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Nolori 08-31-2009 09:21 PM

Babble Drabbles: A Drabble Contest - CLOSED [Please Lock]

--1 September 2010
:: Closed ::
+ Okay guys, here's where I start apologizing profusely.

Stuff has come up and I can't really be on Mene anymore. Which means I can't reliably run BD anymore. If anyone else wants to start up their own Babble Drabble thread please feel free to! If I can't hold the mantle, I'd be glad if someone else wanted to!

That being said, I'd like to thank everyone who ever entered, helped me, or even just hung around the thread for a while. It's been a blast you guys. An inspiring blast.
Keep on writing and may our pens cross each other again some day!

Thanks again everyone,

Table of Contents
+News -You Are Here-
+About - Rules - Prizes
+Current Prompt - Deadline
+Entering - Entrants - Past Winners

Nolori 08-31-2009 09:23 PM

:: About ::

The basic idea of a drabble contest is to write exactly one-hundred (100) words on the theme provided. A lot of you already do this (or something like it) in your personal drabble threads in the Drabble/Round Robin sub-form. So why not get some extra gold for doing it?

Every two weeks there will be a new prompt.

After five rounds we'll hold a "Winner of Winners", where I'll post a poll and you get to pick who the Winner of Winners will be. The poll will be up for only one week!
The Winner of Winners will recieve 250 gold.

--If you do not have a Word Counter on your computer, you can go to Word Count Tool online.--
-- This contest was inspired by Ivydoll's Drabble Battle and CafeBrulot's CDC from --

:: Rules ::

+Interpret the theme however you choose. I will not dock you points because you think more 'outside the box' than I do!
--The prompt does not have to be in your piece! The idea is to be inspired!
--If I do ask how you came to your interpretation, please understand that it is only out of curiosity.

+Manners and Courtesy for your fellow drabblers and hostess!

+No begging for gold or whining to me about how you didn't win.

+No chatspeak or 'txt tlk'.

+Please run through your piece with a spell-checker! Basic grammar is also greatly smiled upon.

+I reserve the right to add more rules as I see fit. Please don't make me see fit. =[

:: Prizes ::

+The winner of each round will receive 100g.
+The Winner of Winners will receive 250g.

--Prizes will be sent out and the end of each round.

Nolori 08-31-2009 09:25 PM

:: Current Prompt ::

+ N/A+

:: Deadline ::


Nolori 08-31-2009 09:26 PM

:: Entering ::

+Do Not PM Me Your Entry
--This is to keep everything in one place. If you have a question, feel free to PM me. But post your entry here!

+Please clearly state which part of your post is the drabble and which part is conversation (if you post any).

::Entry Form::


Drabble: [Your 100 words]
:: Current Entrants ::

:: Past Winners ::

:: Round 1 ::


+Round 1.1:
--Chunsa-chan`s "Swing swing"

+Round 1.2:
--Nanami Ugachi`s "Celebration"

+Round 1.3:
--Moxie`s "Something Stranger"

+Round 1.4:
--BonesTheHeretic`s "Straighten Up"

+Round 1.5:
--Moxie`s "Seed of Villiany"

+Winner of Winners for Round 1:


:: Round 2 ::


+Round 2.1:
--slickie`s "The Sun"

+Winner of Winners for Round 2:


:: Round 3 ::

+Round 3.1:
--kattsyn`s Documentary

+Round 3.2:
--Meguzu`s Ivory

+Round 3.3:
--Naisou`s Fangless

+Round 3.4:
--fairywaif`s Wood for a Fire

Nolori 08-31-2009 09:28 PM

:: Advertising! ::

Like Babble Drabbles? Add a link to your signature and help our little drabble contest grow!
-All banners (including the main banner) were made by For-Chan Cookie of Paper Fortune Graphics!

Please save the image and upload it to your server.


Babble Drabble Link:

Nolori 08-31-2009 09:29 PM


Nolori 08-31-2009 09:31 PM

And we are OPEN! -cuts ribbon-

♥Martyr♥ 08-31-2009 10:08 PM

---steals first post and eats ribbon---

I would love to write on a topic...If i knew what the topic is...

Nolori 08-31-2009 10:34 PM

In post three it's got the current prompt. It's "Primary Colors".

If it's unclear, do you have any suggestions as to how I could make it clearer? Formatting posts is not my forte. =\

♥Martyr♥ 09-01-2009 12:48 AM

oh no no It's there. It wasn't when I checked before, But I can see it now XP. Um, now. wheres the form? Or do I just tell you I'm entering [which I am btw] ?

Sizzla 09-01-2009 01:13 AM

My drabble (it's kinda boring, but I just went with the first 100 words I could think of):

While I rather dislike primary colors on their own (with the exception of blue), they're easily used to make almost every other color of the rainbow. So while they might not be my favorite colors, I have to appreciate them for their ability to create the myriad of colors in our lives. After looking up primary colors on Wiki to refresh my memory, I found that it's not only red, yellow and blue, but there are several sets of primary colors. Cyan, magenta and yellow is the set of primaries I'm most used to, working in the magazine printing industry.

