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Squee-chan 08-04-2008 08:26 PM

Must there be a prize for a thread to last?
Most of the threads for this event I've seen have a free item or picture as a bribe to get people to post. While that's not a bad thing at all, I'm curious why there needs to be a bribe at all.

So this is a bribeless thread. There will be no prize for the first person to reach page 10 if it goes on that long. Just conversation. You can give random presents if you want, but that's entirely up to you. :)

Why do you think people feel the need to give away things by a certain page or post number? Do you do it too? If so, does it really bring more people to threads than one without a bribe?

Or, if you don't feel like answering that- feel free to post ridiculous nonsense. XD Like... What has yellow skin and writes?
A ballpoint banana! :XD

Sapphire Rein 08-04-2008 08:40 PM

xD I agree with you. My thread really doesn't stay alive either.

I understand that some people are charitable and WANT to give away stuff for free as a bonus for chatting in their thread. But I think it's come to seem NEEDED for things to last in event forums now.

Which I really hate. ._.

Oh, and I'm Rein. Hi. xD How're you? lol <3

Popcorn Gun 08-04-2008 08:42 PM

Pfft until the squirrel munk came along and replaced it with an acorn.

x' D

But seriously though, it's just a draw in. Something that keeps people around long enough to hold a conversation, 'cause shiny prizes are nice,lol.
Plus once your in you make friends, and the prize isn't as big of a priority.

Squee-chan 08-04-2008 08:49 PM

Why hello! =D I believe I saw you around last night. I'm Squee~ XD And I'm doing quite well. Debating what to eat, but since we just got back from a week long vacation, there's not much food- haven't done groceries yet. XD

OH no! not an acorn. But then a sparrow with a machine gun killed the squirrel munk. XD
For some reason, I really love your avi. XDDD Cute color scheme. =D

Sapphire Rein 08-04-2008 08:49 PM

That's true too. I personally don't like the idea that I end up making friends with people who came to the thread BECAUSE of the free benefit though. That's what I feel would happen. @.@

@Squee - xD Maybe you did. lol I haven't been able to go on any kind of vacation this summer...or for a while actually. So where did you go? ^_^

ZeldaFlower 08-04-2008 08:56 PM

The reason why is because when people post in your thread, you get .1 of a star. Therefore, they are doing you a favor for posting in your thread.
Maybe some people just start a thread so they can gain stars, but won't actually post that much in them since if you post in your own thread you don't get any stars.

Therefore! I feel it is a nice way of thanking people who post in your thread, to give stuff to them since they are giving to you.


Squee-chan 08-04-2008 08:57 PM

Friends are good, and I don't think that free stuff is bad, but it's a bit depressing when you notice that almost all threads that last are ones that give away stuff.

English moofin. 08-04-2008 08:58 PM


Jennifer 08-04-2008 08:59 PM

I actually don't often post in those threads. Because I know they'll be packed and difficult to have conversation in. So I venture to threads like these. ^____^

`Rockstar 08-04-2008 08:59 PM

D: I loved the Gotham Knight/Batman Anime. XD With that being said, Hello everyone!

Explosive Rainbows 08-04-2008 08:59 PM

well, my thread is dead and it has no enticing little goodies.... but i do have one regular!! ^^ that's somewhat of a record for me seeing as most of threads die within about 15 posts in total. so if you care to put in a little bribe it keeps the buisiness coming but there are some non~ prize oriented succesfuls.

sooooo, hi.

English moofin. 08-04-2008 09:01 PM

Yay the next items out!

Sapphire Rein 08-04-2008 09:01 PM

*luffles ZeldaFlower* xD Hi English Moofin. Cute name. lol

And I agree with you both; Squee and Jennifer. I usually go for threads I see have JUST been made or only have a few posts in them at the time. ^_^ Oh, and I know what you mean Zelda. xD

Squee-chan 08-04-2008 09:01 PM

You make quite a valid point.
But doesn't that way of saying it seem a bit greedy? To make a thread for stars, not because the creator wants to talk, and then hand stuff out to pacify either themselves or the people in the tread?

Although, giving back does make it sound much nicer. =) I suppose I hadn't thought of it that way yet.

`Rockstar 08-04-2008 09:02 PM

Hola! :] Don't feel too bad about it Rainbows, I was going to open up a free art thread, but I didn't think it would be a good idea because the same thing always happens to me. My threads all die within the first few pages. XD

English moofin. 08-04-2008 09:04 PM

Sapphire Rein: thank you!

Sapphire Rein 08-04-2008 09:05 PM

Oh well, regardless chatting is fun I suppose and if you make friends and have nice conversations in any thread, I don't think a free gift of any kind should matter. >.>

It's just hard to suck people in. >< My thread suffers from that as well. ^^;;

sky_angel 08-04-2008 09:06 PM

good afternoon how is everyone?

Squee-chan 08-04-2008 09:09 PM

ak! So many people! XDD I honestly didn't expect that. Hello all! I'll try to keep up with everyone! X3

Hello to you too!

I've never really been to a giveaway thread that I remember, but I could only guess that conversation must be difficult.
I love your siggy by the way. XD Meg is one of my favorite Disney gals.

@Explosive Rainbows
XDDD I'm sorry, I just had to giggle at your name. Because I'm a nerd and it reminds me of a 'villain' in the new Transformers Animated series who attacks with exploding rainbows. (

Yeah 08-04-2008 09:10 PM

I think that people tend to be greedy and there is more of a chance of getting people to your thread by offering free things. I started a thread today and I think it already died, I think if I had things to offer, it would probably still be going strong.

Popcorn Gun 08-04-2008 09:13 PM

@ Squee-Chan ::
Oh no the poor squirremunk. He had a family; a wife and kids! Now the sparrow must pay for the squirrelmunk's funeral, and ther cost of the family.

And thanks. I kind of want to change it, but I don't like the new version of the basic white t-shirt.

Squee-chan 08-04-2008 09:32 PM

D= The posting isn't working for me. >< And just now half the post that were on the thread just disappeared. O_o UGH.

Sorry it's taking me so long to respond. Either my computer sucks, or the site is reaaaaally lagging.

sky_angel 08-04-2008 09:33 PM

i can barily keep up with any of the threads let along try to get take about 5-10 min for the page to load.

so is everyone enjoying the event? there is alot of neat activities....i want to try the treasure hunt or the cooking event.

Squee-chan 08-04-2008 09:43 PM

*gasp!* The page loaded! XDDDD Wow that took about... 40 minutes. >< Though somehow my posts went through despite the "error" page. XD

@Sky Angel
This is my first event actually! And the first thread I've ever started to boot. To be honest, I'm a bit overwhelmed. XDDD I haven't done any of the even things yet, but they do sound fun. =3

I love it too! I bought it the first day it came out like the silly fangirl I am. Which of the stories was your favorite? =3

Popcorn Gun 08-04-2008 10:23 PM

Lag is a bit-...not very nice person.

x' D;

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