :D

lilis- Yah, maple as in maple story. XDD

lilis 12-25-2007 03:04 AM

ah i see x'D;; that's cool *^* x'D

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