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Kitten Morris 08-10-2008 01:53 PM

Collecting Stars & Chatting
Kitten just wanted some people to chat with while she tries to collect stars =3 Also, what's your favorite star item? What's your favorite token shop item?

Dejection 08-10-2008 02:05 PM

I like the golden sash. I'm not terribly fond of the token shop items, but it was nice to get some free stuff as a noob

xlightwingx 08-10-2008 02:05 PM

hello ^^
I love the moon thing...

whitebeast 08-10-2008 02:07 PM

The Starfruit basket is perhaps my favorite. *o*

I like the little stars hanging from it!

Not too fond of the commons since they're not my sort of items but the skill behind them shouldn't be ignored.

So how is Kitty doing? She sure made A LOT of threads asking for clarifications earlier. Hope you're doing better now? :3

Kitten Morris 08-10-2008 02:09 PM

@ Dejection: I don't care for most of the items either :sweat:
@ xlightwingx: I like the star pin, but it wont equip to my avatar :o
@ whitebeast: Yeah, the only problem now is that some of the items I have glitched and I can't use them :o

Dejection 08-10-2008 02:13 PM

The moon is pretty cool too. I'm trying to get enough stars for it right now since I wasted all mine on doubles of other items to sell.

Claudia 08-10-2008 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by KittenMorris (Post 3829572)
Kitten just wanted some people to chat with while she tries to collect stars =3 Also, what's your favorite star item? What's your favorite token shop item?

I'd go with that background sickle moon.
For token items?...I dunno...Last time my clear fave was the wings.
Liking the fighter stuff right now, though it doesn't fit my char at all.

Kitten Morris 08-10-2008 02:16 PM

@ Dejection: Kitten waisted some stars because she accidently went to the same place without remembering she was already there :sweat:
@ Claudia: Kitten didn't care much for the fighter stuff herself :sweat:

Finally got the star pin to work after a few hours :o

Dejection 08-10-2008 02:18 PM

Hooray! Yeah, the pins are cute. I mostly like making avatars with a lot of black, and there wasn't really anything except the makeup and boots. I got a TON of commons that Im hoping I'll be able to sell back to the stores after the event is over, but I bet they won't let you :(

Kitten Morris 08-10-2008 02:22 PM

@ Dejection: Maybe someone new on the site in a few days might want to buy them off you =3

Kitten just needs to figure out where the second clue is because she doesn't want to end up getting the same thing again :sweat:

whitebeast 08-10-2008 02:25 PM

They glitched? Like in what way?

Dejection 08-10-2008 02:26 PM

Unable to equip the items. I haven't had that problem personally though

Tamerthanthou 08-10-2008 02:28 PM

I like the golden sash a lot!

Kitten Morris 08-10-2008 02:28 PM

@ whitebeast: Kitten couldn't click on them no matter what she did. She even cleared cookies, refreshed, and in the end she just had to wait it out for a long time :o
@ Dejection: yup
@ Tamerthanthou: It's not something I would wear personally, but it's very shiny and pretty for those who like it =3

Claudia 08-10-2008 02:31 PM

That's why I listed mine on text so I knew which ones I picked up already. I ended up getting two sets because I need gold to buy token items that I run out of time for. I have 9 stars right now...So I may be starting a third set. Trading fodder for items I don't get with tokens I guess.

PS: Let us know what you need hints with.

Moyra 08-10-2008 02:31 PM

The moon and the sash are my favorites, lol. Funny how they cost the most stars x_x

Dejection 08-10-2008 02:34 PM

At least they are working now

Bah! I am hungry but my family is still sleeping. I get to go see Wicked on Broadway today, though

Kitten Morris 08-10-2008 02:34 PM

@ Claudia: Well, the second question is confusing because the only place Kitten sees her avatar is the 'avatar' and 'inventory' tabs :o
@ Moyra: It's probably cause they fit the theme the most, plus they look to be the biggest items.
@ Dejection: Wicked? Never heard of it :sweat:

Dejection 08-10-2008 02:36 PM

Kitten I just saw you in a topic on Solia :D

Moyra 08-10-2008 02:36 PM

One of those is correct, lol. Do you have enough stars? You don't see him untill you do =)

Claudia 08-10-2008 02:36 PM

There is a place/link where you can do more with your char on the menu bar concerning how your char looks.
Yep, you got one right. Make sure you have enough stars first.

Kitten Morris 08-10-2008 02:40 PM

@ Dejection: Really? Which topic? Kitten has posted a good bit since she found that site yesterday =3
@ Moyra: Okay, is one of those also correct for the first item? Or is Kitten just getting them out of order? :sweat:
@ Claudia: Okay, Kitten checked how many stars she needs for each =3

whitebeast 08-10-2008 02:41 PM

Kitten, I think there's a lag right now so there's difficulty when it comes to using Menewsha at the moment...

Since earlier I was cussing a lot since in redeeming tokens I would get 404s. X_x;

And I'm like...NOOO D8

Dejection 08-10-2008 02:42 PM

I saw you in an art shop thread. I'm all over the place on Solia though and have a pretty big shop there. It's a neat site. ^^

Moyra 08-10-2008 02:43 PM

Out of order, lol. That's the second i think? They have them all listed in the event FAQ, lemme look, lol.

Yeah, the mirror one is second, the soothes the savage beast is first =)

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