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Pistachio_Moustache 12-15-2013 01:02 AM

[Insert Title Calling For Assistance Here]
I was thinking about opening up a shop (whenever that happens), and I have yet to price my art.
I draw traditional and digital.

Here be the samples!
Full Body Coloured
Super Chibi
Coloured Bust
Realism-ish [This is a wip]

(So disorganised. Dx
Some say wip for no stealing purposes. Dun steal any, please!)

Pistachio_Moustache 12-16-2013 05:40 PM

Two are recent, but there hasn't been much change to my style.
I've just gotten better at anatomy.

Pistachio_Moustache 12-20-2013 03:35 AM

hummy: Hummmyyyyyy
You may know some people who may help.
Maybe ping them?


hummy 12-20-2013 07:17 AM

Let's see.....Mythos: is an artist who will know.
i think her sister Ethos: may be able to help, too.
xuvrette: may be able to assist you in pricing.

xuvrette 12-20-2013 08:20 AM

Incorrect. Xuxu cannot help in pricing, as I am not a buyer. T___T
I am a cheapstake buyer.

However, I can point you to the Art Request subforum, as there are few rather 'generous' buyer in my opinion. Yes, some do want the artist to know their price. Still, it is a good place to test the water.

For a rough cheapstake guide...
digital, full body, coloured. Should be around 2k?
Traditional, it is hard to reach as high if your SCAN is dirty.

Mythos 12-20-2013 09:15 AM

Oh you have such lovely work~

I don't usually end up buying art either (mostly because I'm near constantly broke!! xD ) but I have to agree with Xurette here. 2k would sound right for a digital full body/full color that is that cleanly done.

The chibi- without a background- could probably go for 500-700ish? I'm not sure about the chibi market. I'm rubbish at them! [lol]

Pistachio_Moustache 12-20-2013 09:29 PM

Thank you! :D

The traditional is dirty, because I plan on digitally colouring it. I was just showing the style.
I would never give a dirty drawing to someone!
(If I have in the past, I was a bad, bad person. Dx)

Okay, that sounds reasonable!
(Since nobody probably wants to buy my art anyway. xD)

xuvrette 12-21-2013 12:22 PM

I hope that feeling of 'since no one is buying my art anyway' is going to FUEL your motivation to improve your art.

I have been to your stage, currently, I am glad that I took the step to improve my art.
I am confident that the people in Menewsha would be willing to send you pointers around.
In the rare occasion if you did not receive any reply/respond, it is not because we are not helpful/selfish. It is merely just... slow forum. Honestly, I don't look into this part of forum frequently... or at all.

Whichever way, you have my moral support.

hummy 12-21-2013 01:06 PM

i think another good way to 'price' your art is to post a list of items wanted
then let people pay you with them and/or goldies added
you will find most art lovers are generous
good luck!

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