Nolori 09-01-2009 01:19 AM

So long as it is obvious that it is your drabble you can just post it!
A form is a rather good idea though, so I will add one in for future entries. Thank you!

Thank you for your entry! =D

♥Martyr♥ 09-01-2009 01:38 AM

Oh o.k. then. Hows this...

As both an aspiring artist and scientist, I have always
been perplexed by the contradiction between the two as far as primary
colors are concerned. In science the primary colors are red, green and
blue. This makes sense as it can be proved with a ray box. However, in
art the primary colors are said to be blue, red and yellow and red
which is believable as with these colors all other colors can be?
Artists. For they are the ones that continue the life of the colors and describe them in a more swell way and never underestimate them.

Laugh all you want....but I tried...

Nolori 09-01-2009 01:42 AM

Why would I laugh? It was an interesting read! I didn't know the primary colors were different in science.

Thanks for your entry!

♥Martyr♥ 09-01-2009 01:56 AM

eh....really? Um, ok thank you! ^^ So what do I do now....just like walk head and looks around---

Nolori 09-01-2009 02:42 AM

You can stay and talk if'n you want! If you're not feeing chatty, then we'll both have to wait until the 14th to see what happens!

But, like I said, you're welcome to hang around here!

cole the destroyer 09-01-2009 10:22 AM

This sounded interesting, so I thought I'd have fun with it and give it a shot. Prepare for random story time hehe.

The Important Trio
Red, Blue, and Yellow; without these powerful beings no other color would exist. From them all other colors are born. Even Black and White would cease to be. Could you imagine a world without color? It would become a big vast emptiness. Would we even continue to exist? No shades without black and no highlights without white. Perhaps we could still be around, but only as thoughts and ideas. No physical presence, a whole different way of life would be forced. We would all be lost in a jumble, wondering what possible purpose there could be to our dull lives.

Nolori 09-01-2009 03:31 PM

Thank you for your entry! I wasn't expecting them so quickly! <3

cole the destroyer 09-02-2009 04:30 AM

No problem! ^^

Rylynne 09-02-2009 11:39 AM

Oohh, I love drabbles. :drool:
I'm thinking of entering a little later on though. :>
Need to feel inspired first. xDD;;
Btw, they can either be fiction or non-fiction, right? ^^
Just to double-check. :3

Nolori 09-02-2009 02:28 PM

No problem! I gave two weeks so nobody felt rushed to get it in.

And of course they can! Fiction and non-fiction are both welcome.
Also I absolutly love to read stories and the like, so I'm actually looking forward to some more fiction drabbles.

Amelyani 09-03-2009 04:23 AM

Here is my drabble. I don't have a word count so I used my guesstimation. I have no internet save on my G1 ^^;.


Primary colours. Essential for a visual artist using colour. Ref, yellow and blue. That is what most think of when someone mentions 'primary colours.' But what about light? The primary colours of light are red, green, and blue. I don't know why I also think of the primary colours of light as well. Maybe because I work in a photo lab. When taking colour pictures, your primary colours are of light and not colour. It makes sense dealing with green instead of yellow. When painting, you can use primarily red, yellow and blue, but when dealing with light sensative photos, the whole 'red, green and blue' comes into play. Eh, I'm so easily amused.


Sorry I don't have much here. And as I typed this, I noticed another mention red, green and blue. Haha! Anyhoo, I hope you like. Don't even plan on winning or anything. This just gave me a reason to post some long for gold so I can get stuffs. ^^

Ferra 09-03-2009 07:08 AM

Don't even ask me where this came from, I was just bored and it came to mind. XD I think it's 100 words. At least that's what my word processor tells me.

Title: Not the sharpest crayon in the box...

A young man slumped over his rifle, drifting off into space.
"Yellow!" a distant voice barked.
The blonde quickly snapped to attention. "Y-yes, sir?" He turned to catch a glimpse of his commander's disapproving snarl.
"Get yer ass over here!"
He hurried along, but snide whispers followed close behind. "How'd he ever get to be a Primary anyway?"
"It's hopeless..." Yellow muttered quietly.
"You're not giving up your first day, are you?" A grinning redhead smacked him playfully on the shoulder.
"Don't look so surprised! I'm counting on you today, Mr. Primary."
Somehow he felt even less at ease.

Nolori 09-03-2009 03:28 PM

Thanks for your entry, but you're fifteen words over. I added a link to Word Count Tool online so you can check it there. =]

Yay! The first story! Thanks for your entry!

♥Martyr♥ 09-03-2009 10:04 PM

Yo. I'm back. Wow you guys are goood. Pfft. whatever.

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