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Cupcake Queen 05-23-2012 11:58 AM

The Cure
It is the year 3000, and a major epidemic has spread through the world. At first, the future was perfect and peaceful. There were fly cars, robots and more. But then a scientist became interested in a strange new substance they called The Cure because they thought it would solve the problem for all sicknesses. Instead it became a sickness of it's own. The scientists were the first to die but then it began to spread. It ravages the body living off of your blood cells and other vital substances in your body. In turn, it warps those it consumes. It turns them into monsters who look fine on the outside but inside they thirst for the same thing that the virus hungers for. Blood. The infected have been called vampires. The world is on the verge of destroying itself and it's only hopes lie with the survivors.


No Goddmodding or powermodding. No making stuff appear from thin air.
post profiles but use the skeleton provided.
no fighting OOC
Keep it pg-13


Skills: (weapons, special skills as well like kung-fu and stuff. no magic.)


Name: Cassandra (Cassie for short)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Skills: trained in martial arts and has a katana and plasma gear.
Bio: Cassandra was the daughter of the scientist who discovered the virus. She figured she would die first but she has survived, though her parent's weren't as lucky. Being a scientist's daughter she has weapons that no on has ever heard of and do not have. But she also has a dark secret that she hopes no one will ever find out. Truthfullly, her father was so ready to test the cure that he injected herself an her mother with it. Cassie was able to survive without becoming a monster but none the less she craves blood and tries to control her urges. She stays inside unless she is fighting for fear of hurting any survivors. What no one knows is this: her blood can either help the humans save those who have been turned or the vampires can use her to make a more powerful breed a vampire. ones that can go out into the daylight.

Kraven 05-23-2012 03:04 PM

Name: Duke
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Skills: Trained in kickboxing, deadly accurate with a crossbow
Bio:Duke was living a normal life. Until the virus hit. His mom, dad, and brother were all turned into vampires, and he was forced to kill them all. Duke now wanders whats left of the world, just trying to survive

Cupcake Queen 05-23-2012 03:12 PM

(i can't see your pic)

Cassandra sat in her hideout. It was her house but she spent most of her time in her fathers lab. She sat on the couch looking out the window as night approached. She would go out and kill some vampires as soon as it set. Then the same feeling she got everyday hit her. She rushed into the kitchen and got a blood pack from the fridge and drank it. Her urges were getting stronger. She knew the refrigirated blood wouldn't help for much longer.

Kraven 05-23-2012 03:35 PM

Duke walked the empty streets. litter and abandoned cars were everywhere. It was getting late, and Duke knew he had to find shelter or be swarmed. He noticed a building that was still in good condition and knocked at the door.

Cupcake Queen 05-23-2012 05:41 PM

Cassandra heard the knock. She knew vampires never knocked so she hit her blood bags int he back of the refrigirator and threw her bag away. She went to the door and opened it. "Can i help you," she asked the guy.

Kraven 05-23-2012 10:19 PM

"Can you please let me in for the night?" Duke responded. "I'm not infected, I swear" Duke then heard noise behined him. He readied his crossbow and a UV light flashbang.

Cupcake Queen 05-24-2012 02:22 AM

"sure come in," she said then heard the noise as well. "Come in they can not get in here trust me," she said.

Kraven 05-24-2012 08:52 AM

Duke opned the door and ran. He quickly shut the door behined him. "Thank you. The sun had just set"

Cupcake Queen 05-24-2012 11:10 AM

"No worries they can't get in or else they will set off the defense system," Cassie said. "Are you hungry?" she asked.

Kraven 05-24-2012 10:08 PM

"Starving" Duke put down his wepons. "My is Duke. What's yours?"

Cupcake Queen 05-24-2012 10:10 PM

"Cassandra but people call me cassie," she siad and went in the ktichen the came back out with some food.

Kraven 05-24-2012 10:15 PM

"A pleasure to meet you" Duke sat down to eat. "So, are there any other survivors in this city?"

Cupcake Queen 05-24-2012 10:18 PM

"i don't know i haven't really looked lately," she said. She hadn't looked because she was scared if her blood lust took over then she would kill who ever she saved.

Kraven 05-24-2012 10:20 PM

"Well Cassie, seeing as how there is strentgh in numbers, how about we work together?"

Cupcake Queen 05-24-2012 10:21 PM

"I guess we could. I have some good weapons in my father's lab," she said.

Kraven 05-24-2012 10:35 PM

"And I am a pretty good shot with this" Duke took out his crossbow. He spotted a fly on the wall, and nailed it with one shot.

Cupcake Queen 05-24-2012 11:29 PM

"Pretty good," she said with a smile then opened a secret door and slid down a pole. "Come on," she called up.

Kraven 05-24-2012 11:42 PM

Duke grabbed the arrow and followed Cassie.

Cupcake Queen 05-25-2012 12:35 AM

You see the huge underground lab. "It was my dads," she said.

Kraven 05-25-2012 08:52 AM

"Impessive" Duke said. He examined the equipment on the table. "So, what kind of research did he do?"

Cupcake Queen 05-25-2012 01:20 PM

"He was one of the one who worked with the cure," she said.

Kraven 05-25-2012 11:11 PM

Duke dropped a vile that he was looking at. He was in shock. Just the mention of the cure brought back memories of his family.

Cupcake Queen 05-26-2012 03:28 PM

" are you ok?" she asked. She got some gloves and picked up the vial and what had spilled out.

Kraven 05-26-2012 10:19 PM

"Did you say that your father worked on the cure?"

Cupcake Queen 05-27-2012 01:30 PM

"Yeah. he and my mom was the first to die. i had to kill them both," she said.

(om i am at river fest. ever heard of chevelle, staind, and lynyrd skynryd?)

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